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  • Research center “Scientific bases and issues of economic development of Uzbekistan” under the Tashkent State University of Economics
  • Ташкентский государственный экономический университет
Kadirov, A., & Akhmediyeva, A. (2023). INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS OF IMPROVING THE MECHANISM OF LEASING INVESTMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN. Экономическое развитие и анализ, 1(1), 42–52. извлечено от


This article discusses the macroeconomic aspects of leasing investment as a mechanism of modernization of reproduction of the real sector of the economy, as well as its development in the conditions of transformation of the national economy.

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Kadirov Abdurashid Madjidovich

Doctor of Economics, Professor


Research center “Scientific bases and issues of economic

development of Uzbekistan” under the Tashkent State

University of Economics, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Akhmediyeva Aliya Tohtarovna

DSc, Associate Professor:

Department of Macroeconomic analysis and

forecasting, Tashkent State University of

Economics, Uzbekistan, Tashkent


This article discusses the macroeconomic aspects of leasing investment as a mechanism

of modernization of reproduction of the real sector of the economy, as well as its development in the

conditions of transformation of the national economy.


leasing, investment, tool, mechanism, modernization, real sector, state, economy,



The peculiarities of the functioning of leasing investment mechanisms in the world are

determined by the dual nature of ownership of property in which it belongs to all subjects participating
in leasing relations. Given the recent objective economic situation in the world, the decline in the inflow
of international investment has led to a slowdown in the implementation of investment projects. "The
flow of direct investments decreased by 35% and in 2020 amounted to 1 trillion US dollars. The total
flow of direct investments in the European Union decreased by 80% and amounted to 73 billion US
dollars. This figure has decreased to 57% in the UK, 47% in France and 34% in Germany. The flow of
investments to the United States decreased by 40% due to a decrease in reinvested income and
amounted to 156 billion US dollars (World Investment Report, 2021).

Today, despite the fact that the macroeconomic aspects of improving the leasing mechanism of

investment have been studied in developed countries, nevertheless, the development of new investment
mechanisms by leasing companies remains an urgent issue. When studying the macroeconomic aspects
of improving the leasing mechanism of investment in the world, attention is drawn to the importance of
directing financial flows in the form of fixed capital investments to the real sector of the economy and
establishing stable economic relations between the subjects of the leasing market.

Literature review.

The research uses methods of a systematic approach, methods of statistical, structural and

comparative analysis, SWOT analysis, expert and predictive assessment, stress test, sociological survey,
econometric modeling methods.

Scientific research of the fundamental and theoretical foundations of the effective use of

investments can be observed in the scientific works of foreign and domestic authors, such as Moore,
Schmitz (2016), Burman (2003), Bodi (2002), Gitman (1997), Gubanov (2019), Keynes (1978), Sharp
(2001), Bocharov (2018), Baykhonov (2018), Otazhonov (2020), Karimov (2020), Tukhtakhonov
(2020), Sobirov (2020), Mustafakulov (2017).

The analysis of foreign and domestic literature shows that the problems of leasing relations are

intensively solved in economic theory and practice. Among the foreign authors are Contino (2002), Clark
(2002), Fabozzi (2008).

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Of particular importance for the conducted research are the special works of the following

domestic and foreign authors devoted to leasing. In particular, Penchukova (2013), Jukha (2021),
Gazman (2020), Goremykina and other (2017) dealt with some aspects of the financial situation of
leasing companies (risks of leasing companies, problems of financial stability, features of attracting debt
financing, etc.). In Uzbekistan, the problems of leasing relations were studied by Abdullaev (2011),
Gazibekov (2004), Tukhsanov (2006), Sabirov (2020), Sattorov (2007), Golyshev (2011), Davlyatov
(2011), Gulyamov (2010), etc.

The leasing mechanism is an important element of the investment activity of economic entities;

measures to stimulate and support leasing activity are included in the investment policy of many foreign
countries. According to the European Federation of Equipment Leasing Company Association (Leas
Europe), the prevalence and nature of leasing activity is one of the indicators of the level of economic
development of the country



Analysis and results.

Based on the generalization and systematization of the above definitions, the study provides

justification for the following definition: "leasing investment is a mechanism for the reproduction of
fixed capital at the expense of own or borrowed funds of leasing companies in order to modernize the
real sector of the economy and upgrade fixed assets, taking into account the acceleration of innovation



In the domestic legislation, leasing relations are presented as a type of financial activity, which

does not fully disclose the essence and features of leasing as part of the investment process.

As the analysis showed, the existing regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan have

created the necessary institutional framework for the development of leasing companies. At the same
time, certain provisions of the existing legislation limit the possibilities of using leasing relations for
investment support of updating fixed assets, as well as modernization of the real sector of the national
economy (table 1.).

The need to improve the legal framework of leasing relations is associated with the

implementation of the following provisions:

creating conditions for increasing the share of the leasing mechanism in the reproduction of fixed


expanding sources of investment in technological modernization of production, including for

entrepreneurs with limited financial capabilities;

promotes the development of competition among financial institutions, expanding the sources of

investment for the subjects of the real sector of the economy;

does not require additional collateral, provides equipment in accordance with the requirements

of the lessee, and also provides service support for investment projects.

The participation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Convention "On the International Lease of

Equipment" (Ottawa, May 28, 1988) will provide access to the international market of equipment
suppliers under the leasing scheme.

The introduction of state regulation will positively affect the organization of the leasing relations

market, in this regard, the study justifies the following: in the implementation of investment programs,
the functions of leasing regulation can be transferred to the Ministry of Economic Development and
Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and control and supervisory functions can be retained
by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The concept of self-regulation of leasing activities (SRO) is put forward. A self-regulating

organization should develop standards and rules for leasing operations and ensure their compliance by
all its members, as well as create and maintain a system for protecting the rights and interests of
consumers of leasing services (Association of Lessors of Uzbekistan);the necessity of introducing a
register of leasing companies according to the criterion of equity sufficiency is proposed, which will
raise the question of the amount of own funds of leasing companies. The introduction of capital
adequacy standards for leasing companies will increase the openness and transparency of leasing
companies for creditors and investors.


Rapport sur le contract de credit-bail (leasing).UNIDROIT. 1975. EtudeLIX

Doc. 1. P. 17.


Author's definition

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Table 1

Proposed amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Leasing"


Current situation


Article 8. Leasing activity

Leasing activity is a type of investment


for the acquisition by the lessor of a

leasing object at the expense of its own and (or)
attracted funds and its transfer to the lessee

Leasing is a type of investment activity

involving the

acquisition by the lessor of a leasing object at the expense of

its own and (or) attracted funds and transfer to


and legal entities (lessee) under a leasing agreement

Article 2. The concept of leasing

Leasing is a special type of financial lease


which one party (the lessor), on behalf of the

other party (the lessee), acquires from a third
party (the seller) the property stipulated by the

leasing agreement (the leasing object) and
provides it to the lessee for a fee on the terms

defined by such an agreement for possession and

use for a period exceeding twelve months

Leasing is an investment mechanism

in which one party

(the lessor), on behalf of the other party (the lessee),

acquires from a third party (the seller) the property
stipulated by the leasing agreement (the leasing object) and

provides it to the lessee for a fee on the terms defined by
such an agreement for possession and use for a period

exceeding twelve months

Article 9. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Leasing"

Restricts the acquisition of a leasing object by a

purchase and sale agreement

The parties should have the right to independently decide

what kind of contract they should conclude and how many
parties there will be.

It is advisable to replace the word

"purchase and sale

agreement" with "purchase agreement"

Article 3. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Leasing"

"objects of leasing can be any non-consumable

used for entrepreneurial activity"

(limits the composition of lessees, for
example, individuals, innovative and social




entrepreneurship, etc.)

"The object of leasing can be any non-consumable

unless otherwise established by legislative acts,"

excluding the words

"used for entrepreneurial activity"

(these provisions restrain the development of leasing of

motor vehicles, consumer, returnable, operational,

leverage, intellectual property, etc.)

The analysis carried out allowed us to determine the factors contributing to the development of

leasing relations. The methodological approach is based on factors affecting macro-, meso- and micro-
levels, consisting of similar indicators (fig.1).

The study defines the functions of leasing as a form of financing investments that contribute to an

increase in economic potential, both at the level of the business entity and at the macro and meso levels;
the basis of the methodological approach is the developed macroeconomic indicators of the
development of the leasing market.

At the same time, it is advisable to use the following macroeconomic indicators of leasing

intensity of investments: the share of leasing in GDP; the share of leasing in investments in fixed
assets; the share of leasing of equipment, vehicles in investments in equipment and vehicles

In the development of leasing relations in the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is very important at the

moment to address such issues as the development of the segment of insurance of risks of non-
repayment of lease payments; the development of "universal insurance" to cover the risks of the

lessor, including the risk of loss of the leasing object, collateral or credit risk coverage; exchange of
information on "problem customers" (bureau of leasing transaction history); insurance of risks of
foreign creditors and leasing companies of Uzbekistan.

Companies, the following results of the priority of risk reduction were obtained: 32.1% of market

respondents believe that the current requirements applied to the amount of collateral in the risk
management of companies should be mitigated, 24.2% of survey participants believe that it is possible
to reduce the minimum level of advance payment, 10.4% of respondents believe that it is possible to
weaken the requirements for the sufficiency of own funds and 14.0% believe that it is possible to lower
the requirements for the financial stability of the lessee.


Compiled by the author

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Fig.1. Methodology of factor analysis of the development of leasing relations


At the same time, the survey of the leasing market of developed countries shows that the share of

leasing in fixed capital investments in the USA for a number of years is 29-31%, in the UK

24.8%, in


19.2%, in Germany

18.6% 18.

According to the results of a sociological survey of specialists of leasing
In 2014-2020, a number of measures were taken in the republic to develop the leasing services

market, streamline and stimulate the activities of organizations providing leasing services, improve
leasing operations, as well as expand access of business entities to this type of investment (Fig.2).

A comprehensive analysis of trends in the development of leasing relations in the republic showed

that the growth in the volume of leasing transactions increased over

2019 by 6%, this indicator amounted to 11099 units of leasing transactions compared to 7771

(units) in 2018, this was facilitated by the appearance of Fincom (2686 units) on the market 20. Taking
into account the consequences of COVID-19 in 2020, the number of leasing transactions decreased by

47.1%, respectively, it amounted to 5875 (units). The volume of new leasing transactions by the end of
2019 increased by 6.1%, and amounted to 2795.9 billion soum, which is more compared to the same
period last year, which amounted to 2634.4 billion soums and for 2020, this figure fell by 33.7% and
amounted to only 1852.7 billion according to the results of 2021, the amount increased by 40%, which
is by 740.7 billion.

The sum is more compared to the same period last year, and amounted to 2,593.4 billion soum,

approaching the pre-pandemic indicators of 2018-2019. The portfolio of leasing transactions for 2019
amounted to 5344 billion soum, in relation to 2018, it amounted to 4023 billion soum, and in 2020 this
indicator gave an increase of 6.2% and amounted to 5673 billion soums and the results of 2021
amounted to 5 trillion. 833 billion soum, which is 2.8% more compared to the results of 2020. In 2021,
the number of leasing transactions concluded increased to 7,193 transactions. Compared to 2020, the
number of new leasing transactions increased by 22.4% or 1,318 more transactions.


Compiled by the author on the basis of a generalization of scientific literature

Factors of leasing development

Micro Level

Macro level

The rise in the cost of servicing new equipment,

limiting its performance by users themselves

The need for accelerated renewal of fixed assets

for the purpose of technological modernization

of production

Increased competition in the market, which

requires diversification of production, and this

leads to an increase in the need for specialized


Lack of own investment resources of economic
entities to choose the most efficient equipment

on the market of means of production

Limited availability of credit resources in the financial market and traditional sources of

investment for small businesses and private entrepreneurship.

Macroeconomic policy of
the state

The need to ensure access to the import of innovative technologies and equipment in

order to increase the competitiveness of economic entities in the domestic and foreign


Formation of the regulatory

framework for the

development of leasing

Mechanism of state support

for small business and

private entrepreneurship

Mechanism of state support

of investment activity in the

leasing market

Deepening institutional


Implementation of the

international accounting

and statistics system.


Formation of a competitive

environment in the leasing

services market

Provision of information flows on

the development of leasing

services to consumers, especially

for rural regions

Formation and implementation of

targeted regional programs for

the development of leasing


Organization of trainings and

training of personnel for

participants of the leasing services


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Fig.2. Dynamics of growth in the volume, number and portfolio of new leasing

transactions (in billion soums)


In 2021, 141 business entities provided leasing services, of which 32 were commercial banks, 109

leasing companies, 97 of them without state participation. In 2019, 3 new leasing companies Fincom,
Invest Support Leasing, Bainalminal Leasing and Tenge Bank commercial bank appeared. The
distribution of the leasing market between commercial banks and leasing companies by the end of 2019
for new transactions amounted to 9% of the market share in the banking sector, respectively, 256.6
billion soum, and the indicators of leasing companies amounted to 91% of the market share,
respectively, 253.9 billion soums. If we consider the leasing portfolio, the shares were distributed as
follows: the bank has 18% of the market (973.0 billion soum), and leasing companies occupied 82% of
the market (4352.9 billion sum).

As the data in Table 2 show, for the period from 2014 to 2021, the largest share of leasing

transactions fell on agricultural machinery, technological equipment, there is a noticeable growth trend
over the past three years in the segment of motor vehicles and construction equipment, and the share
of agricultural machinery decreased by the end of 2021 and amounted to 26.9%, motor vehicles


technological equipment

22.5%, construction machinery and equipment

21.8%, real estate


Table 2

Distribution of leasing transactions by types of fixed assets (in %)








2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

1. Construction equipment 11,1 10,9 11,1 11,7 16,4 20,2 10,5

21,8 +10,7

2. Technological


27,7 30,6 36,1 36,4 35,4 18,5 21,4



3. Agricultural machinery

34,2 32,9 32,5 36,1 31,2 30,2 45,5



4. Realty

13,7 16,7 16,7 15,7 19,1





5. Motor transport

24,4 19,8 14,8 11,8 14,3 29,3 20,2




Compiled by the author according to the Association of Lessors of Uzbekistan "Overview of the leasing services sector in Uzbekistan by the

end of 2022".


Compiled by the author according to the reports of the Association of Lessors of Uzbekistan "Overview of the leasing services sector in

Uzbekistan by the end of 2022".








































Dynamics of growth in the volume of leasing transactions billion soums

Dynamics of growth in the volume of the portfolio of leasing transactions trillion soums

Dynamics of the number of new leasing transactions billion soums

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The study developed stress testing methods to determine the rating assessment of the financial

stability of leasing companies based on the analysis of sensitivity to possible changes in market
conditions, autonomy coefficients, liquidity, financial leverage, provision of own working capital,
investment coverage, short-term debt, etc.

A comparative analysis of trends and factor aspects of the current state of development of leasing

investment in the country has revealed the following limitations, in particular:

the level of capitalization of leasing companies remains insufficient (this leads to a lack of

confidence in them on the part of commercial banks and other international investment and credit
institutions), which limits the access of leasing companies to financial resources, inconsistency with the
principles of corporate governance and IFRS (international requirements for tax accounting, statistical
and accounting reporting);

restriction of the participation of leasing companies in the securities market due to the

underdevelopment of economic mechanisms for the acquisition of assets, as well as stimulating the
investment of free funds of investors in the sphere of leasing services, which is associated with the
quality of certain legislative and regulatory norms;

restriction in the use of the leasing instrument only for business purposes, the absence of

consumer leasing, which is widespread in international practice due to the presence of restrictions in
legislation, according to which leasing cannot be used for consumer purposes;

the existing regional imbalances in the functioning of the leasing market, where about 40% of the

leasing services market falls on the city of Tashkent, which limits the active use of leasing investment in
technological modernization. This is due to insufficient knowledge about the essence of leasing, the level
of qualification of personnel, the underdevelopment of the network of leasing companies, brokerage and

consulting firms and structures for servicing all participants of the leasing market at the regional level
and others;

insufficient level of systematic and accessible information support about the leasing services

market, limited information about leasing companies, customers (CRM), in the conditions and
mechanisms of leasing transactions and others.

In most countries with a developed leasing investment mechanism, state programs for the

development of leasing as a whole have been developed and implemented throughout the territory, in
industries or in individual regions.24

The study substantiates proposals for the development of leasing investment by creating new

institutions of cluster development, including the following areas:

financial cluster in leasing activities. In the conditions of increasing the level of capital

concentration, capital adequacy requirements, liquidity and solvency, it becomes obvious that the
problem of the development of the financial services market cannot be solved by conducting an
independent policy in this direction by individual financial institutions. Therefore, in order to obtain a
tangible effect, it becomes necessary to unite market participants into a financial cluster;

technological leasing cluster. Leasing companies can participate in the formation of a

technological value chain in Uzbekistan within the fruit and vegetable cluster on the basis of
participation in the modernization of the production facilities of the enterprise for processing raw
materials and production of finished products;

medical leasing cluster. The introduction of leasing mechanisms to attract investment in a high-

tech cluster in the healthcare sector through improving infrastructure conditions, increasing access to
laboratory and special equipment, banking financial resources, attracting the resources of private
entrepreneurs and others will have a significant impact on the strategy of increasing the
competitiveness of the industry.

Based on the above, the priorities of the strategy for the development of leasing investment in

Uzbekistan are substantiated, including (Fig.3):the transition from the mechanism of traditional leasing
for the supply of single equipment to the concept of technological leasing by organizing complete
deliveries of new equipment and the introduction of high-tech modules (for example, for processing
enterprises of the agro-industrial complex), implementation of cluster leasing technologies, when
equipment will be provided along the value chain, which gives a synergistic and multiplicative effect,

turnkey leasing from the preparation of a business plan to staff training;

introduction of the innovative leasing mechanism as a flexible instrument for financing

innovations (at the present stage, innovative leasing is becoming one of the main forms of promoting
high-tech equipment required for R&D to the market). The use of innovative leasing leads not only to an

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improvement in the innovative attractiveness of enterprises in the real sector of the economy, but will
also contribute to the possibility of implementing such innovative types of leasing services as leasing
with a full set of services (full-service leasing);

the introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions aimed at automating the processes

of data collection, storage, processing and transmission in all areas of leasing companies' activities,
which will allow the use of business intelligence (BI) methods based on big data (Big Data). This will
require the creation of technological and software infrastructure for data collection, storage, processing

and transmission (digital "Aggregator", virtual B2B marketplace "Showroom"), including participation
in data center construction projects.

it is necessary to automate processes in all areas of companies' activities, transfer them to

electronic document management, implement integrated company management systems, which will
make all business processes as transparent as possible, eliminate subjectivity associated with the
human factor, and use a digital "Aggregator" as a tool for the development of the leasing services market;

creation of specialized (captive) leasing companies (for example, in the automotive industry) in

order to increase sales of products by increasing the purchasing power of the population in the purchase
of housing, cars, household appliances, furniture and other expensive household items, as well as the
institute of micro leasing (support for private and small firms, family entrepreneurship and home
improvement, in particular, leasing of small equipment for processing vegetables and fruits, food, animal
husbandry, sewing equipment, etc.);

introduction of a mechanism for issuing and circulating securities of leasing companies, which

allows to increase their resource base, as well as reduce the final cost of leasing, the use of a mechanism
for accelerated depreciation of property, the development of secondary leasing of machinery and

equipment, as well as improving the methodology for determining the residual value of fixed
assets.Thus, the measures taken for the development of leasing in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in our
strategy, are designed to encourage all participants in leasing activities to use additional benefits and
advantages more profitably for the implementation of the strategy for the development of the leasing
services market.

The main expected results from improving the mechanism of leasing investment in the Republic

of Uzbekistan are ensuring sustainable economic growth based on stimulating the development of the
private sector by diversifying investment sources, strengthening the financial independence of leasing
companies, stimulating the development of small innovative entrepreneurship and capital inflow into
the real sector of the economy (Fig.4).


The results of the research allow us to draw the following conclusions:
1. Based on global trends, it has been revealed that leasing is an effective tool of investment policy,

plays an important role in the development of production. Due to its special economic nature, combining

elements of credit, investment and financial transactions, this type of activity is able to make a real
contribution to economic growth.

2. The economic category of leasing investment as an institution of development is disclosed and

a comparative analysis of the concepts of leasing-lease, leasing-loan, leasing-installment is carried out
with the definition of the functions of leasing as an investment financing mechanism.

3. The factors contributing to the development of leasing relations have been identified and

methodological approaches to assessing the investment attractiveness of the national economy have
been studied. The methodological approach is based on factors affecting macro-, meso- and micro-levels
consisting of similar indicators.

4. Approaches have been developed and improved as institutional mechanisms for regulating the

development of leasing relations based on securitization of leasing assets.

5. The criteria for classification of leasing risks are recommended and the systematization of

methods for ensuring the financial stability of leasing companies is carried out. The proposals on stress
testing of the financial stability of the company based on the analysis of sensitivity, autonomy
coefficients, liquidity, financial leverage, provision of own working capital, investment coverage, short-

term debt and others are given.

6. Proposals have been prepared for the "Creation of a special fund to support leasing activities"

in order to develop leasing investment in Uzbekistan;

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Fig. 3 Leasing development strategy in the Republic of Uzbekistan



Developed by the author



Insufficient level of capitalization of leasing companies; restrictions on the

participation of leasing companies in the securities market; restrictions on the

use of the leasing instrument only for business purposes; regional imbalances
in the functioning of the leasing market; insufficient level of systematic and

accessible information about the leasing services market; limited information
about leasing companies, customers (CRM),

Leasing as a tool for the implementation of strategic national, sectoral and regional

investment development programs; introduction of new leasing programs, products

and services; diversification of sources of financing for leasing activities; use of the
stock market mechanism for the development of leasing services; creation of

conditions for the active attraction of foreign investment; long-term investments in
priority sectors of the economy, and the development of innovative economic growth




of leasing portfolios,

implementation of a scoring
system; development of

consumer, repayable,

operational leasing and
leveraging, leasing of

intellectual property products
and other types


the introduction of

digital technologies and platform

solutions aimed at automating the
processes of data collection, storage,

processing and transmission in all

areas of leasing companies' activities,
which will allow the use of business

analytics methods based on big data



of public-private partnership

investment projects;
technological leasing

concepts; implementation of

cluster leasing technologies;
personnel training; tripartite

mechanisms of leasing
process insurance

Attracting resources


foreign credit lines

and funds of international financial

institutions; introduction of a mechanism
for refinancing leasing projects; opening of

credit lines for financing by international

financial institutions; financial resources of



Support Fund

State Program of Socio-economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan


in r


Professional development of
employees; -improve the

quality of the company's work;

strengthen customer loyalty;
improve the social situation by

creating new jobs at enterprises
where leasing is used;

Modernization and improvement of the efficiency of the

state investment policy in the field of leasing;
development of the manufacturing industry, production

and transport infrastructure, and other industries; -
interaction with development institutions in attracting

and placing foreign and domestic investments in the

country's economy.

The mechanism for introducing leasing into

existing and emerging programs in all areas and


Mechanisms for the




Mechanism of professional

development of personnel

Amendments to the Law "On
Leasing" and the Civil Code of

the Republic of Uzbekistan


expand the possibilities of the
lessee, lessor, and equipment

manufacturer and socio-
economic development of the


The creation of additional

structures will enable:
the development of leasing

culture as a tool for
technological modernization
of the country's economy.

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Fig. 4. Improvement of leasing investment mechanisms in the Republic of Uzbekistan



Developed by the author

Leasing investment mechanisms

Macroeconomic mechanism

Digital ecosystem

Economic mechanism

Institutional mechanism

Monetary policy

Investment climate

Inflation targeting

Integration into investment

Investing in innovative


Formation of special funds

Leasing development


Mechanism for supporting

small business and private


Regulations and rules of regulation

Association of Lessors

Leasing and insurance companies,

banks, etc..

Service companies, consulting


Public-private partnership

Informal relationships

(contractual relations)

Leasing Transaction History


Stress testing, financial

stability rating

Taxation, IFRS

Customs regulation

Risk management

Methods of determining

lease payments

Marketing approach to

assortment policy

Human resource


Classification of companies



Electronic business model

(B2B- Showroom)

Integrated management




Big Data, BI(Business


Cloud and blockchain


Integration with government

information systems

Ministries of Economy and Poverty

Reduction (

investment projects


Ministry of Finance (

monitoring and



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7. A strategy for the development of leasing and mechanisms for stimulating leasing investment

in Uzbekistan has been developed with the definition of priorities for its development directly related
to the long-term socio-economic goals of the country. The ways of improving the regulatory mechanisms
of state institutions in the development of the leasing services market, including macroeconomic and
institutional aspects, are recommended.

8.The effectiveness of the introduction of digital technologies into the leasing sector of the

economy is substantiated, recommendations and proposals for the development of an online platform

to enhance the accessibility, transparency and efficiency of the leasing services market are prepared.

9. Forecast indicators for the development of leasing services for the medium term have been

developed, aimed at technological modernization of production based on the implementation of the
leasing investment mechanism.


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Burman G. (2003) Economic analysis of investment projects.

M.: Banks and Exchanges, UNITY.

631 p.,3.

Body Z. (2002) Principles of investment.

M.: Williams.

994 p.,

Bocharov V.V. (2018) Investments.

St. Petersburg: Peter.

276 p.

Contino J, M.Richard (2002) Complete Equipment-Leasing Handbook: A Deal Maker's Guide with

Forms, Checklists and Worksheets. Saranac Lake, NY, USA: AMACOM/

Clark T. (2002) Leasing Finance, 2nd ed. Publisher: Euromoney




Davlyatova G.M. (2011) Improving the system of leasing relations at textile industry

enterprises.autoref.dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economics

T.: Institute of Economics of

the Academy of Sciences.RUz.-24s.

F.Fabozzi, H Davis. (2008) Choudhry Introduction to Structured
Gitman L.J. (1997) Fundamentals of investing.

M.: Delo,.

1008 p.,

Gubanov S.V. (2019) Deep problems of investment processes. // Economist.

No. 8.

pp. 60-62,

Goremykin V.V., Marushchak I.I., Yakovleva I.N. (2017) Financial and economic mechanism of

leasing relations. Vol. 2: Monograph.

Moscow: Rusains.

Gazman V.D. (2020) Leasing. Statistics of development.

M.: Higher School of Economics. - 592 p.

Gazibekov D.G. (2004). Leasing relations: theory and practice. - T.: Science and technology-308s.
Golyshev V.V. (2011) Leasing as a factor of activation of the investment policy of the Republic of

Uzbekistan autoref. disser. for the degree of Candidate of Economics

F., -24.s.

Gulyamov S.S., Shermukhammedov A.T., Shermukhamedov U.A. (2010) Leasing as a type of

investment, entrepreneurial and innovative activity. In the materials of the International scientific and
practical Conference "Milliy iktisodietni modernizationalash sharoitida innovation faoliyatni
investyalash". Republican Banking and Finance Academy. -T.: Republican Banking and Finance


Juha, V. M. (2021) Leasing.

M.: Phoenix,. - 320 p.

Karimov I. (2020) Modern investment policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

«Young Scientist».



Keynes J.M. (1978) General theory of employment, interest and money.




M.Moore, H.Schmitz. (2016) Idealism, realismand the investment climatein developing countries

- Sussex: Institute of Development Studies, - P.22.,

Mustafakulov G.I. (2017) Investment environment of the josibadorliga: theory, medicine and

operations. Monograph. - Tashkent: Iqtisod-moliya, - 328 b.

Otazhonov.U. (2020) Improvement of Methods of Assessing the Investment Climate of The

Regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent State Economic University journal ISSN: 0193-4120
Page No. 5489


background image I SON. 2023

Iqtisodiy taraqqiyot va tahlil, 2023-yil, may


Penchukova T.A. (2013) Development of the system of state regulation of leasing services in

Russia. // Russian Economic Online Magazine. -

№ 3.

Sharp W. (2001) Investments.

M.: Infra-M. -1028 p.,

Sabirov O.Sh.(2020) Povishenie investisionnoy privlekatelnosti I sozdanie blagopriyatnogo

investisionnogo klimata.Scientific electron magazine" economics and innovative technologies". Issue №


Sattarov I.O. (2007) Formation of the leasing system in the agro

industrial complex and its

improvement. - T.: Research Institute of Market Reforms.//Economic Review, No. 4.


Tykhtakhonov I. (2020) Investment faoliyatini noananaviy moliyalashtirish manbalari ni

shakllantirishning nazari asoslari. Bank-moliya akademiyasi journal 4-son. - 166 b.,

Tukhsanov H.A. (2006) Leasing: recognition, evaluation and accounting.

T.: Norm.










Библиографические ссылки

Abdullaev F.O. (2011) Organizational and economic factors for the development of leasing services and services in the modernization of the economy (on the example of the Khorezm region) I.F.n. ILM. degree. dissertation written to obtain. autoref.- S.: Samies, – 26.B.

Burman G. (2003) Economic analysis of investment projects. – M.: Banks and Exchanges, UNITY. – 631 p.,3.

Body Z. (2002) Principles of investment. – M.: Williams. – 994 p.,

Bocharov V.V. (2018) Investments. – St. Petersburg: Peter. – 276 p. Contino J, M.Richard (2002) Complete Equipment-Leasing Handbook: A Deal Maker's Guide with Forms, Checklists and Worksheets. Saranac Lake, NY, USA: AMACOM/ Clark T. (2002) Leasing Finance, 2nd ed. Publisher: Euromoney Экономическая библиотека-

Davlyatova G.M. (2011) Improving the system of leasing relations at textile industry enterprises.autoref.dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economics – T.: Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences.RUz.-24s.

F.Fabozzi, H Davis. (2008) Choudhry Introduction to Structured

Gitman L.J. (1997) Fundamentals of investing. – M.: Delo,. – 1008 p.,

Gubanov S.V. (2019) Deep problems of investment processes. // Economist. –No. 8. – pp. 60-62,

Goremykin V.V., Marushchak I.I., Yakovleva I.N. (2017) Financial and economic mechanism of leasing relations. Vol. 2: Monograph. – Moscow: Rusains.

Gazman V.D. (2020) Leasing. Statistics of development. – M.: Higher School of Economics. - 592 p.

Gazibekov D.G. (2004). Leasing relations: theory and practice. - T.: Science and technology-308s.

Golyshev V.V. (2011) Leasing as a factor of activation of the investment policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan autoref. disser. for the degree of Candidate of Economics – F., -24.s. Gulyamov S.S., Shermukhammedov A.T., Shermukhamedov U.A. (2010) Leasing as a type of investment, entrepreneurial and innovative activity. In the materials of the International scientific and practical Conference "Milliy iktisodietni modernizationalash sharoitida innovation faoliyatni investyalash". Republican Banking and Finance Academy. -T.: Republican Banking and Finance Academy,– pp.347-351.

Juha, V. M. (2021) Leasing. – M.: Phoenix,. - 320 p.

Karimov I. (2020) Modern investment policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan. «Young Scientist». //5 (295).

Keynes J.M. (1978) General theory of employment, interest and money. – Moscow:Progress, – 444 p.

M.Moore, H.Schmitz. (2016) Idealism, realismand the investment climatein developing countries - Sussex: Institute of Development Studies, - P.22.,

Mustafakulov G.I. (2017) Investment environment of the josibadorliga: theory, medicine and operations. Monograph. - Tashkent: Iqtisod-moliya, - 328 b.

Otazhonov.U. (2020) Improvement of Methods of Assessing the Investment Climate of The Regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent State Economic University journal ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 5489 – 5499.;

Penchukova T.A. (2013) Development of the system of state regulation of leasing services in Russia. // Russian Economic Online Magazine. -№ 3.

Sharp W. (2001) Investments. – M.: Infra-M. -1028 p.,

Sabirov O.Sh.(2020) Povishenie investisionnoy privlekatelnosti I sozdanie blagopriyatnogo investisionnogo klimata.Scientific electron magazine" economics and innovative technologies". Issue № 5

Sattarov I.O. (2007) Formation of the leasing system in the agro–industrial complex and its improvement. - T.: Research Institute of Market Reforms.//Economic Review, No. 4. – pp.70-73.

Tykhtakhonov I. (2020) Investment faoliyatini noananaviy moliyalashtirish manbalari ni shakllantirishning nazari asoslari. Bank-moliya akademiyasi journal 4-son. - 166 b.,

Tukhsanov H.A. (2006) Leasing: recognition, evaluation and accounting. – T.: Norm. – p.240. World Investment Report-2021: Investing in sustainable recover. UNCTAD/WIR/.

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