Linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of translation

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Абабакирова, М. (2024). Linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of translation . СМИ. Язык и культура. Перевод., 1(1), 151–155. извлечено от
Маржона Абабакирова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Студент факультета международной журналистики


Transferring meaning from one language to another is the complex process of translation. This academic paper analyzes into both the linguistic and non-linguistic elements of translation, emphasizing their importance in producing precise and efficient translations. The non-linguistic components include cultural, social, and contextual elements, whereas the linguistic aspects include things like grammar, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Comprehending and taking into account these two factors is essential to generating accurate translations that accurately represent the source text. The purpose of the article is to clarify the significance of both linguistic and non-linguistic translation factors and how they interact to facilitate effective cross-language communication.

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023




Student of International Journalism faculty,UzSWLU


Transferring meaning from one language to another is the complex

process of translation. This academic paper analyzes into both the linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of translation, emphasizing their importance in producing precise
and efficient translations. The non-linguistic components include cultural, social, and
contextual elements, whereas the linguistic aspects include things like grammar, syntax,
semantics, and pragmatics. Comprehending and taking into account these two factors
is essential to generating accurate translations that accurately represent the source text.
The purpose of the article is to clarify the significance of both linguistic and non-
linguistic translation factors and how they interact to facilitate effective cross-language

Key words:

Grammar, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, cultural factors, social

factors, contextual factors


Language learners can communicate more easily with one another thanks to the

fundamental process of translation. It entails translating written or spoken words while

maintaining the original meaning from one language (the source language) to another

(the target language). Interpreters have to take into account both linguistic and non-

linguistic elements in order to produce translations that are accurate and efficient.

Linguistic Aspects of Translation.

Linguistic aspects refer to the language-

specific elements that translators need to consider during the translation process. These

aspects include grammar, syntax, vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and stylistic

features. Translators must possess a strong command of both the source and target

languages to accurately convey the intended meaning.


Grammar serves as the backbone of any language, providing a set of

rules and structures that govern the formation and arrangement of words, phrases, and

sentences. In translation, grammar acts as a bridge between the source and target

languages, enabling the translator to convey the intended meaning faithfully. Accurate

grammar usage ensures that the translated text is coherent, natural-sounding, and easily

comprehensible to the target audience. For example: To illustrate the importance of

grammar in translation, consider the following sentence from French to English:



suis allu au pare avec mon ami"

A literal translation would be "I am went to the park

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023


with my friend," which is grammatically incorrect in English. However, by applying

proper grammar rules, the sentence can be accurately translated as "I went to the park

with my friend". This example demonstrates how grammar plays a vital role in

maintaining the integrity of the translated text.

Another example highlighting the significance of grammar in translation can be

observed in the translation of idiomatic expressions. Idioms are culturally specific

phrases that cannot be translated word-for-word. For instance, the Spanish idiom


tomar elpelo"

literally translates to "take the hair," but its actual meaning is "to pull

someone's leg." Without understanding the grammar and context, a translator may

produce an inaccurate translation, leading to confusion or misinterpretation.


Syntax refers to the arrangement of words and phrases to form

grammatically correct sentences. Translators must consider the syntactic structures of

both languages to maintain coherence and readability in the target text. Failure to

adhere to the syntactic rules of the target language can result in awkward or

incomprehensible translations.


The words of a language often reflect not so much the reality of the

world, but the interests of the people who speak it



Semantics deals with the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences. Translators

must accurately convey the intended meaning of the source text in the target language.

This requires a deep understanding of the semantic nuances and cultural connotations

associated with words and expressions. Failure to consider semantic aspects can lead

to mistranslations or loss of intended meaning. For example: Translating idioms often

requires careful attention to semantics. For instance, the English phrase "kick the

bucket" is an idiom meaning "to die." When translated into another language, such as

French or Spanish, a literal word-for- word translation would not convey the intended

meaning accurately. Instead, the translator must consider the semantic equivalent in the

target language, such as


manger lespissenlitspar la racine"

in French or

"estirar la


in Spanish.


Frank Robert Palmer (1976), Semantics, p 21

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Pragmatics focuses on the use of language in specific contexts and

the interpretation of meaning beyond the literal level. Translators must consider the

pragmatic aspects of both the source and target languages to ensure effective

communication. Cultural and social factors influence pragmatic choices, and translators

must be aware of these nuances to produce culturally appropriate translations. As an

example, with English and Uzbek language, as it governs how language is used in social


Politeness and Address Terms.

- Uzbek example:


Salom, ismingiz nima



Hello, what is your name?


English translation with appropriate pragmatics: "Hello, what's your name,


- In this instance, the addition of "please" in the English translation reflects the

pragmatics of politeness often observed in English interactions. Ensuring the

appropriate level of politeness is crucial in conveying the intended meaning, especially

in introductory conversations.


Cultural Norms and Speech Acts:


Uzbek example:


Kechirasiz, yordam bering" (Excuse

me, could you help me?)

English translation taking into account pragmatic implications: "Excuse me,

could you possibly assist me, please?"


The addition of "possibly" and "please" in the English translation reflects the

influence of pragmatic norms related to indirectness and politeness in English requests.

In each of these examples, an understanding of pragmatics is indispensable to ensure

that the translated utterances align with the cultural and social norms associated with

the target language, making the translated content contextually appropriate and

communicatively effective.

Non-linguistic aspects

encompass the cultural, social, and contextual factors that

influence the translation process. The importance of understanding the semantic and

pragmatic dimensions of language, calling attention to the significance of context and

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023


cultural nuances in the translation process


. These aspects include cultural references,

historical context, social norms, and target audience expectations. Translators must

possess a deep understanding of the cultural nuances associated with both the source

and target languages. They need to be aware of cultural references, idiomatic

expressions, and metaphors that may not have direct equivalents in the target language.

Failure to consider these non- linguistic aspects can lead to misinterpretations and loss

of meaning in the translated text.

Cultural Factors.

Culture plays a significant role in translation, as languages are

deeply intertwined with the cultural contexts in which they are used. Translators must

be aware of cultural differences and adapt their translations accordingly. Failure to

consider cultural factors can result in misunderstandings or offensive translations.

There are examples illustrating the influence of cultural elements on the translation



Food and Cuisine

: The translation of food-related terms often requires

consideration of cultural nuances. For instance, the English term "apple pie" doesn't

fully convey the cultural significance of the French "tarte Tatin." Similarly, the

translation of "croissant" into English carries the challenge of preserving its cultural



Humor and Idioms

: Humor and idioms are deeply rooted in culture.

Translating an English idiom like "raining cats and dogs" into its French equivalent

"pleuvoir des cordes"

requires cultural awareness to preserve the idiomatic meaning



Social Etiquette and Formality

: Different cultural norms influence language

use. The translation of English forms of address, such as "Mr." and "Ms.," into French

involves considerations related to formality, gender neutrality, and linguistic politeness


Each of these examples highlights how cultural factors significantly impact the

translation process, reinforcing the necessity of understanding cultural nuances to


Mona Baker (2018), In Other words, A Coursebook on translation, 3


edition, p 57

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023


produce accurate and culturally relevant translations between English and French.

Social Factors.

Furthermore, historical and social contexts play a significant role

in translation. Translators must be aware of the historical background of the source text

to accurately convey its intended meaning. They need to consider the social norms and

values prevalent in the target language to ensure that the translation is culturally

appropriate and acceptable. Additionally, translators must consider the expectations

and preferences of the target audience. Social factors, such as social norms, customs,

and ideologies, influence language use and translation. Translators must be sensitive to

these factors to ensure that their translations are appropriate for the target audience.

Adapting translations to suit the social context enhances the effectiveness of cross-

cultural communication.

Contextual Factors.

Contextual factors, including the purpose, audience, and

medium of the translation, impact the translation process. Translators must consider the

specific context in which the translation will be used to produce accurate and relevant

translations. Failure to consider contextual factors can lead to misinterpretation or

ineffective communication.

Linguistic and non-linguistic aspects are both crucial in the translation process.

Linguistic competence ensures accurate and coherent translations, while considering

non-linguistic factors such as culture, society, and context enhances the effectiveness

of cross-linguistic communication. Translators must possess a deep understanding of

both these aspects to produce high-quality translations that faithfully convey the

intended meaning. By acknowledging the significance of linguistic and non-linguistic

aspects, translators can bridge language barriers and facilitate effective communication

in diverse linguistic and cultural contexts.



Baker M. (2018). In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation.


Frank Robert Palmer (1976), Semantics.


VALIYEVA, NARGIZAXON. "Анализ стилистических средств в

переводе произведения Александра Файнберга «Город милый. Голубая
бездна» с русского на английский язык." Scienceweb academic papers
collection (2022).

QIZI, VALIYEVA NARGIZAXON ZAMIR. "Linguocultural aspect of

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023


teaching foreign languages as an integral part of the educational process." Til va
adabiyot ta'limi (2023).

Hatim B., & Munday, J. (2004). Translation: An Advanced Resource Book.


Newmark P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. Prentice Hall.

Библиографические ссылки

Baker M. (2018). In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation.

Frank Robert Palmer (1976), Semantics.

VALIYEVA, NARGIZAXON. "Анализ стилистических средств в переводе произведения Александра Файиберга «Город милый. Голубая бездна» с русского на английский язык." Scienceweb academic papers collection (2022).

QIZI, VALIYEVA NARGIZAXON ZAMIR. "Linguocultural aspect of teaching foreign languages as an integral part of the educational process." Til va adabiyot ta'limi (2023).

Hatim B., & Munday, J. (2004). Translation: An Advanced Resource Book.

Newmark P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. Prentice Hall.

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