The features of the english newspaper style

Сапарбаева, Г., & Джуманиёзова, Ш. (2022). The features of the english newspaper style . Современные лингвистические исследования: зарубежный опыт, перспективные исследования и инновационные методы преподавания языков, (1), 20–21.


Ushbu maqolada ingliz matbuot matnidagi yangiliklar matnining turlari va ularning uslubiy xususiyatlari borasida fikr yuritiladi.

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PhD G.M.Saparbayeva,

Sh.Z.Jumaniyozova (UrSU)

Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada ingliz matbuot matnidagi yangiliklar matnining

turlari va ularning uslubiy xususiyatlari borasida fikr yuritiladi.

Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются виды и особенности

новостей в таблоид и широкоформатных газетах и печатных изданиях.

Publicist style is used in newspaper or magazine articles, public speeches, essays,

radio or TV comments. The function of publicist style is to influence the public opinion.
The main feature of the usage of this style is the combination of logical argumentation and
emotional appeal to the audience, i.e. readers and listeners. Moreover, the special elements
from scientific as well as from emotive prose are found in publicist style
[Denisova&Pozniak, 2014:111].

The newspaper is the most readable source of information throughout the world. The

facts in the newspaper are presented objectively and fairly. The language is clear and
acceptable. One of the main functions which publicist style has to contain is that the
information in the newspaper should be relevant.

“The news media select events for reporting according to a complex set of criteria of

news worthiness; so news is not simply that which happens, but that which can be regarded
and presented as newsworthy. In other words, news does not have to be just simple
description of events, but also has to be meaningful” [Fowler,1991:13]

Another feature that plays a huge role on the news is the use of colloquialisms,

incomplete sentences, questions and a varied typography suggesting variations of emphasis,
the written text mimics a speaking voice, as of a person talking informally but with
passionate indignation [Fowler, 1991:39]. In addition, the publicist style takes some features
from emotive prose: the use of stylistic devices and imagery as well as brevity and
expression [Denisova&Pozniak, 2014:119]. The scientific elements found in publicist style
include the logical structure of the news presentation, clear paragraphing and

It could be stated that specific linguistic means used in the writings of the publicist

style (in this case newspapers) have strong meaning in creating the language attractive,
interesting and informative to the reader as much as possible. The following part will be
based on the features of the newspaper style.

The word


suggests that its main function is to give news. Despite this, it

is used to educate, enlighten or entertain people. The newspaper also seeks to influence
public opinion on political, economic and other matters. Newspapers can provide a medium
of information to those who do not have television, radio or the internet. According to J.
Tunstall[Reah,1998:2] there are three types of newspapers:


The broadsheet newspapers (e.g., the


, the


, the







The middle-range tabloids (e.g., the


and the

Daily Mail);


Tabloids (e.g., the






The tabloids and broadsheet newspapers have different functions to perform. As


New British Politics

[2007:301] states, tabloids are less serious (popular) daily or Sunday

papers so called because of their smaller size. It is added that the broadsheets now publish in

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a tabloid format, but are still known as broadsheets, or quality papers. It should be
mentioned that tabloids tend to focus on personalities and gossip, stories found in these
newspapers are smaller comparing to broadsheets, the writing style is less formal and
slangy, more pictures are found. While the broadsheets are described as serious (quality)
national daily or Sunday papers so called because of their size (Ibid). It is generally believed
that broadsheets contain more serious news than tabloids and are read by more educated
people. Information in the middle-range tabloids focuses on the sensational stories as well
as on the important news events.

There are two types of news that can be found in broadsheets or tabloids:

hard news


soft news.

C. Rich [2010:17] points out that

hard news

includes stories of a timely

nature about events or conflicts that have just happened or are about to happen such as fires,
crimes, meetings, protest rallies, speeches and testimony in court cases.

Hard news

has little

value after 24-48 hours. The news of such themes found in broadsheet newspapers tend to
focus on the main and the most important details related to the story. Another type of news
is called

soft news

and Rich (Ibid) states that

soft news

entertains or informs, with an

emphasis on human interests and novelty and less immediacy than hard news. Unlike the

hard news, soft news

pay attention to the things related to the minor things of the story e.g.

personal life, work, etc.

It should be mentioned that the distinction between the two types of newspapers

disappears as broadsheets tend to entertain more and tabloids include more serious articles.
However, the use of gimmicks, allusions, pictures and images for entertainment purpose in
broadsheet newspapers are rather of educational nature.



DenisovaO. K., and Pozniak L. P., 2014.

Учебно Методическое Пособие по

Стилистике Английского Языка.

Иркутский Государственный Лингвистический









The Language of Newspapers.

Routledge. 1998


Rich C. Writing and Reporting News: A Coaching Method. Cengage Learning.



The New British Politics.

2010. Person Education Limited. [Online]. Retrieved

from the Internet on 20 December, 2014:


Рузикулов Ф. Ш., Юсупова I. Ш. А. Репрезентация речевого поведения

героев Э. Хемингуэя (на материалах седьмой главы романа «to have and have not»)

//Ученый XXI века.

– 2016. –

№. 2



Jalolov, J., and G. Makhkamova. "Ashurov Sh." English Language Teaching

Methodology. Tashkent (2015).


Ashurov, Shahobiddin Saidovich. "Инглиз ва ўзбек тилларидаги интернационал

мақоллар таржимасидаги ассиметрик ҳолатлар." Молодой ученый 18 (2020): 584


Библиографические ссылки

DenisovaO. К., and Pozniak L. P., 2014. Учебно Методическое Пособие no Стилистике Английского Языка. Иркутский Государственный Лингвистический Университет. [Online]. Retrievedfromthelntemeton 14 December, 2014: http: /

RcahD. The Language of Newspapers. Routledge. 1998

Rich C. Writing and Reporting News: A Coaching Method. Cengage Learning. 2010.

The New British Politics. 2010. Person Education Limited. [Online]. Retrieved from the Internet on 20 December, 2014:

Рузикулов Ф. Ш., Юсупова I. HI. А. Репрезентация речевого поведения героев Э. Хемингуэя (на материалах седьмой главы романа «to have and have not») //Ученый XXI века. - 2016. - №. 2-5.

Jalolov, J., and G. Makhkamova. "Ashurov Sh." English Language Teaching Methodology. Tashkent (2015).

Ashurov, Shahobiddin Saidovich. "Инглиз ва узбек тилларидаги интернационал маколлар таржимасидаги ассимстрик холатлар." Молодой ученый 18 (2020): 584-586.

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