Saburov S.
Nukus, Uzbekistan
year Student, English Language and Literature Department
Berdakh Karakalpak State University
The article is aimed to give information on new ways and techniques of foreign
language teaching, as well as ideas for new materials and methods used in foreign
language teaching. In addition, these methods were analyzed using examples.
New Methods, Language Teaching, New Materials, New Method Of Teaching,
Methodology, Learning English, Traditional Methods, Approaches, Teachers, Education,
In recent years the importance of communication through foreign languages has
become significantly vital than it was several decades ago. It is no wonder that English is
the language of international communication. Although modern English is the simplest
adaptation of a very old language, it is still difficult to teach this language effectively,
especially for those who know English as a second or even a third language.
Literature review
Teaching rules alone can be for majority of students which is why they lose
interest in learning the language. While there is no other way to teach the basics of
language than the traditional method, these approaches need to be slightly modified to
keep students interested. When it comes to teaching English to high school students who
already know the basics, traditional methods usually give worse results than modern and
innovative methods. These methods help students learn the language better without
understanding it themselves, and this keeps them interested. This article presents useful
approaches and methods for teaching English. The traditional “chalk and speech”
teaching method that has existed for hundreds of years is achieving lower results than the
more modern and revolutionary teaching methods used in schools today. Student
interaction is encouraged, competencies are improved, and attention is paid to enjoying
Sometimes using the same methods in language teaching can reduce a student’s
interest in language. Some types of teaching in practice in order not to reduce interest in a
foreign language.
Dialogic speech - in which students talk through a creative approach. Today
speaking or communication in general is more prioritized than other skills of that
language. These can be used to teach skills to students through a variety of teaching aids,
including art texts. Such dialogues allow texts to avoid traditional presentation and turn
them into live English speech. In addition, students who learn a language this way acquire
the words that are only used in everyday communications rather than barely used
complex words.
Another way is that a student reads the text and says the meaning. Reading is
interactive. Reading stories, novels and other literary works by famous writers is important
in language learning.
Listening Comprehension. Listening to the target language probably the most
effective method which speeds up the learning process. Listening is a receptive form of
speech activity. In the process of listening, speech comprehension is mainly based on
auditory perception. Repeat what we hear in the form of inner speech through perception.
Listening comprehension does not work without a speech motor analyzer. Of course,
internal speech requires the ability to speak this language. Voice speech comprehension is
accompanied by intellectual activity that involves recognizing the means of speech in the
process of understanding and interpreting the content.
Learn English by watching movies. Nowadays, teachers take into account the
needs of students in reading books, magazines, newspapers, as well as real books. It is
known that not only printed materials, but also songs and movies are a great resource for
learning foreign languages.
The importance of teaching vocabulary. One aspect of the language taught in
institutes is the dictionary. In addition to learning a new vocabulary, the reader can engage
in new vocabulary that they encounter while listening to an audio or reading a text,
Vocabulary learning does not end on its own. Rich vocabulary facilitates listening,
speaking, reading and writing skills. Traditional teaching is divided into several types,
such as speaking, analytical reading, home reading, grammar practice. As a result, 3-4
teachers teach students in different ways, so there is no communication between the
parties. Some students learn grammar well, but in speech they have difficulty pronouncing
words. The theory is reinforced in the classroom through a variety of exercises, games,
and discussions.
There are also some ways to improve foreign language learning.
Classes are conducted in full English based on all the experience required for the lessons.
This means, students begin to understand through reading, listening, practicing writing,
improving speech, and so on. Students become the focal point of the lesson, not the
teacher. The teacher only helps the student to acquire knowledge. In this way the
progress of self-study is improved. When classes are non-traditional, they are divided
into pairs or small groups of students according to the type of assignment, and students
work in groups or individually. For example, at the beginning of a lesson, the teacher
makes a plan and shares the news with the students. Each student participates in this plan
and shares the news with each other. As a result, knowledge is shared and all students
become familiar with the topic. Some exercises are done by a couple or a group of
students. To work in a group, students are given the following tasks: organizing
discussions, discussing a topic with role-playing games, and working with high
technology. To work in pairs they are given dialogues, grammar materials, as well as
reading. Using these methods, we force all students to participate in the lesson, and the
teacher can help each student according to their needs. The main thing in language
learning is to keep students interested, that is, to motivate them. It is important to keep
the student active during and after class. Teachers around the world are constantly on the
lookout for how to successfully teach foreign languages to students. There are many
effective methods of teaching. Good teaching strategies and methods involve carefully
planning and articulating a balance so that students know what is expected of them and
the different learning sequences that have clear achievable goals. They also include
project work (class journals, group wall exhibitions), collaboration, student self-
assessment, roleplaying games, and group work in which students participate in deciding
what to do on their own ,includes, pair work, dialogues. All of this helps to develop
students’ ability to work effectively. Also, the whole dictionary is much better
remembered. In dialogues, students are taught fluency, quick reaction, acting skills and,
of course, grammatical accuracy. Group and pair work is part of our daily teaching
routine, and it’s hard to stop thinking before splitting a class to solve any communicative
task. The group work allowed the teacher to devote more time to the students ‘oral
speech, which was probably not a priority of the foreign language cabinet before.
Due to the recent gained popularity of English, Teaching English
language has become more vital than ever before. Thus, efficient and feasible methods to
teach this language to not only children, but also people of all ages should be considered.
Conclusion The strongest thing that needs to be acknowledged in all of these approaches
is that they are aimed at engaging both students and the teacher. Students will be treated
differently if they are treated as their own smart professionals and given the flexibility to
apply approaches that go beyond the archaic models they often link to in teaching and
learning and improves.
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