Роль речевого этикета в процессе общения
This article describes the pivotal role of speech etiquette in facilitating effective communication. Speech etiquette encompasses the rules and conventions that govern verbal interactions, including politeness, respect, and appropriate language use. The study delves into the multifaceted dimensions of speech etiquette, examining its impact on interpersonal relationships, cultural understanding, and overall communication effectiveness. According to Holmes’ research investigates the moral dimensions of speech acts, shedding light on how speech etiquette can influence the perception of potentially offensive or discriminatory language [3, 7]. This study explores the role of humor in workplace communication, highlighting how speech etiquette and politeness strategies are employed to manage power dynamics and navigate potentially provocative situations. This annotated bibliography provides a foundation for understanding the critical role of speech etiquette in the communication process. By drawing on seminal works in the field [11, 12, 13, 16, 17], this research aims to contribute to a deeper appreciation of how etiquette shapes and influences effective verbal interactions across various contexts and cultures.