Difficulties and challenges in developing writing skills

Джеткербаева, М. (2022). Difficulties and challenges in developing writing skills. Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке, (1), 204–206. https://doi.org/10.47689/innovations-in-edu-vol-iss1-pp204-206


English is an International language and in demand today. English is by far the most widely used language around the world. However, English language writing has always been a challenge for second language students to master. Developing student‘s ability in writing is one of the major challenges faces by the ESL teachers nowadays. Thus, this study aims to explore the challenges faced by both students and teachers in learning as well as teaching writing skills.

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билиў, яғный тил кӛникпелерин пайда болыўы тез ҳәм туўры оқып тҥсиниўге тийкар жаратылады.
Жазыўдағы апиўайы алынған сӛз, оның бӛлеги (морфема), сӛзлердиң ӛз ара жайласыўы (сӛз
тәртиби, гәплер шынжыры) сыяқлылардан оқыўшы кӛриў аркалы таяныш сыпатында
пайдаланады. Таныш белгилери ҳәм баспа ҳәриплерге (шрифтларға) қарап ҳәм улыўма контекстен
келип шығып, текстеги интонация, иркилис ҳәм мантықлы пәт ҳаққында коз карас пайда болады.
Жәрдемши сӛзлерди (haben, sein, werden) билиўдиң де оқыўға пайдасы тийеди.

Бул принцип ҥйренилип атырған тил қурылысынан жетерлише хабардар болыўды талап


5. Оқыўды ҥйретиўде тек ғана рецептив емес, сондай – ақ репродуктив ҳәрекетте

қатнасады. Оқыў әдетте рецептив сӛйлеў ҳәрекети делинеди. Бирақ оқыў процесси рецептив
операциялар менен бир қатарда репродуктив операцияларды да ӛз ишине алады. Графикалық
материалдың тҥсинилиўи, қабылалыныўы ўақтында иштен сӛйлеў әмелге асады. Бир ўақытта
айтылыў кӛнликпеси оқыў техникасына тәсир етеди ҳәм текстти тҥсиниўге қатнасыда мәлим
болады. Сӛйлегенде оқыўшы грамматикалық ҳәдийсени айтылыў кӛнликпесине ийе екенлиги
себепли онда текстеги грамматикалық формаларды алдыннан аңлаў–билиў имканияты
жаратылады. Сол себепли, рецепция ҳам репродукция ӛз–ара байланыс ҳәм сӛйлеў ҳәдийселери

Оқыўды ҥйрениў ўақтында рецептивден тысқары репродуктив сӛйлеў менен шуғылланыў

усы принциптиң талабы болып табылады.

6. Оқыў сӛйлеў ҳәрекети тҥри сыпатында хызмет атқарар екен, оның әмел етиў усылларын

оқыўшылар ӛзлестирип алыўлары керек болады. Хәрекеттиң процесс тәрепин тәмийлениўши
операцияларды билиўи тийис. Олардың бириншиси техникалық кӛнликпе тәрзинде
қабылланатуғын текстти тҥсинип жетиў менен байланыслы. Мәни «аңлаў, оқыў тусиниў»
усылларын оқыўшы билип алса, оқыў тезлиги қәлиплеседи. Оқыў тезлиги арнаўлы шынығыў
ислеў болып қоймастан аналитик операцияларды қолланыў нәзерде тутылады, яғный оныӊ
мазмунды байкау мақсетинде пайдалынылады. Әсте ҳәм тез оқыў кӛнликпелери мағлыўмат –
хабар алыўда орны менен ислетиледи.

Техникалық кӛнликпелер, тийисли тәризде оқыў мағлыўматты – хабарды ӛзлестириў

жолындағы керекли қәдем екенлиги усы принциптен аңланатуғын тҥсиник демек. Хәр бир
тәлимниң басқышында ӛзине тән қәсийетлер менен оқыў әмелияты қолланылады. Баслаўыш
дәўирде таныс материал тийкарында текст, орта басқышта таныс бирликлер ҳәм азғана бийтаныс
сӛзлер киритилген текстлер, жоқары классларда – лицейлерде болса кӛбирек потенциал сӛзлик
қатнасында текстлерди оқыў усынылады.



Дридзе Т.М. Текстовая деятельность в структуре социальной коммуникации. М.: Наука,


Клычникова З.И.Психологические особенности обучения чтению на иностранном языке. 2

– изд., М., Просвещение,1983.

Очерки методики обучения чтению на иностранных языках под редакцией И.М.Бернака и

В.А. Бухбиндера. Киев: Высшая школа, 1977.

Основы методики преподавания иностранных языков. Под ред. В.А.Бухбиндера, Штраусса

В. Киев, 1986.

Фоломкина С.К. Методика обучения чтению на английском языке в средней школе.

Докторская диссертация. М., 1974.

Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению (текст лекций по курсу «Методика преподавания

иностранных языков»), М., МГПИИЯ, 1980, ҳ.т.б.




NukSPI named after Ajiniyaz, Nukus, Uzbekistan


: English is an International language and in demand today. English is by far the most widely

used language around the world. However, English language writing has always been a challenge for
second language students to master. Developing student‘s ability in writing is one of the major challenges
faces by the ESL teachers nowadays. Thus, this study aims to explore the challenges faced by both
students and teachers in learning as well as teaching writing skills.


: teaching, writing skill, difficulties, essay, written speech, statement.

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In the process of teaching English, students should constantly and consistently develop the ability

to express their thoughts in writing in English. In written works, not only literacy is evaluated, but also
the richness and diversity of vocabulary, the consistency of presentation, the coherence of the statement,
composition and compliance with the stylistic norm of the language being studied.

What difficulties do students face in mastering the necessary writing formats?
First, it is a struggle with verbosity. The same thought, repeatedly expressed in different ways, is

often a reflection of anxiety not to be correctly understood, as well as an attempt to convey to the reader
his point of view and defend it. It is necessary to wean students from repetitions and teach them to
correctly and logically formulate their arguments. Secondly, many students are reluctant to use the so-
called introductory words, and when evaluating current and examination written work, the presence and
correct use of introductory words, i.e., means of logical connection, is one of the criteria that directly
affects the assessment. The teacher is faced with the task of explaining the need to use the means of
logical connection. Thirdly, there are problems with dividing the text into paragraphs, as a result of which
the logic of the statement is violated. Fourthly, due to the small vocabulary, vocabulary is incorrectly
used, some violations in the use of vocabulary can make it difficult to understand what is written. And the
extremely limited vocabulary does not allow to fulfil the set communicative task at all. And, finally,
numerous grammatical errors of the elementary level, which students make due to inattention. In general,
they do not make it difficult to understand the text, but they make a negative impression. When evaluating
the written examination paper, the number of grammatical errors also leads to the loss of points.

All of the above difficulties and related errors require careful work of the teacher to develop

students' skills to build their written statements in accordance with the requirements of various formats of
written assignments: short notes and electronic messages, postcards and personal letters to friends and
relatives; official letters: summaries, statements and complaints; essays expressing one's own opinion;
essays on books read and movies watched.

In essays and presentations, the ability to build a detailed statement in accordance with the

communicative task in a given volume is checked, to express one's own opinion, to argue one's point of
view, to draw conclusions, to construct a statement consistently and logically correctly, to use appropriate
means of logical connection, lexically, grammatically, spelling and stylistically (neutral) style the text.
The essay requires sufficient vocabulary. It is impossible to teach students to write essays if painstaking
preparatory work has not been carried out.

For effective teaching of foreign-language written speech, students need to get an idea about the

styles and genres of written speech, as well as their language content. The style of speech is determined
by a set of techniques for using language means to express certain ideas, thoughts in various conditions of
speech practice. The stylistic coloring of speech is also influenced by the form of its material
implementation, in our case, it is written speech. The classification of language styles is based on the
following parameters: 1) the goal that is set by the speaker or writer; 2) the environment, the conditions in
which communication takes place; 3) individual characteristics of speakers or writers; 4) topic; 5) the
form of speech.

Writing styles include book styles and conversational styles. Book style, in turn, covers the

scientific, official business, journalistic and artistic styles. Each style is represented by certain genres,
each of which is characterized by a special form of text organization.

The above analysis showed that in order to improve the efficiency and quality education in order

to systematically integrate into the international scientific community, higher education should pay more
attention to the development of academic skills in general and academic writing in particular. As the
writing skill is transferrable, it seems effective to develop it either on the basis of the native language and
then transfer it to a foreign one, or to study both languages in parallel.

The relevance of teaching writing and writing in recent years has undoubtedly increased, this is

due to the fact that the role of writing in teaching English, like any foreign language, is increasing. The
practical significance of written speech communication in the field of modern means of communication,
such as e-mail, the Internet, in particular written communication with its help, is great. Our task, as
teachers of English, is to create the most suitable conditions for mastering the skills of writing. This
requires the introduction of new and flexible models of training courses that will allow you to effectively
implement modern educational concepts and form key competencies, related to academic writing as the
basis for successful education at the university.

Possible solutions to the problem could be: 1) the inclusion in the curricula of special disciplines

aimed at the development of academic literacy and, above all, academic writing; 2) creation of
information and advisory support for students through specially created academic writing centers; 3)
creation of information and methodological support for teaching writing for teachers of disciplines (how
to teach, task formats, the role and type of feedback communications); 4) consolidation of efforts of

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teachers of English for academic goals and teachers who teach courses on developing writing skills,
namely the development of integrated courses that can be shared or taught in close collaboration.

Difficulties in learning to write:

- the process of learning written speech is constantly complicated by discrepancies between the sound and
graphic way of expressing thought
- a written statement must be specific and complete in order to fulfill its communicative function
- there is no way to expressively into tone your speech
- a written work requires special grammatical and syntactic design

In addition, students face the following difficulties:

- limited vocabulary
- Fear of spelling and grammatical errors
- interference of the native language at the level of a word, phrase, sentence and text
- limited skills of self-organization, planning
- lack of ideas or ways to express them, lack of motivation

Written speech allows you to save linguistic knowledge, serves as a reliable tool for thinking,

stimulates speaking, listening and reading in a foreign language. Writing and written speech in the
methodology of teaching English act as a means of teaching, as well as the goal of teaching the language.
Writing is the technical component of written language. Written speech is a productive type of speech
activity, which is expressed in the coding of a certain content with graphic signs.

Having studied the data of psychologists on the assimilation of material in various ways, which

are given below, one can once again be convinced of the important role of teaching writing and writing
skills. It is important to note that for a more productive learning of writing and writing, as well as for
learning any other aspect of the language, motivation is required, which must be constantly developed.
Students are very often reluctant to write, this is due to the difficulties they face, as well as the lack of
motivation. It is necessary to interest students, to emphasize the importance of mastering written speech.
This is hard and painstaking work, which, with the right organization, gives consistently positive results.



Abrar M. Teaching English Problems: An analysis of ESL Primary School Teachers. 2016


Asep S. The challenges in teaching Writing skill at Junior High School: Problems and Solutions.


Foster M. Teaching Children with Reading and Writing difficulties in regular schools. 2015.








Kaljanova U.

Teacher, NSPI named after Ajiniyaz, Nukus, Uzbekistan

Avezimbetova A.

Teacher, NSPI named after Ajiniyaz, Nukus, Uzbekistan

Due to the lack of time English teachers have per week for their subject, the best way to practice

listening and speaking is integrating them. According to Bueno, Madrid and McLaren: "Listening is
important for speaking because it establishes the good basis for successful communicative exchanges‖

There are several activities that integrate listening-comprehension with speaking:


Integrated skills work (jigsaw-listening, for example)


Using video, Using the language laboratory, Using computers and CD-ROMs


During games, Using pop songs (probably the most popular listening activity with secondary

students), Listening as homework

These activities integrate speaking because the songs, videos or listening text-topic is the

springboard for a discussion, drill or pronunciation practice. Integrated activities also provide
opportunities for much needed learner behavioral-interaction described by Lynch (1997) earlier.
Dictations integrate listening and speaking. Although they have not been very fashionable dictations are
at the moment once again seen as relevant. Dictations may also be used as a means to evaluate learners‘
listening comprehension, as long as the scoring is carefully done. In the same way that a good writer is a
good reader, a good speaker is also a good listener. This rule is generally applicable to L2 learners and it
has to do with the correlation between productive (writing and speaking) and receptive (reading and
listening) skills (Bueno, Madrid and McLaren, 2005:344).

Second language learners, as implied in a special type of exchange, have to be provided with the

Библиографические ссылки

Abrar M, Teaching English Problems: An analysis of ESL Primary School Teachers. 2016

Asep S. The challenges in teaching Writing skill at Junior High School: Problems and Solutions. 2014

Foster M. Teaching Children with Reading and Writing difficulties in regular schools. 2015.

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