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Rahmonov , M. ., Yusubov , S., Muxtorov, A. ., & Boltaev, A. (2025). MODERN MICROSURGICAL OPERATIONS OF CHRONIC PURULENT OTITIS MEDIA. Modern Science and Research, 4(1), 90–94. Retrieved from


Relevance of the problem: The operation is performed for the surgical treatment of otosclerosis and tympanosclerosis. The operation is performed under anesthesia. The essence of the operation is the use of intraocular access using a Carl Zeiss operating microscope (Germany). During the intervention, the eardrum is raised, the fixed stapes is removed and replaced with a prosthesis. Stapes prosthesis is performed in two ways: with Teflon prosthesis (Shea technique) or wire-oil prosthesis (Schukneht technique) implantation. In the second case, part of the fat is removed from the patient's ear cavity. About 30 operations are performed a year. The average length of hospital stay is 12 days. Recovery occurs within 1-2 months. Complications: complete deafness in the operated ear develops in 2-3% of patients, which corresponds to world statistics. Dispensary surveillance is carried out at the place of residence.

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Rahmonov Muhammad Ibrohimovich

Yusubov Shohzod

Muxtorov Anvar Kamol oʻgʻli

Samarkand State Medical University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology No. 2, 1st year

clinical resident

Boltaev A.I

Scientific supervisor.

Assistant of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology No. 2, Samarkand State Medical University

Relevance of the problem:

The operation is performed for the surgical treatment of

otosclerosis and tympanosclerosis. The operation is performed under anesthesia. The essence of

the operation is the use of intraocular access using a Carl Zeiss operating microscope (Germany).

During the intervention, the eardrum is raised, the fixed stapes is removed and replaced

with a prosthesis. Stapes prosthesis is performed in two ways: with Teflon prosthesis (Shea

technique) or wire-oil prosthesis (Schukneht technique) implantation. In the second case, part of

the fat is removed from the patient's ear cavity. About 30 operations are performed a year. The

average length of hospital stay is 12 days. Recovery occurs within 1-2 months. Complications:

complete deafness in the operated ear develops in 2-3% of patients, which corresponds to world

statistics. Dispensary surveillance is carried out at the place of residence.

Research materials:

The operation is performed for the surgical treatment of chronic

purulent inflammation of the middle ear, that is, in conditions where there is a hole in the eardrum

and an inflammatory process in the middle ear. The operation is performed under anesthesia. The

essence of the operation is the use of the behind-the-ear approach with the help of the "Karl Zeiss"

(Germany) operating microscope, the motor system and the "Aesculapius" (Germany) bipolar

coagulator. During the intervention, access to the cavities of the middle ear is created,

pathologically changed tissues are removed, the eardrum defect is corrected, and the auditory bone

chain is restored. About 100 operations are performed per year. The average length of hospital stay

is 24 days. Final healing occurs up to 3 months. Complications: in 2-3% of patients, the eardrum

flap does not heal, which corresponds to world statistics. Dispensary surveillance is carried out at

the place of residence.

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Research object:

It is used in the treatment of chronic sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis,

ethmoiditis), deviation of the nasal septum, paranasal sinus cysts of any location, osteomas,

inverted papillomas and other benign tumors of the nose and sinuses, nasal liquorice, brain hernias.

nasal cavity. Surgical interventions are performed under general anesthesia in the state-of-the-art

Carl Storz equipment, using a set of nasal endoscopes, operating microscopes, special rhinosurgery

instruments, shaver and motor systems. The number of annual operations is about 400 per year.

The average length of stay in the hospital is 7-10 days. Recovery time is significantly

reduced compared to standard operations - about 3 weeks. There is no death.

Complications - a hematoma of the eyelid, which passes by itself within 5-7 days and does

not affect the outcome of recovery. Sometimes for patients with allergic fungal sinusitis associated

with bronchial asthma, dispensary observation is required at the State Regional Clinical Hospital.

Observed results:

The author's method of guaranteed treatment of adenoids, regrowth of

adenoids after previous surgical treatment. It can be combined with additional interventions for

nasal septal deviation, enlarged tonsils, exudative otitis media and hearing loss. It is usually used

in children. Surgical interventions are performed under general anesthesia in the state-of-the-art

Carl Storz equipment, using nasal endoscopes, operating microscopes, special rhinosurgical

instruments and a shaver system. The progress of the operation is monitored by continuous

endovideo monitoring, which guarantees the complete removal of pathological tissue from the

nasopharynx. The average number of operations per year is 250. The length of stay in the hospital

is 3 days. The full recovery period is 3 weeks after the operation. There is no death. A possible

complication is postoperative bleeding, which is usually observed in patients with impaired blood

coagulation and does not depend on the surgical technique. Dispensary surveillance - by place of



: A modern method for diagnosing benign tumors of the larynx,

papillomatosis of the juvenile respiratory tract, hyperplastic laryngitis, fusion of the vocal folds,

as well as diseases of the larynx and trachea. Operations are performed only under anesthesia with

the help of a special operating microscope, instruments for examining the larynx and trachea,

endoscopes and a set of microsurgical instruments according to Kleinsasser. The average number

of operations per year is 100-120. Hospital stay is 5-7 days. Recovery occurs in 3-4 weeks.

Residential Dispensary Surveillance.

The most complex surgical interventions used to restore breathing through natural airways

after complications of surgical treatment of thyroid goiter after a long stay in intensive care units

in patients with tracheostomy. Tracheal resection surgery is performed for cicatricial tracheal

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stenosis, which involves removing the narrowed part of the trachea together with a tracheostomy

and placing an anastomosis on the intact parts of the trachea. In the treatment of laryngeal paralysis

after strumectomy, the operation is performed through an external approach along the lateral

surface of the neck, where one of the hard vocal folds is pulled to the side using special surgical

techniques. The number of operations per year is not more than 10. Recovery time is 28-35 days.

There were no deaths or complications. Dispensary follow-up at residence is required.

Endonasal surgery for pituitary tumors

It is used for surgical treatment of pituitary adenomas - acromegaly, prolactinoma,

craniopharyngioma, etc. A new direction of activity for the ENT department. Surgical intervention

is performed in the most modern Carl Storz equipment under general anesthesia using nasal

endoscopes, operating microscopes, special instruments and a shaver system. The progress of the

operation is monitored by continuous endovideo monitoring, which guarantees the complete

removal of pathological tissue from the turcica. The operation does not leave any cosmetic defects

on the face. The postoperative period after neurosurgical intervention is much easier than

postoperative treatment in the intensive care unit; The estimated number of annual operations is

from 10. The average length of hospital stay is 2 weeks. Average recovery time is 1 month.

Complications such as death from bleeding and licorrhea and postoperative meningitis are

possible during surgery.



Andryev S. et al. Experience with the use of memantine in the treatment of cognitive

disorders //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 282-288.


Antsiborov S. et al. Association of dopaminergic receptors of peripheral blood

lymphocytes with a risk of developing antipsychotic extrapyramidal diseases //Science and

innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 29-35.


Asanova R. et al. Features of the treatment of patients with mental disorders and

cardiovascular pathology //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 545-



Begbudiyev M. et al. Integration of psychiatric care into primary care //Science and

innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 551-557.


Bo’Riyev B. et al. Features of clinical and psychopathological examination of young

children //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 558-563.

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Yanvar, 2025-Yil



Borisova Y. et al. Concomitant mental disorders and social functioning of adults with high-

functioning autism/asperger syndrome //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11.

– С. 36-41.


Ivanovich U. A. et al. Efficacy and tolerance of pharmacotherapy with antidepressants in

non-psychotic depressions in combination with chronic brain ischemia //Science and

Innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. 12. – С. 409-414.


Nikolaevich R. A. et al. Comparative effectiveness of treatment of somatoform diseases in

psychotherapeutic practice //Science and Innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. 12. – С. 898-



Novikov A. et al. Alcohol dependence and manifestation of autoagressive behavior in

patients of different types //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 413-



Pachulia Y. et al. Assessment of the effect of psychopathic disorders on the dynamics of

withdrawal syndrome in synthetic cannabinoid addiction //Science and innovation. – 2023.

– Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 240-244.


Pachulia Y. et al. Neurobiological indicators of clinical status and prognosis of therapeutic

response in patients with paroxysmal schizophrenia //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т.

2. – №. D12. – С. 385-391.


Pogosov A. et al. Multidisciplinary approach to the rehabilitation of patients with

somatized personality development //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. –

С. 245-251.


Pogosov A. et al. Rational choice of pharmacotherapy for senile dementia //Science and

innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 230-235.


Pogosov S. et al. Gnostic disorders and their compensation in neuropsychological

syndrome of vascular cognitive disorders in old age //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т.

2. – №. D12. – С. 258-264.


Pogosov S. et al. Prevention of adolescent drug abuse and prevention of yatrogenia during

prophylaxis //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 392-397.


Pogosov S. et al. Psychogenetic properties of drug patients as risk factors for the formation

of addiction //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 186-191.


Prostyakova N. et al. Changes in the postpsychotic period after acute polymorphic disorder

//Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 356-360.

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Prostyakova N. et al. Issues of professional ethics in the treatment and management of

patients with late dementia //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 158-



Prostyakova N. et al. Sadness and loss reactions as a risk of forming a relationship together

//Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 252-257.


Prostyakova N. et al. Strategy for early diagnosis with cardiovascular diseaseisomatized

mental disorders //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 166-172.


Rotanov A. et al. Comparative effectiveness of treatment of somatoform diseases in

psychotherapeutic practice //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 267-



Andryev S. et al. Experience with the use of memantine in the treatment of cognitive disorders //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 282-288.

Antsiborov S. et al. Association of dopaminergic receptors of peripheral blood lymphocytes with a risk of developing antipsychotic extrapyramidal diseases //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 29-35.

Asanova R. et al. Features of the treatment of patients with mental disorders and cardiovascular pathology //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 545-550.

Begbudiyev M. et al. Integration of psychiatric care into primary care //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 551-557.

Bo’Riyev B. et al. Features of clinical and psychopathological examination of young children //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 558-563.

Borisova Y. et al. Concomitant mental disorders and social functioning of adults with high-functioning autism/asperger syndrome //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 36-41.

Ivanovich U. A. et al. Efficacy and tolerance of pharmacotherapy with antidepressants in non-psychotic depressions in combination with chronic brain ischemia //Science and Innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. 12. – С. 409-414.

Nikolaevich R. A. et al. Comparative effectiveness of treatment of somatoform diseases in psychotherapeutic practice //Science and Innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. 12. – С. 898-903.

Novikov A. et al. Alcohol dependence and manifestation of autoagressive behavior in patients of different types //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 413-419.

Pachulia Y. et al. Assessment of the effect of psychopathic disorders on the dynamics of withdrawal syndrome in synthetic cannabinoid addiction //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 240-244.

Pachulia Y. et al. Neurobiological indicators of clinical status and prognosis of therapeutic response in patients with paroxysmal schizophrenia //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 385-391.

Pogosov A. et al. Multidisciplinary approach to the rehabilitation of patients with somatized personality development //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 245-251.

Pogosov A. et al. Rational choice of pharmacotherapy for senile dementia //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 230-235.

Pogosov S. et al. Gnostic disorders and their compensation in neuropsychological syndrome of vascular cognitive disorders in old age //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 258-264.

Pogosov S. et al. Prevention of adolescent drug abuse and prevention of yatrogenia during prophylaxis //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 392-397.

Pogosov S. et al. Psychogenetic properties of drug patients as risk factors for the formation of addiction //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 186-191.

Prostyakova N. et al. Changes in the postpsychotic period after acute polymorphic disorder //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 356-360.

Prostyakova N. et al. Issues of professional ethics in the treatment and management of patients with late dementia //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 158-165.

Prostyakova N. et al. Sadness and loss reactions as a risk of forming a relationship together //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 252-257.

Prostyakova N. et al. Strategy for early diagnosis with cardiovascular diseaseisomatized mental disorders //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 166-172.

Rotanov A. et al. Comparative effectiveness of treatment of somatoform diseases in psychotherapeutic practice //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 267-272.

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