Scientific and methodological bazes of formation of emotional intellegence in the educational process

Qodirova, O. (2022). Scientific and methodological bazes of formation of emotional intellegence in the educational process. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(01), 7–11. извлечено от
Odina Qodirova, Andijan State University

doctorant, Department of General Psychology



This article deals with the human intellect and emotional intelligence, which is one of its types. In today's rapidly evolving society, the development of individual emotional intelligence in the educational process is one of the most pressing issues. A high level of Emotional Intelligence allows a person to develop more effectively on personal and professional plans, manage stress, and communicate effectively with others. Working on developing it teaches us to understand the origin of at least some of our unconscious actions

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Odina Qodirova, doctorant, Department of General Psychology, Andijan

State University, Uzbekistan




Abstract; This article deals with the human intellect and emotional

intelligence, which is one of its types. In today's rapidly evolving society, the
development of individual emotional intelligence in the educational process
is one of the most pressing issues. A high level of Emotional Intelligence
allows a person to develop more effectively on personal and professional
plans, manage stress, and communicate effectively with others. Working on
developing it teaches us to understand the origin of at least some of our
unconscious actions.

Key words; Intellect, Emotional Intelligence, Socio-Cultural Experience.

emotions and interpersonal relationships. Emotion management, emotional
ability, emotional competence, self-control, rational consciousness,
emotional consciousness.

The development of the state and the development of society are largely

determined by the intellectual level of the people. Because a country with a
highly developed scientific worldview is always advanced in all areas. It
should be noted that today the President of our country Sh.M.Mirziyoev pays
great attention to the radical reform of all spheres, including the education
system, and is making a radical turn in the field of education. [1] This shows
that the training of highly qualified personnel has risen to the level of public
policy. “The creative, intellectual, social, political resources and potential of
the youth of Uzbekistan are enormous. The main task today is to mobilize
these resources for development and democracy. Indeed, during the years
of independence, the main objectives of state youth policy are to fully protect
and ensure the constitutional rights and freedoms of young people, to form
young people as individuals, to create conditions for them to find their place,
to stimulate talent and initiative, to support youth organizations. Today's
developing society needs a highly intellectual human resource base.” [2]

It is important to recognize that the issues of intellectual potential and

career guidance of young people have become a topical issue. Speaking
about the intellectual potential, in our opinion, it is necessary to take into
account the mental state and characteristics of young people in their career
guidance and professional development. That is, it is important to study
their emotional intelligence and determine that they are a factor in
professional maturity. So how are the issues of intelligence and emotional

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intelligence interpreted in psychology? We tried to approach the problem
theoretically to clarify this.

Intelligence (Latin intellect - mind, intellect, reason) - a stable structure

of a person's mental abilities, the level of his cognitive abilities, the
mechanism of mental adaptation of a person to life situations. Cognition is
the understanding of the important relationships of reality, the integration
of the individual into the socio-cultural experience of society. An individual's
intellectual ability is manifested in the ability to transform a problem
situation into a specific problem, and then into a system of search tasks, in a
variety of problem situations, in a strategic situation. [5] Some people are
able to draw quick conclusions, intuitively understand, shed light on an
event in all its interrelationships at the same time, they are consistent in
advancing hypotheses and verifying their correctness; others are limited to
the first assumption that comes to mind, their thinking is not of a dynamic
nature. Some, on the other hand, try to solve problematic issues without
expecting anything in advance, hoping for random situations; their thinking
has uncertainties and is associated with rapid emotions. Public opinion is
important because it is stereotyped, factor-based, and overly standardized.
The main qualities of the human mind are curiosity, the depth of the mind,
its flexibility and mobility, and the combination of logic and evidence. There
are several types of personality traits, and the concept of emotional
intelligence (emotional intelligence) as a specific alternative to traditional
thinking is widely used in the science of psychology. Psychologists believe
that the coefficient of emotional intelligence is more approximate than the
coefficient of intelligence.

Emotional intelligence (English emotional intelligence) is the ability to

deeply understand, evaluate, and express emotions; ability to understand
emotions and emotional knowledge; as well as the ability to manage
emotions that contribute to a person’s emotional and intellectual growth.
[Dj. Mayer.P.Salovey.]

Emotional intelligence encourages an effective understanding of the

emotional realm of human life, an understanding of the emotional basis of
emotions and interpersonal relationships, and the ability to deal with
emotional relationships and motivational problems. The emotional
component performs a special function not only in the informational but
also in the motivational structure. Emotions that arise as part of motivation
play an important role in determining the direction of behavior and ways to
implement it (L.S. Vygotsky, K.E. Izard, A.N. Leontiev, A. Langle). Emotion in
the form of direct experience reflects a subjective attitude to them, not
objective events. The manifestation of emotions is not always desirable,
because when they are excessive, they can regulate activities or their
appearance can put a person in an awkward position, for example, betrayal,

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


in relation to another. On the other hand, an emotional uplift, a good mood
helps to realize the relationships that occur in any activity. Without
managing the emotions of one’s emotional state, one cannot succeed in one’s
professional activities and personal life, because the successful solution of
common problems depends on the understanding and management of
emotions. In most emotional situations, there are situations that need to be
judged rationally. Managing and controlling emotions is an important skill
of the student person because as part of our professional activities, we are
in constant contact with a large number of people. For a graduate, it is
important to understand and explain the nature of emotions in the process
of professional activity, as well as to understand and manage other people’s
emotions correctly in order to achieve the best results at work.
Understanding the role and special importance of emotions in people’s lives
has led to the emergence of concepts such as “emotional ability”, “emotional
competence” (R.Bak), and “emotional intelligence” (G. Gardner, P. Salovey)
in psychology. The idea of emotional intelligence is the result of the
development of ideas about social intelligence. will be associated with.
Emotional intelligence in a broad sense combines an individual’s ability to
communicate effectively through understanding the feelings of others and
adapting to their emotional state. The ability to control oneself and organize
relationships wisely plays an important role in an area of activity that
involves direct contact with others. This is important in the field of
professional activity. If general intelligence is a factor of academic success,
then a high level of emotional intelligence allows for professional activity
and success in life. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand
emotions, the ability to understand other people and their personal goals,
aspirations and desires, as well as the ability to manage their emotions and
other people’s emotions in order to solve practical problems. Emotional
intelligence (EQ or EU) is a term developed by two researchers, P.Salovei
and Dj.Mayer, and popularized in 1996 by Daniel Goleman. [8] In "Emotional
Intelligence" D. Goleman spoke about two different levels of consciousness
in a person - rational and emotional consciousness. Rational consciousness
is a means of understanding that we can recognize. It is rich in ideas,
resulting in more perception in the form of knowledge, reflecting the ability
of the mind to think and reason. Emotional consciousness is another system
of knowledge, powerful and impulsive, sometimes seeming illogical. A
similar mechanism of cognition has probably evolved over billions of years.
In life-threatening situations, emotion and intuition controlled our rapid
response. It took a break to think to understand what we wanted to achieve
in life. Ideally, there should be a balance between rationality and emotion
when emotions inspire and motivate us to act on rational consciousness. On
the contrary, the rational mind is disturbed and in some cases prevents the

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manifestation of emotions. All human passions are actually controlled by the
amygdala. He is an excellent expert on emotions. If the activity of the tonsils
is separated from the rest of the brain, this is manifested in the inability to
assess the emotional significance of the events; this phenomenon is
sometimes referred to as “affective, or emotional blindness”.

A person’s highly developed emotional intelligence allows him or her to

develop personal and professional plans more effectively, manage stress
effectively, and communicate effectively with others. Working on
developing it teaches us to understand and manage the origins of at least
some of our unconscious actions.

1. The concept of development of the higher education system of the

Republic of Uzbekistan till 2030 of the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan from October 8, 2019 of No. PF-5847.

2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Action

Strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" //
Collection of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2017 .- (766) -

3. Avdeeva L. I. Emotsionalnyy intellekt studentov - novye aspekty i

rakursy izucheniya / L. I. Avdeeva // XXXIII Itogovaya konferentsiya
obshchestva molodyx uchenyx MGMSU (March-May 2011) / under ed. I. Yu.
Lebedenko. - M .: MGMSU, 2011. V pechati.

4. Andreeva I. N. Vzaimosvyaz emotsionalnogo intellekta i tezaurusa

emotsionalnyx perejivaniy v yunosheskom vozraste / I. N. Andreeva //
Psixologiya i sovremennoe obshchestvo: vzaimodeystvie kak put
vzaimorazvitiya: materialy mejdunar. nauch.-praktich. conferences (St.
Petersburg, April 28-29, 2006). - SPb., 2006.– Ch. 1. - С. 17-21.

5. Vaxrusheva L. N. Guidance on the use of methods of measuring

emotional intelligence (MDEI) / L. N. Vaxrusheva, V. V. Grizodub, A. V.
Sadokova // Psixologicheskaya diagnostika. - 2009. - № 1. - p. 3-44.

6. Goulman D. Emotional intellect / D. Goulman; per. s angl. A. Isaevoy. -

M .: AST, 2008. - 480 p. - (Psychology - luchshee).

7. Derevyanko S. P. The role of emotional intelligence in the process of

social and psychological adaptation of students / S. P. Derevyanko //
Innovatsionnye obrazovatelnye teknologii. - 2007. - № 1 (9). - S. 92-95.

8. Kon I. S. Psixologiya yunosheskogo vozrasta: problemy formirovaniya

lichnosti / I. S. Con. - M .: Prosveshchenie, 1979. - 176 p.

9. Lyusin D. V. Sovremennye predstavleniya ob emotsionalnom

intellekte / D. V. Lyusin // Sotsialnyy intellekt: teoriya, izmerenie,
issledovaniya / pod red. D. V. Lyusina, D. V. Ushakova. - M .: IP RAN, 2004. -
p. 29-36.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


10. Petrovskaya A. S. Emotional intelligence as a determinant of the

resultant parameters and procedural characteristics of the management
action: dis. … Kand. psychol. nauk: 19.00.03 / А. S. Petrovskaya. - Yaroslavl,
2007. - 225 p.

Muzaffarov Samandar Izbasarovich, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute,

Independent researcher


S. Muzaffarov

Abstract: In the article, man and his units are considered to be the

creators and carriers of moral culture. There can be no moral life without a
man. Therefore, attention is drawn to the fact that man and his units are the
core of moral life, the main substantial element of moral culture that makes
up the system, the creator, and carrier of moral culture from generation to
generation. The article aims to identify and substantiate the objects of the
formation of moral culture, the implementation of moral education

Keywords: man, morality, moral culture, substance, moral life, moral


Ethical culture is a part of moral life created by processing to regulate

social relations and educate people. It is the substance, that is, the basis of
moral life. Substantial elements that make up moral culture as a substance
consist of: firstly, man as a moral culture, secondly, the moral needs of
human beings, thirdly, the moral consciousness that arises from the need to
understand moral needs and includes moral goals, plans, etc., fourthly, a
view of human creative activity is moral creativity, which is based on moral
understanding and takes place in parallel with it, fifthly, the results of moral
creativity are the teachings, the manners of behavior, the moral customs and
institutions, sixthly, the application of the results of moral creativity in life.

From the wholeness of the substantial elements that make up moral

culture as a substance, a moral way of life, individual moral relations, moral
tendencies, and behavior are formed. Hence, the six components of moral
culture that make up the above system are the core, that is, the central part
of moral life.

Moral lifestyle, individual moral relations, moral tendencies, and

behavior occur depending on the level of this central part of moral life. In
this system, the first and main substantial element of moral culture is the

Библиографические ссылки

The concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2030 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from October 8, 2019 of No. PF-5847.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Action Strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" // Collection of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2017 .- (766) -son.B.36-37.

Avdeeva L. I. Emotsionalnyy intellekt studentov - novye aspekty i rakursy izucheniya / L. I. Avdeeva // XXX111 Itogovaya konferentsiya obshchestva molodyx uchenyx MGMSU (March-May 2011) / under ed. I. Yu. Lebedenko. - M .: MGMSU, 2011. V pechati.

Andreeva 1. N. Vzaimosvyaz emotsionalnogo intellekta i tezaurusa emotsionalnyx perejivaniy v yunosheskom vozraste / I. N. Andreeva // Psixologiya i sovremennoe obshchestvo: vzaimodeystvie как put vzaimorazvitiya: materialy mejdunar. nauch.-praktich. conferences (St. Petersburg, April 28-29, 2006). - SPb., 2006,- Ch. 1. - C. 17-21.

Vaxrusheva L. N. Guidance on the use of methods of measuring emotional intelligence (MDE1) / L. N. Vaxrusheva, V. V. Grizodub, A. V. Sadokova // Psixologicheskaya diagnostika. - 2009. - № 1. - p. 3-44.

Goulman D. Emotional intellect / D. Goulman; per. s angl. A. Isaevoy. -M .: AST, 2008. - 480 p. - (Psychology - luchshee).

Derevyanko S. P. The role of emotional intelligence in the process of social and psychological adaptation of students / S. P. Derevyanko // Innovatsionnye obrazovatelnye teknologii. - 2007. - № 1 (9). - S. 92-95.

Коп I. S. Psixologiya yunosheskogo vozrasta: problemy formirovaniya lichnosti 11. S. Con. - M .: Prosveshchenie, 1979. - 176 p.

Lyusin D. V. Sovremennye predstavleniya ob emotsionalnom intellekte / D. V. Lyusin // Sotsialnyy intellekt: teoriya, izmerenie, issledovaniya / pod red. D. V. Lyusina, D. V. Ushakova. - M .: IP RAN, 2004. -p. 29-36.

Petrovskaya A. S. Emotional intelligence as a determinant of the resultant parameters and procedural characteristics of the management action: dis.... Kand. psychol. nauk: 19.00.03 I A. S. Petrovskaya. - Yaroslavl, 2007,-225 p.

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