The history of modernization agriculture in Uzbekistan | Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19)

The history of modernization agriculture in Uzbekistan

Akhmedova, U. (2022). The history of modernization agriculture in Uzbekistan . Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(02), 16–22. извлечено от
Umidaxon Akhmedova, Andizhan branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University

Teacher at the department “Humanitarian subjects”



In this article has been analyzed history of modernization agriculture system and constructions and their structures in Uzbekistan and its regions by the helping primary sources and scientific literatures as well.

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the situation of Muslims. Political death is heavy, and national death is even
worse. Under our rule, they have become like this. So there is no reason to
be surprised if there are riots against our sovereignty. There are national
interests that will one day manifest themselves, whether the people are
hungry or full”.

1. Сальков В. Андижанское восстание 1898 г. / В. Сальков. – Казань:

1901. – 129 с.

2. Терентьев М. История завоевания Средней Азии / М. Терентьев.

– Санкт-Петербург: 1906.

3. Лыкошин Н.С. К десятилетию Андижанской резни / Н.С.

Лыкошин // Туркестанский сборник. – Т. 466. – 1910.

4. Остроумов Н. Интересный документ / Н. Остроумов // Вестник

Офицерской школы восточных языков. – 1911. – Вып. 2.

5. Ювачев И. Курбан-Джан датка, каракиргизская царица Алая / И.

Ювачев // Туркестанский сборник. – Т. 471. – 1907.

6. Наливкин В. Туземцы раньше и теперь / В. Наливкин. – Ташкент,

1913. – С. 136.

7. Зиёев Ҳ. Ўзбекистон мустақиллиги учун курашларнинг тарихи.

(Милоддан олдинги асрлардан то 1991 йил 31 августгача). – Тошкент:
Шарқ, 2001. – 189-190-бетлар.

8. Ўзбекистоннинг янги тарихи. Биринчи китоб. Туркистон чор

Россияси мустамлакачилиги даврида. / Тузувчилар Ҳ. Содиқов, Р.
Шамсутдинов, П. Равшанов, Қ. Усмонов. – Тошкент: Шарқ, 2000. – 370-

Umidaxon Akhmedova, Teacher at the department “Humanitarian

subjects” of Andizhan branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University,

Republic of Uzbekistan


U. Akhmedova

Abstract: In this article has been analyzed history of modernization

agriculture system and constructions and their structures in Uzbekistan and
its regions by the helping primary sources and scientific literatures as well.

Keywords: irrigation, reclamation, pumping station, Uzbekistan,

agriculture, reform, water management.

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To begin with as a result of agrarian reforms in the country, radical

structural changes are taking place in agriculture and water management.
Irrigation of new lands is especially important for the development of
agriculture. Irrigation is necessary for everything and it will change, prosper
and give hope for the future. As early as the Eneolithic period of the 4th
millennium BC, irrigated agriculture emerged in the south of Central Asia,
rivers and canals were opened, various crops (barley, wheat, rye) were
planted, and fruit growing was developed. During the Bronze Age,
agriculture based on artificial irrigation formed the basis of the Central
Asian economy. High-yielding forms of irrigated agriculture have led to
decisive changes in society. In particular, as a result of the development of
agriculture, additional products and the appearance of private property

It is known from history that agriculture based on artificial irrigation

was formed and developed in the south of Uzbekistan during the Bronze
Age, and in the Tashkent oasis and the Fergana Valley during the Early Iron
Age. Archaeologists have discovered that the method of irrigation began to
be used about ten thousand years ago. In those days, floodwaters were used
to improve the water regime in the soil. It is known that the Nile, Tigris,
Amudarya, Syrdarya, Zarafshan rivers were irrigated and cultivated several
thousand years ago. Remains of ancient irrigation structures are very
common in places where the signs of irrigation of very old times have
survived to this day.

Irrigation methods have been used in our country since ancient times in

Khorezm, Karakalpakstan, Samarkand, Merv oases, Fergana valley. Remains
of ancient irrigation facilities can be found here at every step. According to
Herodotus, in ancient times, more than 360 artificial irrigation canals and
waterworks were built along the Oks (Amudarya) River, water was pumped
to the desert and desert lands, and arable lands were expanded [1, p.5]. By
the last quarter of the twentieth century, it became clear that Uzbekistan and
neighboring republics, which have ancient traditions and rich experience in
agriculture, have serious problems in the agricultural sector. The former
Soviet Union’s reluctance to take into account local conditions, centuries-old
practices, misuse of land and water, and the cultivation of cotton and other
water-intensive industrial crops in the agricultural culture has caused
serious economic and environmental problems in Uzbekistan. Only after the
restoration of national statehood did it provide an opportunity to address
these problems, initiate reforms in agriculture, develop a new concept of
land and water, and put it into practice immediately. For the Republic, where
two-thirds of the population lives in rural areas and is mainly engaged in
agriculture, the problem of a new approach to land and water was at the
heart of the reforms. In the early years of independence, one of the main

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priorities was to create the necessary conditions for more sustainable
development of agricultural production, land reclamation, increasing their
productivity and, on this basis, increasing crop yields, as well as improving
the organization and financing of irrigation and land reclamation. Today, the
Republic of Uzbekistan has adopted a government program for the efficient
use of water resources. Various decisions and laws are being adopted in the
country to develop this sector.

Improving the reclamation of irrigated lands, development of land

reclamation and irrigation facilities, intensive land reclamation in the
priorities for modernization and accelerated development of agriculture,
identified in the “Strategy of actions on five priority areas of development of
the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021” approved by the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan on February 7, 2017 water and resource-saving,
introduction of modern agro-technologies, use of high-efficiency techniques
[2]. Adoption of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
dated October 29, 2007 PD-3932 “On meAndijan State University named
after Z.M.Boburres to radically improve the system of land reclamation” was
also significant. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
dated April 19, 2013 “On meAndijan State University named after
Z.M.Boburres to improve the reclamation of irrigated lands and further
improve the rational use of water resources”, the Cabinet of Ministers of
June 21, 2013 “On the introduction of drip irrigation and other water-saving
irrigation technologies Resolution of the Government of the Republic of
Uzbekistan” dated August 29, 2015 “On meAndijan State University named
after Z.M.Boburres to effectively organize the financing and socio-economic
development of the Aral Sea region for 2015-2018, a comprehensive
program of meAndijan State University named after Z.M.Boburres to
mitigate the consequences of the Aral Sea disaster” and others [3].

Rational use of water resources is one of the global problems today. In

the context of growing water shortages due to global climate change, it is
important to ensure the efficient use of available water resources and the
widespread introduction of cost-effective irrigation technologies to ensure
guaranteed yields of agricultural crops and food security of the country’s

Foreign investments have been attracted to carry out work in this area

in accordance with international standards. In particular, in accordance with
the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated
September 10, 2008 No PR-957 and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water
Resources dated 26.09.2008 No 165 ‘On meAndijan State University named
after Z.M.Boburres to implement the project" Reconstruction of pumping
station “Ulugnor” in Andizhan region “The pump station was reconstructed
at the expense of foreign investment with the help of a loan from the

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Eximbank of the People’s Republic of China. The total cost of the project
amounted to 11,188,469.0 thousand soums. It should be noted that
according to the agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture and Water
Resources of Uzbekistan and China National Electric Equipment
Corporation of the People’s Republic of China, equipment worth 9,353,048.0
thousand soums was imported from China and training of chefs, fitters and
specialists. work has been done. Construction and installation works
amounted to 1,422,290.0 thousand soums and other expenses amounted to
413,131.0 thousand soums”. In order to ensure the sustainable development
of agricultural production on irrigated lands of Andizhan region, the Joint
Directorate of Construction Enterprises No. 2 is responsible for the
reconstruction of the pump station “Ulugnor”. Pakhtaobod MMC LLC, which
was recognized as the general contractor according to the results of the
tender to determine the contractor for the contract work at the facility,
carried out construction and installation work. Construction and installation
work began in June 2009 and was completed in December 2010. Water
supply will be improved on 4,088 hectares of land in Andizhan region.
Spiritually and technically obsolete, energy-intensive pumps were
abandoned. They were replaced by high-energy, low-energy pumps made in

The Eximbank of the People’s Republic of China provided a loan for the

reconstruction of the Gulbahor-1 pumping station in Jalal-Abad district of
Andijan region, the total cost of the project amounted to 11,797,053.0
thousand soums. In order to ensure the implementation of the Resolution of
the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-1052 of February 2, 2009
and the Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of
06.02.2009 -8 24-8, the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the
Republic of Uzbekistan Equipment in the amount of 9,205,038.0 thousand
soums was delivered by Construction and installation works amounted to
2,067,695.0 thousand soums and other expenses amounted to 524,320.0
thousand soums.

The customer of the object is the Joint Directorate of Construction

Enterprises No. 2, which won the tender for construction and installation
work by “Gidromaxsusmontaj” LLC. Construction and installation work
began in June 2009 and was completed in December 2010. Water supply will
be improved on 3,668 hectares of land in Andizhan region.Extensive work
has also been carried out in the framework of the project for the
reconstruction of the pumping station “Raish - Khakent - 1 - 1k” in Andizhan
district. The loan of the Eximbank of the People’s Republic of China was also
involved in the work on this project, which was carried out in accordance
with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated
September 12, 2008 No. PP-958 and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water

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Resources dated September 26, 2008 No. 164. The total cost of the project is
4,881,412.0 thousand soums. The Ministry of Agriculture and Water
Resources of Uzbekistan and China National Electric Equipment
Corporation of the People's Republic of China imported equipment worth
3,775,570.0 thousand soums. Also, chef-assembly, chef-naladka and training
of specialists were carried out. Construction and installation works
amounted to 890,770.0 thousand soums and other expenses amounted to
215,072.0 thousand soums. The commissioning of this facility was carried
out by the Joint Directorate of Construction Enterprises No. 2, and the








Andizhanmaxsussuvdrenaj LLC. Construction and installation work began
in June 2009 and was completed in December 2010. Water supply will be
improved on 571 hectares of land in Andijan region.

In recent years, several pumping stations have been reconstructed. In

particular, the Shirmonbulak pumping station in Bulakbashi district has
been reconstructed in accordance with the Decree of the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 19, 2013 No PD-1958. The pumping
station was reconstructed at the expense of the Capital Construction Fund
of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources. The total cost of the
project is 2,600,040,274 thousand soums. The customer of the object is the
Joint Directorate of Construction Enterprises No. 2, which won the tender
for construction and installation work by “Gidromaxsusmontaj” LLC.
Construction and installation work began in February 2013 and was
completed in August 2014. Improves water supply of 845 hectares of
irrigated lands in B.Rajapov massif of Bulakbashi district.

Pumping station “Blue Dome” of Andizhan district “Program for 2013-

2017” approved in accordance with the statement of the Cabinet of
Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 4, 2013 No 01-02-70-48
and May 1, 2013 No 01-03 / 1-250 carried out on. The pumping station was
reconstructed at the expense of the Capital Construction Fund of the
Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources. The construction work was
carried out by Gidrospetsmontaj LLC. The total cost of the project is
2,926,160,000 soums. Construction and installation work began in April
2015 and was completed in June 2016. Improves water supply to 401
hectares of irrigated land. The pump station “Raish - Khakent – 2” in Asaka
district was built in accordance with the Decree of the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 22, 2014 No PP - 2166 and the order of
the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources dated April 22, 2014 No 97.
The pumping station was reconstructed at the expense of foreign
investment. China IPPR International Engineering Corporation Co.Ltd of the
People's Republic of China provided equipment worth 11,666,411,911,000
soums and carried out assembly work, training of chefs and specialists.

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Construction and installation works amounted to 6,202,258,207 thousand
soums and other costs amounted to 780,871,745 thousand soums, the total
cost of the project was 18,649,541,863 thousand soums. The construction
work was carried out by Andijanmaxsussuvdrenaj LLC. Construction and
installation work began in September 2015 and was completed in October
2016. Prior to the reconstruction, 877 hectares of arable land were irrigated
with the water extracted by this pump station. After the reconstruction of
the pumping station, the area of eein connected to the pumping station was
3260 hectares.

Asaka adir pumping station of Markhamat district was built in

accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
dated April 22, 2014 No. PD-2167 and the order of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Water Resources dated April 22, 2014 No. 97. The pumping
station was reconstructed at the expense of foreign investment. Equipment
worth 11,660,038,359,000 soums was delivered by China IPPR
International Engineering Corporation Co.Ltd of the People’s Republic of
China, and chef-assembler, chef-fitter and specialist training were carried
out. Construction and installation works amounted to 5,052,862,269
thousand soums, other costs - 596,330.0 thousand soums and the purchase
of equipment - 525,840.0 thousand soums, the total cost of the project is
17,835,070,628 thousand soums. The construction work was carried out by
Jalakududdavsuvmaxsuspudrat LLC. Construction and installation work
began in September 2015 and was completed in March 2016. Prior to the
reconstruction, 2,769 hectares of cropland were irrigated with water
extracted using this pumping station.After the reconstruction of the
pumping station, the crop area connected to the pumping station was 3,659
hectares. It should be noted that in addition to the reconstructed pumping
stations, several new ones have been launched in recent years.

Pumping station “Qurama” of Izbaskan district was implemented under

the project “Construction of pumping station” Qurama “to improve the water
supply of farms in Izbaskan district”, approved by the Protocol of the
Scientific and Technical Council under the Ministry of Agriculture and Water
Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 31, 2016 No 25 . The
pump station was newly built at the expense of the Capital Construction
Fund of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources. The construction
work was carried out by SUE “Jalakudukdavsuvmaxsuspudrat”. The total
cost of the project is 2,173,748,815,000 soums. Construction and
installation work began in August 2016 and was completed in December
2016. Attached area is 288 hectares.

According to the statement of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of

Uzbekistan No. 06-06 / 1495 dated June 13, 2012, the pumping station
“Boghi-Bobur” of Andizhan district was implemented under the project

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“Construction of the pumping station” Boghi-Bobur in Andizhan district of
Andizhan region. The pump station was newly built at the expense of the
Capital Construction Fund of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water
Resources. The construction work was carried out by SUE
“Jalakudukdavsuvmaxsuspudrat”. The total cost of the project is
219,899,668 thousand soums. Construction and installation work began in
October 2012 and was completed in December 2013. The attached area is
86 hectares.

Pump station “JFK” of Khojaabad district was implemented in

accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
dated December 23, 2016 No PD-2697 on the project “Construction of a
pumping station in the South Ferghana canal in Khojaabad district of
Andizhan region”. The pump station was newly built at the expense of the
Capital Construction Fund of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water
Resources. The construction work was carried out by Gidrospetsmontaj LLC.
The total cost of the project is 27,474,862,172,000 soums. Construction and
installation work began in June 2016 and was completed in December 2018.
The attached area is 2800 hectares.

The widespread introduction of water-saving technologies in our

country, the use of facilities created by the state for this purpose, contributes
to the development of agricultural production and further increase the
welfare of our people. As a result of the expansion of irrigation networks, the
timely supply of water to farmers is yielding positive results. The
unprecedented expansion of irrigation networks, combined with a high
degree of mechanization of agricultural work and the use of advanced
agricultural machinery, serves to increase the productivity of farmers.

1. R.Shamsutdinov, H.Muminov History of Uzbekistan. -Andizhan, 2011.
2. Scientific-methodical pamphlet on the study of the State Program for

the implementation of the Action Strategy on the five priority areas of
development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 in the “Year of
dialogue with the people and the interests of man”. Tashkent, 2017.

3.M.Turdiboeva Rational use of land and water resources: problems,

history and results // Spiritual-educational and political maturity - a
guarantee of social development.-T .: 2016. 165 p.

4. From the 2010 report of the Naryn-Karadarya Irrigation Systems

Basin Department.

5. From the 2014 report of the Naryn-Karadarya Irrigation Systems

Basin Department.

6. From the 2016 report of the Naryn-Karadarya Irrigation Systems

Basin Department.

Библиографические ссылки

R.Shamsutdinov, H.Muminov History of Uzbekistan. -Andizhan, 2011.

Scientific-methodical pamphlet on the study of the State Program for the implementation of the Action Strategy on the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 in the "Year of dialogue with the people and the interests of man". Tashkent, 2017.

M.Turdiboeva Rational use of land and water resources: problems, history and results // Spiritual-educational and political maturity - a guarantee of social development.-T.: 2016.165 p.

From the 2010 report of the Naryn-Karadarya Irrigation Systems Basin Department.

From the 2014 report of the Naryn-Karadarya Irrigation Systems Basin Department.

From the 2016 report of the Naryn-Karadarya Irrigation Systems Basin Department.

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