Translation of proverbs and sayings from english into russian, and its peculiarities

Khaydarova, C. (2022). Translation of proverbs and sayings from english into russian, and its peculiarities. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(02), 164–166. извлечено от
Charos Khaydarova, Kokand University

A teacher of the English language



The article contains a classification of proverbs and sayings according to their meaning, usage and lexical composition, touches on the reasons causing difficulties in translation. It shows the factors that affect the translation of proverbs and sayings, the problems encountered in this process and their solutions. The article emphasizes the importance and the role of the paremic layer of the language, as well as definitions of proverbs and sayings. It is worth noting that the recommendations that are given in the article are both theoretical and practical. The article discusses proverbs and sayings in accordance with the topic

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


procedure, some particular mental tasks, over the span of which based on
the past information the classification of the new information happens
which is thought about the degree of new etymological units event.

1. Александрова, О.В. Когнитивная функция языка в свете

функционального подхода к его изучению // Когнитивные аспекты
языковой категори-зации. – Рязань, 2000. – С. 151 – 153.

2. Ахманова, О.С. Словарь лингвистических терминов / О. С.

Ахманова. – М.: Сов. Энциклопе- дия, 1969. –608с.

3. Гречко, В.А. Теория языкознания: Учеб.пособие / В.А. Гречко. –

М.: Высшая школа, 2003. – 375 с.

4. Словообразование в современном английском языке: учебное

пособие / А.Н. Ильина, С.Г.Кибасова. – СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУЭФ, 2012. – 90

5. Кубрякова, Е.С. Когнитивная лингвистика и проблемы

композиционной семантики в сфере словообразования / Е.С.
Кубрякова // Известия АН.Сер. Литературы и языка. – 2002. – Т. 61, No
1. – С. 13–24

6. Dancygier, B. The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics.

Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Charos Khaydarova, A teacher of the English language, Kokand University,



Ch. Khaydarova

Abstract: The article contains a classification of proverbs and sayings

according to their meaning, usage and lexical composition, touches on the
reasons causing difficulties in translation. It shows the factors that affect the
translation of proverbs and sayings, the problems encountered in this
process and their solutions. The article emphasizes the importance and the
role of the paremic layer of the language, as well as definitions of proverbs
and sayings. It is worth noting that the recommendations that are given in
the article are both theoretical and practical. The article discusses proverbs
and sayings in accordance with the topic.

Keywords: equivalent, monoequivalent, polyequivalent, phraseological

unit, translation, grammatical plan, figurative plan, paremic layer.

Proverbs should be distinguished from sayings. In the dictionary of

Russian proverbs and sayings V.P. Zhukovby proverbs means short folk

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sayings that have both a literal and figurative plan or only a figurative plan
and, in grammatical terms, comprise complete sentences. Sayings mean
short folk sayings that have only a literal plan and grammatically represent
complete sentences.In a comparative analysis of English proverbs and
sayings, we came to the conclusion that the proverbs always teach, give
advice and imply the possibility of not making a mistake, while the sayings
only analyze what happened.

The main difficulties in translating English proverbs and sayings, in our

opinion, are that proverbs and sayings are a kind of reflection of the picture
of the world, worldview, values and cultural traditions of their people. It is
often difficult for a translator to interpret proverbs and sayings containing
realities (toponyms, anthroponyms, hydronyms) that are easily perceived
by native speakers. But the problem is not only in translation. After all, the
work of the translator is to create the translation that is most adequate for
the recipient to understand, and this means choosing the best equivalent for
the translated proverb and saying. There are many classifications of
methods for translating the paremic layer of the language. In their scientific
article “Some features of the translation of proverbs and sayings from
English into Russian”, Kazakhstan authors N.M. Zhalgasov and V.Usenova
distinguish the following ways of translating proverbs and sayings:

1. Translation using equivalents. Monoequivalent - constant equivalent

match. Polyequivalents are two or more equivalents of English proverbs into
the translated language, of which the best one is selected for translation.

2. The tracing method is used when translating, without equivalent

units, the source language into the translated language. Tracing can be:
a.omplete; b. partial;

3. An analogue is the result of a translation by analogy by selecting one

of several synonyms.4. A descriptive translation is to convey the meaning of
the proverb of the original with the help of a more or less common
explanation. It serves to explain the elements of the original of a purely
national character.The author of many fundamental works, textbooks and
scientific articles Kunin A.V., in turn, provides the following classification of
methods for translating proverbs and sayings:1. Full equivalents 2. Partial
equivalents:a. partial lexical equivalent;b. partial grammatical equivalent;3.
Tracing or literal translation of phraseological units in the presence of full
or partial equivalent.4. Literalism5. Overtone translation6. Descriptive
translationV.N. Komissarov, L.F. Dmitrieva, S.E. Kuntsevich, E.A.
Martinkevich, N.F. Smirnova distinguish four main ways of translating
figurative phraseology:1. Phraseological equivalent method2. Method of
phraseological analogue3. Literal translation of phraseological units
(tracing)4. Descriptive translationHaving studied a number of classical and
modern works in the field of translation of phraseological units, proverbs

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and sayings, we can say the following: there are several ways to translate
English proverbs and sayings into Russian, which are part of the
classifications. The classification data are constructed by the authors
depending on the degree of completeness of the transmission of the meaning
of the proverb and saying, the selection of correspondence in the language
of translation, the transformational method of translation. The main task of
the translator is to understand, analyze and rethink the proverb or saying
before choosing an adequate way to translate it. This directly depends on
how the recipient of the translation will perceive and appreciate the
translated phraseological unit. Would like to study some of the most striking
examples of the translation of modern English proverbs and sayings into

1. Appetite comes with eating.—Аппетит приходит вовремя

еды.2. To read between the lines.—Читать между строк. Analyzing the
translation method used in this case we are faced with the full equivalent, or
rather the mono equivalent of the English phraseological unit. Here, the
translation coincides completely with the original in meaning, lexical
composition, imagery, stylistic orientation and grammatical structure.

3. To make amountain out of a molehill. — Делать из мухи слона.4. То

tell tale sout of school. — Выносить сору из избы. 5. To kill two birds with
one stone. — Убить двух зайцев одним выстрелом.


Kunin A.V. Phraseology course of modern English.


Zhukov V.P. Dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings // Library of

Russian dictionaries, 2000.


Zhalgasov N.V., Usenova V. "Some features of the translation of

proverbs and sayings from English into Russian" [Electronic resource] -
Access mode. - URL:


Komissarov V.N. Translation and interpretation. // Notebooks of the


Библиографические ссылки

Kunin A.V. Phraseology course of modern English.

Zhukov V.P. Dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings // Library of Russian dictionaries, 2000.

Zhalgasov N.V., Usenova V. "Some features of the translation of proverbs and sayings from English into Russian" [Electronic resource] -Access mode. - URL:

Komissarov V.N. Translation and interpretation. // Notebooks of the translator.

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