Functions of service activities in modern society

Arslonov, F. (2022). Functions of service activities in modern society. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(04), 102–106. извлечено от


Currently, the definition of specific features of terms is becoming increasingly relevant in connection with a significant expansion of intercultural relations. Linguoculturologyis a section of linguistics that studies the relationship between language and cultural concepts. Of particular importance in the article is the study of dictionaries associated with cultural symbols in the field of terminology

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Effective ways of ensuring spiritual development, personal

development and social activity of the child are put forward. This manual,
with its unique pedagogical aspects, serves to improve the methodological
support of preschool education, enriching the content of spiritual education.

Observations show that in the modern pedagogical system, the sphere

of preschool education was relatively updated and improved. Accordingly,
the enrichment of preschool institutions with the necessary methodological
resources, the provision of didactic materials will remain one of the most
pressing and topical issues.


The order of the Minister of Preschool Education of the Republic of

Uzbekistan dated June 18, 2018. “On the approval of state requirements for
the development of young children and preschool children of the Republic
of Uzbekistan”.


Baxtli bola ma’naviyati. \\ Methodological manual on the spiritual

education of children aged 3-7 years.\\RMMM. –T.: “Muharrir”, 2019.


O‘rta Osiyo pedagogik fikr taraqqiyotidan lavhalar. – T.: “Fan”, 1996.


P. Yusupova. Maktabgacha tarbiya pedagogikasi. – T., “O‘qituvchi”,



R.Mavlonova, O.To‘rayeva, U.Xoliqberdiyev. Pedagogika. – T.,

“O‘qituvchi”, 2001.

F.M. Arslonov, Republican Research Centre for Development

of Innovative Methods in Teaching Foreign Languages


F. Arslonov

Abstract: Currently, the definition of specific features of terms is

becoming increasingly relevant in connection with a significant expansion
of intercultural relations. Linguoculturologyis a section of linguistics that
studies the relationship between language and cultural concepts. Of
particular importance in the article is the study of dictionaries associated
with cultural symbols in the field of terminology.

Keywords: Culture, linguoculturology, production service, distribution

service, professional service, consumer service, public service.

A service can be defined as a product of labor, the beneficial effect of

which is not in the form of a thing, but in the form of activity directed at a
thing or a person. The service is aimed at the thing or person. It exists only
in the process of its production. Production and consumption of services
allows us to change the usefulness of things or the nature of human life.

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There are various classifications and types of services, and each of these

classifications reflects a specific approach to the analysis of service
activities. There are five general types of services:

1) production service - engineering, leasing, maintenance and repair of

equipment; reefer (a shortened name for a refrigerated container) -
sovutgich(repair service) etc.

2) distribution service- trade, transport, communication; a commodity -

tovar ,xomashyo ; fair value - haqiqiyqiymat (trade); bulk cargo - yuk tashish;
(transport) etc

3) professional service - banking, insurance, financial, consulting,

advertising; affidavit – vakolatnoma; bank custodian - bank xodimi (banking)

4) consumer service - the so-called mass services associated with the

household and pastime; troubleshooting - muammolarnibartarafqilish;
nosozliklarnituzatish and etc.

5) public service - television, radio, education, culture.
broadcasting - eshittiruv, ko’rsatuv; bandwidth - tarmoqkengligi and etc.
A more systematic classification of services divides them according to

the principle of materiality or non-materiality into four classes.

1) actions aimed at the human div. Such services are provided by

health care, passenger transport, beauty salons and hairdressers, sports
facilities, restaurants and cafes.

2) actions aimed at goods and other physical objects. This is the work of

trucks, repair and maintenance of equipment, security, maintenance of
cleanliness and order, veterinary services.

3) actions aimed at human consciousness. This includes education, radio

and television broadcasting, information services, theaters, museums.

4) actions with intangible assets. These can be banking, legal and

consulting services, insurance. Services can be divided into tangible and
intangible. The first are aimed at satisfying material needs, for example,
public services and transport services, health care, and public catering.
Intangible services satisfy spiritual needs, such as education, counseling,
and the provision of information.

Standardized and creative services differ in the degree of their

systematization. Standard types of services are provided according to strict
rules. Creative services can be shaped and changed according to the
individual requirements of the consumer.

Personal and collective services are aimed at different consumers. Some

services, such as tutoring and medical activity, are useful only for certain
individuals. Other services, on the contrary, are always provided to entire
groups of people: lecturer services in the student audience, the provision of

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public order by the state, transportation by public transport, and the work
of the media.

Production and non-production services are carried out in various areas

of society. For example, transportation of goods and maintenance of
equipment can be attributed to the production sector, and health care
services, culture, tourism, recreation, etc., to non-production.

Commercial and non-commercial services differ in the ultimate goal. The

first are produced for the purpose of profit and other commercial benefits.
The latter are not aimed at profitability. These include the services of
charitable foundations and organizations, a number of public services such
as the defense of the country, the maintenance of public order, care for
education and the health of its citizens. As the standard of living increases,
the share of commercial services increases. This leads to a differentiation of
the level of service depending on the effective demand of people.[1-16]

According to the form of organization of services, they can be divided

into state and non-state. The main difference between these types of services
is that, in principle, public services cannot be provided by anyone except the
state. These are services for the defense of the country, maintaining public
security, keeping a record of citizens, registration of means of transport, state
registration of commercial transactions, for example, real estate transactions.

Services are divided into pure and mixed. Net service is the only activity

of the manufacturer - specialized production services. The mixed service
accompanies inventory holdings, facilitating their circulation and making
them more attractive to the consumer. This is, for example, pre-sale and
after-sales service, the accompanying act of sale of goods.

Legitimate and illegitimate services differ in relation to them of the state

and society. Legitimate services are endorsed by the state and society;
illegitimate services are condemned and usually prosecuted. Services that
satisfy needs that in a given society are considered reasonable, useful,
approved are recognized as legitimate.

Services can be divided into personal and impersonal. Personal services

are valued primarily for communication with the distinctive features of a
person with exceptional professional qualities. These are the services of
doctors, lawyers, psychoanalysts, prominent artists and musicians, scientists,

The impersonal is usually referred to as simpler services, the

performance of which has little effect on the identity of the person who
provides them trade, transportation, repair and maintenance. One specialist
in the field of service can be replaced quite easily by another specialist of
about the same qualifications.

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In addition, services vary in a variety of other classification features. All

of them allow you to set off and analyze the various functions of service
activities in modern society.

The modern language of English services sector is characterized by the

preservation of the variation of terminological units, designated as
terminological units with a cultural (historical-territorial) component of
meaning based on research in the field of linguoculturology.It is necessary
to consider the correlation of culture, cultural component of meaning and
their dependence on historical and territorial factors. The interrelation of
terms in lexicographical sources with linguistic culturology is significant and
obvious for all industry and service sector terminologies and terminological

Terms and common words based on contextual dependence and the

presence of equivalents in other languages and cultures does not apply to
terminological units with a cultural component of meaning. It is the inherent
characteristics of terms, on the one hand, and vocabulary with a cultural
component of meaning or a vocabulary denoting reality, on the other hand,
determines the features of these units.

It should be noted that the cultural component is usually considered in

cultural linguistics as applied to common vocabulary. G. D. Tomakhin writes
about “vocabulary with a cultural component of the culture (words with a
cultural component)” as words whose semantics reflect the originality of
culture. Moreover, the cultural component of the meaning of the word is
inherent, first of all, the so-called “non-equivalent vocabulary” and is
revealed when comparing languages serving different cultures.[3]

In the field of terminology, studies of culturally-marked vocabulary are

of particular importance. It should be noted that studying the cultural
component in the English-language service sector terminology, it is
necessary to consider realities as phenomena of legal reality and the
corresponding historical-territorial legal culture.

Thus, consideration of such problems of modern terminology as the

status and ambiguity of the term, as well as the ratio of terms and realities,
provides the basis for the study of the specifics of sectoral terminological
systems containing terminological units with both a certain degree of
terminology and the properties of geographically marked vocabulary
denoting cultural realities.

The composition of the language, the terms are a characteristic linguistic

array, and their features are determined by both the internal laws of
language development and the established socio-cultural relations in
society. Comprehending how the national characteristics of a people are
manifested through language is always difficult for foreigners, but at the
same time, they are of interest and important for working in a foreign

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


audience. Currently, the identification of the specifics of terms is becoming
increasingly relevant due to the significant expansion of intercultural

Linguoculturology is a branch of linguistics that studies the relationship

between language and cultural concepts. Cultural linguistics accelerates the
theoretical and analytical progress of both cognitive science (including the
study of complex systems and the distribution of cognitive abilities) and
anthropology. Cultural linguistics explores how different languages reflect
cultural concepts, including cultural patterns, cultural categories, and
cultural metaphors, using their features.[2-37]

In the framework of cultural linguistics, language is considered to be

rooted at the group, cultural level of knowledge. The approaches of cultural
linguistics are already applied in some branches of applied linguistics,
including intercultural communication, mastering the second language and
contact of the English language in social life through words, phrases and
terms of different spheres and sectors of society as well as the sector of


Palumbo G. Key Terms in Translation Studies, Bloomsbury Publishng,

2009. P.16


Munday J. Inroducing Translation Studies. Theories and Applications.

London/New Yourk: Routledge, 2001, p. 37


Z.Ashurova, Republican Research Centre for Development of Innovative

Methods in Teaching Foreign Languages


(linguistic-cultural aspect)


Abstract: The article considers the entry of consumer and domestic

services into the non-production and production services sector. It turned
out that household services are distinguished by socio-economic methods
and forms of directly satisfying the material and spiritual needs of people,
regardless of their professional and social activities.

Keywords: Household service, consumer, socio-economic methods,

public service, lexical content, syntactic content.

Библиографические ссылки

Palumbo G. Key Terms in Translation Studies, Bloomsbury Publishng, 2009. P.16

Munday J. Inroducing Translation Studies. Theories and Applications. London/New Yourk: Routledge, 2001, p. 37

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