Theoretical and practical methodology of the process of understanding psychological knowledge in students

Yusupjonova, I. (2022). Theoretical and practical methodology of the process of understanding psychological knowledge in students . Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(04), 184–189. извлечено от
Iroda Yusupjonova, Andijan State University

teacher of psychology



Clarification of practical and theoretical significance of psychological sciences in education from the scientific point of view, comparison of their vital psychological knowledge with scientifictheoretical psychological knowledge. it is important to understand the theoretical foundations of application in practice

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depends on human behavior (reactions) and the environmental conditions
(stimuli) that govern them (1971). In his view, a person’s behavior in
relation to reality is largely driven by unpleasant warnings: punishment and
negative reinforcement (1983).

An important aspect for the phenomenological direction of personality

formation is that the understanding of human behavior depends on the
study of his subjective perception of reality. The most important aspect of
psychological research is the study of a person’s subjective experiences.

1. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology: Textbook. for higher. textbook.

institutions. - M .: Aspect Press, 2010.

2. Andreeva G.M. Social psychology today. Searches and reflections. - M

.: NOU UPU MPSI, 2009.

3. Krysko V.G. Social Psychology: Textbook. for stud. higher textbook.

institutions. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

4.B.D. Parygin. Social psychology. Origins and prospects. - SPb .:

SPbGUP, 2010.

Iroda Yusupjonova, teacher of psychology, Andijan State University,





Abstract: Clarification of practical and theoretical significance of

psychological sciences in education from the scientific point of view,
comparison of their vital psychological knowledge with scientific-
theoretical psychological knowledge. it is important to understand the
theoretical foundations of application in practice.

Keywords: Psychological knowledge, intellectual ability, psychological

qualitative and quantitative analysis; modern methods; personal quality;
talented professional; cooperation activities, interpersonal relationships:
equal member; social motive; understanding knowledge; learning motives.

In solving problems in the study of modern psychology, it is desirable to

provide young professionals with a thorough knowledge of methods of
teaching psychology, modern methods of psychological qualitative and

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quantitative analysis, based on the analysis of research in the field of world

Availability of methods, techniques, tests, questionnaires, modern

equipment, laboratory instructions, training, computer programs,
workshops, methods of using psychological cabinets and manuals adapted
to local conditions and the full range of human characteristics manifested as
factors in improving science teaching. One of the most important tasks of
modern personnel is to rationally organize the work of others in a way that
recognizes their abilities, individuality, personal qualities and
characteristics as qualified professionals and to act as a talented
professional in other areas of socially useful work. It must be acknowledged
that the role of the science of psychology in the study of the laws of the
human psyche is great here.

"Psychology" as a subject is taught in higher and secondary special

education in all countries of the world and in the upper grades of school
education in some countries (USA).

From foreign countries, Harvard, Columbia, Cambridge, Oxford, London

(UK), Mokreol (Canada), Paris (France), Berlin (Germany), Prague (Czech
Republic) and Warsaw (Poland) are the main centers of psychology
education. Views in the field of psychology, in turn, were the basis for
advancing a particular doctrine. In particular, the study of humanistic ideas
in psychology abroad, mainly in the United States in an independent field
called "Humanistic Psychology", in the scientific direction of S. Buhler,
(mental development) A. Maslow (needs, high perceptions, hierarchy), (K.
Rodgier (self-awareness and self-improvement), R. Allport (mental
development). Their teachings reflect the peculiarities of the individual, that
is, the ideas of self-improvement, self-activation, self-awareness, the full
realization of their inner potential, and are aimed at the formation of high
feelings in people. In this way they help to substantiate certain concepts in
the development of the science of psychology. But we have tried to make
their neglected modernity the core of our research. One of the important
aspects of the field of humanistic psychology is the recognition of the
important aspects of the person (abstract), not as an object of research as a
passive person, but as a co-operative activity, an equal member of
interpersonal relationships. But there are also weaknesses in this doctrine,
which argue that activism is manifested in an overestimation of a person’s
biopsychological (biological factors, innate, trait traits, temperament)
conditions. However, man is a product of social relations, a social
environment. Nevertheless, even today, the advanced ideas, systems, and
research methods of humanistic psychology have retained their relevance.
Representatives of humanistic psychology create an opportunity to
assimilate humanistic ideas in higher education through the analysis of the

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collected results on the basis of national psychology, social harmony,
specific environment, regional characteristics.

As in all fields, the development of the field of psychology, ensuring the

psychological literacy of all professionals and some aspects of the problems
of teaching psychological sciences have been studied by a number of world
psychologists and have developed certain methods based on their research.
Their research was considered one of the main tools in understanding
psychological knowledge. That is why their research results are being used.

The research conducted by foreign psychologists has not lost its

relevance today. But theoretical analysis shows that almost little work has
been done on the problems of the process of understanding psychological
knowledge. When we analyze the research conducted by psychologists, we
can see that understanding plays a big role not only in mastering and
acquiring knowledge, but also in absorbing it into our minds. At the same
time, of course, we can see in the analysis of the work of the following
scientists that the use of various effective methods of education allows to
achieve good results.

American psychologist P. Eckman (1993) in his works emphasizes the

importance of emotional response in the teaching of psychology, the
understanding of psychological concepts is a key criterion in personal
activity. Of course, the emotional state of students is also important in
teaching, because the process of exposure acquires a specific character in
the reception of knowledge. In our opinion, it is not accidental that in the
organization of classes, the individual psychological state of students is also
taken into account. In other words, it is expedient for the student to learn to
control his emotions, not to give in to excessive emotions and self-control,
to adequately evaluate their activities. Only then will the student fully
understand the content of the knowledge and be able to master it well. Also,
in teaching and explaining certain concepts, i.e. psychological terms, by
studying the effects of students on stimuli, it helps to form and strengthen
the emotional volitional qualities. This means that while preventing
emotional tensions in the acquisition of knowledge by students, they have
the conditions to develop skills and competencies in mastering and adapting
to scientific sources. As a result, educational effectiveness is achieved. In
order to understand each psychological term, students need to know.
Therefore, if they use a glossary of terms in the classroom, they will be able
to achieve effective results. It is known that not all students fully use the
explanatory dictionary of psychology. Especially non-specialist students. To
do this, it is advisable to develop students' vocabulary skills. Effective results
can be achieved if this process is approached in a professional manner. This
is an important tool in increasing knowledge comprehension and cognitive
activity. It is well known that it is important to take into account the age of

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the individual in expanding the opportunities for the organization of
education and the use of its effective methods. We can learn this from the
ideas put forward by the American psychologist D. Elkind (1968). In his
opinion, it is possible to take into account the age of the individual in the
organization of education and increase its effectiveness, to achieve effective
results in the acquisition of knowledge. (Internet Information; Mental
Development in Youth, Understanding Maturity - 2nd Edition Boston Allyn
& Bacon, 2003, pp. 423-425b). Of course, in order to improve the teaching
of psychology in today's education system, it is important to take the age of
the individual based on social psychological characteristics. Because each
age period involves certain stages of learning. Accordingly, teaching is also
organized from simple to complex. In this process, it is natural to observe
that the characteristics of students ’understanding of simple knowledge in
the first stage become more complex as they move on to higher levels. In our
opinion, in the process of developing John Elkind's ideas and acquiring
knowledge on the basis of today's reforms and fully understanding its
essence, it is expedient to take into account the educational process
organized on the basis of modern technologies and children's age and
individual psychological characteristics. This increases learning activity in
students and achieves mastery efficiency.

E.. In his writings, Erickson (1964) emphasized the importance of

emotion and responsibility in the development of science and the
refinement of his scientific research, especially in the inculcation of concepts
of personality psychology in the minds of students. (Internet data; Insig, and
responsibility. New York. Norton. P.G. Geen.1991. 375) While emphasizing
that the influence of social consciousness and social factors is expressed as
a factor in the reflection of this or that process in the mental development of
the individual, as long as the effectiveness of the organization depends on
the social environment and the socialization of the individual. That is, he
considers social psychological features to be the primary means of
understanding knowledge. He also pays special attention to the place of
social motives. It seeks to prove that learning motives in the acquisition of
knowledge by students and their understanding of the essence of the
content, the formation of learning motives based on the content of social
influence. ((Social motivation). (Internet data Social motivation. Renual
.Review of Psychology.42.377-399). Other foreign psychologists (R.T. Hare-
Mustin and L.Marekel) also try to explain the essence of mental development
through the doctrine of the subconscious (postmodernization). (internet
data “The meaningof difference: Gender theory postmodernism? and
psaycolojy Hare.- Mustin.R.T. & Marecer.L. 1998 American psycholojist. 455-

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On the various district properties and methods of S.K. Kobasa's

disclosure of the essence of all psychological concepts (1987 Internet data).
S.L. Kraus (1995) on the role of demonstration in the acquisition of
knowledge, R.S. Lazarus on the need for emotional stability in the
understanding of knowledge (1994 Internet data), L.E. Doix about
ownership, (91. 92. 93 internet data) and A.H. Maslow. (1970 internet data)
Scientific data such as the hierarchy of needs are of great importance in the
development of the field of psychology. Their thoughts and ideas are still
having a practical effect in the teaching of psychology. By studying and
analyzing their research and ideas, we have identified factors for
improvement in the understanding and assimilation of knowledge with the
help of modern technologies. At this point, it is important that students work
on topics that are independent of general psychology, age, and social
psychology. The work of several other authors, Farberman (1999) and his
comments on this issue show the unique possibilities and aspects of
improving science. In the process of getting acquainted with scientific
sources, we have a program of 25 chapters (Nemov R.S.), a plan of 46
lectures (Tikhomirov OK), a program of 12 lectures (Makarova I.V.) in the
teaching of psychology and its main categories. We observed that they
proposed a plan consisting of 8 chapters (Borozdina G.V.).

Rational explanation and vivid modeling of the connection of

theoretical problems with practical life, increases their importance on the
basis of their analysis, leads the student to follow the example of human
qualities, characteristics and attributes. Opportunities will be created to
increase the effectiveness of education.

So, in order to acquire knowledge, it is necessary to understand first, so

that we realize that self-awareness and self-control is a unique process, with
the possibility of perfect knowledge of our own psychic world. The above
theoretical analysis argues that the study of this problem by psychologists,
the organization of research work is an ongoing work.

1. Karimov I.A. Barkamolavlod - the basis of development of

Uzbekistan.- T .: 1998.- 64 p.

2. Ayzenk M. Psychology for beginners. Peter, 2000.
3. Badmaev B.Ts. Methods of teaching psychology.M .: Vlados, 2001. 304


4. Qodirov B. "Reforms in the education system, goals and directions." T

.: Uzbekistan - 2000.

5. Karimova. V.M., Akramova. F.A., Ochilova.G, O,., Pedagogical

psychology. textbook. Toshkent.2007

6. Goziev E.G. Behavioral psychology. T-2001.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


7. GozievEG Psychology of ontogeny T.2010.
8. G'ozievE.G. General Psychology T.2010

Mavluda Tursunova, TIIAME Bukhara branch


M. Tursunova

Abstract. This article discusses the analysis of homophones in Spanish.

Also can see a variety of homophones in Spanish language. There are some
differences in pronunciation.

Keywords. Homophones, words, pronunciation, phonetic structure,

analysis, vocabulary, rules.

A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same (to varying extent)

as another word but differs in meaning. A homophone may also differ in
spelling. The two words may be spelled the same, as in rose (flower) and
rose (past tense of rise), or differently, as in rain, reign, and rein. The term
"homophone" may also apply to units longer or shorter than words, such as
phrases, letters, or groups of letters which are pronounced the same as
another phrase, letter, or group of letters. Any unit with this property is said
to be "homophonous".

This means that in homonyms the phonetic structure and pronunciation

of words are the same, while in homophones only the pronunciation is the
same and the phonetic structure differs in one sound. In this article we will
consider the analysis of homophones in Spanish.

a: предлог- ah: восклицание; abrazarse: обниматься -abrasarse:

гореть, сгореть.

acerbo: кислый - acervo: наследство; aprender: изучать- aprehender:


arrollo 1. Обматывать рулон -arroyo: 1. Горный ручей 2.течение,


It should be noted that in Spanish the letter h is not pronounced, and the

double letter ll gives the sound y.

as: 1.профессионал 2. Туз (карта)-haz: спряжение глагола hacer
asia: материк - hacia: предлог ato: спряжение глагола atar -hato:

uncha kata bo`lmagan poda

basto: грубый -vasto: огромный ; bacante: вахканка - vacante:


bacilo: бактерия turi- vacilo: спряжение глагола vacilar

Библиографические ссылки

Karimov LA. Barkamolavlod - the basis of development of Uzbekistan.- T.: 1998,- 64 p.

Ayzenk M. Psychology for beginners. Peter, 2000.

Badmaev B.Ts. Methods of teaching psychology.M .: Vlados, 2001.304 s.

Qodirov B. "Reforms in the education system, goals and directions." T .: Uzbekistan - 2000.

Karimova. V.M., Akramova. F.A., Ochilova.G, O,., Pedagogical psychology, textbook. Toshkent.2007

Goziev E.G. Behavioral psychology. T-2001.

GozievEG Psychology of ontogeny T.2010.

G'ozievE.G. General Psychology T.2010

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