Employment problems and solutions of employment during the coronavirus pandemic

Rahmonov, N. (2022). Employment problems and solutions of employment during the coronavirus pandemic . Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(06), 147–151. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/scientific-research-covid-19/article/view/8618
Nodirjon Rahmonov, Kokand university, the faculty of Business and Education




This article is about the problems and solutions of employment during the Coronavirus pandemic, the reasons for the pandemic slowing down the economy, the unemployment and direct loss of income due to the closure of enterprises and firms. As well as, special attention was paid to some recommendations and ideas on mitigating the impact of the global economic crisis on incomes and living standarts in the Republic of Uzbekistan

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Rahmonov Nodirjon Rahmonjon o’g’li teacher of Kokand university, the

faculty of Business and Education.



Rahmonov N

Abstract: This article is about the problems and solutions of

employment during the Coronavirus pandemic, the reasons for the
pandemic slowing down the economy, the unemployment and direct loss of
income due to the closure of enterprises and firms. As well as, special
attention was paid to some recommendations and ideas on mitigating the
impact of the global economic crisis on incomes and living standarts in the
Republic of Uzbekistan.

Keywords: unemployment, epidemic, COVID 2019, gross domestic

product (GDP), economic downturn, pandemic.

Unemployment is a process when a part of the economically active

population is unable to find a decent job and becomes a labor force.
Unemployment is one of the major socio-economic problems that directly
affect human interests. For many people, losing their jobs leads to a decline
in the standard of living of the family, the turmoil of private life, and a serious
psychological impact on the person.

In the current economic life, unemployment is manifested in the form of

labor supply exceeding demand for it. In the economy, the balance of
aggregate supply and demand is disturbed, the reduction of market demand
for goods also reduces the demand for labor. As a result, part of the
workforce becomes redundant. With the development of the economy, the
demand for skilled labor force will increase, the unskilled will no longer be
needed, and when the population grows faster than the workers, part of it
will be redundant and unemployed. Just as the causes of unemployment are
different, so are its forms.

The main forms of unemployment:
Frictional unemployment is the periodic unemployment for various

reasons (moving to a new place of residence, changing profession, raising a
child, choosing a new job). This is called voluntary unemployment.

Structural unemployment occurs at a time when people who have

worked in the old industries have not yet mastered the profession they need
in the new industry in a changing environment.

Cyclical unemployment depends on economic hardship, it occurs as a

result of reducing production . This is forced unemployment.

Seasonal unemployment is the unemployment of those who are busy

with seasonal work and at the end of the season they lose their job.

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Hidden unemployment is only part-time employment of those who are

officially employed. It includes those who have a reduced working day or
work week, those who have taken unpaid leave due to lack of work. The
unemployed make up the labor force in the country along with those who
work. The main purpose of studying the problem of unemployment in the
economy is to expand the country's (enterprise) labor force by improving
employment and to develop measures to further improve the living
standards of the population.

It should also be noted that the ranks of the unemployed usually include

not only those who have been fired for various reasons, but also those who
have resigned voluntarily and are trying to find a new job.Unemployment
structure includes 4 main categories of labor force by its causes: those who
lost their jobs as a result of dismissal, those who resigned voluntarily, those
who are looking for work after a break, those who are looking for work for
the first time.The interrelationships of these categories depend on the stages
of economic development. At the national level, an unemployment rate of 3-
5% is normal for the economy (the natural limit of unemployment). To
reduce unemployment, a state employment program will be developed,
enterprises will be built, new jobs will be created, staff will be trained and
retrained, and an employment assistance fund will be established. Under
labor laws, the unemployed are paid unemployment benefits through labor

The permanent population of Uzbekistan as of January 1, 2020

accounted for 33,905.8 thousand people, an increase over the beginning of
2019 by 650.3 thousand people or 2.0%.The share of urban population
consists of 17.1 million (50.5% of the total), rural population - 16.7 million
(49.5%). The largest population is in Samarkand (11.4%), Fergana (11.1%),
Kashkadarya (9.7%) and Andijan (9.2%). Analysis of population density
shows that in the Republic of Uzbekistan there are 74.1 people per 1 sq. Km.
The most densely populated areas are Andijan (713.2 people per 1 sq. Km),
Fergana (544.8 people), while Navoi region (8.8 people) is the opposite.
According to preliminary data, as of January 1, 2020, 30.3% of the
permanent population of the country are under the age of working age,
59.5% are of working age and 10.2% are adults of working age.

The pandemic that is now being announced all over the world, in turn,

will have an impact on the economy as well. According to experts, the
pandemic will slow down the growth of the Uzbek economy. Of course, the
slowdown in economic growth is also due to the slowdown in the economies
of Uzbekistan's main partners (China, Russia, Turkey). Another important
factor is the slowdown in business activity associated with the decline in
commodity markets. The fall in oil prices will also influence significantly. In

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many ways, economists say that if these external factors stabilize, the Uzbek
economy could grow.

Also, according to the World Bank's research on international migration

and household welfare, if remittances stop, the poverty rate in Uzbekistan
will increase by 16.8%. It should be noted that quarantine restrictions have
a negative impact on many areas of Uzbekistan. Public catering, tourism and
hotel services will suffer. It has been very difficult, especially in a small
business, because in such conditions it is not easy to recover quickly.

The creation of profitable jobs is an important condition for economic

development and improving the living standards of the population.
Increased labor productivity and employment are the two main factors
contributing to the growth of such an important indicator as GDP per capita.
In countries with the highest per capita incomes, labor productivity has
risen sharply over the past two centuries. Such an increase in labor
productivity leads to the creation of "more efficient" or higher-paying jobs.
GDP per capita is actually an indicator of the efficiency (productivity) of
labor of the whole population. In countries with high and low incomes, the
differences in GDP per capita represent the differences in the levels of labor
productivity between countries. Of course, it is gratifying that such reforms
are being carried out in our country, but there are many obstacles in the way
of these reforms. The most dangerous of these barriers is the Coronavirus,
which is now a pandemic around the world. The virus, which is forcing many
countries into economic crisis, has not bypassed Uzbekistan.

Results. From March 23 in the Republic of Uzbekistan all enterprises

and institutions (regardless of the form of ownership) must take leave in the
manner prescribed by law and organize the activities of other workers as far
as possible (online or remotely) without affecting their core business.
Gazeta.uz reports that according to a survey posted on the social network
Telegram on April 5 (more than 200,000 respondents), during the
quarantine period, 43% of respondents, or 86.7 thousand, lost their income,
and 29% or 58.9 thousand lost their income altogether. This shows that 79%
of the population has a negative impact on income. The addition of 13-15%
of the population in need, another 30% of the population below the poverty
line, and 43% of the population with reduced incomes is likely to complicate
the socio-economic situation. and it is possible to get out of this complicated
situation by providing them with targeted support.

The current situation is very dangerous for people living on wages.

There are many families in Uzbekistan who do not have a fund that allows
them to live for 1-3 months. In Uzbekistan, about 5.7 million people are
employed in the formal sector. This is 30 percent of the country’s resources.
About half of them work in the public sector. The other half work in the

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private sector. It may not be possible to make a steady income here. , 4
million people work in the informal sector. The situation here is even worse.
Because no one cares about these people, and they are self-employed people.
Another 2.6 million people work abroad. According to official data, this is
actually even more. It is not surprising that these people and their families
are in a catastrophic situation, because some people work and earn a living
in foreign countries. A number of measures are being taken to support and
provide employment to the unemployed during the pandemic. During
quarantine, employers are prohibited from dismissing the parents of a child
infected or quarantined with a coronavirus infection, paid temporary
incapacity benefits of 100% of the average monthly salary to quarantined
parents and caregivers, and employees, especially pregnant women. These
include allowing the elderly, people with disabilities and people with
chronic illnesses to work remotely, on a comfortable work schedule, or to
work from home. Determining the list and volume of food products for
procurement and stockpiling, monitoring the volume of raw materials
needed for the production of consumer goods, daily monitoring of market
prices for socially important food products and artificially lowering their
prices. Strict controls to prevent overpopulation are one of the key solutions
to employment during a pandemic.

In conclusion, in such a situation, gross demand and gross supply and

measures to support the needy are important. The experience of many
countries shows that the main way out of this situation is, first of all, direct
payments to needy families. This is done, on the one hand, so that families
do not fall into poverty and starvation, and, on the other hand, to support
the general demand. It should be mentioned that in such testing days we are
once again convinced that the Uzbek people care and are kind to each other.
It is gratifying that a group of entrepreneurs, government agencies and
volunteers are aware of the plight of low-income and needy families and
extend a helping hand to them.

1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional

measures to support the population, sectors of the economy and businesses
during the Cornovirus pandemic." Tashkent, April 3, 2020, №. PD-5978

2. Odiljon Iminov. Is Uzbekistan's foreign debt a concern?
3. Indicators. http://wdi.worldbank.org/table /WV.1, 2018
4. Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and

Engineering. http://coronovirus.jhu.edu/

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


5. Рахмонов Нодиржон Рахмонжон ўғли. - “Самарқанд вилоятини

инновацион ривожлантириш: муаммо ва ечимлар” Самарқанд – 2020.
(357-359 бетлар)

6. The Potential Impact of COVID- 19 on GDP and Trade. A Preliminary

Assessment. Policy Research working Paper-9211. The World Bank Group.

7. Farkhod Mulaydinov (2020). Econometric Modelling of the

Innovation Process in Uzbekistan, International Journal of Psychosocial
Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 02, 2020, Pages 359-367, ISSN: 1475-7192,
https://doi.org/10.37200/IJPR/V24I2/PR2 00343.

8. www.stat.uz Ўзбекистон Республикаси давлат статистика

қўмитасининг расмий веб сайти

9. "On priority measures to mitigate the negative impact of the

coronavirus pandemic and the global crisis on sectors of the economy."
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent, March 19,
2020, №. PD-5969

10. The Changing Nature of Work. The 2019 World Development

Report. The World Bank Group. www.worldbank.org

11. Electronic Newspaper: www.gazeta.uz

Tulakova Ziyodaxon Rivojidinovna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of

Natural Sciences, TUIT FF

Shokirov Asrorjon Murodjonovich , Assistant of the Department of Natural

Sciences, TUIT FF


Z. Tulakova, A. Shokirov

Abstract: This article explains how to reduce the order of the main

integration method for all types of high-order equations or to bring this
equation into a low-order equation by substituting variables into it.

Key words: simple differential equation, differential equation, integral,

product, Cauchy problem, function.

What are the differential equations before we consider the differential

equations that can be reduced in order? we can find the answer to the
question. In the equations studied so far, the unknowns consisted of
numbers. In mathematics and its various applications, we encounter the
study of equations involving functions and their derivatives (or
differentials) in an unknown place. Such equations are called differential

Библиографические ссылки

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to support the population, sectors of the economy and businesses during the Cornovirus pandemic." Tashkent, April 3, 2020, №. PD-5978

Odiljon Iminov. Is Uzbekistan's foreign debt a concern?

Indicators, http://wdi.worldbank.org/table /WV.l, 2018

Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering, http://coronovirus.jhu.edu/

Рахмонов Нодиржон Рахмонжон угли. - "Самарканд вилоятини инновацион ривожлантириш: муаммо ва ечимлар” Самарканд - 2020. (357-359 бетлар)

The Potential Impact of COVID-19 on GDP and Trade. A Preliminary Assessment. Policy Research working Paper-9211. The World Bank Group. www.worldbank.org

Farkhod Mulaydinov (2020). Econometric Modelling of the Innovation Process in Uzbekistan, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 02, 2020, Pages 359-367, ISSN: 1475-7192, https://doi.org/10.37200/IJPR/V24I2/PR2 00343.

www.stat.uz Узбекистон Республикаси давлат статистика Кумитасининг расмий веб сайти

"On priority measures to mitigate the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the global crisis on sectors of the economy." Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent, March 19, 2020, №. PD-5969

The Changing Nature of Work. The 2019 World Development Report. The World Bank Group, www.worldbank.org

Electronic Newspaper: www.gazeta.uz

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