Intensive Technology Before Seeding Treatment And Agrophysical Soil Properties | The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering

Intensive Technology Before Seeding Treatment And Agrophysical Soil Properties

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Mamatojiev Sharip Ikromovich, ., & Xadyatullayeva Nafisa Abdusamadova, . (2020). Intensive Technology Before Seeding Treatment And Agrophysical Soil Properties. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 2(11), 47–52.


In the complex of agro-technical measures for the cultivation of cotton and obtaining high yields based on technical progress, the main and pre-sowing soil cultivation, biological characteristics of the variety, the timing and methods of sowing, rational water, nutritional, agrophysical soil regimes, optimal plant density and other agro-technical methods are important. Depending on the climatic, soil and hydrogeological conditions of the region. Before seeding, tillage is one of the most energy-intensive operations in agriculture. It requires a large amount of equipment, oil products, labour resources and time. Also, under conditions of intensification of agriculture, cultivation, along with a positive effect, can have a negative effect on the agrophysical properties of the soil if it is carried out incorrectly.


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