The Study Of The Micronutrient Composition Of The Plant Capsella Bursa - Pastoris, Growing In Mountainous Areas | The American Journal of Applied sciences

The Study Of The Micronutrient Composition Of The Plant Capsella Bursa - Pastoris, Growing In Mountainous Areas

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Shaxriddin Shavkat ogli Juraev, ., Sokhiba Davlatbayevna Madrakhimova, ., Farrux Nozimovich Tashpulatov, ., Raxmatilla Sulton ogli Esanov, ., & Alimjan Davlatbayevich Matchanov, . (2020). The Study Of The Micronutrient Composition Of The Plant Capsella Bursa - Pastoris, Growing In Mountainous Areas. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(09), 207–220.


The quantitative content of water-soluble vitamins of the aerial part of the plant Capsella bursa was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Using the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method, the quantitative content of vital macro- and microelements in the various vegetative organs of the Capsella bursa plant was determined


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