All articles - Imaging Science and Photographic Technology

Number of articles: 12
  • Place of Infographics in media market among developed modern technologies and enforcing to the human attraction is discussed. Findings have shown that relations between struggle of mass media for the human attraction in media market and diverseness of news are quite complicated. Purpose of this article: importance of Infographics in our present lives from the point of variousness as well as fairness and utilization of new methods in mass media, learning of them. In first part of the article: about Infographics and general opinions concerning scientists data who researched it, basic conceptions; at next part: current significance of Infographics in media market; lastly: modern methods, simple descriptions, increasing of Infographics's place in media
    Sapura Temirkhanova
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  • The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the use of domestic and foreign accounting information systems, technical characteristics of software, features of building accounting information systems at small businesses in Uzbekistan, taking into account the importance of switching to automation of accounting and financial accounting
    Atabek Abdullaev
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  • Information technology and the digital economy open up new opportunities for all sectors of the economy.Today,the economy isundergoing fundamental changes as a result ofthe rapid development of information technologies, and their use is also very fast. In particular, the dynamics of the development of Informatics and its products, as well as business development opportunitiesbased ontheuse ofInternettechnologies, have increasedthe role and importance of the use of information technologies in business processes in the new economy or digital economy. The world economy has changed because of the great development andapplicationofthis technology.Businesses are forcedto survive ina modern economy where the global market is characterized by competition, a variety of products and services, and a short product life cycle. In the digital economy, information technologies create opportunities for specialization and cooperation between companies from different regions by reducing transaction costs, facilitating access to foreign markets and promoting the development of new e-business models. The purpose of this article is to present the importance ofinformationtechnology inthe economy,the trends of computerizationandthe opportunities offered by this technology, in which consumers have quick and easy access to the global market, as well as information about goods and services. In the digital economy, the use of information technologies opens up new opportunities for businesses to access global markets, as well as to develop their business online. The full realization of this potential is important for new businesses and companies that can compete and create competitive advantages on a global scale
    Nargiza Kuldasheva
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  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is a versatile tool that allows people to rethink how we integrate information, analyze data and use the knowledge gained to improve decision-making - and it is already changing all areas of life. In this article, the authors discuss the use of AI in various sectors, solve the problems of its development, and offer recommendations for the most effective use of AI while preserving important human values.
    Bunyodbek Akhmedov
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  • chizmalarsiz fan va texnika taraqqiyotini tasavvur qilib bo‘lmaydi. Arxitektor va muhandislar ijodiy fikrlarini faqat chizmalar yordamida to‘liq bayon eta oladilar. Chizmalar asosida barcha muhandislik inshootlari quriladi, mashinalar, mashina qismlari, tibbiyot asboblari va hokazolar ishlab chiqariladi. Biz sizlarga taqdim etayotgan maqolada Muhandislik grafikasi fanlarini o‘qitishda zamonaviy axborot ta’lim muhitini tashkil etuvchi metodik ta’minoti haqida, o‘qituvchilarning fanga oid masalalarni yechishda, grafik savodxonligini oshirishda zamonaviy axborot texnologiyalaridan foydalanish bo‘yicha malaka va ko‘nikmalari va o‘qituvchilarimizning ya’nada chuqur bilimga ega bo‘lishlari borasida tahlil qilinadi.

    M.N. Xasanova
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  • Maqola ingliz tilini o‘qitish samaradorligini oshirishda multimedia texnologiyalarining ahamiyatiga bag‘ishlangan. Muallif inson hayotining har bir ja-bhasini, jumladan, fan, axborot, texnologiyalarni muhokama qiladi. Hattoki ta’lim sohasida ham texnologik o‘zgarishlar yangi sahifani boshlagani borasida fikrlar ay-tiladi. An’anaviy o‘qitish usullari o‘quvchilarga katta ta’sir ko‘rsatmaydi. Bundan tashqari, ushbu maqolada baholash jarayonida multimedia texnologiyalaridan foydalanish imkoniyatlarining dolzarb muammosi yoritilgan. Maqolada ijtimoiy masofaning ahamiyati va saytining afzalliklari haqida ma’lumot berilgan.

    Malika Xodjimuratova
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  • Ҳозирда ахборот-коммуникатив жараён жадал суратларда тезлашиб, коммуникация воситалари такомиллашиб бормоқда. Ҳар бир алоқа воситасининг ахборот етказиб беришда ўз услуби ва имкониятлари мавжуд. Оммавий алоқа воситаси телевидение техника ёрдамида вербал ва визуал коммуникация унсурларидан фойдаланиб ахборотни кўп сонли аудиторияга узатади. Коммуникант (томошабин) ва коммуникатор (телевидение, яъни мазкур манба орқали маълумотларни узатиш истагида бўлган соҳа вакиллари) ўртасида коммуникатив алоқа ўрнатилади. Коммуникант ахборотни визуал ҳамда вербал коммуникация орқали қабул қилади. Г.Г.Почепцов коммуникацияга “вербал ахборотни новербалга ва аксинча новербални вербалга қайта кодлаштириш жараёни” [Почепцов, Г.Г. 2001: с.14.] деб таъриф берган. Телевидениенинг ижод аҳлиэса вербал ва новербал воситалар ила ахборотни визуаллаштирад и. В а уста мусаввир ўз асарида турли рангларни чаплаштириб ташламаганидек, адиб, кино ва телевидение аҳли ҳам сўзларни талабчанлик билан танлаши лозим. Телевидение қаламга олинадиган сўзни ҳам, талаффуз этиладиган сўзни ҳам инкор этмайди. Бу қудратли восита тасвир яратишга, тасвирни тўлдиришга, томошабин - тингловчи билан алоқа ўрнатишга, мавзунинг концепциясини очишга хизмат қилиши назарда тутилади.

    Zamira Abdullaeva
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  • Бугунги кунда юртимизда медия ва медикоммуникациялар соҳасини янада ривожланти риш, уларни фуқароларнинг ижтимоий фаоллигига таъсирини янада оширишга оид чора- тадбирлар тизимли равишда амалга оширилмоқда. Айниқса, Узбекистон Республикаси Президента Ш.Мирзиёевнинг “2017-2021 йилларга мўлжалланган Узбекистонни янада ривожлантириш бўйича Ҳаракатлар стратетияси” тўғрисидаги Фармонида белгиланганидек, ижтимоий соҳани ривожлантиришда медиакоммуникация воситалари муҳим аҳамият касб этади.

    Iroda Berdieva
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  • Insonni xatti-harakatlariga qarab tanib olish kompyuterni ko’rish va sun’iy intellektning qiziqarli va qiyin sohasidir. So’nggi yillarda odamlarning harakatlari va imo-ishoralarini tahlil qilish orqali aniqlay oladigan modellarni ishlab chiqishda sezilarli yutuqlarga erishildi. Ushbu sohadagi ikkita mashhur model COCO (Kontekstdagi umumiy ob’ektlar) va MPII (Maks Plank Informatika Instituti) modellaridir. Ushbu maqolada biz insonni o’z harakatlaridan tanib olish modellarini o’rganamiz va keyin COCO va MPII qiyosiy tahlilini o’rganamiz, ularning farqlari va kuchli tomonlarini ta’kidlaymiz.

    Akmal Axatov , Ibodilla Ximmatov
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  • Hozirgi vaqtda turli xil tasvirga olish qurilmalaridan olingan raqamli tasvirlar soni keskin oshib bormoqda. Ayrim hollarda ushbu tasvirlar tasvirga olish, qayta ishlash, siqish, saqlash, uzatish va ko’paytirish jarayonida turli shovqinlardan ta’sirlanib, sifatsiz holatga kelishi mumkin. Shovqin tasvirdagi ma’lumotlarning sifatini buzadigan tasodifiy o’zgarishlarni ifodalaydi va tasvirdan muhim ma’lumotlarni olishga to’sqinlik qiladi. Bu o’z navbatida, tasvirda uchraydigan asosiy shovqin turlarini o’rganish tasvirlash sohasida dolzarb ekanligini ko’rsatadi. Mazkur tadqiqot ishi Gauss, tuz va qalampir, uniform, Puasson, spekl, rayleigh va risian kabi shovqin turlarini o’rganishga bag’ishlangan.

    Narzullo Mamatov , Malika Jalelova
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  • Axborotni qabul qilish va uzatishda tasvirlarning ahamiyati, ayniqsa tibbiyot va qishloq xo’jaligi kabi sohalarda tengsizdir. Ayrim hollarda, turli omillar sabab olingan tasvirlar sifat talablariga javob bermasligi mumkin. Kontrast, tiniqlik, yorqinlik va shovqin tasvir sifatiga ta’sir qiluvchi muhim parametrlar hisoblanadi. Mazkur tadqiqot ishida tasvirlashda muhim ahamiyatga ega bo’lgan kontrast muhokama qilingan. Ya’ni, tasvir kontrastini etalonsiz baholovchi mezonlar o’rganilgan.

    Narzullo Mamatov , Malika Jalelova
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  • This article examines the role of multimodality in internet news media, highlighting the integration of text, images, audio, and video in news storytelling. It explores the evolution of news media from traditional print to digital platforms, emphasizing the impact of digital technology on journalistic practices. Through case studies of leading news websites, the article illustrates how multimodal elements enhance audience engagement and interaction. It discusses the challenges and opportunities presented by multimodality, including technical complexities and the potential for future advancements. The findings suggest that multimodality has fundamentally transformed news media, offering a more dynamic, interactive, and engaging experience for audiences. This shift underscores the importance of understanding and adapting to multimodal communication strategies in the digital age.

    Dilfuza Teshabaeva
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