All articles - Science and Technology Other Topics

Number of articles: 292
  • The article deals with electron microscopic and elemental analysis of composites based on wollastonite, melamine, pentaerythritol, ammophos and epoxy resin. For composite surfaces, calculations were carried out on an electronic machine and investigated using elemental analysis. Development of compositions based on wollastonite, melamine, pentaerythritol and ammophos with ED-20 epoxy resin.
    Kuvondik Murtazaev, Faizullo Nurkulov
    41   15
  • Satoshi Nakamoto mentioned the Bitcoin as a combinational integration of e-signatures. which can also be called “blockchain". The blockchain creates a chance for bitcoin transfer among users without a need for third parties (financial institutions). The illustration of the blockchain usage can be exemplified with the Bitcoin in Figure 1. The reason behind why the e-currencies are called "ciyptocurrencies” is that blockchains such as Bitcoin utilizes cryptography to regulate the transactions. Balance of the Bitcoin users are secured with a private key. The legal permission for transactions is given by a group of users known as “miners", they benefit from sharing database and distributing processing and receiving additional bitcoins in exchange.
    Islomjon Abdullayev
    32   13
  • Сегодня спрос на мономеры, которые являются основным сырьем при производстве высокомолекулярных соединении и полимеров, очень высок. В частности, из года в год растет спрос на мономеры, содержащие винильную группу, включая акриловую кислоту, акрилонитрил, винилацетат, винилхлорид и т.д.[1]. Поэтому актуальной задачей является совершенствование производства и разработка получения мономеров из местного сырья. Исходя из этого, было поставлено цель синтезировать акриловую кислоту из уксусной кислоты и формальдегида [2].
    Mashkhurbek Tozhidinov, Abdulahat Jalilov, Masud Karimov
    39   10
  • Мақолада “Тасвирий санъат ва муҳандислик графикаси” таълим йўналиши талабалари ва ўқитувчилари учун мўлжалланган бўлиб, унда тасвирий санъат машғулотларида ранг ҳамда бўёқда ишлашнинг мақсад ва вазифалари, тасвирий санъатни ўқитишнинг педагогик маҳорати каби масалалар хақида боради.
    Rustam Jabbarov, Sarvinoz Zokirova
    68   10
  • This article analyzes innovative methods for improving the system of social protection of the population in Uzbekistan. The principles of the work of a unified electronic register as an effective way of providing social services to the needy layers of the population in the conditions of a renewing Uzbekistan are highlighted.
    Khairiniso Khusanova
    66   10
  • This article discusses issues related to the grounds of representation and the procedure for the participation of a representative in the case. The general provisions of civil procedural representation are analyzed. The author analyzes the practical experience of foreign countries in improving representative activities in civil procedural legislation. In the study, the author made suggestions and recommendations for improving the participation of a representative in national legislation.
    Farhad Sattarov
    34   11
  • Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi davlat mustaqilligini qoʻlga kiritib, mustaqil taraqqiyot yoʻlini tanlagach, jahon hamjamiyatining teng huquqli a’zosi sifatida xalqaro munosobatlarda faol ishtirok etib kelmoqda. Oʻzbekiston oʻzaro munosabatlarda tenglik, boshqa davlatlarning ichki ishlariga aralashmaslik, oʻzaro foydali va teng huquqli hamkorlikni rivojlantirish, mintaqada va butun jahon miqyosida tinchlik, xavfsizlik va barqarorlikni ta’minlash kabi tamoyillarga tayangan holda jahon hamjamiyati safiga oʻz oʻrni va maqomiga ega boʻlib kelmoqda.
    Kibriye Abdullaeva, Abdumalik Koriev
    370   12
  • In recent years, as a priority in the development of the pharmaceutical industry in our country, special attention is paid to herbal medicines. In this regard, a number of government decisions have been made on the rational use of natural resources, the establishment of plantations on farms and forests for the cultivation of medicinal plants, and the processing of raw materials. In particular, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 10, 2020 "On measures for the protection, cultivation, processing and rational use of available resources of wild medicinal plants" PP-4670- Resolution No. has had a significant impact on the development of this sector as a new legal framework. In order to create a favorable environment for further development of cultivation and processing of medicinal plants, increase the export potential of the industry, as well as the integration of educational, scientific and production processes, the list of regions specializing in the cultivation of medicinal plants is attached. confirmed. In the 37th place in the list from the seeds of Samarkand booze (Helichrysum maracandicum M.Pop.) Jizzakh as a conditionally irrigated (mesophyte) plant, suitable forlight soils, foothills and plains. , Cultivation in all irrigated areas of Samarkand region (1). However, so far the scientific research on the cultivation of Samarkand sagebrush has not yielded positive results, and the solution of this problem is the purpose of our scientific research
    A Ganiev
    23   7
  • The article provides an overview of the methods and techniques for measuring oil moisture content. Thus, more information is given to DinaStarka, dielectric, optical and electrical techniques. The above methods are covered in detail and there are conclusions and points about the advantages and disadvantages of the mass
    Jamshidbek Shamuratov, Bahtiyor Masharipov
    106   6
  • The article provides a comparative analysis of turbulence models by numerically simulating a swirling flow inside a rotatable pipe. To solve this problem, the Reynolds averaged non-stationary Navier-Stokes equations in a cylindrical coordinate system were used. To find the Reynolds voltage, the turbulence model was used the most popular semi-empirical turbulence model. Comparison is made between models of different approaches to turbulence SSG / LRR-RSM-w2012 and νt-92. The numerical results obtained on the basis of turbulence models are compared with the well-known experimental results of Reich and Beer (1989)
    Farrux Nazarov, Jonibek Fardayev
    31   6
  • This article describes the role of irrigation facilities in the agriculture of the Kokand khanate, the use of the labor force of the working people in the digging of irrigation canals in the khanate period, the construction of canals with the traditional«people's hashar»
    Alisher Mamazhonov, Abduvokhid Alisherov
    40   7
  • The paper presents the results of differences from existing solutions to the problems of seismodynamics of underground systems [1-5], where the surrounding soil is assumed to be elastic, in order to refine the results and identify more subtle mechanical effects of seismodynamics, a viscoelastic soil model is adopted. This greatly complicates the mathematical problem, the formulation and solution of which are described in other works.
    Kabira Mirzoeva
    24   11
  • The article discusses the need to modernize education in the digital economy on the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the role of science as an objective link, where one of the priority directions of the development of the digital economy, including Uzbekistan, is the introduction of digital technologies in the educational process. Arguments are given about the dependence of competitive organizations, firms, industries and regions not only on the effective use of personnel, but also on the availability of human resources.The difference between the innovative economy and the traditional one is shown. The proposals on therole of the state in solving these issues are presented.
    Mavlyuda Abdullaeva
    69   20
  • The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the use of domestic and foreign accounting information systems, technical characteristics of software, features of building accounting information systems at small businesses in Uzbekistan, taking into account the importance of switching to automation of accounting and financial accounting
    Atabek Abdullaev
    25   11
  • Digital economy is a system of implementation of economic, social and cultural relations based on the use of digital technologies. It is sometimes referred to as the internet economy, the new economy, or the web economy. The digital economy is not some kind of economy that needs to be created from scratch. This means moving the existing economy to a new system by creating new technology, platforms and business models and implementing them into everyday life. First of all, the digital economy significantly increases people's living standards, it is the main cause of corruption and "black economy". Because numbers seal everything, store it in memory, provide information quickly when needed. Under such conditions, it is impossible to hide any information, make secret deals, or not provide full information about this or that activity.
    Ali Nizametinov, Obidaxon Qaxxorova , Diyorbek Maxmudov , Jushqin Husainov
    5   0
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is a versatile tool that allows people to rethink how we integrate information, analyze data and use the knowledge gained to improve decision-making - and it is already changing all areas of life. In this article, the authors discuss the use of AI in various sectors, solve the problems of its development, and offer recommendations for the most effective use of AI while preserving important human values.
    Bunyodbek Akhmedov
    22   8
  • Ushbu maqolada sun’iy intellekt texnologiyasining ijtimoiy hayotga ta’siri o‘rganildi, kasbiy rivojlanishdagi o‘rni tahlil qilindi, kelgusi kasbiy faoliyatga ta’siri baholandi va sun’iy intellektni maktabda o‘qitish bo‘yicha yondashuvlar o‘rganildi. Hamda o‘rgatish jarayonini amaliy masalalar yechish orqali samarali tashkil etish aniqlandi.

    Husniddin Qodirov, Sulton Normatov
    12   16
  • Ushbu maqolada oliy ta’lim muassasasi talabalarining multimedia vositalari asosida ijtimoilashuvi hamda ularni ta’lim-tarbiya jarayonida qo‘llashning samarali usullari haqida fikr yuritilgan.

    Rahimova Feruza
    3   2
  • Ushbu maqolada IT-soha hayotimizda qanchalik kerak ekanligi xususida qisqacha yoritilgan. Bugungi kunda jahonda va mamlakatimizda IT-sohaga kata e’tibor qaratilmoqda. Ushbu soha vakillariga esa talab borgan sari ortib bormoqda. Mamlakatimizda bu sohaning asl mutaxassislari ko’p emas. Shuning uchun hukumatimiz o‘z e’tiborini bu sohani rivojlantirishga, yoshlarni bu sohaga jalb etishga qaratgan. Poytaxtimiz markazida qad ko‘targan va foydalanishga topshirilgan IT-parki ham bu soha mamlakatimizga qanchalik kerakligini ko‘rsatadi.

    E.S. Toshtemirov, F.A. Usanov
    5   7
  • The article presents data on the substantiation of a new design of gaskets for saw gins, characterized by a lightweight type and a composite structure of individual steel elements (disk with splines, rim), welded after preliminary assembly.
    The steel structure of the inter-saw gasket, as shown by experimental studies on axial compression, in contrast to aluminum design, is characterized by high strength, less permanent deformation, increased hardness and the ability to maintain performance for a long time under repeated operation without violating the technological conditions of ginning.

    Farkhod Ibragimov , D Muhammadiyev
    2   0
  • Yonuvchan qo‘shimchalar usuli bilan yengil vaznli olovbardosh g‘isht olishda koks va ko‘mir eng ko‘p ishlatiladigan qo‘shimchalardan ikkitasidir. Ularning partiya tarkibidagi hissasi 20 – 30 % gacha yеtishi mumkin. Ushbu materiallarning narxi 2-4 marta farq qiladi. Shu munosabat bilan bu komponentlar yordamida ishlab chiqarilgan mahsulot tannarxini pasaytirish imkoniyatini baholash, ularning xususiyatlarining o‘zgarishini hisobga olgan holda yengil materiallar xossalarini qiyosiy tahlil qilish maqsadga muvofiqdir. [1]

    M Aripova , S Bozorov
    5   2
  • В последние годы опубликовано много информации о мокрых способах обогащения кварцевых песков и различных типах используемого промышленного оборудования. Мокрый способ обогащения кварцевых песков востребован на предприятиях стекольной промышленности

    S Ganiev
    8   2
  • В настоящее время не утратило своей актуальности создание новых прогрессивных энерго- и ресурсосберегающих технологических процессов, обеспечивающих использование вторичного сырья, шлаков и других отходов промышленности. В стратегии по переходу Республики Узбекистан на «зеленую» экономику на период 2019 — 2030 годов, для повышения энергоэффективности базовых отраслей, в частности в сфере производства строительных материалов, были предусмотрены увеличение объемов использования вторичных ресурсов и крупнотоннажных техногенных отходов отраслей промышленности (энергетики, металлургии, химии) при производстве строительных материалов, а также внедрение инновационных энергоэффективных технологий по производству строительных материалов.

    M Yunusov, A Tukhtamushova
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  • Одной из важнейших проблем является безопасность древесностружечных, древесноволокнистых и других плитных материалов для экологии в широком понимании (окружающая среда) и для комфортного состояния человека в мире материальной культуры, в котором мебель играет важнейшую роль.

    D Khodjikariev, D Khasanova, G Khamrakulov
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  • Timely detection and recognition of road signs is very important for motorists and pedestrians. The necessary information is delivered to the driver through the program of direct recognition of road signs. There are different types of road signs, some signs may have multi-directional points to indicate the direction of the location, and some signs are about safety rules and restrictions. can do in the message. Identifying and recognizing road signs is an important practice because it helps the new driver to find the way. We are able to solve these problems through the road sign detection program we created in python. In this program, in the following model, each pixel in the binary matrix is 8 bits, so instead of converting their values to 0 and 1, they can be converted to values between 0 and 255. In this way, 128x128 pixel images are converted into binary matrices, and these matrices are prepared for high-level data acquisition models, for example, the CNN model.

    Sherali Xaydarov
    0   0
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