Analysis of pauses and interuptions as elements of linguistic production in simultaneous interpretation

Абдурахманова, З. (2022). Analysis of pauses and interuptions as elements of linguistic production in simultaneous interpretation. Современные инновационные исследования актуальные проблемы и развитие тенденции: решения и перспективы, 1(1), 533–535. извлечено от
Зилола Абдурахманова, Uzbek State University of World Languages, in Jizzakh branch of The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek

2nd  year master student, assistant in foreign languages department 



The heterogeneous character of studies on this subject has already been mentioned and can be noticed even on an examination of the definitions and classifications of the occurrences. Some experts divide pauses into individual and functional pauses, others describe them as silent and filled pauses. Another quite vague question concerns the relationship between pauses and hesitations. In order to cast light on these issues, studies on the subject will be presented following the different approaches. It has to be stressed that in many of them non-fluencies are not the object of the study but only a useful tool to investigate psychological and cognitive mechanisms in communication and/or SI.

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синергетика кишилик жамияти назариятлари ва ижтимоий тараққиѐт қонунлари
амалиѐтида инсонга яратувчанлик фаоллигини бахш этадиган ижтимоий-фалсафий
хусусиятларни ҳам ўзида мужассам этади‖[4].

Таълим соҳаси тушунчаси, унинг фалсафий мазмуни бўйича олиб борган таҳлиллар

асосида таълим тизими ва такомилининг қуйидаги ижтимоий-фалсафий мезонларини
илгари сурамиз:

- таълим соҳаси ижтимоий ҳаѐтнинг муҳим тармоғи бўлиб, таълим олувчи ва таълим

берувчи ўртасидаги муносабатларда намоѐн бўладиган инсон омили ва унинг жамиятдаги
ўрнини таъминлаш билан боғлиқ хусусиятларни намоѐн этади;

- таълимда иштирок этувчиларнинг манфаатларини уйғунлигини таъминлайди,

таълим ва тарбия жараѐнларида намоѐн бўладиган хусусиятларнинг бутун мажмуини
ташкил этади, индивиднинг ижтимоий мавқеини янада юксалтиради;

- инсон маънавий ва маърифий такомилини таъминлаш, баркамол авлодни

тарбиялаш, ижтимоий ишлар фаол шуғулланиши, умрни унумли ўтказиши, турмуш
мазмунининг бойишига хизмат қилади;

- таълим фуқароларнинг таълим ва тарбия олиш билан боғлиқ ижтимоий ва қонуний

эҳтиѐжларини қондириш билан боғлиқ шароитлар, мажбуриятлар ва имкониятлар
кўринишида намоѐн бўлади.

Фойдаланилган адабиѐтлар рўйхати

1. Лебедев С. Проблема истины в естествознании и социально-гуманитарных

науках.//Философия социальных и гуманитарных наук: Учебное пособие для вузов. -М.:
Академический проект, 2006. - С.11.

2. Қ.Назаров. Билиш фалсафаси. –Тошкент, Университет, 2005. –Б. 219.

Гессен С. И. Основы педагогики. Введение в прикладную философию / Отв. ред. и

сост. П. В. Алексеев. - М.: "Школа - Пресс", 1995. - с. 448 .


Саитқосимов А. Фуқаролик жамиятини барпо этишда ижтимоий соҳани

инновацион ривожлантириш қонуниятлари. –Тошкент, Тафаккур, 2019-Б. 135.

5. Alibekov, D. (2020). Socio-philosophical basis of educational system development. ISJ

Theoretical & Applied Science, 10 (90), 24-26. Soi: Doi:



Журнал музыки и искусства






Abdurakhmanova Zilola



year master student, Uzbek State University of World

Languages, assistant in foreign languages department in Jizzakh branch

of The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek


The heterogeneous character of studies on this subject has already been

mentioned and can be noticed even on an examination of the definitions and classifications of the
occurrences. Some experts divide pauses into individual and functional pauses, others describe
them as silent and filled pauses. Another quite vague question concerns the relationship between
pauses and hesitations. In order to cast light on these issues, studies on the subject will be
presented following the different approaches. It has to be stressed that in many of them non-
fluencies are not the object of the study but only a useful tool to investigate psychological and
cognitive mechanisms in communication and/or SI.

Key words:

taxonomy, SI-specific, silent pauses, initial pause, juncture pause, clause-

internal pause, interruptions, false start, vowel and consonant lengthening‗s.

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Aim of the study

This study aims at systematically analysing non-fluencies in ST and TT from the

quantitative and qualitative point of view, in order to investigate possible correlations between
the occurrences in the texts and to propose a SI-specific functional taxonomy of non-

Pauses as functional items in a language system[2]:

Pauses in communication

Pauses fulfil many roles in oral communication. The most visible is their influence on

elocution speed: the higher the number of pauses, the lower the elocution speed. Pauses also
contribute to the disambiguation of syntax (Mazzetti 1998) as in the case of compound words or
word lists. Moreover, they contribute to discourse segmentation and help give prominence to
particular text samples, drawing the listener‘s attention to certain elements and making it easier
for him/her to understand the message. In the latter case pauses have a predominantly stylistic
and rhetorical function. As already stated, the use and the incidence of pauses are strongly
characterized by the speaker‘s individuality, both from a physiological and an emotional point of

– initial pause – filled pause
– juncture pause – parenthetic remark
– clause-internal pause – interruptions:
– repetition
– correction
– false start
All non-fluencies can be found in all spontaneous speech, varying according to the

speaker, his/her cognitive activity and a series of socio-linguistic variables.

It is interesting to investigate the typology of non-fluencies in a complex task like SI.
– The double role of pauses in SI pauses en interprétation simultanée (1989). First of all

she confirms that parallel listening and speaking by the interpreter is a given, though related to
the speaker‘s elocution speed and the number and duration of pauses in his speech. She stresses
the double role of pauses, namely in the ST to facilitate decoding and in the TT for segmentation
by the interpreter. Her experiments confirm the importance of pauses for message segmentation
but also the difficulty experienced by the interpreter in exploiting them because of their short
duration. As interruptions in the flow of speech but also as significant variations in intonation
and rhythm or even the juxtaposition of two semantically independent items. The pause is no
longer an objectively quantifiable silence but rather an item depending on the interpreter‘s and
the listener‘s perception.

A) Silent pauses

These are the only occurrences corresponding to an interruption in language production

and can therefore be measured objectively. Each silence between two articulated sequences has
been considered a silent pause. The initial pause, namely the silence before starting with the
linguistic task, was left out, considering that SI requires by definition a certain time-lag which
can not be considered a non-fluency. The criterion of pause omission was introduced, as it was
considered that the absence of pauses necessary for correct text segmentation could hinder
comprehension (see also Mazzetti 1998). Silent pauses were simply divided into grammatical
and/or communicative pauses and non-grammatical pauses. In comparison with the original
classification, communicative pauses were introduced by virtue of the important role they play in
spontaneous speech and SI, giving prominence to discourse items.

B) Filled pauses

a) Vocalized hesitations This class includes all vocalized expressions of hesitation, which

have been transcribed as äh, ähm, mm for German and eh, ehm, mm for Italian, regardless of
their duration. As the interpreted versions contained many brief hesitations sounding like a

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schwa, they were transcribed as ´ in order to distinguish them from eh. Glottal clicks and guttural
sounds were also included in this category.

b) Vowel and consonant lengthening‗s
Although not included in the reference taxonomy, the category of vowel and consonant

lengthenings is not new in studies on non-fluencies (see Magno Caldognetto, Vagges & Job
1983). These occurrences were included in the taxonomy because they are typical of
spontaneous speech and by virtue of their high incidence in the interpreters‘ deliveries.

C) Interruptions
Interruptions include many types of occurrences and sometimes it may be difficult to

decide in which category they have to be ranged. In such cases an expert was asked for advice.



Cecot M. (2000): Pause in interpretazione simultanea: analisi contrastiva di prestazioni

di interpreti professisti, unpublished dissertation, Trieste, SSLMIT, Università degli Studi di

2. Duez D. (1982): ―Silent and non-silent pauses in three speech styles‖ in Language and

Speech, vol. 25, part 1, pp. 11-28;

3.Gee J.P. and Grosjean F. (1983): ―Performance structures: a psycholinguistic and

linguistic appraisal‖, in Cognitive Psychology 15, pp. 411-458.

4. Magno Caldognetto, Vagges & Job 1983.



Alimkulova Hulkar Tolibovna

Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan

Abduvakhobova Nodirabegim Abdivakhid qizi

Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan


Self-determination and motivation are important life skills. The reason it‘s

important is because every person on this earth has their own sentimental value and courage to
work towards their desired goals. So, both of two phrases mentioned above help people to focus
and make a commitment to seeing their goal accomplished and so on.

Key words:

self-determination theory, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, important life


Self-determination is assumed the most important spiritual concept that gives a broad

insight of human motivation and personality. Much of the research guided by SDT ( Ryan and
Deci) who first introduced their ideas in their 1985 book

Self-Determination and Intrinsic

Motivation in Human Behavior.

Both of SDT ( Ryan and Deci) experts developed a theory of

two motivational assumptions as follows:

1. The need for growth drives behavior.
The first perception of self-determination is that people could develop a self-concept by

gaining mastery over challenges and experiencing new things.

There are no great challenges

which ordinary people rise to meet.

(William Frederick Halsey, J.R)

2.Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation.

Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Motivation
-from outside you -comes from within
-grading system -drives towards action
-external rewards such as and growth

Библиографические ссылки

Лебедев С. Проблема истины в естествознании и социально-гуманитарных науках.//Философия социальных и гуманитарных наук: Учебное посоопе для вузов. -М.: Академический проект. 2006. - С.11.

К. Назаров. Билпш фалсафаси. -Тошкент. Университет. 2005. -Б. 219.

Гессен С. II. Основы педагогики. Введение в прикладную философию / Отв. ред. и сост. П. В. Алексеев. - М.: "Школа - Пресс", 1995. - с. 448 .

Саиткосимов А. Фукаролпк жамиятини барпо этишда ижтимоип соханп пнновацион ривожлантирпш конуниятларп. -Тошкент. Тафаккур. 2019-Б. 135.

Alibekov, D. (2020). Socio-philosophical basis of educational system development. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 10 (90), 24-26. Soi: http://s-o-i.Org/l.l/TAS-10-90-6 Doi: https:/,

Alibekov, D. (2021). СОЦИАЛЬНО-ФИЛОСОФСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ РАЗВИТИЯ СИСТЕМЫ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ. Журнал музыки и искусства, 2(2).

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