Понимание терминологии рака среди узбекского населения.

Шаробидинова, Ш. (2023). Понимание терминологии рака среди узбекского населения. Арабский язык в эпоху глобализации: инновационные подходы и методы обучения, 1(1), 433–437. https://doi.org/10.47689/ATGD:IYOM-vol1-iss1-pp433-437-id28540
Шахло Шаробидинова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Ассистент преподавателя переводческого факультета


Целью данного исследования было повторить и расширить более ранние исследования, посвященные изучению понимания неспециалистами терминов, связанных с раком, в узбекской выборке путем изучения понимания общих терминов, касающихся диагностики, прогноза, лечения, а также экспериментального исследования влияния медицинского жаргона по сравнению с простым языком о восприятии людьми эффективности взаимодействия с онкологами, участия в принятии медицинских решений и межличностного доверия.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman




Sharobidinova Shahlo Farxodovna

Uzbekistan State world languages University Assistant teacher

at Translation faculty



The objective of this study was to replicate and extend an earlier

studies examining lay people

s understanding of cancer-related terms in a Uzbek

sample by examining understanding of general terms relating to diagnosis,

prognosis, treatment and an experimental study of the effects of medical jargon

versus plain language on people

s perceptions of the effectiveness of interactions

with oncologists, participation in medical decision making and interpersonal trust.

Key words:

Uzbek people, cancer terminology, medical jargon, common

terms, translation problems.


Целью данного исследования было повторить и

расширить более ранние исследования, посвященные изучению понимания

неспециалистами терминов, связанных с раком, в узбекской выборке путем

изучения понимания общих терминов, касающихся диагностики, прогноза,

лечения, а также экспериментального исследования влияния медицинского

жаргона по сравнению с простым языком о восприятии людьми

эффективности взаимодействия с онкологами, участия в принятии

медицинских решений и межличностного доверия.


Ushbu tadqiqotning maqsadi tashxislash, bashorat qilish va

davolash bilan bo


liq umumiy atamalarni tushunish va tibbiy jargon ta




rganish orqali


zbek tili lu


atidagi odamlarning saraton bilan



liq atamalarni tushunishini


rganuvchi oldingi tadqiqotlarni takrorlash va

kengaytirish. Odamlarning onkolog shifokorlar bilan


zaro munosabatlarning

samaradorligi, tibbiy qarorlar qabul qilishda ishtirok etishi va shaxslararo ishonch

haqidagi tasavvurlarini kengaytirishida umumiy til shakllanishidagi rolini

oshirishga qaratiladi.

Cancer patients often misunderstand their diagnosis, prognosis, or

treatment options. This lack of understanding may be due to the complexity of

information and the emotional nature of cancer consultations. However, it can

also be a result of the language doctors use, including euphemisms, vague words,

and medical jargon. Chapman examined lay people

s understanding of cancer-

related terms that oncologists use when discussing cancer diagnosis and

prognosis with their patients and found that understanding was suboptimal and


background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


Limited patient understanding can hinder effective physician-patient

communication in a variety of ways. First, the use of jargon, such as technical

terms or ambiguous language, can reduce the effectiveness of patients actively

interacting with their oncologist and participating in decision-making. For

example, patients

overall understanding of health information, that is, their

health literacy, has been shown to be positively associated with patient

engagement during consultation. Limited participation in consultation and

decision-making has been reported to be associated with negative consequences,

such as receiving less information and lower quality of life.

Moreover, it was shown that patients with low levels of perceived self-

efficacy were less satisfied with the consultation. Second, the use of unclear and

incomplete information may reduce patients

trust in their oncologist. A recent

review found that low levels of trust complicate communication and decision-

making and negatively impact patient outcomes such as psychological well-being.

The present study primarily aims to replicate and extend the descriptive

study of Chapman in a large sample in the UK, examining lay people


understanding of terms related to diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, and

statistics. Second, we sought to experimentally examine the impact of language

use (jargon versus plain) on laypersons

perceptions of the effectiveness of

interactions with an oncologist, participation in medical decision making, and
trust. Third, we sought to examine whether the possible effect of language on

outcomes would be moderated by people

s confidence in understanding cancer-

related terms.

One hundred and eighty lay participants completed a questionnaire

assessing comprehension, confidence in understanding, and anxiety after reading

20 scenarios representing cancer-related terms and perceived communication

effectiveness, decision-making effectiveness, and trust in a brief case study

depicting an oncologist. using jargon or simple language.

Individuals meeting the criteria were invited to participate and were

informed of the purpose and procedure of the study. After verbal consent was
obtained, participants were seated and asked to complete the questionnaire. The

researcher alternated slang and simple versions of the questionnaire. Care was

taken to ensure that participants did not search for information when completing

the questionnaire. The institutional ethics board approved the study.

Participants were asked to indicate whether they believed that their

knowledge about cancer was above average due to having experience with cancer

in their personal life (yes/no) or through education or work (yes/no)). In

addition, participants reported their age, gender and level of education.

Educational level was classified as low (primary/low vocational; <9 years of

schooling education), secondary (average level of professional education; 10


years), high (highest level of professional/academic level; >15 years).

The questionnaire asked participants to imagine that they were a cancer

patient. To assess comprehension, 20 short scenarios were presented in which

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


the oncologist used technical or potentially ambiguous language, that is,

euphemisms, modifiers, or prognostic, diagnostic, or probabilistic terms related

to diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment. Five scenarios were obtained from

Chapman, two from Sutherland, and three were based on a purposive sampling of

videos of Dutch radiation oncologists

first consultations with patients with

different types and stages of cancer. These consultations were recorded as part of

an unrelated observational study and served as inspiration for the development

of three additional scenarios corresponding to Uzbek practice. The resulting

scenarios were checked for veracity by two surgeons and one radiation

oncologist. Participants were asked to indicate what they thought the oncologist
was saying using an open-ended response format (three scenarios) or a multiple-

choice response format (seven scenarios). To replicate Chapman

s study as

closely as possible, we adopted the response formats they used for the questions

generated from their study. Closed scenarios other than Sutherland et al. "Don


know" response option included. Participants were also asked to indicate for each

scenario how confident they were in their understanding (1 = not at all confident,

2 = not confident, 3 = somewhat confident; 4 = confident and 5 = very confident)

and how worried they were. They viewed the scenario (1 = not at all annoying, 2

= not at all annoying, 3 = slightly annoying, 4 = annoying, and 5 = very annoying)

as additional indicators of understanding.

Experimental manipulations

To experimentally examine the effects of language, participants were

presented with one of two vignettes. Again, these were developed using content

and terminology taken from the example videos first consultations with radiation

oncologists. In the episodes, the oncologist provided information about treatment

options in jargon or plain language. As a manipulation check, participants were

asked to indicate whether they found the wording used difficult (1 = strongly

disagree, 2 = disagree; 3 = neither disagree nor agree; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly


Criteria for evaluation

perceived effectiveness of interactions with their oncologist

was measured using the five-item Perceived Effectiveness of Patient-Provider

Interaction Scale. Participants were asked to indicate how confident they were

that, for example, they would be able to get their questions answered by the

physician presented or that they would be able to get the most out of their visit.

Internal consistency was high. Higher total scores (range 5

25) indicate higher

perceived effectiveness. Participants

perceived decision-making participation

self-efficacy was assessed using the five-item Decision-Making Participation Self-

Efficacy Scale. The DEPS assesses patients

confidence in participating in decision

making, such as confidence that they can tell their doctor which treatment option
they prefer. Internal consistency was high. Higher total scores (range 5


indicate higher perceived self-efficacy. Participants

trust in their oncologist was

assessed using two items from the Wake Fo

rest Physician Trust Scale: “You are

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


not worried about putting your life in the hands of this doctor” and “You trust this

doctor completely.” Internal consistency was high. Higher total scores (range


10) indicate higher overall trust.

Two hundred people agreed to take part. Data were available from

180 participants (two did not return the questionnaire; four answered less than

half of the questions). The various scales were completely completed by at least

95% of the participants. The average age was 38

.±13.1 years, 60.5% were men.

The majority (76.2%) had higher education, 15.1% had secondary education, and

4.2% had secondary education. One third (36.5%) indicated that they may have

more knowledge about cancer than average because they have had experiences

with cancer in their personal life (31.9%) or at school/work (13. 2%). Participants

in the two conditions did not differ significantly on any background


To our knowledge, this study is the first in the Uzbekistan to examine lay


s understanding of common cancer-related terms. The results indicate

that participants

understanding was suboptimal, that is, the scenarios were

misunderstood by a significant number of people, and the number of correctly

understood scenarios varied greatly between them. It can be argued that the laity

the understanding does not have to be perfect because they do not personally

suffer from cancer. However, most scenarios relate to situations that may arise

during or shortly after diagnostic consultations, such as "sprouts", "spots",

"positive" or "benign". Level of their understanding, especially in the early post-

diagnostic period.

In conclusion, these and other findings suggest that laypersons

understanding of commonly used terms in cancer consultations is suboptimal.

This study also shows that people

s confidence in the oncologist

s understanding

was associated with their perceptions of the effectiveness of participating in the

consultation. Clinicians should be aware that especially patients with newly

diagnosed cancer may have difficulty understanding their situation and options,

which may result in patients being less involved in their care than they would like.

Such participation is important because it can help clinicians tailor information as

well as decision making to the needs of the individual patient. Adaptation and

sharing solutions with patients has been shown to be associated with

favorable patient outcomes such as quality of life and adjustment. To reduce

unnecessary anxiety and promote active patient participation, clinicians should

regularly assess patients

understanding during consultations.


1. Chapman K, Abraham C, Jenkins V, Fallowfield L. Lay understanding of

terms used in cancer consultations. Psycho-Oncology 2003;12 (6):557


2. Butow PN, Dunn SM, Tattersall MH. Communication with cancer patients:

does it matter? J Palliat Care 1995;11(4):34


3. Quirt CF, Mackillop WJ, Ginsburg AD, et al. Do doctors know when their

patients don

t? A survey of doctor-patient communication in lung cancer. Lung

Cancer 1997;18(1):1


background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


4. Dunn SM, Patterson PU, Butow PN, et al. Cancer by another name: a

randomized trial of the effects of euphemism and uncertainty in communicating

with cancer patients. J Clin Oncol 1993;11(5):989


5. Lerner EB, Jehle DV, Janicke DM, Moscati RM. Medical communication: do

our patients understand? Am J Emerg Med 2000;18 (7):764


6. von Wagner C, Steptoe A, Wolf MS, Wardle J. Health literacy and health

actions: a review and a framework from health psychology. Health Educ Behav

2009;36 (5):860


7. Paasche-Orlow MK, Wolf MS. The causal pathways linking health literacy

to health outcomes. Am J Health Behav 2007;31:S19-S26.

8. Sheppard VB, Adams IF, Lamdan R, Taylor KL. The role of patient-

provider communication for black women making decisions about breast cancer

treatment. Psycho-Oncology 2010;20(12):1309



Рахмонов, Азизхон Боситхонович. "Функции и этапы организации

самостоятельных работ в языковых вузах."

Образование, воспитание и

педагогика: традиции, опыт, инновации. 2020.


Рахмонов, Азизхон Боситхонович. "ОСНОВНЫЕ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ


Universum: психология и


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12. Абдуганиева, Джамиля. "Analyzing the nonverbal culture of

consecutive interpreter."

Зарубежная лингвистика и лингводидактика


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in Library 22.2 (2022).

14. Абдуганиева, Джамиля. "Методика обучения последовательному

переводу студентов языковых вузов."

in Library 22.2 (2022).

Библиографические ссылки

Chapman К, Abraham C, Jenkins V, Fallowfield L. Lay understanding of terms used in cancer consultations. Psycho-Oncology 2003;12 (6):557-566.

Butow PN, Dunn SM, Tattersall MH. Communication with cancer patients: does it matter? J Palliat Care 1995;ll(4):34-38.

Quirt CF, Mackillop WJ, Ginsburg AD, et al. Do doctors know when their patients don’t? A survey of doctor-patient communication in lung cancer. Lung Cancer 1997;18(l):l-20.

Dunn SM, Patterson PU, Butow PN, et al. Cancer by another name: a randomized trial of the effects of euphemism and uncertainty in communicating with cancer patients. J Clin Oncol 1993;ll(5):989-996.

Lerner EB, Jehle DV, Janicke DM, Moscati RM. Medical communication: do our patients understand? Am J Emerg Med 2000;18 (7):764-766.

von Wagner C, Steptoe A, Wolf MS, Wardle J. Health literacy and health actions: a review and a framework from health psychology. Health Educ Behav 2009;36(5):860-877.

Paasche-Orlow MK, Wolf MS. The causal pathways linking health literacy to health outcomes. Am J Health Behav 2007;31:S19-S26.

Sheppard VB, Adams IF, Lamdan R, Taylor KL. The role of patientprovider communication for black women making decisions about breast cancer treatment. Psycho-Oncology 2010;20(12):1309-1316.

Рахмонов, Азизхон Боситхонович. "Функции и этапы организации самостоятельных работ в языковых вузах." Образование, воспитание и педагогика: традиции, опыт, инновации. 2020.

Рахмонов, Азизхон Боситхонович. "ОСНОВНЫЕ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ ВЗГЛЯДЫ ЯНА АМОСА КОМЕНСКОГО." Universum: психология и образование 4 (106) (2023): 19-21.


Абдуганиева, Джамиля. "Analyzing the nonverbal culture of consecutive interpreter." Зарубежная лингвистика и лингводидактика 1.1 (2023): 36-42.


Абдуганиева, Джамиля. "Методика обучения последовательному переводу студентов языковых вузов." in Library 22.2 (2022).

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