European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 02, 2020
Comparative Evaluation Of The Efficiency Of
Conducting Individual And Professional
Hygiene In Prosthetics For Dental Implants
Olimov V. Azim, Khaydarov M. Artur
Tashkent State Dental Institute Republic of Uzbekistan
Olimov A.B., Khaydarov A.M.
Tashkent State Dental Institute Republic of Uzbekistan
Under our supervision, there were 92 patients with included and terminal defects of the
dentition, who underwent prosthetics based on dental implants of the “DIO” system at the
Department of Orthopedic Direction FPK TGSI
Control group (13) of the patient, “manual toothbrush” - during the entire study
period, patients used only a manual toothbrush to clean the crowns on implants;
The second group (30) of patients who were prescribed a “manual toothbrush +
interdental brush”, corresponding to the size of the proximal space of the orthopedic
The third group (49) of patients who were prescribed a “manual toothbrush +
interdental brush + irrigator”, in addition to a manual toothbrush, were prescribed an
interdental brush and an oral irrigator, an irrigator Waterpik WP-660 (Aquarius) was
prescribed for the oral cavity after brushing teeth twice per day for 3-5 minutes, the power
of the water jet of the irrigator corresponded to mode 2.
An index assessment of the amount of plaque in the area of a fixed structure on
implants was carried out using a simplified index of oral hygiene (IGR-U) (J. R.
Vermillion, 1964)
The condition of the gums in the area of dental implants was assessed based on the
Gingival Index (GI) - Loe & Silness, 1963.
Thus, at the beginning of the study in all three groups, the HI was low and
corresponded to good implant hygiene. After 3 and 6 months, the values of those indices
were significantly worse, and corresponded to the unsatisfactory hygiene of the implants.
In groups 2 and 3, throughout the entire study, HI indices were optimal and corresponded
to good and satisfactory implant hygiene. The indicators of the 3rd group, in which the
whole complex of individual and professional methods was applied, were the most positive
throughout the study, in comparison with other groups.
Analysis of the results of the Gingival Index study showed that the indicator
increased in all observation groups.
In group 2 patients using manual dental and interdental brushes for cleaning the
structure, by the end of the study period the index value increased to 0.95 ± 0.05 points,
which corresponded to mild gingivitis of the gums in the area of implants, i.e. there was
slight hyperemia and individual punctate bleeding of the gums at the probing sites.
Patients of the 3rd group, using an irrigator, had minimal index values at all periods of the
study, and the index values were interpreted as “normal gums”, that is, no signs of
gingivitis were recorded.
Key words: implants, HI, ISP (the index of suprastructure plaque), ISC (the index of
supraconstruction calculus), irrigator, brush, gums, hyperemia.
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 02, 2020
Dental implantation continues to be one of the most important areas among the priority
problems of dentistry in the modern world. The use of dental implants solves a significant
part of the problems in the case of partial and complete absence of teeth, plays a decisive role
in restoring the chewing function, helps in correcting and improving the aesthetics of the
dentition, smile and face as a whole [1,3,4,5,15].
Implants are in constant contact with various fluids in the oral cavity (oral, gingival),
food. In addition, the orthopedic construction on implants is a substance of accumulation of
microbial plaque, which, in turn, can be the source of the development of an inflammatory
reaction in the tissue surrounding the implant [6,9,14,16,17].
However, the lack of high-quality individual and professional oral hygiene leads to
inflammatory changes in the peri-implant tissues, such as peri-implantitis and mucositis, and
sometimes to the disintegration of the implant itself [1,2,7,11,12].
Therefore, high-quality, professional hygiene and the use of modern personal hygiene
products for the care of the oral cavity in general and for the orthopedic structure on implants
in particular is an important component of the success and longevity of this type of dental
The objective of the study: assessment of the hygienic status of the oral cavity
depending on the methods used.
Material and research methods.
Under our supervision, there were 92 patients with included and terminal defects of the
dentition, who underwent prosthetics based on dental implants of the “DIO” system at the
department of orthopedic direction of the FPC TGSI. This system has an implant-abutment
connection in the form of a hex connection using a fixing screw.
The patients were divided into two groups by the method of fixed simple randomization
using a table of random numbers, depending on the prescribed treatment and prophylactic
complex. All groups were matched for gender and age.
The study was carried out 1, 3, 6 months after fixation of the orthopedic structure. Oral
consent was obtained from patients for the study.
Control group (13) of the patient, “manual toothbrush” - during the entire study period,
patients used only a manual toothbrush to clean the crowns on implants;
The second group (30) of patients who were prescribed a “manual toothbrush +
interdental brush”, corresponding to the size of the proximal space of the orthopedic
The third group (49) of patients who were prescribed a “manual toothbrush +
interdental brush + irrigator”, in addition to a manual toothbrush, were prescribed an
interdental brush and an oral irrigator, an irrigator Waterpik WP-660 (Aquarius) was
prescribed for the oral cavity after brushing teeth twice per day for 3-5 minutes, the power of
the water jet of the irrigator corresponded to mode 2.
All patients were trained in the method of teeth cleaning according to G.N. Pakhomova.
In order to achieve comparable results, patients used the same Colgate Total toothpaste
(Colgate-Palmolive) and a medium hardness prophylactic toothbrush Colgate 360 soft
massager. All patients underwent regular professional hygiene every 3 months, after fixation
of the structure according to the protocol for managing patients with dental implants.
The index assessment of the amount of plaque in the area of the fixed structure on the
implants was carried out using the simplified index of oral hygiene (IGR-U) (J. R.
Vermillion, 1964).
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 02, 2020
Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S) proposed by GreenJ.C., VermillionJ.R. (1964)
is a double index. The hygiene index of the supraconstruction supported on dental implants
was calculated by the formula: HI = ISP + ISC, where IPS is the index of suprastructure
plaque; ISC – the index of supraconstruction calculus.
The interpretation of the values of the hygiene index is given in table 1.
Table 1
Interpretation of hygiene index values
Hygiene index values
Hygiene Index Assessment
Oral hygiene assessment
Very high
The index assessment of deposits was carried out visually on a 4-point scale in
accordance with the criteria: 0 points - no soft plaque; 1 point - intermittent approximal
deposits of soft plaque on the neck of the artificial crown of the prosthesis; 2 points - soft
plaque deposits covering the neck of the artificial crown of the prosthesis circularly; 3 points
- deposits of soft plaque covering the artificial neck on 1/3 of the surface of the crown of the
prosthesis. Plaque index was assessed on all artificial crowns supported by dental implants
and calculated by the formula:
Σ points
ISP (ISC) = -------------,
where Σ points is the sum of points according to the evaluation criteria; n is the number
of implant-supported crowns examined. The values of the soft dental plaque index of the
implants and the hard plaque index obtained separately were summed up, and the implant
hygiene index was calculated. The interpretation of the index was carried out according to the
following criteria: the IGS value from 0 to 0.6 corresponds to a low score; the HI value from
0.7 to 1.6 corresponds to the average HI score; HI value from 1.7 to 2.5 corresponds to a high
score; HI value> 2.5 corresponds to a very high estimate.
The condition of the gums in the area of dental implants was assessed on the basis of
the Gingival Index (GI) - Loe & Silness, 1963. To determine the index, the gums were
palpated with a blunt instrument and the implant-gingival sulcus was carefully probed with a
plastic probe. The assessment of the condition of the gums was carried out on a 4-point scale
at 4 points of the implant in accordance with the criteria: 0 points - normal gums, no
inflammation, no hyperemia; 1 point - slight inflammation of the gums - slight hyperemia,
slight edema, no bleeding; 2 points - average inflammation - hyperemia, edema, bleeding on
probing or palpation; 3 points - severe inflammation - severe hyperemia, edema, a tendency
to spontaneous bleeding.
The gingiva was examined in the area of all implant-supported crowns. The sum of the
scores near each implant was added up, divided into four (according to the number of
evaluated sites), and the index value of this implant was derived. After summing up all the GI
values and dividing by the number of implants, the average gingival GI value for this patient
was obtained according to the formula:
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 02, 2020
GI teeth =
∑ points
0,1–1,0 — mild gingivitis;
1,1–2,0 — moderate gingivitis;
2,1–3,0 — severe gingivitis.
obtained results of the index
assessment were
processed in accordance with the
principles of medical statistics using the software package “Excel-7”, “Statistica 5.0” using
nonparametric methods for analyzing quantitative characteristics.
Research results and their discussion
The data from the studies showed that in all three groups, regardless of the set of personal
hygiene products, 1 month after fixation of the orthopedic structure, the hygiene index score
was low, which showed good hygiene in the area of implants (Table 2).
At 3 and 6 months of the study, different amounts of plaque were observed in all three
observation groups. In the control group, 3 and 6 months after the fixation of the orthopedic
structure, IGSCs 1.2 and 1.7 were fixed, which corresponded to the average hygiene index
and satisfactory hygiene of the implants. At the same time, in patients of groups 2 and 3, the
indicator after 3 and 6 months was 0.8 and 1.6, and in the group where the entire set of
personal hygiene products was used, the values of the hygiene index were 0.6 and 1.0, which
corresponded to low assessments of hygiene and good hygiene of implants (table 2).
As can be seen from the data provided in Table 2, the hygiene in the area of implants
was also different depending on the personal hygiene products used.
Table 2
Hygiene index indicators in patients, depending on the hygiene methods used
Hygiene Index Values, Hygiene Index Assessment, HI
1 month
3 months
6 months
0.7 / low / good
1.2 / average / fair
1.7 / high / unsatisfactory
2 group
0.6 / low / good
0.8 / average / fair
1.6 / average / fair
0.6 / low / good
0.6 / low / good
1.0 / average / fair
Thus, at the beginning of the study in all three groups, the HI was low and
corresponded to good implant hygiene. After 3 and 6 months, the values of those indices
were significantly worse, and corresponded to the unsatisfactory hygiene of the implants. In
groups 2 and 3, throughout the entire study, HI indices were optimal and corresponded to
good and satisfactory implant hygiene. The indicators of the 3rd group, in which the whole
complex of individual and professional methods was applied, were the most positive
throughout the study, in comparison with other groups.
Analysis of the results of the Gingival Index study showed that the indicator increased
in all observation groups.
GI individual =
GI teeth
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 02, 2020
In patients of the 2nd group who use a manual dental and interdental brush to clean the
structure, by the end
During the study period, the index value increased to 0.95 ± 0.05 points, which
corresponded to mild gingivitis of the gums in the area of implants, i.e., there was slight
hyperemia and individual punctate bleeding of the gums at the probing sites. Patients of the
3rd group, using an irrigator, had minimal index values at all periods of the study, and the
index values were interpreted as “normal gums”, that is, no signs of gingivitis were recorded.
In patients of the 3rd group, after 6 months of functioning of the implants, the GI value did
not exceed 0.08 points, which was 92% lower than in the patients of the control group. In the
control group, the GI values in patients at the beginning of the study were insignificant, but
by the end of the study they reached 1.7 ± 0.05 points, which corresponded to moderate
gingivitis and was accompanied by mild hyperemia and pinpoint bleeding of the gums in the
area of implants. At the beginning of the study, patients of the 2nd group also did not show
any signs of gingival inflammation in the area of implants, however, after 3 and 6 months, the
values of the gingival index in the area of implants were 0.57 ± 0.05 and 1.2 ± 0.05 points
respectively. In general, in patients of the control and 2 st groups, despite regular professional
hygiene in the area of implants, there was a slight deterioration in the condition of the gums,
corresponding to gingivitis of moderate severity. Patients of the 3rd group showed a better
condition of the gums in the area of implants. In group 3, after 6 months, the state of the
gums, according to the interpretation of the gingival index, was defined as “no inflammation”
and significantly differed from the control group - by 92%.
The performed index assessment allowed us to establish the relationship between the level of
dental hygiene and the hygienic state of the structure on the implants. The index score for the
implant area shows the absence of severe gingival inflammation and significant plaque
accumulation in the area of the implants in the first months of their operation. This is due to
the fact that it is, firstly, regularly conducted professional hygiene in the field of implants and
teeth, and secondly, individual hygiene measures carried out by the patient himself. The
inclusion of an oral irrigator in the home implant care kit has been particularly effective. The
use of an interdental brush has proven less effective in patients with an implant-supported
design. As shown by the data of the conducted index assessment, cleaning the structure with
a manual toothbrush alone does not provide sufficient implant hygiene. The use of an
irrigator in addition to the complex “manual dental + interdental brush” significantly
improves the quality of personal hygiene and ensures healthy gums and positive HI indicators
in the area of implants.
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