ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 10, Issue 6, June 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 7.13
ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
A n I n t e r n a t i o n a l
M u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r y
R e s e a r c h J o u r n a l
( D ou b l e B li n d R e fe r e e d & R e vi e w e d I n te r n a ti on a l J ou r n a l )
Rasulova Zulfiya Kholmurotovna*; Amankulov Shavkat Kudratovich**
Denau Institute Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy
Samarkand state University, UZBEKISTAN
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**Denau Institute entrepreneurship and pedagogy
Samarkand state University, UZBEKISTAN.
Email id:
The article analyzes the principles of social and political factors in the creation of poetic
language. Classification of language according to its forms and ways of realization is given.
In the process of hermeneutic analysis of the text as a work of art, one of the most important
attributes of artistic literature is art, i.e. the relation of art to philosophical and aesthetic
fantasy in the human mind, artist city is closer to the notions "originality", "exception",
"normalization" and this is the first requirement for the art of existence.
Society expects a new
work and a new word from the creator. In this regard, ―a new word‖ means a new idea. At
the moment, the word "a new word" also means other meanings, in addition to the meaning of
"a new idea", "guidance" in the press, "superiority" and "stability" in politics, "fulfillment of
promise" and others.
Art, National Language, Literary Language, Induction, Deduction,
Individualism, Idea, Publicity, Poetry.
Art is the essence of human life. The idea that life without art is an act of cruelty is an axiom.
However, listening, seeing, feeling art, and its enjoyment, as well as understanding it, is the
problem of its comprehensive interpretation. The basis of art is a simple human culture. At the
same time culture is the basis of human and international tolerance. In terms of understanding
art, human beings use the highest form of emotion - a word.
Artistic literature is the art of words. Language is realized in different ways:
ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 10, Issue 6, June 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 7.13
ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Human language;
Animal language;
The language of plants.
These forms of language can be used to respond to the social context of users. In this regard,
as we consider the language of human-social communication, we must also distinguish ethnic-
geographical categories of language:
National language;
State language;
International language.
The national language is always expressed in different ways:
national language, literary language, official language, scientific and publicist language, book
language, the language of an interview, Chinese language, native language, the language of
different strata and groups, artistic language.
There are limited and unlimited language forms depending on the scope of its application.
Main part
There are many classifications of language, and the division between them still occurs.
However, we want to think about the way in which forms of language can be summarized;
and in our opinion this is a literary language and artistic literature.
The art of artistic literature has a generalizing character, because artistic work shows the
social reality and characters in it. "In the development of artistic literature, the author studied
the wisdom of the folklore, the collective creative work of countless descendants, the
experience of creating images, the richness of language and the horizons of imagination."
However, a work of art can be directly applied to any expression of the language through the
author's personality and the figurative linguistic scale. Scientific, official, public, dialectal,
restricted and unrestricted language is its expression aspect. Therefore, the art of artistic
literature has a mass character. It is this popularity that turns the Hermeneutics of artistic
literature into a social phenomenon.
In the process of hermeneutic analysis of the text as a work of art, one of the most important
attributes of artistic literature is art, i.e. the relation of art to philosophical and aesthetic
fantasy in the human mind, artist city is closer to the notions "originality", "exception",
"normalization" and this is the first requirement for the art of existence. These meanings arise
in the shape of the literary sample. Figures and directions are the specific aspects of logic.
Knowing - thinking is the activity, and this activity of the mind reflects the language. Fiction
is also a language of its kind in art literature. Artist city is artistic language.
Another important feature of the artistic literature is that it is an example of individual
creation. The most important phenomenon in fiction is that individualism is the essence of the
creator's work that he is trying to convey to humanity through his work. This principle covers
the entire category of creation. The existence of the universe is expressed in a straightforward
ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 10, Issue 6, June 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 7.13
ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
manner: by forms of expression, language and speech. Artistic work is a realistic version of
artistic speech.
Language is the state of the nation's consciousness. As a rule everyone realizes his thoughts
through language. Language is the key to intelligence in the world. Speech is a written, oral,
intuitive form of language.
The expression is the speech that can be seen in the sound of an actual language. All of these
phenomena are common in the national language, and individual creativity is unique.
Individual creativity requires a single language, namely the new language.
With the exception of the real form of art, the fact that literary literature is a shadow of artistic
imagination and a particular artwork, we recognize that such contexts are connected only to
one form of artistic existence. Artistic literature is a figurative perception of the existence of
these realistic material processes and their appearance is proportional to the nature of human
Creativity is based on the artistic personality of art. Everything is empty, but it is the simplest
form of unbroken originality. In the phenomena of the universe, only infiniteness is involved.
Any femoral event indicates a general association. It leads us to syllogism. The weakest place
of human thought is that it is the syllogisms - the denial of denial or the fact that the causes
and consequences remain. This is the case of materialism, which is realism.
The uniqueness of the work is often the subject of the genius's efforts to break through the
shell. This category is the state of the human mentality in understanding the laws of nature
and society. Human beings should be able to enlarge the history and the future with what is
happening, to keep them in mind, to imagine and to reconsider the events, and most
importantly, to make their own conclusions, concepts. A phenomenon that can offer such an
opportunity can create an idea of existence of an individual and the universe of existence
through it. Any phenomenon is manifested primarily by human imagination. The imagination
works with images. This phenomenon confirms the art as the most important precondition for
understanding of the existence.
When the thoughts turn into speech, they can turn into pearls of thought. Everyone has an
individual world, his or her own land, dreams, nations and oceans, and all the existence of the
Earth is in a way that one which is in human beings' mentality. So, every human being has a
unique world. The literary reflection of this world literally means creativity.
Hermeneutic individualism is the most important condition of living. The only work which
discovered the universe individually or discovered the individual state of the mind makes its
author famous and it lives for the next generation as a classic example: fame - popularity,
popularity - celebrity. A prominent person is a person who has come up with a material, a real
shell. This happiness favors only talented people. Talented ones are geniuses and creators. In
the community, the idea is merely materialized, enslaved to reality, and destroys creativity.
That is why creativity is a great land of thought.
Individual thinking is celestial, the celestial is originality innovation is uniqueness, uniqueness
is creativity. Creativity and individuality are united in this system. As we have already seen,
ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 10, Issue 6, June 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 7.13
ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
any individuality is still associated with social thinking because its meaning should be
understood by society. If society is unable to understand individualism in it, a person of this
kind of individualism is considered to be unreasonable, and society does not accept it.
Individuality and creativity are understood only by the unique form of language. In this
regard, we consider thinking and consciousness as a key to the reality. However, it should be
noted that realism restrains creativity. Connecting individualism to creativity and emotion is
one of the requirements of Romanticism (England, the romanticism of the 19th century).
Emotion denies intelligence, logic, and rationality. All the events call for events to be
governed by passion, emotion, heartbeat, and heart feeling, not by perception. These
categories are reflected in the imagination and, therefore, the imagination is recorded as the
state of existence. Any idea of the existence of the imagination can be processed by the
author's desire.
The existence of creativity gives talented people the opportunity to feel the original
appearance of the universe, and to imagine. This is the basis for Belinsky to admit that
Shakespeare's works have become a means for humanity to have intelligence twice more than
ever. The process of forming the artistic language in accordance with the work of the art will
be reflected in the above requirements. The artistic language is often monitored by the use of
linguistic and lingo-poetic means of the formation of hermeneutic means. The meaning of the
words must be subordinated to the spirit, subtle, or conscious, intelligent work of the Creator,
whether in the individual or in the background, according to the archetype of the work. This is
in a variety of ways in the genre of the genre: in a small and short form of poetry, in a broad
and detailed, dramatic, but periodically, system of events that occur rapidly in less time. In the
theory of Aristotle's syllogism, inductive and deductive methods of creating whole and
fragmentary gravity in the presence of one's being in the society, whether it is big or
intelligent, strong, small, or mentally weak, artistic literature creates events based on social
psychology of the time. Humanitarianism requires the proper understanding of each condition
of existence and its adequate treatment, based on its own mentality.
Now, one of the important features of fiction, which should be taken into account in the
formation of the work of art, is to become popular. Popularity is an important prerequisite for
the function of functioning of art, its formation in hermeneutic conditions. Artistic work can
only be a literary, artistic example when it is widely accepted by the general public. The
public accepts the work based on three important qualities that are united: artistic purposes,
aesthetic needs and individual creation created by a genius.
These three features reach the masses through the word of existence - the word of the speech,
which has made the work of art. The word and its meanings are understood by the
consciousness as the key to the true nature of the artistic work. This is how the linguistics and
linguistic features of the art work can be seen.
Society expects a
new work and a new word from the creator. In this regard, ―a new word‖
means a new idea. At the moment, the word "a new word" also means other meanings, in
addition to the meaning of "a new idea", "guidance" in the press, "superiority" and "stability"
in politics, "fulfillment of promise" and others. When a human being is manifested through
understanding and explanation of the existence of a man, he interprets it with words. So, the
word lies on the basis of everything. The whole thing can be explained by a single word. This
ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 10, Issue 6, June 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 7.13
ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
fact proves that the form of existence of the artwork depends on the language in public. The
diversity of action and situation and events are within the scope of human linguistic
possibilities. The phenomenon of human consciousness - that is, its material hub - does not
turn into a word. That is not a language phenomenon. In the process of discovery of the
diversity of life, artistic creativity often names, creates and presents these unseen
events. Infertility in nature, in particular the aspiration to the center, emphasizes the most
important role of generalization of events that is - phenomena, and their realization and
generalization. Popularity is related to this feature of the language. At the beginning of the last
century, European scientists have shown that sounds have different signs, like light. However,
light lies in the origin of existence. Light appears in different colors. Hence, the sound that is
sound-based, the sound that is based on them should be colored. Artistic force and power are
determined by the same color spectrum.
A brief analysis of the literary language has shown that the artistic work is a creature of
creativity and a speech in the mind of a popular idea of the art.
The perception happens through forms of emotion and language.
The real shell of the line is adequate to feel and speak. It is based on the fact that the artistic
text is interpreted in a hermeneutical way by its language acquisition. The success of the
artwork is linked to the diversity of the flames it creates and the originality of the color of the
spark. The perfection, attractiveness and elegance of the artistic language are the most
important guarantee of the success of the artistic work. Humanity accepts and promotes
artistic work by means of this feature.
Every member of the community sees, hears, feels and creates conclusions and thoughts from
the relationships between nature and society. Katharsis is the key to social understanding in
artistic literature.
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