Prevention of the formation of postoperative hypertrophic scars on the face

Юсупова, Д., Абдуллаев, Ш., & Халилов, А. (2020). Prevention of the formation of postoperative hypertrophic scars on the face. in Library, 20(4), 24–26. извлечено от
Дилдора Юсупова, Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт

Отделение болезней и травм челюстно-лицевой области

Шариф Абдуллаев, Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт

Отделение болезней и травм челюстно-лицевой области

Абдуфаррух Халилов, Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт

Отделение болезней и травм челюстно-лицевой области



To date, the problem of rehabilitation of patients with cicatricial lesions of the facial skin has not lost its relevance. The article is devoted to the prevention of the formation of postoperative hypertrophic scars on the face and their treatment.

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EPRA International Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook (SEEO) ISSN: 2348-4101

Volume: 7 | Issue: 5| December 2020 | SJIF Impact Factor (2020): 7.005 | Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra0314 | Peer-Reviewed Journal

2020 EPRA SEEO | | Journal DOI URL:





Yusupova Dildora Zuhridinovna

Department of Diseases and Injuries of the Maxillofacial Region

Tashkent State Dental Institute

Abdullaev Sharif Yuldashevich

Department of Diseases and Injuries of the Maxillofacial Region

Tashkent State Dental Institute

Khalilov Abdufarrukh Abdufattokhovich

Department of Diseases and Injuries of the Maxillofacial Region

Tashkent State Dental Institute

Tashkent, Uzbekistan


To date, the problem of rehabilitation of patients with cicatricial lesions of the facial skin has not lost its relevance. The
article is devoted to the prevention of the formation of postoperative hypertrophic scars on the face and their treatment.


maxillofacial area, scars, sodium succinate, operation, prevention


Until today, the problem of rehabilitation of

patients with cicatricial lesions of the facial skin has
not lost its relevance. This is due to several factors:
- a high level of injuries and an increase in the

number of surgical interventions for congenital
malformations, oncological and other diseases in the

maxillofacial region;
- the increased demands of patients and surgeons for
aesthetic results; improvement of existing diagnostic

and treatment methods;
- influence on the psychoemotional sphere, social
status and social adaptation of patients.

Analysis of the distribution of rank values in







dermatocosmetological patients indicates that in the
general structure of treatment, cicatricial lesions of
the face and neck are 25.0%. The highest

appealability for cosmetic defects falls on women
aged 31-40 and accounts for 21.5% of the total

number of patients. Among various social groups of
the population, the highest level of attendance was

found among persons of intellectual labor, the ratio

of men and women is 33% and 67%. (Panova

As you know, the process of scar formation

after damage to the surface layer of tissues during
injuries and operations is a biological law and is
perceived as an "inevitable evil" by both surgeons
and patients. One of the important features of the
process of tissue scarring is the fact that the final scar

formation is completed several months (and
sometimes years) after the operation is performed,

and within the same time frame is assessed by the
patient (1).

We can conditionally distinguish three main

situations in which the process of scar formation
(and, therefore, their subsequent assessment) has

significant differences. So, with open injuries and
their surgical treatment, both the patient and the
surgeon are faced with damage that has already

occurred by chance, which, on the one hand, actually
relieves the surgeon of responsibility for the quality

of future scars, and, on the other hand, is perceived

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EPRA International Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook (SEEO) ISSN: 2348-4101

Volume: 7 | Issue: 5| December 2020 | SJIF Impact Factor (2020): 7.005 | Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra0314 | Peer-Reviewed Journal

2020 EPRA SEEO | | Journal DOI URL:


by the patient as the result of accidental
circumstances. In urgent and elective surgical

operations, when the patient's tissue is dissected with
a surgical scalpel, it is usually about saving the
patient's health, and often life.

Therefore, the surgeon is concerned, first of

all, not with the quality of the future scar, but with

how to more successfully solve the main problem of
treatment (for example, opening a phlegmon,
resecting a tumor, etc.)(2).

In both the first and second cases, after the

completion of the main stage of the intervention, the
surgeon, applying sutures, is concerned not so much

with the quality of the future scar as with how to
ensure uncomplicated (primary) wound healing

In most situations, it is this circumstance that

creates the necessary conditions for solving the main
problem of treatment, allows the patient to be

discharged from the hospital in a short time, and
therefore is one of the important criteria for the

effectiveness of surgical work.


Evaluation of the effectiveness of topical

application of a drug based on sodium succinate
(HYALUAL) in combination with platelet-rich

plasma in wound healing in patients after facial


The analysis of the results of treatment of 46

patients who were hospitalized in the Department of

Adult Maxillofacial Surgery of the TGSI clinic for
the period 2017-2019, who underwent surgical

interventions for facial injuries, was carried out. The
distribution was as follows; 38 patients underwent
surgery for injuries of the lower jaw and articular

process, 8 patients - surgery for the removal of
benign tumors of the lower jaw. In the postoperative

period, 7 patients had a weeping, sluggish
granulating postoperative wound(3).

The patients were divided as follows: Group

1, main - a preparation based on sodium succinate
(HYALUAL) was injected into the wound in

combination with platelet-rich plasma. Controlgroup

standard suture was performed sing


The method of topical application of the

preparation based on sodium succinate (HYALUAL)

in combination with platelet-rich plasma was as
follows: after debridement of the surgical field,
treatment of the skin area, the wound was injected

with 2 ml of HYALUAL, pre-mixed with its own
platelet-rich plasma, which was prepared according

to the standard technique immediately before
operations. This procedure was carried out twice -
just before suturing and on the day of removal (7

days). Photo documentation was used daily as



The results of the analysis of the treatment of

patients showed that in the patients of the control

group, the edema of the tissues around the wound
was stopped on the 4th day, which is longer than in
the patients of the main group for 2 days. Cleansing

of the wound from pathological exudate in the main
group was observed on ... day 3, complete cleansing

of the wound in the control group took place on day

Epithelialization in the control group appeared

on the 7th day, while in the main group,
epithelialization began on the 5th day.

Further observation shows that the scar

formed after the use of a preparation based on
sodium succinate (HYALUAL) in combination with

platelet-rich plasma has a lower tendency to
hypertrophy, which is explained by the fact that

sodium succinate contained in the preparation
performs a unique function of a regulator of
physiological and biochemical processes(6).

It has a direct effect on cellular metabolism

and influences the transport of free oxygen to tissue.

This ability of sodium succinate to intensify

the utilization of oxygen by tissues and the reduction
of NAD- (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - a

coenzyme present in all living cells is part of the
enzymes of the group of dehydrogenases that
catalyze redox reactions; serves as a carrier of

electrons and hydrogen, which it takes from oxidized
substances) - dependent cellular respiration underlies

its antihypoxic action.

Hyalurunic acid, in the composition of the

drug, plays an important role in tissue

hydrodynamics, the process of cell migration and
proliferation, as well as in a number of interactions

with surface receptors of cells.

And the growth factors contained in platelets

enhance the repair processes, the arrangement of

collagen fibers is ordered.


The use of a drug based on sodium succinate

(HYALUAL) in combination with platelet-rich

plasma in the prevention of hypertrophic scarring
was more effective than standard treatment. This
method made it possible to stop the phenomena of

local tissue edema, to shorten the time required for
wound cleansing, and also contributed to the
formation of a thinner, aesthetic scar.

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EPRA International Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook (SEEO) ISSN: 2348-4101

Volume: 7 | Issue: 5| December 2020 | SJIF Impact Factor (2020): 7.005 | Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra0314 | Peer-Reviewed Journal

2020 EPRA SEEO | | Journal DOI URL:




Nikitin A.A., Spiridonova N.Z., Pavlovich V.A.
On the practice of treating keloid and
hypertrophic scars // Mat. IX int. conf.





Petersburg, May 2527, 2004 - SPb., 2004 .-- P.


Pavlovich V.A., Ezrokhin V.M., Bezdenezhnykh
D.S. Our experience in the treatment of nasal
stenosis. // Mat. scientific. confer. "New
technologies in dentistry". Dedicated to the





Temerkhanova. Kemerovo 2005. -Kemerovo.
2005 .- S. 86.


Nikitin A.A., Spiridonova N.Z., Pavlovich V.A.
The method of cryodestruction in the treatment
of keloid and hypertrophic scars of the skin of
the face and neck // Mat. 2nd int. scientific-
practical. conf. "New in Practical Cryology".
Moscow, November 17, 2005 -M., 2005.-S. 69.


4.Ezrokhin V.M., Nikitin A.A. Pavlovich V.A. A
method for eliminating atresia and stenosis of
the nasal cavity // Materials of the V All-
Russian scientific and practical conference of
otorhinolaryngologists "Science and practice in



otorhinolaryngology. -2006. - No. 5. -FROM.


Pavlovich V.A., Ezrokhin V.M. Treatment and
prevention of keloid and hypertrophic scars in
the face and neck area using exogenous nitric
oxide // Technologies of the XXI century in
dentistry and maxillofacial surgery: Sat.
scientific. tr. scientific and practical. conf.
stomatol. and chlh center, fed. districts with int.
participation, stop. 2008 - Tver, 2008.-S 103-


Pavlovich V.A., Ezrokhin V.M. Experience in
the treatment and prevention of keloid and
hypertrophic scars in the face and neck //
Dentistry. - 2008. - T.87, No. 2. - S. 4649.


Ezrokhin V.M., Nikitin A.A., Pavlovich V.A.
Treatment and prevention of keloid and
hypertrophic scars in the face and neck //
Manual for doctors, approved. Minister of
Health of the Moscow Region prof. V. Yu.
Semenov dated May 16, 2008 - M., 2009 .-- S.


Pavlovich V.A., Ezrokhin V.M., Shekhter A.B.
NO-therapy of keloid and hypertrophic scars in
the face and neck area: application experience
// Bulletin of aesthetic medicine. - 2009. - T.8,
No. 2. - S.50-57

Библиографические ссылки

Nikitin A.A., Spiridonova N.Z., Pavlovich V.A. On the practice of treating keloid and hypertrophic scars // Mat. IX int. conf, maxillofacial surgeons and dentists. St. Petersburg, May 2527, 2004 - SPb., 2004.- P. 122.

Pavlovich V.A., Ezrokhin V.M., Bezdenezhnykh D.S. Our experience in the treatment of nasal stenosis. // Mat. scientific, confer. "New technologies in dentistry". Dedicated to the memory of prof. Florida Timofeevich Temerkhanova. Kemerovo 2005. -Kemerovo. 2005.- S. 86.

Nikitin A.A., Spiridonova N.Z., Pavlovich V.A. The method of cryodestruct ion in the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars of the skin of the face and neck // Mat. 2nd int. scientific-practical. conf. "New in Practical Cryology". Moscow, November 17, 2005 -M., 2005.-S. 69.

Ezrokhin V.M., Nikitin A.A. Pavlovich V.A. Amethod for eliminating atresia and stenosis of the nasal cavity // Materials of the V All-Russian scientific and practical conference of otorhinolaryngologists "Science and practice in otorhinolaryngology": Bulletin of otorhinolaryngology. -2006. - No. 5. -FROM. 287.

Pavlovich V.A., Ezrokhin V.M. Treatment and prevention of keloid and hypertrophic scars in the face and neck area using exogenous nitric oxide // Technologies of the XXI century in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery: Sat. scientific, tr. scientific and practical, conf, stomatol. and chlh center, fed. districts with int. participation, stop. 2008 - Tver, 2008.-S ЮЗ-104.

Pavlovich V.A., Ezrokhin V.M. Experience in the treatment and prevention of keloid and hypertrophic scars in the face and neck // Dentistry. - 2008. - T.87, No. '2. - S. 4649.

Ezrokhin V.M., Nikitin A.A., Pavlovich V.A. Treatment and prevention of keloid and hypertrophic scars in the face and neck // Manual for doctors, approved. Minister of Health of the Moscow Region prof V. Yu. Semenov dated May 16, 2008 - M., 2009 S. 12.

Pavlovich V.A., Ezrokhin V.M., Shekhter A.B. NO-therapy of keloid and hypertrophic scars in the face and neck area: application experience // Bulletin of aesthetic medicine. - 2009. - T.8, No. 2. -S. 5 0-5 7

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