Priority directions and trends of the mechanism of sustainable development of the activities of small business entities in industrial sectors of Uzbekistan

Гаибназарова, З., & Фарходов, Б. (2023). Priority directions and trends of the mechanism of sustainable development of the activities of small business entities in industrial sectors of Uzbekistan. Направления развития благоприятной бизнес-среды в условиях цифровизации экономики, 1(01), 54–58.
Зумрат Гаибназарова, Ташкентский государственный технический университет имени Ислама Каримова

доктор технических наук, профессор

Бобир Фарходов, Ташкентский государственный технический университет имени Ислама Каримова




The article examines the existing problems in the activity of small business entities in industrial sectors of Uzbekistan, and the tasks they face. Priority directions and trends of the mechanism of sustainable development of small business entities were also considered. The authors developed proposals through an individual approach to this issue.

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Иқтисодиётни рақамлаштириш

шароитида қулай ишбилармонлик

муҳитини ривожлантириш йўналишлари





Gaibnazarova Zumrat Talatovna,

DSc, Professor,

Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov,

Farkhodov Bobir Utkirovich,

Trainee researcher,

Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov


The article examines the existing problems in the activity of small

business entities in industrial sectors of Uzbekistan, and the tasks they face. Priority

directions and trends of the mechanism of sustainable development of small

business entities were also considered. The authors developed proposals through an

individual approach to this issue.


priority directions, mechanism trends, sustainable development,

activities of small business entities, industrial sectors.

Global economic changes in production in connection with reforms and

scientific and technical development in the context of transition to digital

economy in our country determine many tasks for small business entities. High

results can be achieved only if there is a mechanism formed for the development

of small business entities.

Currently, specific instructions on special mechanism, strategy or

development programs are being developed for small business entities to choose

the right direction of development.

There is a need to form a scientifically based mechanism for economic

analysis and assessment of the development of small business entities. It requires

a timely reorientation of strategy, which can then be decided on stability of factors

affecting its internal development.

The following tasks must be solved to achieve set goal:

to select of the main components of the mechanism;

to describe the elements and reveal their composition;

to determine the presence of components of the mechanism in industrial


The interdependent multi-level system of economic structures, the

interdependence of regulatory and legal procedures, the establishment of the

mechanism for stabilization of production and economic activity creates a basis

for determining the organizational capabilities of the mechanism. It allows

increasing significantly the ability to update it. A sum of these processes

constitutes the composition of the mechanism of development of small business


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Иқтисодиётни рақамлаштириш

шароитида қулай ишбилармонлик

муҳитини ривожлантириш йўналишлари


According to O.N.Grigorova, the process of qualitative renewal of the

system, as well as relations between the elements during its operation, will be

aimed at forming a mechanism of sustainable development of the enterprise.

Together with the sustainability of the enterprise, this process includes stages of

innovation development, preparation, implementation and use.

The mechanism of sustainable development includes the following

components: a mechanism for organizing the management process, a mechanism

for strategic planning of corporate relations, a mechanism for evaluating financial

and economic indicators, a mechanism for financing investment and innovation

projects of the enterprise, a mechanism for digitalization of technological

processes, self-sufficiency or ability to cover costs mechanisms and mechanism of

introducing innovative products.

In description of the mechanism of sustainable development of industrial

enterprise, it is necessary to combine various normative legal documents and

influencing tools. A system of individual mechanisms aimed at solving the specific

sustainable development goals of the enterprise is considered as a sustainable

development mechanism of the enterprise.

Taking into account the influence of environmental factors in the

development of the mechanism of sustainable development, the growth of its life

span and economic efficiency is ensured through the optimization of interactions

in organizational relations. This mechanism can also be based on organizational

technology of using employees.

As a result of the analyzes of economists A.A.Gibadullin and O.N.Grigorova,

the following mechanisms of sustainable development can be distinguished:

social mechanisms

it is a complex set of rules and tools by which people

and members of society develop their potential to move towards sustainable

development. These include: education, health, culture, etc.;

economic mechanisms

it is a set of technologies, rules and tools that

produce economic results that are disproportionate to management

requirements and policies. They can be divided into 3 categories: based on a

number of tools, number of price documents and information tools.

ecological mechanisms

it is one of the most flexible mechanisms. This

mechanism was mainly developed as means of reducing the spread of harmful
waste to environment and is revealed as means of attracting investment

resources directed to alternative and economical technologies of energy. It is

green technologies, green products and green production that can be considered

as a set of environmental documents, regulations and tools that promote

sustainable development by promoting renewable energy sources.

political mechanisms are a set of interrelated tools that help and hinder

the development of all sectors in the country and minimize human factor.

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Иқтисодиётни рақамлаштириш

шароитида қулай ишбилармонлик

муҳитини ривожлантириш йўналишлари


financial mechanisms

it is a set of indicators and instruments that

ensure that production and financial indicators are in balanced state for stable

operation of industrial enterprises.

From our point of view, sustainable development is a comprehensive and

multidimensional process, which requires constant coordination and

improvement of goals, strategies and mechanisms that create the basis for

achieving results.

It is necessary to separate and consider its main components in order to

form a mechanism of sustainable development.

In forming the strategic goals of industrial enterprise, it is necessary to

determine the main goal that affects the main strategy of the enterprise and

expands the opportunities for sustainable development. Any enterprise results

related to reaching a certain level of production, increasing sales, increasing

profitability, increasing product quality, and reducing the number of defective

products serve as the main strategic goals in sustainable development.

At this stage, the type of modern forms of economic management increases

and their role increases. This, in turn, indicates that market relations in economy

will become digital. The period of transition to digital economy requires directly

the use of new methods by state in regulating industrial processes and production

conditions in general. Taxes, prices, licenses, customs fees, budget funds and other

additional instruments are main means of implementing certain methods for

sustainable development.

I.G. Gorlovskaya emphasizes the need to form a mechanism of sustainable

development of industrial enterprises using state regulatory tools. The author

divides them into three groups. The first group is a tool aimed at economic

component of the mechanism of sustainable development of the enterprise. The

second group of tools develops social component of mechanism of sustainable

development. The third group is aimed at forming the ecological component of

the mechanism.

The principles of sustainable development mechanism include:

independence, self-financing, interest, sufficiency, flexibility, regeneration,

reproduction and consumer orientation.

D.S.Kondaurova divided the principles of sustainable development into

4 groups. They are: systematic, general, private and special groups. According to

him, these principles can describe and distinguish the concept of sustainable

development of socio-economic system in very broad sense. Analyzing various

scientific literature, it can be seen that each author interprets the main principles

of sustainable development based on his own direction. Undoubtedly, in terms of

principles of sustainable development of industrial enterprises today, there is still

no definite conclusion, because each industrial enterprise determines this

principle based on its own characteristics and internal capabilities. In most cases,

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Иқтисодиётни рақамлаштириш

шароитида қулай ишбилармонлик

муҳитини ривожлантириш йўналишлари


different principles are encountered, all of which correspond to the concept of

sustainable development of the enterprise, but these developed and applied

principles cannot be called perfect for all industrial enterprises. Because the

results obtained from them are always different.

The next element involved in the process of development of the mechanism

of sustainable development of industrial enterprises is composition of factors that

determine the conditions affecting the development of the enterprise. They are

one of the most important factors in effective operation of industrial enterprise.

Their distribution into separate types is a necessity of solving the problems of

ensuring the sustainable development of industrial enterprises. That is, the ability

to reach a new level of quality is the main factor in strengthening and increasing

the stability of vital activity of industrial enterprise. Taking into account the

influence of external and internal environmental factors, at the same time,

transformation of social and economic and technical and financial activities in

industrial enterprise in the way of automation of processes at the expense of

digital technologies serves as a basis for the goal of achieving sustainable

development and continuous growth. The most important task for activity of

industrial enterprise is not only to ensure stability, but also to achieve sustainable

development continuously.

The following were achieved as a result of ongoing reforms for consistent

development of industrial sectors:

sharp declines in the production of industrial products were not allowed;

social stability was maintained at the expense of large industrial


support of strategically important sectors, primarily fuel and energy

complex, has been providing economic growth in recent years.

A key to successful balanced activity is to find optimal solutions, recognizing

the impact of various factors on sustainable development of industrial enterprise

and their specific characteristics.

The mechanism developed in the process of assessing the level of

sustainable development of an industrial enterprise is an important element in its

structure, and its normal operation leads to the increase in enterprise income.

The analysis of the state of industrial enterprise allows to determine the

elements and software of necessary mechanisms for sustainable development of

the enterprise aimed at renewal. In implementation of economic activity in

industrial enterprise, in preparation, forecasting, planning and implementation of

the strategy of the enterprise, it is necessary to evaluate the necessary dynamics

in the process of sustainable development and determine the level of achievement

of necessary goals, taking into account the previously established goals.

A task of developing scientific and theoretical bases for analyzing and

evaluating the level of sustainable development of an industrial enterprise is to

determine the most optimal ways to evaluate the trend of sustainable

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Иқтисодиётни рақамлаштириш

шароитида қулай ишбилармонлик

муҳитини ривожлантириш йўналишлари


development of enterprises operating in state and industrial sectors. This task

increases the possibility of describing the potential of industrial enterprises and

creates a basis for making recommendations on the dynamics of key indicators

and development of a mechanism for sustainable development of enterprises.

Activities to create a system of necessary economic indicators or determine

the level of sustainable development of the enterprise serve as a program for the

successful implementation of its strategic development. In the conditions of

current digital economy, in order to analyze the results of activities that

determine the stability of the system, it is necessary to accelerate the processes

related to the development and implementation of indicators of sustainable

development of industrial enterprises.

It is worth noting that the increase in volume of production of industrial

products in the GDP of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as organization of sales

process, requires to be carried out in proportion to the increase in efficiency of all

resources of industrial enterprise. In addition, it is necessary to increase the

quality level of economic indicators, improve social and economic status and well-

being of company employees. However, in the conditions of modern digital

economy, it is not always possible for industrial enterprise to obtain additional

funds for marketing, trade policy, as well as state support to ensure sustainable

development and business competitiveness. In such situation, the industrial

enterprise is forced to look for its own sources of internal development.








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