Роль модернизации через управление производством в экономическом развитии Узбекистана

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Олимова, Н. (2020). Роль модернизации через управление производством в экономическом развитии Узбекистана. Экономика И Образование, 1(5), 34–36. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/economy_education/article/view/4630
Наргизахон Олимова, Андижанский машиностроительный институт

преподаватель кафедры организации промышленного производства



В данной статье модернизация предприятий, ускорение технического и технологического перевооружения, широкое внедрение современных, гибких технологий являются основными задачами сегодняшнего дня. Эта задача в первую очередь касается основных отраслей экономики, ориентированных на экспорт и локализованных производственных мощностей. В этом месте ставится задача ускорить реализацию сетевых программ, принятых для модернизации производства, технического и технологического перевооружения, перехода на международные стандарты качества. В свою очередь, это позволит обеспечить нашей стране стабильные позиции как на внешнем, так и на внутреннем рынках.

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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 №





Olimova Nargizahon Odilbek kizi –

lecturer, Organization of industrial production department

Andijan machine-building institute


This article highlights the important tasks of today - accelerating modernization, technical and technological

re-equipment of enterprises, the widespread introduction of modern flexible technologies. This task primarily concerns the main

export-oriented sectors of the economy and localized production capacities. At this point, the task is to accelerate the
implementation of network programs adopted for the modernization of production, technical and technological re-equipment,
and the transition to international quality standards. In turn, this will ensure that our country has a stable position in both
foreign and domestic markets.



modernization, technological re-equipment, technical and technological, strategic management, socio-

economic, economic competitiveness, reforms



Ушбу мақолада корхоналарни модернизация қилиш, техник ва технологик қайта жиҳозлашни

янада жадаллаштириш, замонавий, мослашувчан технологияларни кенг жорий этиш шу куннинг мухим вазифалар
эканлиги ёритиб берилган. Бу вазифа авваламбор иқтисодиётнинг асосий тармоқлари, экспортга йўналтирилган ва
маҳаллийлаштириладиган ишлаб чиқариш қувватларига тегишлидир. Бу ўринда ишлаб чиқаришни модернизация
қилиш, техник ва технологик қайта жиҳозлаш, халқаро сифат стандартларига ўтиш бўйича қабул қилинган

тармоқ дастурларини амалга оширишни тезлаштириш вазифаси қўйилмоқда. Ўз навбатида, бу мамлакатимизнинг
ҳам ташқи, ҳам ички бозорда барқарор мавқега эга бўлишини таъминлаш имконини беради.

Таянч иборалар:

модернизация қилиш, технологик қайта жиҳозлаш, техник ва технологик, стратегик

бошқарув, ижтимоий-иқтисодий, иқтисодиётни рақобатбардошлиги, ислoҳoтлар.


В данной статье модернизация предприятий, ускорение технического и технологического

перевооружения, широкое внедрение современных, гибких технологий являются основными задачами сегодняшнего
дня. Эта задача в первую очередь касается основных отраслей экономики, ориентированных на экспорт и

локализованных производственных мощностей. В этом месте ставится задача ускорить реализацию сетевых
программ, принятых для модернизации производства, технического и технологического перевооружения, перехода
на международные стандарты качества. В свою очередь, это позволит обеспечить нашей стране стабильные
позиции как на внешнем, так и на внутреннем рынках.

Ключевые слова


модернизация, технологическое перевооружение, технико-технологическое, стратеги-

ческое управление, социально-экономическое, конкурентоспособность экономики, реформы.

The world community recognizes the uni-

queness of socio-economic and political reforms,

carried out in our country. In particular, the mea-

sures taken to maintain stable economic growth in

the context of the coronavirus Covid-19, which

shocked the world, confirm the correctness of the

measures taken. As our president Sh.M. Mirziyoyev

noted in his Address to the Oliy Majlis of Uzbe-

kistan dated January 21: “Over the past three years,

we have allocated 9.8 trillion soums for water

supply, 4.6 trillion soums for water supply, 18.2

trillion soums for electricity and 1.2 trillion soums

for the supply of natural gas. These figures are

several times higher than the amount spent on

these sectors in the last 10 years. But, nevertheless,

the creation of a modern infrastructure, moder-

nization of the existing system requires several

tens of times more money”[1].

To build a new Uzbekistan, one of the urgent

tasks today is liberalization and modernization of

the economy, expanding opportunities for free
economic activity of enterprises, sharply limit the

role of the government, expand the independence

of business entities, create more freedom and

opportunities for their use of their resources.

Modernization of enterprises, further acce-

leration of technical and technological re-equip-

ment, widespread introduction of modern, flexible

technologies are among the important tasks of

today. This task primarily concerns the main sec-

tors of the economy, export-oriented and localized

production capacities[8]. The task is to accelerate

the implementation of adopted industry programs

for the modernization of production, technical and

technological re-equipment, the transition to

international quality standards. In turn, this will

ensure that our country has a stable position in

both foreign and domestic markets.

Currently, the introduction of strategic plan-

ning at the enterprise level, micro and macro level

is one of the important directions in the effective

implementation of important priority projects

aimed at modernizing, technical and technological

updating of our economy, a sharp increase in its

competitiveness, increase in export potential.

In the context of modernization of the eco-

nomy, it is very difficult for enterprises to gain a

foothold in the market without strategic manage-

ment and planning tools. Currently in our country

there are very few companies that have a clear


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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 №



strategy. The management of the company is still

working based on the methods of the former Soviet

regime[7]. This is absolutely not suitable for the

modern economy. After the independence of our

country, radical changes took place in our eco-

nomy, such as the denationalization and privatiza-

tion of property, the development of small business

and private entrepreneurship, the creation of

dekhkans and farms.

In determining the current and future mea-

sures of socio-economic development of our coun-

try, we must take into account the impact of the

global financial and economic crisis, formulate

economic development programs in terms of the

impact of these processes and implement them

consistently. About the measures taken in this

direction, President Sh. Mirziyoyev said: “We

should immediately think deeply about the post-
crisis period of our development and think about

developing a long-term program in this direction.

This program should include targeted projects for

the modernization and technical updating of key

sectors of our economy, the introduction of mo-

dern innovative technologies that will give a

powerful impetus to our country to achieve new

heights and ensure competitiveness in the world

market. This is a very important issue, one might

say, a crucial strategic task, we must not lose sight



Given the importance of the role of industry

in the sustainable development of our economy,

the relevance of the topic is determined by scien-

tific research of the strategic management system

at enterprises and the development of scientific

and practical proposals to solve these problems.

However, there is a lack of scientific research

related to improving the effectiveness of strategic

management of enterprises in the context of mo-

dernization of the economy.

Careful and comprehensive measures,

important tasks and directions, development and a

clear definition of economic development prog-

rams at different levels are the key to success in

ensuring consistent and sustainable economic

development for the coming period. At the same

time, it is important to draw appropriate con-

clusions through a critical assessment of the

achievements and results of the previous period,

on the basis of which the improvement of socio-

economic development programs will continue.

This rule is especially relevant in the current

context. Because the coronavirus, which started in

the fall of 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan, has

had a significant impact on the economies of many
countries around the world[5]. It has led to the

global financial and economic crisis and could pose

a risk of food shortages. Prevention of negative

consequences requires a certain sequence in the

implementation of socio-economic processes at

different levels, thoughtful and substantiated

actions, the phased implementation of radical

reforms, and steady progress towards plans and

goals. The fact that our country maintains a stable

growth rate under these unstable conditions once

again confirms the correctness of the chosen path

of independent development and the economic

policy pursued in accordance with it.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that in

the context of the globalization of the economy in

2020, ensuring macroeconomic stability and sus-

tainable economic growth in Uzbekistan is again

undeniable evidence of the correctness of the

chosen economic path based on the five basic

principles of economic reform.

Full and effective implementation of the

tasks set in this report of the President to ensure
high and sustainable rates of economic develop-

ment, efficiency and macroeconomic balance of

Uzbekistan, to improve the stability of the banking

and financial system, pursue an active investment

policy for the implementation of strategically

important projects, and further improve the stan-

dard of living and welfare of our people, requires,

first of all, a deep and deep understanding of their

content by members of our society. In particular,

the proclamation of 2020 as the Year of Science,

Education and the Digital Economy and the deve-

lopment of a special state program in this area re-

quire all of us to take measures to fully demon-

strate the investment potential of our country to

attract foreign investment.

In the context of globalization, a special place

in supporting enterprises in the real sector of the

economy is occupied by issues of modernizing pro-

duction, expanding cooperation, establishing close

cooperation, and stimulating domestic demand for

domestic products. In the context of modernization

of the country, the solution of the following tasks is



Special attention should be paid to impro-

ving the organizational structure of governance in

the context of deepening economic reforms and

modernization of the country.


In order to improve the activities of the

enterprise and reduce unnecessary costs, we

believe that it is necessary to study the work of

departments and workshops in the enterprise and

reduce the management staff.


When evaluating measures to improve

the performance of management bodies in indus-

trial enterprises, it is advisable to conduct them

based on the impact of production results of the


In order to accelerate the activities of the

enterprise, it is necessary to develop external

cooperation in the enterprise.


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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 №




It is necessary to develop and accelerate

the development of the main directions and means

of modernizing production at the enterprise, that

is, the removal of obsolete equipment from the

enterprise, equipping the production with modern

equipment and technologies, introducing innova-

tive technologies into production based on local

resources, expanding the range of products, redu-

cing production costs and saving resources, imp-

lementation of a quality management system and

certification system, implementation of non-waste

and environmentally friendly technologies.

If the company puts our proposals in the

right direction, based on its capabilities, it will lead

to positive changes in improving management

efficiency and creating the basis for future growth

of the company.

Summing up the above, we can say that

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's proclamation of

2020 as the “Year of Science, Education and the

Digital Economy” poses an important task for us to

raise the production of industrial enterprises to a

new technological level, production, what, to whom

and what products, taking into account demand

and proposals in ensuring their economic effi-

ciency, in providing resources, introducing inno-

vative technologies into production, introducing

new innovative (digital technologies) in the choice

of forms and methods of product sales.



Sh.M. Mirziyoev. "Appeal to the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan" www.turkestan.uz January 22, 2020


Popov S.A. Strategic Management: Vision - More Important Than Knowledge: A Study Guide. - M .: Business, 2016.


Kleiner G. B. Strategy of the enterprise.- M.: Publishing House "Case" ANH, 2015.-568 p.


Porter M. Competitive Strategy: Methods of Analysis of Industries and Competitors / Per. from English.- 3rd ed.- M.:

Alpina Business Books, 2014.-453 p.


Lambin Jean-Jacques. Strategic marketing. European Perspective - St. Petersburg: Science, 2016


Mescon M. et. al. Fundamentals of Management. Translation from English -Moscow: The Case, 2012


Fathutdinov R.A. Strategic Competitiveness: A Textbook. - M.: “Economics”, 2015. - 504 p.


Khrutsky V.E., Gamayunov V.V. Intrafirm budgeting: Handbook on the formulation of financial planning. - 2nd ed.,

Revised. and add. -M.: finance and statistics, 2014. -464 p.



Султонов Мухиддин Маматюсуфович -

Давлат хизматлари агентлиги масъул ходими


Мақолада автосаноат корхоналари бошқарув тизимини истеъмол бозори талабларига

мувофиқлаштиришда бозор конъюнктуравий ҳолатининг ўрни, рақобат муҳити шароитида бошқарув тизимини
истеъмол бозори талабларига мувофиқлаштириш шарт-шароитлари ва омиллари билан боғлиқ жараёнлар тадқиқ
этилган. Шунингдек, коммуникацион сотиш тизимини ташкил этиш ва бошқариш жараёни самарадорлигини

ошириш ва истеъмол бозори талабларига мувофиқлаштиришга йўналтирилган илмий таклиф ва амалий
тавсиялар берилган.

Калит сўзлар:

бошқарув самарадорлиги, конъюнктуравий ривожланиш, бошқарув тизими, синергик самара,

рақобат устунлиги, коммуникацион сотиш тизими, инвестицион самарадорлик, бозор механизми, истеъмол

призмаси, бозор сегменти.


В статье исследуется роль конъюнктурного состояния рынка в условиях согласования системы

управления автопромышленными предприятиями с требованиями потребительского рынка, а также условия и

факторы, связанные с согласованием системы управления с требованиями потребительского рынка в условиях
конкуренции. Кроме того, даны научные предложения и практические рекомендации по повышению эффективности
процесса оргонизации и управления коммуникационной системой продаж и приведению ее в соответствие с
требованиями потребительского рынка.

Ключевые слова:

эффективность управления, конъюнктурное развития, система управления, синерге-

тический эффект, конкурентное преимущество, система продаж связи, эффективность инвестиций, рыночный
механизм, призма потребления, сегмент рынка.


The article considers the role of market conditions in the adaptation of the management system of

automotive enterprises to the requirements of the consumer market, the processes associated with the conditions and factors of
adaptation of the management system to the requirements of the consumer market. There are also scientific proposals and
practical recommendations aimed at improving the efficiency of the process of organizing and managing the communication
sales system and adapting it to the requirements of the consumer market.

Key words:

management efficiency, conjunctural development, management system, synergistic efficiency, competitive

advantage, communication sales system, investment efficiency, market mechanism, consumer prism, market segment.


Библиографические ссылки

Sh.M. Mirziyoev. "Appeal to the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan" www.turkestan.uz January 22, 2020

Popov S.A. Strategic Management: Vision - More Important Than Knowledge: A Study Guide. - M .: Business, 2016.

Kleiner G. B. Strategy of the enterprise.- M.: Publishing House "Case" ANH, 2015.-568 p.

Porter M. Competitive Strategy: Methods of Analysis of Industries and Competitors / Per. from English.- 3rd ed.- M.: Alpina Business Books, 2014.-453 p.

Lambin Jean-Jacques. Strategic marketing. European Perspective - St. Petersburg: Science, 2016

Mescon M. et. al. Fundamentals of Management. Translation from English -Moscow: The Case, 2012

Fathutdinov R.A. Strategic Competitiveness: A Textbook. - M.: “Economics”, 2015. - 504 p.

Khrutsky V.E., Gamayunov V.V. Intrafirm budgeting: Handbook on the formulation of financial planning. - 2nd ed., Revised. and add. -M.: finance and statistics, 2014. -464 p.

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