Развитие возобновляемой энергетики как фактор модернизации энергетики

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Назарова, Р., & Ниязметова, Й. (2020). Развитие возобновляемой энергетики как фактор модернизации энергетики. Экономика И Образование, 1(6), 23–25. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/economy_education/article/view/7067
Рано Назарова, Ташкентский государственный экономический университет

д.э.н, профессор

Йокутхон Ниязметова, Ташкентский государственный экономический университет

Базовый докторант (PhD)



В статье даны базовые понятия о возобновляемой энергетике, рассмотрены причины модернизации энергетики как фактора перехода к низкоуглеродной экономике, показана актуальная проблема загрязнения окружающей среды за счет использования традиционных источников энергии и необходимость перехода на возобновляемые источники энергии (ВИЭ)

Похожие статьи

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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 №



ности, разработку соответствующих пред-

ложений в данном направлении;

- принятие мер по созданию современ-

ных торговых и логистических центров,
продвижению отечественной продовольст-

венной продукции на мировых рынках,
повышению ее конкурентоспособности, рас-

ширению экспортного потенциала и сокра-

щению объема импорта.

И это только малая часть масштабной

работы по преобразованию продовольствен-
ного сектора республики, поддержке и содей-

ствию государства фермерским хозяйствам,
предприятиям, занимающимся переработкой

сельхозпродукции, производителям специа-
лизированной техники, что в итоге обеспечи-

вает не только продовольственную безопас-

ность нашего государства, но и наращивает
экспортный потенциал страны.

Список использованной литературы:

1.Мирзиёев Ш.М.

Стратегия действий по пяти приоритетным направлениям развития Узбекистана в 2017-

2021 годах

2. Мирзиёев Ш.М. Постановление «О мерах по ускоренному развитию пищевой промышленности республики и

полноценному обеспечению населения качественной продовольственной продукцией», 09.09.2020 г. №ПП-4821.

3. Мирзиёев Ш.М. Постановление Президента «Концепция развития пищевой промышленности до 2025 года»

ID -4084.

4. Мирзиёев Ш.М. Постановление «О дополнительных мерах по глубокой переработке сельскохозяйственной

продукции и дальнейшему развитию пищевой промышленности», 29.07.2019 г. №ПП-4406.

5.Дунченко, Янковская. Управление качеством продукции. Пищевая промышленность. Учебное пособие, 2018 г.
6. Акимов, В.В. Экономика отрасли (строительство): Учебник / В.В. Акимов, Т.Н. Макарова, В.Ф. Мерзляков, К.А.

Огай. — М.: НИЦ ИНФРА-М, 2013. — 320 c.

7.Толибова Б. Место и значение инвестиций в развитии пищевой промышленности, 2019 йил
9. https://podrobno.uz/
10. https://uzreport.news/
11. https://regulation.gov.uz/
12. http://uzagroexport.uz/



Nazarova Rano Rustamovna


Doctor of Economics, Professor of Tashkent State University of Economics.


Yokutkhon Botir kizi


Basic doctoral student (PhD) of Tashkent State University of Economics


Мақолада қайта тикланадиган энергетиканинг асосий тушунчалари берилган, энергетикани

модернизация қилиш сабаблари кам углеродли иқтисодиётга ўтиш омили сифатида кўриб чиқилган, анъанавий
энергия манбаларидан фойдаланиш орқали атроф-муҳит ифлосланишининг долзарб муаммоси ва қайта
тикланадиган энергия манбаларига ўтиш зарурлиги кўрсатилган.

Калит сўзлар:

қайта тикланадиган энергия манбалари, қуёш энергияси, Бутунжаҳон энергетика кенгаши

(WЕC), кам углеродли энергия манбалари, шамол энергияси.


В статье даны базовые понятия о возобновляемой энергетике, рассмотрены причины

модернизации энергетики как фактора перехода к низкоуглеродной экономике, показана актуальная проблема
загрязнения окружающей среды за счет использования традиционных источников энергии и необходимость перехода
на возобновляемые источники энергии (ВИЭ).

Ключевые слова:

возобновляемые источники энергии, солнечная энергетика, Всемирный энергетический

совет (ВЭС), низкоуглеродные источники энергии, ветроэнергетика.


The article gives basic concepts about renewable energy, considers the reasons for modernization of the

energy industry as a factor in the transition to a low-carbon economy, shows the pressing problem of environmental pollution
due to the use of traditional energy sources and the need to transition to renewable energy sources (RES).

Key words


renewable energy sources, solar energy, World Energy Council (WEC), low-carbon energy sources, wind

energy, decarbonization.

The energy industry of the future is the

economically and environmentally efficient use

of all possible energy resources - fossil fuels,
nuclear energy, renewable energy sources (RES),

and in the future thermonuclear and other

energy sources not known today, using the most

advanced and energy efficient technologies for


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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 №



energy production, conversion, transportation

and distribution.

The fundamental factor in the transition to

renewable energy is the modernization of the
energy industry, which is due for at least three


-the continuing importance of the energy

sector, which plays a strategic role in economic

development and security at all levels (national,
regional and international);

-the increasing tendency of depletion of

the most accessible and profitable reserves of

conventional energy carriers, first of all, oil and
the growth of their prices;

-a factor of global climate change caused

by increased concentration of greenhouse gases

in the atmosphere, which the international
climatological community directly relates to

technogenic emissions, first of all, of energy

At present world consumption of primary

energy resources is estimated at around 13.5-15
billion tons of oil equivalent per year. Global

energy demand is growing quite rapidly, at about
3% per year. According to the forecasts of the

World Energy Council (WEC) it will continue to
grow and by 2025 the world energy consump-

tion may reach more than 20.0 billion tons [1, 2].

Orientation on oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear fuel
which remains in XXI century, already creates

certain economic and ecological problems on
which experts of almost all countries actively


At existing volumes of extraction and rates

of growth of energy consumption in the world
the known reserves of organic fossil fuels by

various estimates will be exhausted in a histo-
rically short time, as shown in Table - 1[3].

Table 1

World reserves and production of the main combustible minerals

Fossil organic fuels - energy


Coal, bln. tn.

Oil, billion tons.

Gas, trillion cubic



Proven reserves





World Production





Proven reserves of production, years




Estimated average data on the revealed

world reserves of fossil organic energy resources

at the beginning of the XXI century, accepted by

the world energy community, show that the
explored reserves of oil and gas can end in 55-70

years. Whereas the depletion of the world's coal
reserves is estimated at 300 years.

Further development of the energy sector

solely associated with traditional energy, which

is one of the most serious polluters of the
environment, also contributes to environmental

disasters and climate change. The world now
faces an urgent need to address what the United

Nations in 2002 called the "Energy Trilemma":

1. striking a balance between environmen-

tal impacts;

2. Access to energy resources;

3. Social justice [4].

One of the main goals of the Millennium

Development Goals, along with overcoming

poverty and reducing the risk of climate change
is to provide clean and affordable energy. In

2008 The UN General Assembly adopted the
Sustainable Energy for All initiative, which calls

for three important interdependent goals by

- ensuring universal access to modern

energy services;

- increasing the efficiency of global energy

consumption by 40%;

- increasing the share of renewable energy

sources in the world up to 30%.

The main direction of energy moderniza-

tion is the development of the so-called alter-
native (unconventional, clean or "green") energy.

Its broad interpretation implies the use of
energy-efficient technologies, as well as clean,

low-carbon energy sources (including renewable
sources and nuclear power plants), which are

increasingly replacing hydrocarbon fuels. In
turn, in the structure of these fuels themselves,

there is an accelerated substitution of oil (fuel
oil) and coal by natural gas as a cleaner energy

source. Thus, diversification and decarbonization
are the priorities of modernization of the energy

sector and, given the aforementioned basic role

in the development of the economic complex, the
core of "green" economic growth as a whole.

Sustained and significant recent invest-

ment growth has provided an acceleration in

global alternative energy capacity. Investments
in energy efficiency R&D are increasing parti-

cularly rapidly, followed by renewables by a
wide margin, while the shares of R&D spending

on nuclear power and fossil fuels are declining.
In Japan, EU countries, Canada, and the BRICS


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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 №



countries (Russia, Brazil, India, China), the pro-

duction of electricity from renewable sources is
estimated at tens of billions of kilowatt-hours,

and in the United States at over 100 billion
kilowatt-hours per year. Almost all leading

countries are planning to reach a 30% share of
renewable energy by 2030.

Correspondingly, the market of installa-

tions and equipment for alternative energy
expanded during this period, the forecasts of

which growth rate in the next decade is one of
the highest. We should note the high technolo-

gical effectiveness and advanced scientific and
technological level of many developments and

equipment in the "green" sector, which is clearly
visible in Japan, as well as Germany, several

other European countries, the U.S., South Korea
and the BRICS countries.

Modernization of infrastructure, especially

in the energy industry, is one of the key priorities

of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The reserves of
renewable energy resources of the Republic of

Uzbekistan are large. Mainly it concerns solar

energy. The Republic of Uzbekistan is located in
an excellent climatic and geographical zone. It is

possible to use solar energy on industrial scale

here. The regional potential of wind energy is

relatively small and geographically limited. The
most correct approach is to combine different

types of RES, in this case - solar and wind.

The total stock of thermal energy of the

Republic of Uzbekistan is quite large. It many
times exceeds the potential of solar energy. What

cannot be said about technical potential. Simple

and economically profitable technologies of
production of this energy are necessary here.

Also, the processing of domestic waste can be
considered as economically viable renewable

energy sources. Biological gas (methane) pro-
duced from MSW (municipal solid waste) can be

used as a source of electricity and heat.

So, today we can say about renewable

energy as a competitive way to produce electri-
city. The development of renewable energy is a

mechanism to stimulate the development of
high-tech economy, brand new technologies,

new directions in science, which solves the
problem of employment and creation of new jobs

for the development of new branches of science

and engineering, based on high-tech and
"environmental" innovations.


1. Energy in the 21st Century. - time to act. WEC Report, 2000.

2. Skinner, Brian J. Will mankind have enough earthly resources? American Scientist, vol. 64 (May-June issue), 1989

3. Hydrocarbon resources of the world / M.V. Golitsyn, O.N. Bazhenova, N.V. Pronina. – Moscow, 2005.

4. Digital Energy: A New Paradigm of Functioning and Development. Under the editorship of Prof. N.D. Rogalyov.

Moscow, 2019. – p. 263.












http://unctad.org/en/docs/ditcted20102_en. pdf



Ханкелдиева Гўзал Шеровна -

и.ф.д., Фарғона политехника институти


Мақолада мамлакатимизда қайта тикланувчи энергия манбаларидан самарали фойдаланиш

масалаларини назарий маълумотлар асосида ўрганилган. Тадқиқот жараёнида жаҳон энергия истеъмоли прогнози
ишлаб чиқилган ва мамлакатимизда қайта тикланувчи энергия манбалари салоҳияти асосланган, шунингдек, қайта
тикланувчи энергия манбаларидан самарали фойдаланиш масалалари юзасидан таклиф ва тавсиялар ишлаб

Таянч иборалар:

энергетик салоҳият, самарадорлик, энергетик сиёсат, қайта тикланиш энергия манбалари,

энергия бозори, энергия ресурслари


В статье исследуются теоретические вопросы эффективного использования возобновляемых

источников энергии в нашей стране. В рамках исследования разработан прогноз мирового потребления энергии, а
также обосновано использование потенциала возобновляемых источников энергии, разработаны предложения и
рекомендации по эффективному использованию возобновляемых источников энергии в нашей стране.

Ключевые слова:

энергетический потенциал, эффективность, энергетическая политика, возобновляемые

источники энергии, энергетический рынок, энегетические ресурсы.


The article examines the theoretical issues of effective use of renewable energy sources in our country. The

study has developed a forecast of global energy consumption, as well as justified the use of the potential of renewable energy
sources, developed proposals and recommendations for the effective use of renewable energy sources in our country.

Key words:

energy potential, efficiency, energy policy, renewable energy sources, energy market, energy resources.


Библиографические ссылки

Energy in the 21st Century. - time to act WEC Report, 2000.

Skinner, Brian J. Will mankind have enough earthly resources? American Scientist, vol. 64 (May-June issue), 1989

Hydrocarbon resources of the world / M.V. Golitsyn, O.N. Bazhenova, N.V. Pronina. - Moscow, 2005.

Digital Energy: A New Paradigm of Functioning and Development Under the editorship of Prof. N.D. Rogalyov. Moscow, 2019. - p. 263.

The green economy: trade and sustainable development implication. / URL: http://unctad.org/en/docs/ditcted20102_en. pdf

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