International Journal of Pedagogics
Vol.05 Issue01 2025
Features of preparing future teachers for the professional
socialization of students in general education schools
Makhkamova Dilafruz Aliyevna
Lecturer at Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
26 October 2024;
8 December 2024;
18 January 2025
This article analyzes the theoretical foundations and practical approaches to developing the pedagogical
skills of future teachers in the process of professional socialization of students. It also highlights the importance
of interactive methods and practical activities in the professional socialization of students in general education
Pedagogical skills, professional socialization, future teachers, students, interactive methods, practical
Today, one of the key tasks in the
education system is improving the professional training
of future teachers and developing their pedagogical
skills. The socialization of students in the school
intellectual, and professional development is defined
as one of the teacher's primary responsibilities. In this
process, pedagogical skills not only ensure the
effectiveness of teaching and education but also
directly influence the formation of students as
Pedagogical skills refer to the ability to apply
theoretical knowledge in practical activities, a creative
approach to the teaching profession, the ability to
establish effective communication with students, and
engaging them in the learning process. In the process
of professional socialization, an integrated approach
that combines theoretical knowledge with practical
activities is essential for developing the pedagogical
skills of future teachers.
To help senior students choose a profession, they must
be taught to set clear goals they wish to achieve in life,
develop a civic mindset and moral convictions, possess
self-awareness, understand the world of professions
and the demand for specific jobs in their region, and
cultivate personal qualities that enable them to make
an informed choice. Without special preparation,
senior students lack knowledge about the world of
professions, themselves, regional workforce demands,
and potential pathways for further education, leading
to significant difficulties in making a career choice.
Addressing the issue of preparing senior students for
career choice at the current stage of educational
system development is both timely and relevant for
theoretical and practical study. This will help resolve
the existing contradiction between the need to make a
career choice and the insufficient development of
personal, civic, and moral qualities in senior students,
as well as the absence of mature motives for making
such a choice.
Preparing senior students for career selection is viewed
as a phased, dynamic, and goal-oriented process of
specially organized pedagogical activities aimed at
developing knowledge about professions, skills
required for mastering a profession, motives for career
choice, and studying professionally significant personal
qualities necessary in potential career fields. It also
focuses on building students' confidence in making the
right career choice.
A systemic approach is chosen as the main criterion,
where the process of preparing future teachers and the
process of professional socialization of students are
studied as a unified system. In this system, the
interdependence of components and their effects are
thoroughly analyzed. Special attention is paid to
organizing the educational process based on an
innovative pedagogical approach, utilizing modern
technologies and interactive methods.
International Journal of Pedagogics
International Journal of Pedagogics (ISSN: 2771-2281)
The education system in our country is dynamically
changing. The modern teacher continues to fulfill the
state’s educational mandate, which necessitates
changes in the teacher training process. Today, schools
operate based on new state educational standards
(SES) developed for the three-level general education
The state educational standard for primary general
education (Grades 1
4) (approved by Resolution of the
Cabinet of Ministers No. 187 dated April 6, 2017, as
amended by Resolution No. 390 dated August 16,
The state educational standard for basic secondary
education (Grades 5
9) (approved by Resolution of the
Cabinet of Ministers No. 187 dated April 6, 2017, as
amended by Resolution No. 390 dated August 16,
The state educational standard for secondary
(complete) general education (Grades 10
(approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No.
187 dated April 6, 2017, as amended by Resolution No.
390 dated August 16, 1999).
Each standard explicitly defines the requirements for
implementing the general education program. These
documents emphasize the importance of the
development. It is worth noting that the new state
educational standards are being implemented not only
in general education schools but also in the higher
education system.
Today, the higher education system is developing
within the framework of network collaboration.
Developing and integrating modules into the main
education program is a new direction in higher
education. This innovation is important for students, as
it provides them with the opportunity to choose their
individual educational trajectory, select the university
that suits them, and opt for specific educational
modules to study.
The study of the socialization process in general
education schools is expanding and deepening every
year. The state educational standard for general
education schools mandates the implementation of a
program for education and socialization within schools.
In this regard, future teachers studying in pedagogical
universities must be prepared to implement this
program in general education institutions.
The formation of pedagogical skills in future teachers
during the professional socialization of students is
highly complex and includes:
The goals and objectives of spiritual and moral
education and the socialization of students at the
general secondary education level;
The content, types of activities, and forms of education
for each area of spiritual and moral education and
A model for organizing work on spiritual and moral
education and socialization;
Forms and methods for engaging students in socially
significant activities;
Descriptions of mutual cooperation and interaction
technologies among participants in the educational
process and social institutions;
Descriptions of methods and forms for career guidance
in educational institutions;
Methods and forms for enhancing the pedagogical
culture of students' parents (or legal guardians);
Expected outcomes in terms of spiritual and moral
guidance, and the formation of a safe, healthy, and
environmentally sustainable lifestyle;
Criteria and indicators for assessing the educational
institution's performance in ensuring education and
professional socialization.
A future teacher will be able to develop an
understanding of the essence of personality
socialization in educational institutions, master the
theoretical foundations for organizing the process of
students' professional socialization, and design
socialization programs aimed at developing skills.
In pedagogical practice, diagnostic conversations are
widely used for the professional socialization of
students. For this purpose, interviews are conducted
with students based on pre-prepared questions. In the
course of the research work, a diagnostic interview was
used. It was found that the effectiveness of activities
for the professional socialization of future teachers
depends on the following factors: students'
understanding of the social value of professional
activities; ensuring that professional activities fully
meet modern requirements; aligning students'
interests with the interests of society; and fostering
mentoring and family efforts to cultivate students'
correct and creative aspirations toward specific
In scientific literature, several methods are known for
the professional socialization of students, one of which
is A.E. Golomstok's "Interest Map" methodology. This
method is aimed at identifying students' professional
interests through test questions. Students are also
given tasks such as career psychograms and career
choice sheets.
The activity of professional socialization for students
International Journal of Pedagogics
International Journal of Pedagogics (ISSN: 2771-2281)
and future teachers fulfills another important
addressing the contradictions between the
objective needs of society for skilled personnel and the
subjective professional aspirations and desires of
youth. Students work to eliminate or minimize the lack
of knowledge about modern professions and trends,
forming opinions about career choices that are not
based on outdated stereotypes.
Thus, the development of pedagogical skills in future
teachers during professional socialization is a crucial
stage in their preparation for their future careers. As
stated in this article, the formation of pedagogical
mastery is based on the integration of theoretical
knowledge and practical skills. For this process to be
successful, the effective use of interactive methods,
reflective approaches, and practical training is
essential. This creates a foundation for the teacher's
success not only in the education system but also in the
socialization process.
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