Integration of artificial intelligence and teaching methods in pedagogy | International Journal of Pedagogics

Integration of artificial intelligence and teaching methods in pedagogy

International Journal of Pedagogics
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Makhamadjonov Islomjon, . (2025). Integration of artificial intelligence and teaching methods in pedagogy. International Journal of Pedagogics, 5(01), 57–59.


This articles explore the transformational construction of artificial intelligence in revolutionizing the learning process within the pedagogical sciences. It explores how artificial intelligence products and techniques can help students learn independently, learn independently, and think critically. Help discuss the integration of artificial intelligence into artificial intelligence, personalized learning experiences, intelligent tutoring systems, and automated manufacturing.

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International Journal of Pedagogics



Vol.05 Issue01 2025





Integration of artificial intelligence and teaching
methods in pedagogy

Makhamadjonov Islomjon

Student of PhD, Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute, Uzbekistan


26 October 2024;


8 December 2024;


18 January 2025


This articles explore the transformational construction of artificial intelligence in revolutionizing the

learning process within the pedagogical sciences. It explores how artificial intelligence products and techniques
can help students learn independently, learn independently, and think critically. Help discuss the integration of
artificial intelligence into artificial intelligence, personalized learning experiences, intelligent tutoring systems, and
automated manufacturing.


Artificial intelligence, pedagogical sciences, independent education, personal education, automated

assessment, educational technology.


The emergence of artificial intelligence

has ushered in a new era of technological
development, reshaping various areas of society,
including education. In recent years, artificial
intelligence has emerged as a powerful tool for
improving the educational process, particularly in the
field of pedagogical sciences. The signing of the Decree
No. PQ-4996 of the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan dated February 17, 2021 "On measures to
create conditions for the rapid introduction of artificial
intelligence technologies" is also important in the field
of pedagogical sciences today. It is no exaggeration to
say that it was an impetus for the development of the
quality of glue [1]. Focused on teaching theory and
practice, this discipline benefits significantly from the
integration of technologies. Traditional pedagogical
approaches often rely on teacher-directed learning,
where knowledge is transferred from teacher to
student. Although this method has its advantages, it
limits student engagement and prevents the
development of critical thinking skills. On the other
hand, AI offers a paradigm shift by enabling
personalized, customized and interactive learning

Using artificial intelligence algorithms, teachers can
analyze large amounts of data to gain insight into
individual student needs and preferences. This data-
driven approach enables the adaptation of educational

content and delivery methods to suit different learning
styles and abilities. Intelligent tutoring systems
powered by artificial intelligence guide students
through complex concepts and problem-solving
exercises, providing real-time feedback and support. In
addition, AI-based assessment tools can automate the
assessment process, freeing up teachers' time to focus
on more meaningful interactions with students.

Literature analysis

In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence
into education has become a topic of increasing
interest. Many studies have explored the potential of
artificial intelligence to transform traditional teaching
and learning practices. For example, a meta-analysis by
Hatti et al. found that the use of intelligent tutoring





achievement, especially in math and science[2]. In the
context of educational sciences, artificial intelligence
has the potential to revolutionize teacher education
and professional development. By analyzing large data
sets of student performance and teacher behavior,
artificial intelligence algorithms can identify effective





recommendations for improvement. For example, a
study by Siemens and Baker showed how data mining
techniques can be used to uncover patterns in student
learning analytics to inform instructional decisions. In
addition, AI-based tools can help develop innovative

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International Journal of Pedagogics


International Journal of Pedagogics (ISSN: 2771-2281)

teaching methods. For example, artificial intelligence-
driven virtual and augmented reality technologies can
create immersive learning experiences that engage
students and enhance their understanding of complex
concepts [3]. A study by Dede et al. He emphasized the
positive effect of virtual reality on student motivation
and learning outcomes in science education [4].
However, the integration of artificial intelligence into
education also creates difficulties. Concerns have been
raised about data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the
potential for job substitution. It is important to address
these issues through ethical standards and strong




research is needed to explore the optimal ways to
integrate AI into the curriculum and evaluate its long-
term impact on student learning and development.


This study aims to investigate the impact of artificial
intelligence tools on self-directed learning in pedagogy.
A mixed methods research design combining both
quantitative and qualitative research approaches will
be used to achieve this goal. Let's first take a closer look
at quantitative research and its components. Data
Collection: In the Student Survey section, we will
conduct a structured survey among undergraduate and
graduate students enrolled in educational science
programs. The survey assesses students' perceptions of
AI-based tools, their use, and their impact on
independent learning. Performance Data: This collects
information about student performance, including
grades, assignments, and test scores, from the
institution's databases. This data will be analyzed to
determine the relationship between the use of artificial
intelligence tools and academic achievement. Data
Analysis: Descriptive statistics such as mean, median,
and standard deviation are used to summarize
quantitative data. Qualitative research components
include data collection, or semi-structured interviews:
In-depth interviews are conducted with a select group
of students and teachers to gain a deeper
understanding of their experiences with AI-powered
tools. The interviews will explore topics such as the
benefits and limitations of artificial intelligence, the
challenges and opportunities associated with its

integration into the curriculum, and the impact on
student learning outcomes. Focus Group Discussions:
Focus group discussions are organized with small
groups of students to facilitate open discussions and
collaborative exploration of their feelings and
experiences. Data Analysis: Qualitative data collected
through interviews and focus group discussions will be
analyzed using thematic analysis. This involves
identifying patterns, themes, and categories within the
data. Content Analysis: This involves analyzing textual
data, such as student assignments and discussion board
posts, using artificial intelligence tools to determine
their impact on the quality of student


Quantitative analysis of student survey data revealed
several important findings. First, a large proportion of
students (85%) reported using AI tools for a variety of
academic tasks, including research, writing, and
problem solving. Second, the use of AI tools was
positively related to student satisfaction with the
learning experience (r = 0.72, p < 0.01). Furthermore, a
comparison of student performance data between AI
tool users and non-users showed a statistically
significant difference in favor of the former group.
Students who regularly used AI tools achieved higher
average grades, especially in subjects that required
critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and
qualitative analysis of interview and focus group data
further demonstrated that AI can be used in self-
directed learning. gave more detailed information
about the secret. The observed analysis shows that
students often said that AI tools helped them to
synthesize complex ideas, and that AI writing aids
improved grammar, students' writing quality. Artificial
intelligence-based tutoring systems have encouraged
students to learn more deeply by challenging them to
think critically and creatively. However, some students
also expressed concern that AI could lead to academic
dishonesty and a decline in original thinking. To reduce
these risks, it is necessary to promote the ethical use of
AI tools and develop critical media literacy skills among

Table 1: Correlation between the use of artificial intelligence tools and student


Table 1


Correlation Coefficient (r)


AI Tool Usage


< 0.01

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International Journal of Pedagogics


International Journal of Pedagogics (ISSN: 2771-2281)

Table 2: Comparison of mean scores between AI tool users and non-users.

Table 2


Mean Grade

Standard Deviation

AI Tool Users






Overall, the results of this study show that AI-based
tools can significantly enhance independent learning in
the pedagogical sciences. Artificial intelligence has the
potential to transform the educational landscape by
providing personalized support, improving research
efficiency, and fostering critical thinking skills.


The integration of artificial intelligence into the field of






fundamentally change the way students learn and
teachers teach. This study found that AI-based tools
can significantly enhance independent learning by
providing personalized support, improving research
performance, and developing critical thinking skills.
However, it is important to recognize the challenges
associated with the adoption of artificial intelligence in
education. Issues such as data privacy, algorithmic bias,
and the potential for job substitution require careful
consideration. In order to maximize the benefits of
artificial intelligence and minimize its risks, it is
essential to develop ethical guidelines and strong
regulatory frameworks. As artificial intelligence
continues to evolve, it is imperative that educators stay
abreast of the latest developments and acquire the
necessary skills to effectively integrate artificial
intelligence into their teaching practices. By embracing
AI as a tool to enhance learning, we can create a more
engaging, effective, and equitable educational
experience for all students.


Sh. Mirziyoyev. Decree of the President of the Republic
of Uzbekistan No. PQ-4996. "On measures to create
conditions for the rapid introduction of artificial
intelligence technologies" February 17, 2021.

Hattie, J., Jaeger, R. K., & Gordon, C. (2017). Visible
learning and the science of how we learn. Routledge.

Siemens, G., & Baker, R. (2012). Learning analytics:
Insights from education and training. Educational
Researcher, 41(1), 20-28.

Dede, C., Ketelhut, D. J., Whitelock, D., & Loftin, R. B.
(2009). A framework for designing effective virtual
learning environments. Journal of Science Education
and Technology, 18(1), 4-18.

Makhamadjanov. Effective use of artificial intelligence

in the performance of independent work by university

students. Scientific journal of the National University of
Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. No. 1/6 of
2024. 144-146

Makhamadjanov. Organization of independent work of
technical university students as a pedagogical problem.




innovative and communicative approaches to language
teaching in technical universities: problems and
solutions. April 19-20, 2024, pp. 539-545.


Sh. Mirziyoyev. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-4996. "On measures to create conditions for the rapid introduction of artificial intelligence technologies" February 17, 2021.

Hattie, J., Jaeger, R. K., & Gordon, C. (2017). Visible learning and the science of how we learn. Routledge.

Siemens, G., & Baker, R. (2012). Learning analytics: Insights from education and training. Educational Researcher, 41(1), 20-28.

Dede, C., Ketelhut, D. J., Whitelock, D., & Loftin, R. B. (2009). A framework for designing effective virtual learning environments. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18(1), 4-18.

Makhamadjanov. Effective use of artificial intelligence in the performance of independent work by university

students. Scientific journal of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. No. 1/6 of 2024. 144-146

Makhamadjanov. Organization of independent work of technical university students as a pedagogical problem. International scientific-practical conference on innovative and communicative approaches to language teaching in technical universities: problems and solutions. April 19-20, 2024, pp. 539-545.

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