A modern model of implementing victimological prevention in society | International Journal of Pedagogics

A modern model of implementing victimological prevention in society

International Journal of Pedagogics
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Toshpulatov Khusanboy Juraboyevich, . (2025). A modern model of implementing victimological prevention in society. International Journal of Pedagogics, 5(01), 51–53. https://doi.org/10.37547/ijp/Volume05Issue01-14


The article studies the theoretical and methodological foundations of ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment in society, victimological prevention and its dialectical features in ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment in society, and the prospects for improving the victimological prevention system in ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment. Modern conceptual approaches and views on ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment in society are also analyzed.

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International Journal of Pedagogics




Vol.05 Issue01 2025





A modern model of implementing victimological
prevention in society

Toshpulatov Khusanboy Juraboyevich

Researcher at Fergana State University, Uzbekistan


26 October 2024;


8 December 2024;


18 January 2025


The article studies the theoretical and methodological foundations of ensuring the stability of the socio-

spiritual environment in society, victimological prevention and its dialectical features in ensuring the stability of
the socio-spiritual environment in society, and the prospects for improving the victimological prevention system
in ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment. Modern conceptual approaches and views on ensuring
the stability of the socio-spiritual environment in society are also analyzed.


Society, socio-spiritual environment, social laws, victimological prevention, traditionalism and

modernity, comparative analysis, analysis and synthesis, systemic and functional, dialectical nature, stability.


Today, the needs and requirements of

society are associated with the prevention of crimes, in
combination with general, special and individual
measures used by internal affairs bodies in








implementation of victimology prevention measures is
associated with the prevention of crimes. In the
process of studying, a model of coordinated and joint
implementation of general, special, individual and
victimological preventive measures for the prevention
of crimes was developed.

Studies show that the problems of interagency
cooperation in the implementation of measures for the
victimology prevention of crimes are also associated
with the passive initiative of state bodies directly
involved in the prevention of crimes. Although in the
current legislation each of the state bodies directly
involved in the prevention of crimes is responsible for
the joint implementation of powers in this area,
victimology prevention measures are mainly carried
out under the control of the head of state or in cases
established by the government.


Theoretical and methodological foundations of
ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment
in society, victimological prevention and its dialectical

features in ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual
environment in society, the origin of cases of violence
against minors and child victimization, issues related to
the importance of ensuring the rights of the child in
international law T.V. Varchuk, E.N. Yershova, L.S.
Alekseyeva, B. Neil, A.L. Genley, B. Fortson, J. Klevens,
M. Merrick, L. Gilbert, S. Alexander, S. Graham, S.
Limber, P. Olvis, L.V. Frank, D.V. Rivman, Y.M.
Antonyan, V.S. Ustinov, I.A. Fargiyev, V.I. Polubinsky,
Q.R. Abdurasulova, I.U. Ismailov, J.S. Mukhtorov, S.B.
Khojakulov, Analyzed in the scientific works of
scientists such as D.R. Turayeva, Sh.K. Giyasov.


Victimological prevention of crimes is carried out in
conjunction with general interaction measures,
including the following activities:

a) strengthening legal awareness among the
population aimed at protecting against various threats
and aggressions (human trafficking and forced labor,
extremism, terrorism);

b) ensuring the implementation of the requirements of
the ideas on identifying and eliminating the causes and
conditions of becoming a victim of crimes.

Victimological prevention of crimes is carried out in
conjunction with special measures:

a) eliminating the causes of the increase in the number

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International Journal of Pedagogics (ISSN: 2771-2281)

of victims of certain types of crimes (forced labor,
fraud, theft, robbery, etc.) and the conditions for their

b) identifying categories of persons with a high
probability of victimization (minors, women, the
elderly, etc.), as well as influencing them with
victimological prevention;

c) developing and implementing special measures
aimed at eliminating dangers and threats to public
safety and public order, the interests of the individual,
society and the state.

Victimological prevention of crimes is carried out in
conjunction with individual measures:

a) conducting a preventive interview with a person with
a high probability of becoming a victim of a crime, in
order to warn him against becoming a victim of a crime;

b) provide written explanations to persons prone to
becoming victims of offenses, as well as an official
warning about the possibility of their becoming victims
of offenses;

c) ensure that potential victims of offenses are
informed about the reasons and circumstances of their

d) apply social rehabilitation and social adaptation
measures and carry out other activities in accordance
with the procedure established by law in relation to
victims of offenses and persons with a high probability
of becoming victims.

It is advisable for internal affairs bodies to implement
the following measures for victimological prevention of

1. Effectively organize victimological prevention of

2. Conduct preventive measures in relation to victims
of offenses, taking into account the individual and
socio-psychological characteristics of the person.

3. Teach the population methods of resolving conflicts
between victims of offenses.

4. Take measures to identify and protect victims of

5. Regularly monitor places (areas) where antisocial
behavior is relatively common or crimes are frequent.

6. Study modern methods of crime prevention and
implement them in practice.

Victimological prevention measures are implemented,
first of all, by teaching persons who are at high risk of
becoming victims of crimes how to resolve conflicts
that arise with their participation, as well as ensuring
physical and psychological safety, and training in
methods and means of self-defense provided for by


From the point of view of victimological prevention, it
is also important to study the occurrence of victim
situations and educate the population about them.
Based on this, victimological prevention of crimes
should be carried out in the following directions:

a) identify persons who are likely to be victims of crimes
due to their social, material, physical, mental or
biophysiological condition, conduct victimological
prevention based on their individual and socio-
psychological characteristics;

b) identify persons who have suffered moral, spiritual,
physical and material harm from crimes within the
family and take measures to compensate them, and
provide them with social, legal, psychological or
medical assistance based on the individual and socio-
psychological characteristics of the victim of the crime;

c) identify citizens with suicidal tendencies and those
who disrupt the spiritual and moral environment in
their families and cause interpersonal conflicts, and
properly organize victimological preventive work in this

g) identify, in cooperation with social rehabilitation and
adaptation centers, victims of domestic violence,
especially those prone to suicide, study the factors that
provoke their mood and take measures to eliminate

The requirements and tasks set for the system of
internal affairs bodies remain relevant and require
constant research in these areas, optimizing the
functionality of the system, increasing the vigilance of
employees, regularly improving their knowledge levels,
systematically analyzing activities based on the
experience of foreign countries, studying the
information received and being in constant action to
make positive changes.

The reforms being implemented in the system of
internal affairs bodies are forcing preventive services to
develop new methods and forms of cooperation with
civil society institutions, public structures and the
general public to implement early crime prevention.
Because, even in cooperation between all sectoral
services of internal affairs bodies, the main information
on crime prevention comes from the public. This serves
to effectively organize the activities of the prevention
inspector for the early prevention of crimes of
intentional homicide and intentional bodily harm
within the family.


In conclusion, it can be said that the prevention of
crimes committed by citizens, as well as the moral
correction of persons who have committed crimes,

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International Journal of Pedagogics (ISSN: 2771-2281)

depends on the organization of their activities by
trained and sent to practice prevention inspectors
using general, special, individual and victimological
preventive measures. This means that every preventive
inspector should be educated in the spirit of love for
their homeland, devotion to their profession, and
should form examples of honesty and dedication in
their future service activities.


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