STylistic and pragmalinguistic problems of transmitting english words related to new phenomena in uzbek

  • Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
  • Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Хидоятова, Ф., & Ашуров, А. (2022). STylistic and pragmalinguistic problems of transmitting english words related to new phenomena in uzbek. Актуальные вопросы языковой подготовки в глобализирующемся мире, 1(1), 94–98. извлечено от
Феруза Хидоятова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
А Ашуров, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Проректор по работе с молодежью Туринского политехнического института


The author of the article considers differences in the systems of the source and target languages and the peculiarities of creating texts in both Uzbek and English languages may limit the ability to convey completely the contents of the original. Translation equivalence can be based on the preservation and, accordingly, the loss of various elements of meaning contained in the original, and the translator should be able to choose the only true version of the translation of phrases and expressions from several variants, relying on the general meaning of the text, its style and genre.

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Khidoyatova Feruza graduate student Uzbek State World

Languages University Scientific advisor: Ashurov A.

Vice-rector for youth work at Turin Polytechnic

University in Tashkent, PhD


The author of the article considers differences in the systems of the source

and target languages and the peculiarities of creating texts in both Uzbek and English

languages may limit the ability to convey completely the contents of the original.

Translation equivalence can be based on the preservation and, accordingly, the loss of

various elements of meaning contained in the original, and the translator should be able

to choose the only true version of the translation of phrases and expressions from several

variants, relying on the general meaning of the text, its style and genre.

Key words:

Pragmalinguistics, phenomena, equivalence, pragmatic adaptation,

deviation, anthropocentric orientation

The current aspects and problems of pragmalinguistics.

Studying a human being has become a trend in all modern sciences. Linguistics

is no exception. Linguists study speech act, considering speech exposure as an important

means of human communication. More attention is paid to pragmatic influences, and

pragmatics as a science. A person uses language, pursuing different goals: to share

news, to encourage the addressee to take any specific action, to ask about something or

to express his feelings and to evaluate the actions of others. Language is the tool by

which a person regulates relationships with people, influencing them. It can be said that

with the help of it, a person changes social reality.

Today, pragmalinguistics is an interdisciplinary field within which many logical,

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philosophical, socio-psycholinguistic, stylistic and ethnographic directions intersect. So

far, there has not been a single comprehensive scientific definition of the pragmatics of

language and a strictly defined conceptual apparatus with terminology. It has developed

in semiotics (from Greek ‘sign’) - the science of the general nature of the functioning

of various signs (semiotic systems) that store and transmit a variety of information.

L. Wittgenstein’s [1942; 1953] works greatly influenced the development of

pragmatically oriented linguistics. He suggested that meaning exists only when the

language is in use. This means that any statement can only be interpreted in context,

taking into account the nature of a particular situation. Researchers give different

examples to prove this postulate. Here is one of them: the statement

“It’s raining”


different contexts can have different pragmatic meanings: ‘I’m not going anywhere’


‘Take an umbrella’


‘Bad weather’


and with an interrogative

intonation -

(request for information).

The key concept for describing linguistic communication in pragmalinguistics is

the one of activity. Language is a tool for dynamic interaction of communicants. The

functioning of the language is linked with the situational and socio-psychological

context of its use. In pragmatic approach, focus is given to the language units and

important components which are directly related to the subject, and he in his turn uses

the language as the tool of communication.

Thus, linguistics in accordance with the present tendencies within the

development of the humanitarian sciences expanded significantly the scope of its

impact: researchers changed their directions from phonetics to phonology. Interaction

between all aspects of speech act and communication are covered within the framework

of linguistic research. It is reflected on person's mental, social, and cultural features and

characteristics and it led to intensive intervention of many disciplines. Related

disciplines appeared due to the impact of various researches and at the crossroads of


Pragmalinguistics is a science with anthropocentric orientation. In this regard, the

following branches of linguistics as cognitive linguistics, linguistics, ethnolinguistics,

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sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, pragmalinguistics are in the process of developing

and they are directed to show connection between the language and the culture and to

reveal national spirit and character [Vinokur, 1993].

At the same time, in cognitive linguistics basic concepts and research facilities

should be emphasized. Cognition is defined by human’s activity in various stages and

understanding of the nature is based on various scientific data, and description of

anthropological characteristics. A man, being a certain set of psycho-physiological

features, is recognized as a nature-thinker, philosopher and a crossroad of many

important actions. It is indisputable to consider a man’s cognition depending on

psychological, social development, cultural development as he is living in a certain

community and socio-cultural conditions [Syzdykova, 1986].

When translation receptor belongs to another linguistic collective, to a different

culture it often leads to pragmatical inadequacy of the translated text. In this case, there

is a need for

pragmatic adaptation

of the translation. Here are some common types of

pragmatic adaptation with examples:


entering additional information into the text, making up for the lack of

background knowledge on the subject at the receptor (regarding geographical and

cultural realities, for instance):

Massachusetts - ‘Shtat Massachusetts ’; Middlesex -

‘Midlseks okrugi ’;


transferring the names of companies, firms, print media, etc.:


reports a new reshuffle in the government. - ‘Newsweek jurnalining yozishicha,

hukumat tarkibi yana o‘zgardi.’.


transferring realia:

The prime-minister addresses the people from the window

of No.10. - Bosh vazir o‘z qarorgohi derazasidan yig ‘ilganlarga murojaat qildi.


conveying the emotional impact of the source text to the translation receptor

when the perception of similar messages in the original and translation does not match.


“extra-translation problem”, when the translator, for some reason, deliberately

changes the original version, actively intervenes in the communication process.

Concerning stylistic layer, it should be borne in mind that it is not possible for

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each of stylistic devices to be compiled fully or even partially. The translator has to

“adjust” the style of the original to the newspaper and magazine style of the target

language. Unlike the neutral language of a scientific and technical text, the language of

newspaper articles is often emotionally saturated, which brings it closer to the language

of fiction. Here we find similes, metaphors, idioms, elements of humor, sarcasm, irony,

etc. Therefore, it is important to convey all the emotional elements along with the

political and social context.

Let us review the use of stylistic adaptation of the translation with specific



the replacement of verb forms in English headings with nominal forms when

translated into Russian:

Flood Hits Scotland - ‘Shotlandiyada suv toshqini ’; Want No

Hysteria in Toronto Schools - ‘Toronto maktablarida urush isteriyasini o'rnatishga

qarshi namoyishlar ’.


replacing colloquial elements of the slang with more neutral ones: Hip and

Square Films - ‘ultra modernistik va an’anaviy filmlar’.

Sometimes deviations from the original in translation are inevitable. But the

amount of such discrepancies should be reasonable. The translator must reproduce the

features of the linguistic expression of the author of the original. Whoever perceives the

translation wants to know the original message, not how the translator reinterpreted it.

Unjustified deviations from the text of the original are a sign of unprofessionalism.

The equivalence of a translation is associated with its material form - oral or

written. The relative equivalence of the translation of texts is affected by the difference

in the sociopolitical terms and adopted concepts. It also varies due to the differences in

realia and due to the slang, vernacular, occasional words and idiomatic expressions used

by people.

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Topical issues of language training

in the globalized world




Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1953). Philosophical Investigations. Blackwell.


Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1942). Blue and Brown Books. Harper Perennial.


Vinokur T.G. Speaker and listener. - М., 1993. -p172.


Syzdykova R. Contemporary literary language and literary norms // Collection

of proverbs. - Almaty: Zhazushy, 1986. -pp77-82


Далиева, Мадина Хабибуллаевна. "THEORETICAL FEATURES OF




Далиева, Мадина Хабибуллаевна. "Классификация сленга в нестандартных

вариантах." NovaInfo. Ru 1.95 (2018): 52-55.



LANGUAGE, AND KNOWLEDGE." Academia Repository 2.11 (2023): 24-27.

Библиографические ссылки

Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1953). Philosophical Investigations. Blackwell.

Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1942). Blue and Brown Books. Harper Perennial.

Vinokur T.G. Speaker and listener. - М., 1993. -p172.

Syzdykova R. Contemporary literary language and literary norms // Collection of proverbs. - Almaty: Zhazushy, 1986. -pp77-82


Далиева, Мадина Хабибуллаевна. "Классификация сленга в нестандартных вариантах." NovaInfo. Ru 1.95 (2018): 52-55.

Dalieva, Madina. "NAVIGATING THE INTERPLAY OF TERMINOLOGY, LANGUAGE, AND KNOWLEDGE." Academia Repository 2.11 (2023): 24-27.

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