Subcultures as a method of interpersonal and intercultural communication

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Ергашова, Н. (2024). Subcultures as a method of interpersonal and intercultural communication . СМИ. Язык и культура. Перевод., 1(1), 65–68. извлечено от
Наргиза Ергашова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Студентка факультета международной журналистики


Many problems related to culture arc international and even global dimension. Acute problems of "mass culture", spirituality and lack of spirituality. At the same time, are becoming increasingly important impact, dialogue, mutual understanding of different cultures, including the relationship of modem Western culture and traditional cultures of the developing countries of Asia and Latin America. Thus, interest in issues of cultural theory has profound practical roots. All this has stimulated the development of the philosophical problems of culture and has led to significant progress in the field of knowledge, down to the question of the creation of a special science of culture -cultural studies.

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Student of International journalism

faculty, UzSWLU

Many problems related to culture are international and even global dimension.

Acute problems of "mass culture", spirituality and lack of spirituality. At the same time,

are becoming increasingly important impact, dialogue, mutual understanding of

different cultures, including the relationship of modern Western culture and traditional

cultures of the developing countries of Asia and Latin America. Thus, interest in issues

of cultural theory has profound practical roots. All this has stimulated the development

of the philosophical problems of culture and has led to significant progress in the field

of knowledge, down to the question of the creation of a special science of culture -

cultural studies.

The study of culture has deep philosophical tradition (the philosophy of history,

philosophy of culture) and attracts the attention of other disciplines, primarily -

archeology, ethnography, psychology, history, sociology, not to mention the sciences

that study the various forms of consciousness - the art, morality, religion and etc. Each

of the concrete sciences creates a certain idea of culture as the subject of his research.

So "image culture" in various sciences looks different. Western scholars of culture have

between 150 and 250 definitions of culture. This is due not only to the specific interests

of specific sciences, but also a variety of ideological positions and even different

approaches within one worldview from which to view culture.

The earliest sociological studies on subcultures came from the so-called Chicago

School, who interpreted them as forms of deviance and delinquency. Starting with what

they called Social Disorganization Theory, they claimed that subcultures emerged on

one hand because of some population sectors’ lack of socialization with the mainstream

culture and, on the other, because of their adoption of alternative axiological and

normative models. As Robert E. Park, Ernest Burgess, and Louis Wirth suggested, by

means of selection and segregation processes, there thus appear in society "natural

areas" or "moral regions" where deviant models concentrate and are re-enforced; they

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do not accept objectives or means of action offered by the mainstream culture,

proposing different ones in their place—thereby becoming, depending on

circumstances, innovators, rebels, or retreatists (Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin).

Intercultural Communication Competence is a form of communication that aims to

share information across different cultures and social groups. It is used to describe the

wide range of communication processes and problems that naturally appear within an

organization or social context made up of individuals from different religious, social,

ethnic, and educational backgrounds. Intercultural communication is sometimes used

synonymously with cross-cultural communication. In this sense it seeks to understand

how people from different countries and cultures act, communicate and perceive the

world around them. Many people in intercultural business communication argue that

culture determines how individuals encode messages, what medium they choose for

transmitting them, and the way messages are interpreted.

The European researcher Daniele Trevisani pointed out the semantic distinction

between intercultural and cross-cultural communication should be clearly specified:

Intercultural Communication properly refers to the study of the "interaction" between

people from different cultures, while cross-cultural communication specifically refers

to the comparison of how people from different cultures communicate. In other words,

cross-cultural communication is a "static differential image" depicting differences in

communication patterns across different cultures, while Intercultural Communication

studies "dynamic interactional patterns", what happens when people from at least two

different cultures meet and interact, and what "frames" are generated from this

interaction, e.g. understanding vs. misunderstanding, agreement vs. disagreement,

cultural adaptation vs. cultural isolation, emerging of "third cultures", conflict vs.

cooperation, intercultural team cohesiveness vs. team misunderstandings, intercultural

projects success vs. projects failure, emotional improvement vs. emotional

deterioration, and any other relational outcome.

Good intercultural communicators have personality strength (strong sense of self

and are socially relaxed), communication skills (verbal and nonverbal), psychological

adjustment (ability to adapt to new situations), and cultural awareness (understanding

how people of different cultures think and act). These areas can be divided into eight

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different skills:

o self-awareness (using knowledge about yourself to deal with difficult situations);

o self-respect (confidence in what you think, feel, and do);

o interaction (how effectively you communicate with people);

o empathy (being able to see and feel things from other people's points of view);

o adaptability (how fast you can adjust to new situations and norms);

o certainty (the ability to do things opposite to what you feel);

o initiative (being open to new situations);

o acceptance (being tolerant or accepting of unfamiliar things).

As the world becomes more complicated and culturally pluralistic, and increases

the importance of topics related to intercultural communication. The ability to

communicate, regardless of cultural barriers affect our lives, not only at work or at

school, but also at home, in the family and in the gaming environment. Intercultural

and cross-cultural communication became the subject of many studies. Scientists

propose a set of definitions of communication, including intercultural. Porter and

Samovar, for example, gives the following definition of communication: "What takes

place whenever someone responds to the behavior or the consequences of the behavior

of another person". In another study, they define communication as something that

happens "whenever the behavior is attributed to some sense" is defined simply as the

communication exchange of knowledge, ideas, thoughts, concepts (concepts) and

emotions that occur between people. Intercultural communication has a number of

features that make it more complex, demanding and difficult than intra or interpersonal

communication. To understand these specific issues, it is necessary to obtain a more

complete understanding of the basic components of the communication process. The

components of the communication process can be differentiated in several ways. One

of them - to determine the modes by which communication can take place. People

communicate using two modalities: verbal and nonverbal, as described by us in the two

preceding chapters. Verbal modus includes language with its unique set of phonemes,

morphemes and vocabulary, syntax and grammar, phonology, semantics and

pragmatics. Verbal language - containing these components semantic system, which

provides for the exchange of ideas, thoughts and feelings . Non-verbal modality

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includes all non-linguistic behavior, including facial expressions, gaze and eye contact,

voice intonation and paralinguistic clues, interpersonal space, gestures, div posture

and pause. As we saw in the previous chapter, non-verbal behavior is multidimensional;

It serves many purposes, besides the direct communication (remember Ekman and

Friesen classification regarding nonverbal actions as illustrations of regulators,

emblems, as well as gestures, adapters, and emotions).



Arent, R. (2009) “Bridging the Cross-Cultural Gap: Listening and

Speaking Tasks for Developing Fluency in English”, Michigan ELT. Accessed on July 18,

2019. ed.). Belmont, Ca:

Wadsworth Publishing Company.


Fawaz, M. & Hamdan-Mansour, A. (2016). Effect of using HFS on

motivation and clinical; judgment among nursing students in Lebanon. Nurse
Education Today. 46 (2) 36-42. Fundamentals. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co.


Hamdan-Mansour, M. A. (2016) “Intercultural Communication”,

Conference Paper. accessed on July 18, 2019.


Klopf, D. W., & Park, M. (1982). Cross cultural communication: An

introduction to the Nordquist, R. (2019). What Is Communication? The Art of
Communication, Verbal and Nonverbal, Ostankowicz-
Bazan, H. (2015) Competence in Communication and Interpersonal Skills.


Тешабаева, Дилфуза Муминовна. "Медиа Тилининг Шаклланиши:

Ахборот Узатиш Ва Қабул Қилиш Жараёнида Лисоний Коммуникация." Miasto
Przyszłości 34 (2023): 198-202.


Тешабаева, Дилфуза Муминовна. "ҲАРБИЙЛАШГАН ТАЪЛИМ

Universal Science Research 1.4 (2023): 235-242.


Дадабаева, Хаётхон, and Дилфуза Тешабаева. "Роль акта в

формировании коммуникативной компетентности при обучении иностранным
языкам курсантов военного образования." in Library 3.3 (2023): 235-242.

Библиографические ссылки

Arent, R. (2009) “Bridging the Cross-Cultural Gap: Listening and

Speaking Tasks for Developing Fluency in English”, Michigan ELT. Accessed on July 18, 2019. cd.). Belmont, Ca:

Wadsworth Publishing Company.

Fawaz, M. & Hamdan-Mansour, A. (2016). Effect of using HFS on motivation and clinical; judgment among nursing students in Lebanon. Nurse Education Today. 46 (2) 36-42. Fundamentals. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co.

Hamdan-Mansour, M. A. (2016) “Intercultural Communication”, Conference Paper, accessed on July 18, 2019.

Klopf, D. W., & Park, M. (1982). Cross cultural communication: An introduction to the Nordquist, R. (2019). What Is Communication? The Art of Communication, Verbal and Nonverbal, Ostankowicz-Bazan, H. (2015) Competence in Communication and Interpersonal Skills.

Тешабаева, Дилфуза Муминовна. "Медиа Тилининг Шаклланиши: Ахборот Узатиш Ва Кабул Килиш Жараёнида Лисоний Коммуникация." Miasto Przyszlosci 34 (2023): 198-202.


Дадабасва, Хастхон, and Дилфуза Тешабаева. "Роль акта в формировании коммуникативной компетентности при обучении иностранным языкам курсантов военного образования." in Library 3.3 (2023): 235-242.

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