Linguopragmatic aspect of mass media language

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Калбаева, А. (2023). Linguopragmatic aspect of mass media language . СМИ. Язык и культура. Перевод., 1(1), 250–255. извлечено от
Айсанем Калбаева, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
магистрант кафедры языкознания


В данной статье рассматриваются основные направления в изучении языка СМИ (собственно лингвистический, риторический, герменевтический, психолингвистический, лингвопрагматический, социологический, юридический и культурологический аспекты). Особое внимание уделяется семиотическому к когнитивно-дискурсивному подходам к анализу текстов массовой коммуникации. Рассматриваются активные инновационные процессы в сфере конвергенции различных дискурсов в коммуникативно дискурсивные практики масс-медиа, проблеме перевода текстов СМИ, а также текстам политического дискурса.

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master student of the department of linguistics of English language of
Uzbekistan state world languages university


This article examines the main directions in the study of media

language (linguistic, rhetorical, hermeneutic, psycholinguistic, linguopragmatic,

sociological, legal and cultural aspects). Particular attention is paid to semiotic and
cognitive-discursive approaches to the analysis of mass communication texts. Active
innovation processes in the sphere of convergence of various discourses into
communicative and discursive practices of the mass media, the problem of translating
media texts, as well as texts of political discourse are considered.

Key words:

mass communication, scientific tools of media research,

methodological basis of linguistic research, discourse, media discourse, associative
connections, pragmatic, historical and cultural context, historical and linguistic
context, mass media, interdisciplinary language practice.


В данной статье рассматриваются основные направления в

изучении языка СМИ (собственно лингвистический, риторический,



социологический, юридический и культурологический аспекты). Особое
внимание уделяется семиотическому и когнитивно-дискурсивному подходам к
анализу текстов массовой коммуникации. Рассматриваются активные
инновационные процессы в сфере конвергенции различных дискурсов в
коммуникативно-дискурсивные практики масс-медиа, проблеме перевода
текстов СМИ, а также текстам политического дискурса.

Ключевые слова:

массовая коммуникация, научный инструментарий

медиаисследований, методологическая база лингвистических исследований,
дискурс, медиадискурс, ассоциативные связи, прагматический, историко-





междисциплинарная языковая практика.


Ushbu maqolada media tilini o'rganishning asosiy yo'nalishlari

(lingvistik, ritorik, germenevtik, psixolingvistik, lingvopragmatik, sotsiologik,
huquqiy va madaniy jihatlar) ko'rib chiqiladi. Ommaviy aloqa matnlarini tahlil
qilishda semiotik va kognitiv-diskursiv yondashuvlarga alohida e'tibor beriladi. Turli
nutqlarni ommaviy axborot vositalarining kommunikativ va diskursiv amaliyotiga
yaqinlashtirish sohasidagi faol innovatsion jarayonlar, ommaviy axborot vositalari
matnlarini, shuningdek, siyosiy nutq matnlarini tarjima qilish muammosi ko'rib

Kalit so'zlar:

ommaviy kommunikatsiya, media tadqiqotining ilmiy vositalari,

lingvistik tadqiqotning metodologik asoslari, nutq, media-diskurs, assotsiativ
aloqalar, pragmatik, tarixiy va madaniy kontekst, tarixiy va lingvistik kontekst,
ommaviy axborot vositalari, fanlararo til amaliyoti.

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The modern abundance of channels and forms of mass communications that

serve as translators of discourses that once did not have a media character (political

discourse, everyday discourse, family discourse, entertainment discourse) stimulates

humanists to develop cross-disciplinary research, and linguists in particular, to the

formation of a synthetic, holistic anthropocentric paradigm [9]. And it is precisely

this focus on the involvement of factors that were once considered “extralinguistic”

that maintains the relevance of the semiotic triad of semantics - syntactics -

pragmatics in the analysis of discourse of any type [10].

As researchers begin to study the entire contemporary field of mass

communications, they continually cross the boundaries of one discipline to invade the

territories of several others. Psycholinguistics is adjacent to political science,

marketing theory is adjacent to communication theory, philosophy of language is

adjacent to criticism of the discourse of power, etc. The cross-disciplinary nature of

media research is obvious, based on the very linguopragmatic nature of media

messages. In the preface to the book, its editor R. Andersen and J. Gray write: “True

to the nature of media studies - an interdiscipline sitting at the crossroads of more

traditional fields such as sociology, political economy, art, rhetoric, anthropology and

political science ( just to name a few) - we offer here a broad range of entries

concentrating not only on humanistic themes but also from social scientific 4

perspectives" (“Following the nature of media studies - an interdisciplinary approach

at the intersection of more traditional fields of knowledge, such as sociology, political

economy, art, rhetoric, anthropology and political science (to name just a few), we

offer a wide range of articles that focus not only on humanistic topics, but also from

sociological perspectives” [12, p. XVIII]).

An in-depth study of the analysis of “media language” occurs at the turn of the

20th-21st centuries, and interest in this area began back in the 1980-1990s. The

expansion of linguistic meaning and its rise to the level of linguopragmatics have

changed the research vector in the analysis of speech material in the media. In the

scientific tools of media studies of the 1990-2010s. The concept of “media discourse”

is included, displacing previous nominations of the subject as “the language of the

media” [4-8].

As noted by O.V. Leshchak, methodological basis of linguistic research of the

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twentieth century. has a “tetrichotomous structure: positivism, rationalism,

phenomenologism, functionalism” [1, p. 8-14]. Linguistics of the last two decades

has been developing in line with the functional approach, which combines semantic,

communicative, discursive, and cognitive methods [2, 3]. Developed by E.S.

Kubryakova, E.V. Paducheva, N.D. Arutyunova, Yu.D. Apresyan, N.V. Ufimtseva,

I.A. Sternin, M.V. Nikitin et al., this paradigm reoriented the analysis of language

from a structuralist immanent approach to a sign as an object to an intersubjective,

speech-generating model, which allows expanding the boundaries of semantics,

traditionally fixed on the lexical dictionary meaning, due to associative connections,

pragmatic and historical-cultural, historical-linguistic context [3].

The phenomenon of genre, stylistic, and ideological mimicry has become

ubiquitous. Thus, the media discourse of a talk show or the discourse of a women's

glossy magazine can mimic oral conversational discourse. The speech practice of

telling everyday stories has been carefully studied by modern narratology and the

theory of mass communications, and they reveal the mechanisms of transfer of story

telling stereotypes from everyday everyday communication to the press, fiction and

back [13].

M. Fladernik writes about these processes of mutual enrichment of discourses

in his study “Fictions of Language and Languages of Fiction: Linguistic

Representation of Language and Consciousness,” exploring the creative and

cognitive nature of oral discourse. Today, the discourse of power, or, more broadly,

political discourse, is also mediated by the mass media [7]. Ironically using the title

of the famous article by the German cultural sociologist W. Benjamin “The work of

art in the era of its technical reproducibility”, the German media theorist N. Boltz

designates modern political discourse as “politics in the era of its technical

reproducibility” [14, p. 56]).

In the journalistic practice of previous years, such “simulacra” were called

“ducks.” The difference between a fake and a “duck” is that it does not perform

serious revealing or misleading tasks. It is part of virtualized postmodern

communication, where information gradually loses its purely referential function and

increasingly performs an entertaining, gaming function. A fake can imitate

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023

news, advertising, analytical and any other discourse, adapting its communication

strategies and stylistic techniques, appropriating a broadcast channel (it can be

YouTube, a blog, even an official mass media channel - a television broadcast, a

glossy magazine, etc.). Thus, a new research task arises for the linguist - identifying

typological, discourse-speech mechanisms that distinguish one type of information

presentation from another, often independent of the content of the message itself. The

connection between semantics and pragmatics is built in postmodern media discourse

on the basis of pure, virtualized fiction according to the simulation model once

described by J. Baudrillard [15]. Thus, German mass media theorists R. Steber, W.

Faulstich, H. Mein [16-18] write about the convergence of various discourses into

communicative-discursive practices of mass media. R. Steber emphasizes that from

the second half of the twentieth century. mass media become an integral part of

everyday life; they expand the communicative field of intimate and family discourse

through collectivization, stereotyping, and urbanization. The expansion of the

influence of the press beyond the purely political into the area of the “private and

small local world” (“des Privaten und der kleinen lokalen Umwelt”) is carried out by

improving the technical capabilities of the media and their penetration into private

life, especially in the era of electronic media [16, p. . 291-292]. The influence of mass

media on the consciousness and speech of modern man, their manipulative potential

and the actualization of this potential are not only the subject of research, but also the

object of comprehensive media criticism (see, for example, the article by V. Greb on

the quasi-religious impact of television messages on the consciousness of the

addressee: [19 ]).

All these observations confirm the initial hypothesis that the typologization of

modern mass media should be based not on a specialized journalistic approach, but

on the identification of general cognitive-communicative structures that bring

together texts of different subject purposes. This means that, based on the

linguopragmatic nature of media discourse, the following components should be

identified during typology:

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023



Technological broadcast channel (press, radio, TV, Internet);


Type of communication medium (official / informal, private-interpersonal /



Targets (function): advertising, PR, entertainment, information, analytics,

journalistic influence;


Audience (by age, social, economic, gender, national, ethnic, party-political,

etc. criteria);


Genre (the choice depends on the media channel, targets, media ideology,



Stylistics (format, genre, author’s stylistics).


Communication strategies (identification with the addressee, manipulation,



Subject area (business, entertainment, arts, shopping, politics, social

relations, sports, hunting, gadgets, etc.).



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Fludernik M. The Fictions of Language and the Languages of Fiction: The

linguistic representation of speech and consciousness. - London; New York:
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and death. - M.: Dobrosvet, 2000. - 387 p.


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Konstanz: UVK Medien, 2000. - 370 S.


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Бакиева, Г. Х., and Д. М. Тешабаева. "Оммавий ахборот воситалари

тили." Журналистлар учун ўқув қўлланма (2019).


Бакиева, Г. Х., and Д. М. Тешабаева. "Медиамаконда матн." Тошкент:

Турон-Икбол (2019).


Teshaboeva, D. M. "Ommavij ahborot vositalari tilining nutk madanijati

aspektida tadkiki (ЎzR OAV misolida): Filol. fan. dok.. dis. avtoref." (2012).


QIZI, VALIYEVA NARGIZAXON ZAMIR. "Linguocultural aspect of

teaching foreign languages as an integral part of the educational process." Til va
adabiyot ta'limi (2023).

Библиографические ссылки

Leshchak O.V. Methodological foundations of functional research of language activity (on the material of Slavic languages) // Dis. ... doc. Philol. n. - Ternopil, 1997. - 529 p.

Functional stylistics: theory of styles and their linguistic implementation / Interuniversity. Sat. works - Perm: Perm State. Univ., 1986. - 168 p.

Horizons of modern linguistics: Traditions and innovation / Collection in honor of E.S. Kubryakova. - M.: Languages of Slavic Cultures, 2009. - 856 p.

Dobrosklonskaya T.G. Medialinguistics: a systematic approach to the study of media language. - M.: Science; Flint, 2008. - 264 p.

Zemlyanova L.M. Communication and media: English-Russian explanatory dictionary of concepts and terms. - M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2004. - 416 p.

Mendzheritskaya, E. O. Discourse, media discourse and cognitive- discursive paradigm in linguistics // News of the Southern Federal University. Philological sciences. - 2011. - N 3. - P. 54-60.

Grechikhin M.V. Modern Russian media discourse: the language of intolerance (based on the language of modern Russian media) // Dis. ...cand. Philol. n. - Belgorod, 2008. - 159 p.

Kozhemyakin E.A. Media discourse // Scientific bulletins of Belgorod State University. Series: Humanities. - No. 2 (73). - 2010. - Issue 11. - P.13-21.

Revzina O.G. Linguistics of the 21st century: on the path to the integrity of the theory of language // Criticism and semiotics. Vol. 7. - Novosibirsk: NSU, 2004. - 296 p. - P. 11-20. 10. Sharkov F.I. Communication theory. - M.: RIPholding, 2006. - 240 p.

Stepanyan S.K. New meaning of the concept “format” in modern print media // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Ser. 10. Journalism. - 2007. No. 5. - P. 33-41. 10

Andersen R., Gray J. (Ed.). Battleground: The Media. - Vol. 1-2. - Westport, Connecticut; London: Greenwood Press, 2008. - 655 p.

Fludernik M. The Fictions of Language and the Languages of Fiction: The linguistic representation of speech and consciousness. - London; New York: Routledge, 2005. - 531 p.

Bolts N. ABC of media. - M.: Europe, 2011. - 136 p.

Baudrillard J. Symbolic exchange and death. - M.: Dobrosvet, 2000. - 387 p.

Stober R. Deutsche Pressegeschichte: Einfuhrung, Systematik, Glossar. - Konstanz: UVK Medien, 2000. - 370 S.

Faulstich W. (Hrsg.). Grundwissen Medien. - 4. Aufl. - Munich: W. Fink, 2000. - 494 S.

Meyn H. Massenmedien in Deutschland. - Konstanz: UVK Medien, 1999. - 354 S.

Grab W. Das Fernsehen als religioser Sinnproduzent // tv diskurs: Verantwortung in audiovisuellen Medien. - Jg. 12/2008. - H. 2. - S. 48-53.

Бакиева, Г. Х., and Д. М. Тешабаева. "Оммавий ахборот воситалари тили." Журналистлар учун ўқув қўлланма (2019).

Бакиева, Г. Х., and Д. М. Тешабаева. "Медиамаконда матн." Тошкент: Турон-Икбол (2019).

Teshaboeva, D. M. "Ommavij ahborot vositalari tilining nutk madanijati aspektida tadkiki (ЎzR OAV misolida): Filol. fan. dok.. dis. avtoref." (2012).

QIZI, VALIYEVA NARGIZAXON ZAMIR. "Linguocultural aspect of teaching foreign languages as an integral part of the educational process." Til va adabiyot ta'limi (2023).

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