Advancing students’ presentation skills using projects as assessment tasks

Розикова, Р. (2023). Advancing students’ presentation skills using projects as assessment tasks . Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке, 1(1), 31–32.


The century we are living in is a century of cutting-edge technologies. Currently, innovative technologies and modern upgraded tools or instruments are being widely used in every field. However, in the fast-paced era of progressive development, what may seem new and exciting today often becomes outdated tomorrow. This phenomenon is also evident in the realm of language teaching and learning. It is commonly known that recent developments in teaching and learning have introduced new and advanced approaches to higher education too. The rapid progress in technology and educational advancements has compelled educators to explore and adopt best practices in their teaching methods.

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Rozikova R.S.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Westminster International University in Tashkent



+998 93 573 11 29

The century we are living in is a century of cutting-edge technologies. Currently,

innovative technologies and modern upgraded tools or instruments are being widely used
in every field. However, in the fast-paced era of progressive development, what may
seem new and exciting today often becomes outdated tomorrow. This phenomenon is
also evident in the realm of language teaching and learning. It is commonly known that
recent developments in teaching and learning have introduced new and advanced
approaches to higher education too. The rapid progress in technology and educational
advancements has compelled educators to explore and adopt best practices in their
teaching methods.

In the study of a foreign language, employing various approaches and methods can

undoubtedly facilitate a quick and effortless learning process. As teachers, we take this
factor into account. Specifically, when teaching English as a foreign language, it would
be advantageous to adopt contemporary approaches that make our students linguistically
and professionally competent. One of the modern pedagogical technologies is a project
method that fosters the implementation of a learner-centred approach to learning and
provides individualization and differentiation of learning, considering the abilities and
skills of students. Along with many benefits in learning foreign languages, it enables
students to develop and improve their presentation skills too.

Now it is not a secret that in almost every aspect of our lives, it is observed that

professionals need to possess the ability to effectively articulate their viewpoints,
demonstrate confidence while expressing them, defend their ideas, and effectively
communicate them to the big audience. Not everyone has the natural ability or aptitude to
express one’s opinion in front of a large audience and to present an issue or a topic
effectively. However, this skill can be built and developed through well-thought-out and
utilized teaching tools. This necessitates the effective incorporation of presentations in
language teaching not only as a classroom practice but also as an assessment task.

According to Pathak (2001), presentation skills are skills and abilities necessary

for creating and delivering a compelling presentation that effectively conveys
information and ideas. Not limiting teaching with activities where students perform small
tasks in short presentations, teachers need to instil good projects as assessments and
allow students to make presentations on meaningful and customized topics. Utilizing
presentations as a form of assessment contributes to the effective application of foreign
language in specific contexts and boosts students’ motivation to make a public speech
within and beyond the academic context. As assessment plays a pivotal role in education
and students consider it truly fundamental, they approach that project task differently
rather than usual classroom tasks.

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The traditional assessment of language teaching where students learn things by

memorizing and producing for getting marks is not suitable for today’s dynamic
education. Today, assessment in language education should be at such a stage that it
serves not only to evaluate knowledge but also to provide meaningful education adapted
to modern life. Lee (2007) states that assessing should not only continuously be one
paper-based test, but it should also involve different tasks that make meaning for

Students’ presentation skills can be developed well by merging project-based

learning with assessment in language teaching. As project-based foreign language
teaching is extensive teaching, in which the student develops not only his speaking
competence but also the ability to work with a team through projects, manage time
correctly, to be able to make presentations, to be able to express one’s opinion in detail
by means of practical examples and develop skills using technologies. Its purpose is to
open the way for students to learn the language based on communication and
understanding, social responsibility and a critical thinking approach. When this method is
included in the assessment, students choose a topic they want to work on as a team,
experience and draw up plans themselves, constantly critically assess the research they
are conducting within the subject, present their findings and the product of the work is
evaluated based on the relevant assessment criteria.

Students at Westminster International University in Tashkent study the module

Developing Professional Identity (DPI), the module which helps them to develop their
study and professional skills. As one of the assessment components, students take group
presentations at the end of the semester. The generic topic for making a presentation is
“Professions” and students in their assigned groups choose one specific topic or a
profession that accords to the majors of the university. One of the key features of the
project method in teaching is that teachers do not limit students to one specific topic, but
give opportunity to them to choose a particular topic under the generic topic.
Furthermore, this is the first stage in all projects. Our students, choosing one profession
they have a keen interest in, act in researching it. For this, they use various Internet
sources to find reliable information on job responsibilities, educational requirements, key
hard and soft skills required for the job, job market statistical information on the level of
demand for the profession, salary rates and future trends of the job. Another very
authentic and meaningful practice for the students is conducting an informational
interview with professionals who work in their chosen fields and exploring some
practical advice and considerations of them. Students learn more about their profession
from those interviewees and present their findings in the final presentation.

This study process takes almost a semester-long period and meanwhile, students

are introduced to some research strategies and presentation delivery-related topics. Along
with profession-based topics, students study how to make strong introductions and
conclusions for presentations, how to develop a div part, how to effectively deliver
presentations avoiding nervousness and finally, how to properly design slides. They are
highly encouraged to work efficiently their lecturers act as facilitators, but the process of
preparation for the is truly student-driven. One of the key opportunities of this practice is
that while working on their projects students brainstorm ideas, cooperate with one
another, deal with time management issues, lead their team and contribute to the overall

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performance. Time by time students practice presentation skills during the seminars on
relevant tasks and they receive constructive feedback from their peers and lecturers. This
helps them to reflect on their work and ameliorate the quality of their final project task.

In the final stage, students make presentations on the research and interview

findings they generated using multimedia tools. Using assessment rubrics lecturers mark
students’ work and provide further feedback so that students take them into account for
other presentations they make.

Based on the above example, it is necessary to recognize some of the following

positive impacts or advantages of setting presentations as assessment tasks:

- Group presentations provide students with an opportunity to develop and

improve their presentation skills. They can practice public speaking, effective
communication, and the art of delivering a cohesive and engaging presentation. Feedback
from peers and instructors can further enhance their presentation skills.

- Group presentations create an environment where students can learn from their

peers. Some hesitant or shy students can also work in the preparation process effectively
taking some tasks relevant to their skills and abilities. When students share their
knowledge and learning strategies, they study from their peers which is safe and secure
for them. This will serve to boost their confidence.

- Presentations prepare students for professional settings and working with

different people students remarkably develop their teamwork skills. Also, observing their
peers, students gain insights into various effective presentation styles and techniques,
delivery strategies and visual aid designs.

-Finally, students develop their language skills and raise them to a professional

level. Using proper transitional devices, following proper structure and cohesion, they
enhance their language and delivery competencies.

As it has been illustrated, if group presentations are taken as assessment tasks, this

will provide a valuable learning experience for students that goes beyond individual
efforts. Therefore, it is highly recommendable for teachers to consider some projects for
presentations and assign them as assessment tasks. Students not only perform the task but
enjoy the process and that positive attitude towards the assessment will serve for a better
learning experience.



Lee, I. (2007) Assessing for Learning. The Canadian Modern Language Review,

64, 1 (September), 199–214.

MacGregor, D. (2000). Second language proficiency assessment. Retrieved from:

Pathak, A. (2001) “Teaching and Assessing Multimedia-based Oral

Presentations”, Business Communication Quarterly, vol/issue: 64(4), pp. 63–71

Sundrarajun, C. and Kiely R.N. (2009) The oral presentation as a context for

learning and assessment, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Vol 3: 1-17.

Библиографические ссылки

Lee, I. (2007) Assessing for Learning. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 64, 1 (September), 199–214.

MacGregor, D. (2000). Second language proficiency assessment. Retrieved from:

Pathak, A. (2001) “Teaching and Assessing Multimedia-based Oral Presentations”, Business Communication Quarterly, vol/issue: 64(4), pp. 63–71

Sundrarajun, C. and Kiely R.N. (2009) The oral presentation as a context for learning and assessment, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Vol 3: 1-17.

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