Использование метода портфолио в организации индивидуальной работы студентов по кредитной системе

Убайдуллаева, А., & Музаппарова, А. (2023). Использование метода портфолио в организации индивидуальной работы студентов по кредитной системе. Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке, 1(1), 570–574. https://doi.org/10.47689/XXIA-TTIPR-vol1-iss1-pp570-574
А Убайдуллаева, Международный Казахско-Турецкий Университет им. Ходжа Ахмет Ясауи

Кафедра биологических наук, кандидат биологических наук, старший преподаватель

А Музаппарова, Международный Казахско-Турецкий Университет им. Ходжа Ахмет Ясауи

Кафедра биологических наук, кандидат биологических наук, старший преподаватель



Kazakhstan has been carrying out cardinal reforms in the higher education system in recent years. One of them is the introduction of a credit system of education in universities. In the modern world, the main goal of the transition to a credit system of education is the integration of the education system with the global educational space and the creation of opportunities to increase competitiveness, global demand for professionals in changing times of production and market situation. The problem of improving the individual work of students in pedagogical universities has formed the basis for the research of many specialists, including teachers and methodologists [1].

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Ubaydullayeva А.К.

Turkestan, Kazakhstan

Akhmed Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Faculty of Natural Sciences,

Department of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Muzapparova A.K.

Turkestan, Kazakhstan,

Education Center “Study On”, Director

Kazakhstan has been carrying out cardinal reforms in the higher education system

in recent years. One of them is the introduction of a credit system of education in
universities. In the modern world, the main goal of the transition to a credit system of
education is the integration of the education system with the global educational space and
the creation of opportunities to increase competitiveness, global demand for professionals
in changing times of production and market situation. The problem of improving the
individual work of students in pedagogical universities has formed the basis for the
research of many specialists, including teachers and methodologists [1].

Individual work of students (SRO) is one of the main reserves for training future

specialists and improving the quality of education. In this regard, universities require
every student to know rational methods of mental work, that is, to search and master the
necessary information, be able to systematize and classify facts, theory, concepts, clearly
state and argue their point of view, be able to creatively solve various complex issues.

SRO is a unique tool for organizing and managing individual activities of students

in the process of studying at the university. Therefore, the introduction of a credit system
of higher education and an increase in the share of SRO focuses on its activation. In
accordance with the introduction of a new learning technology, it was necessary to
organize the educational process at the university in a new way, to change the technology
of training and its methodological support.

In the theory and practice of teaching a foreign language, the reflexive path (self-

examination and evaluation) is considered as one of the effective ways in learning and as
the implementation of personality-oriented learning. In the domestic methodology, the
mechanisms for the formation of evaluation skills can be implemented by the Portfolio
method. The basis of the Portfolio is the organization and self-examination and
evaluation of students’ individual work. Therefore, there is an increasing need for the
rational use of this method in teaching a foreign language.

The peculiarities of credit education in higher educational institutions and the

theory and methodology of organizing individual work of students indicate that the
methodology of organizing individual work of students in the specialty «foreign
language» was not the subject of special research, although it is considered in different
directions [2].

Analysis of scientific works, teaching aids published within the framework of the

research problem, insufficient consideration of this problem in the scientific literature
during the transition to the modern period to a full-fledged credit system of higher

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education institutions, the need for scientific methodological manuals for the effective
organization of self-performed work by students in individual disciplines in the
conditions of credit training, the presence of contradictions between the level of self-
performed work performed by students in the educational process and the requirements
of the modern credit system of training is the basis for choosing the research topic
«application of the Portfolio method in the organization of individual work of students in
the credit system of training».

In this regard, on the basis of the credit system of training, the scientific and

theoretical foundations of the organization of individual work of university students have
been determined and a methodology for its implementation has been developed, in which
the level of self-education of students increases, contributes to the formation of a
specialist capable of individually solving scientific problems, possessing creative
qualities, contributes to improving the quality of the educational process in higher
educational institutions. Therefore, when organizing the individual work of students on
credit training, it is possible to use samples of the Portfolio method and the results of
research in the organization at universities. The organization of individual work of
students under the credit system of education in higher educational institutions can
become the basis for the formation of individual cognitive activity of the student in
accordance with modern requirements [2].

Portfolio helps to increase interest in learning a foreign language, forms self-

development, creating conditions for proper planning of individual learning activities of
the student, accurately defining the purpose of learning at each stage of learning, making
clear requirements for the level of mastering the topic, chapter, language.

Of particular importance to the organization of individual work of students in the

credit system of training for students is that future specialists, using information from
different fields of knowledge, find solutions to specific practical tasks, that is, the
purpose of self-performed work is that the student can comprehensively develop the
acquired knowledge, strive to search, achieve the goals based on the ability use
information [4].

Methods of observing the work performed by students individually also have a

great effect. Individual work on each subject increases students’ confidence and
responsibility in their abilities, forms their ability to self–esteem, and this is a reliable
approach that increases the student’s activity attitude and activity. In order for the results
of individual work to be good, it is necessary to have a well-planned system of
organizational and methodological measures and to be fully provided with educational
and methodological, reference and normative materials.

In addition, when organizing individually performed work, the task should be

compiled taking into account the level of training of each student, as a result of which the
student feels not only as a user, but also as a distributor of new knowledge, which is of
public importance for his own cognitive activity, in accordance with the information-
knowledge –information system. [3].

Of particular importance to the organization of individual work of students in the

credit system of training for students is that future specialists, using information from
different fields of knowledge, find and learn to solve specific practical tasks. In
particular, the purpose of self-performed work is that the student can comprehensively

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develop the acquired knowledge, strive to search, use the information received to achieve
the goal [4].

In the 90s, the development of self-assessment tools was widely undertaken in the

countries of the European Community, the «Pan-European Language Proficiency
Competencies» developed by the Council of Europe were considered. The document
«Portfolio Europeen des Langues» was adopted here, which promotes the development of
multilingualism and intercultural understanding. Portfolio has traditionally been used in
France as well. Portfolio is a set of individually completed written works, creative
(project) tasks that the student conducts at the time set by the teacher. Thus, the
«English» Portfolio will become a tool for evaluating student’s written works and
provide feedback on the quality of the educational process. [5].

Portfolio makes it possible to expand the scope of the educational process by

introducing a system for assessing access to students’ experience in direct and indirect
intercultural communication. Of course, this is important, because the formation of the
ability to communicate at the intercultural level requires a constant search for a real way
out to autistic relationships. A student of a foreign language should have such an
opportunity at every level of the verification period and understand the pragmatic
assessment, the essence of a foreign language. Consequently, through the Portfolio,
students will be provided with orientation to study topics, chapters, courses that will help
them in individual work on learning a foreign language and will positively affect the
achievement of their goals. Portfolio helps to increase interest in learning a foreign
language and directly relates to mastering the problem. Portfolio forms self-development,
creating conditions for proper planning of individual learning activities of the student,
accurately defining the purpose of learning at each stage of learning and setting clear
requirements for the level of mastering the topic, chapter, language.

The systematic organization of SRO in a foreign language Portfolio is of an

extracurricular nature; it will be carried out by each student individually; the work will be
carried out at a voiced, semi-creative and creative level, including self-control, self-
assessment and individual learning; it will also be carried out on the basis of the student’s
feeling of the requirements imposed on him.

The pedagogical and methodological system of individual work of students is the

main condition for improving the process of special organization and training in
educational activities. In general, it was found that individual work is the basis of a
unified pedagogical process, higher education. On the one hand, this is a systematic,
systematic, purposeful work carried out by students in classrooms, on the other –
according to the schedule of classes. The analysis of the fact that its organization is a
responsible theoretical and practical task, an important scientific problem.

Practical work was carried out at the International Kazakh-Turkish University

named after Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Turkestan.

In the practice of organizing individual work of students on the basis of Portfolio

in the control group, SRO was carried out according to the traditional method without the
use of Portfolio. Thus, students were given individual tasks for a certain time, in
accordance with the requirements of the programs, they were offered to compose essays
on topics that were given topics (in a certain world), interviews. In addition, during the
classroom classes, students received creative tasks (crossword puzzles, preparation of

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reports, etc.), completed tasks were checked and grades were given. In the expert group,
the SRO was held on the basis of Portfolio. For this purpose, a Portfolio was prepared,
consisting of three parts, compiled on the basis of rel: a language passport, a language
biography, a dossier and a «self-assessment table». To do this, the language and speech
material presented on the pages of the textbook has been thoroughly analyzed, and a list
of skills has been compiled that each student should master after studying the material.
The listed skills are presented for all types of speech activity.

According to the students, filling out the language passport allowed students to

look at their language learning experience from all sides and show «what else can be
done with this language, where to strive».

So, during the expert review of the SRO model for a foreign language based on

Portfolio, SRO will be effective if it is organized on the basis of Portfolio, since Portfolio
will create conditions for considering the student as a subject of educational activity;
Portfolio will create conditions for the formation of a clear understanding of the
requirements imposed on him at each stage of training – course, chapter, topic, etc.;
Portfolio Helps to manage SRO through self-monitoring and evaluation.

Considering the existing approaches to the organization of SRO in a foreign

language in the European Portfolio model, the following conclusion was made that
Portfolio is considered as a modern approach in the methodology of the organization of
SRO in a foreign language, and also creates conditions for increasing interest in learning
the language of the sntnl, which directly depends on the desire of the Portfolio to master
the subject. At the same time, it depends on the students’ awareness of the ultimate goal
of learning and the level of results achieved and their own efforts to continuously
improve their language training, as well as the formation of self-assessment skills that
correct the system of educational activities. As a result of the study, a Portfolio-based
SRO model was developed and its effectiveness was proven.

Therefore, the analysis of educational and methodological literature on scientific

works related to the research topic contributes to the definition of the essence and content
of the concept of «individual work» and determines the theoretical foundations of the
organization of individual work. It is established that or as a didactic category includes
methods of teaching and scientific cognition, acts in the educational process as a special
pedagogical means of organizing individual cognitive work of students.

Thus, methods of forms of extracurricular and extracurricular work and

«Portfolio», providing individual work of the student, increase the effectiveness of the
teaching method.

Portfolio as a new approach to the organization of SRO in a foreign language

helps to increase motivation to learn a foreign language, the formation of self-control and
evaluation of the student and the streamlining of the system of educational activities.
Optimal organization of individual work of students, advanced training of future
specialists in accordance with the requirements of the society. Portfolio was directly
involved in the development of the problem, contributing to an increase in interest in the
study of PT. That is, the Portfolio method allows you to form self-development, creating
conditions for proper planning of individual learning activities of the student, accurately
defining the purpose of learning at each stage of learning and making clear requirements
for the level of mastering the topic, chapter, language.

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In addition, the credit system of education is a unique way of self-education based

on individual lesson planning and organization of the educational process through
creative assimilation of knowledge through individualization. This will ensure education
in accordance with international standards, prepare highly qualified specialists who are
able to withstand competition in the labor market by providing the highest quality


1. Abdygapparova S.B., Akhmetova G.K., Ibatullin S.R., Kusainov A.A., Myrzaliev
B.A., Omirbaev S.M. Under the general ed. Kulekeeva Zh.A., Gamarnika G.N.,
Abdrasilova B.S. Fundamentals of the credit system of education in Kazakhstan –
Almaty. Kazakh University, 2014.– 198c
2. Shkutina L.A., Sarsekeeva Zh.E. Pedagogical foundations of the organization of
individual work of students in the rating system of education (on the example of the
discipline «Pedagogy»). – Karaganda: Publishing house «Sanat-Polygraphy», 2015. –
124 p.
3. Skatkin. M.N. Fundamentals of age pedagogy.Study guide for students. higher. ped.
Educational institutions. – M.: Publishing Center «Academy», 2020. - 192 p.
4. Smatova K. B. pedagogical prerequisites for the organization of individual work of
students in the conditions of credit training. dis.- ped. gyl. kand.- A., -2008. - 153 P.
5. Portfolio europeen des langue, modele, №35. 2012. Accorde a: Conceil Europeen pour
les langue.

Библиографические ссылки

Abdygapparova S.B., Akhmetova G.K., Ibatullin S.R., Kusainov A.A., Myrzaliev B.A., Omirbaev S.M. Under the general ed. Kulekeeva Zh.A., Gamarnika G.N., Abdrasilova B.S. Fundamentals of the credit system of education in Kazakhstan – Almaty. Kazakh University, 2014.– 198c

Shkutina L.A., Sarsekeeva Zh.E. Pedagogical foundations of the organization of individual work of students in the rating system of education (on the example of the discipline «Pedagogy»). – Karaganda: Publishing house «Sanat-Polygraphy», 2015. – 124 p.

Skatkin. M.N. Fundamentals of age pedagogy.Study guide for students. higher. ped. Educational institutions. – M.: Publishing Center «Academy», 2020. - 192 p.

Smatova K. B. pedagogical prerequisites for the organization of individual work of students in the conditions of credit training. dis.- ped. gyl. kand.- A., -2008. - 153 P.

Portfolio europeen des langue, modele, №35. 2012. Accorde a: Conceil Europeen pour les langue.

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