The representation of «woman» in english proverbs

Йермекбаева, А., & Курбанали, М. (2023). The representation of «woman» in english proverbs . Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке, 1(1), 274–280.
А Йермекбаева, Международный казахско-турецкий университет имени Х.А.Ясави

Старший преподаватель

М Курбанали, Международный казахско-турецкий университет имени Х.А.Ясави

студент 4 курса



Proverbs were first employed verbally without any supporting evidence in recorded literature, according to their origins. They have their origins in a country’s oral traditions. Folk literature known as proverbs condenses the nation’s knowledge into a few sentences. Proverbs, like other forms of folk literature like jokes and riddles, do not just appear out of thin air or are the creations of mythological beings; rather, they are always the products of human invention, whether done knowingly or unknowingly. The national mentality and national symbols of spiritual culture, etc., which have a direct relationship to socio cultural characters, are among the macro-components of the content structure of proverbs and sayings. These also include the social psychology of the language community’s members, the myriad contradictions and aspects of life, relationships between individuals and the community, and national mentality.

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Yermekbayeva A.

Turkestan, Kazakhstan

PhD, Senior Lecturer of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish



Kurbanali M.

Turkestan, Kazakhstan



year student of English Philology and Translation Studies Department,

Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University



Proverbs were first employed verbally without any supporting evidence in

recorded literature, according to their origins. They have their origins in a country’s oral
traditions. Folk literature known as proverbs condenses the nation’s knowledge into a
few sentences. Proverbs, like other forms of folk literature like jokes and riddles, do not
just appear out of thin air or are the creations of mythological beings; rather, they are
always the products of human invention, whether done knowingly or unknowingly. The
national mentality and national symbols of spiritual culture, etc., which have a direct
relationship to socio-cultural characters, are among the macro-components of the
content structure of proverbs and sayings. These also include the social psychology of the
language community’s members, the myriad contradictions and aspects of life,
relationships between individuals and the community, and national mentality.

Key words:


woman, social customs, language, nation, gender, to portray,

national mentality.

Proverbs are passed down from one generation to the next. Meider identified four

key sources that were crucial, especially in the dissemination of proverbs from Europe,
but also applicable to other cultures. The first source is ancient wisdom from Rome and
Greece, which was mostly transmitted through proverbs written in Latin. Following the
Bible as the second-most significant source of proverbs and Medieval Latin as the
common tongue, the contemporary text is the third and fourth source [1, p.50].

He and Zhang defined proverbs as a type of folk literature made up of common

people rather than academics or authorities. To communicate their experiences, workers
like peasants, chefs, hunters, sailors, etc. create proverbs in a nonstandard manner. They
serve as literary entranceways into a specific nation’s language, way of thinking, culture,
way of life, and other social elements. Proverbs have their origins in a country’s social
encyclopedia and cultural notions. Proverbs serve as cultural transmitters and carriers. By
staying true to the main idea, they often have a tendency to alter exactly across ages [2,

Proverbs are seen as having a cultural bias. According to the CCJK website, these

linguistic constructions possess accumulated wisdom, specific cultural meanings, and

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significant national traits. Culture is more than just customs or beliefs; it also provides
insight into a people’s way of thinking and social customs.

The study of proverbs dates back to the time of Aristotle, according to Meider [1,

p.78]. Language is a nation’s mirror, and proverbs are sections of that language.
Language is viewed by Edward et al. as a conduit to social reality. Language serves as a
reflection of the country, illuminating its history, culture, as well as its ideas and ideals.
Overall, gender-related proverbs provide us with knowledge on the social realities of a
certain gender in a country’s culture [3, p.100].

There are innumerable sayings on gender roles and gender identities from different

cultures. Numerous studies have lately been conducted regarding sexism in proverbs
from many cultures, with a particular emphasis on the demeaning portrayal of women in
proverbs. The researchers seek to conduct a critical examination of English proverbs for a
variety of identities related to various genders, with a particular emphasis on how women
are portrayed in patriarchal society.

Categories of Women Proverbs

Only a few proverbs about women mention their positive qualities, with the

majority focusing on their flaws. The following categories are an attempt by the
researchers to categorize them.

1. Women as negatively fragile, beautiful and sexual objects
2. Women as unintelligent, unproductive and gullible
3. Women as willful and evil
4. Women as burdensome
5. Women as loquacious
6. Women as a negative and positive homemaker

Proverbs for women as negatively fragile, beautiful and sexual objects:

1. A woman and a glass are ever in danger.
2. Woman and a cherry are painted for their harm.
3. A woman is the weaker vessel.
The phrases «vessel» and «glass» are used here to illustrate how frail women are.

Due of their similarity and ease of breaking, these two items are frequently utilized by
women. The word «weaker» is used in a comparative sense, indicating that a woman is
being compared to a male and is hence weaker in comparison to him.

Women’s bodies are delicately crafted to support the idea of beauty associated

with them. The analogies used also illustrate how simple it is to manipulate a woman’s
emotions and emotionally deceive her.

Cherry is a fruit that has frequently been used in poetry to symbolize women and

beauty. It’s interesting to note that in the early 1600s, the metaphor of a cherry was
employed to symbolize women in a sexual setting.

This collection of proverbs disparages the fragility and beauty of women. If the

characteristics of women in the Elizabethan era—and even later, during the period of
Jane Austen’s «Pride and Prejudice»—are researched, it becomes clear that they were
expected to project an image of fragility and beauty in order to draw appropriate suitors
for marriage. Other women, particularly the ladies from Darcy’s family, were shocked
when Elizabeth Bennet used to act in ways that were contrary to the customary norms of
that society. Undoubtedly, women were depicted back then as naive and sexual objects.

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The pressure from families, who in turn were under the strain of society, forced anyone
who tried to deviate from these predetermined pathways back onto them.

Even now, a young, attractive lady is frequently harassed by the opposing gender

in practically all civilizations. In order to protect them from any form of sexual abuse,
families frequently forbid young, single women from dressing stylishly and attractively.
This is also referenced in a proverb where a cherry and a lady are contrasted.

Proverbs for women as unintelligent and unproductive:

1. A woman’s work is never at an end (never done)
2. A woman’s advice is best at a deadlift.
3. A woman’s answer is never to seek.
4. Women in state affairs are like monkeys in glass-shops.
5. Women will say anything.
6. Women’s counsel is cold
This collection of proverbs has been used to portray women as stupid beings with

phrases like «never at end,» «dead lift,» «never to seek,» «monkeys in glass shop,» and
«cold.» Animals or fruits have historically been used to represent women, as have
vegetables. However, the animal chosen here is a «monkey,» which has a long history of
being a troublemaker and a stupid animal in the sense that it does not consider the effects
of its actions. To compare women to an animal from which nothing good might be
anticipated is a disparaging statement.

The word «state affairs» in this sentence is very intriguing from a political

standpoint. Because no other term for politics is used in these proverbs, it is clear that at
the time they were created, women were not permitted to participate in or express their
thoughts on public issues.

When examining the Elizabethan era for this, it becomes clear that women did not

have the same rights as males to have actual professional positions or political privileges.
The fact that they were not permitted to vote was a significant political constraint, and it
perfectly captures the mindset behind the proverb’s conception of women’s participation
in public affairs.

Even in the 19th century, at the time «Pride and Prejudice» was published, women

lacked solid political rights. The idea that people back then didn’t take women’s advise
seriously is strengthened by the portrayal of ordinary women in the book. With a few
notable exceptions, like the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, the rest of the women were
depicted as immersed in never-ending gossip. They were not seen as regularly engaging
in any constructive activities.

The harsh language used against women and the way a gentle and chatty

disposition is portrayed as useless and stupid in these proverbs provide a glimpse of
patriarchy. Men definitely have the majority of the power in this situation, both in politics
and in the household, leaving women as the gender with the least amount of influence
and production.

Proverbs for women as willful and evil:

1. Women are the devil’s nets
2. Women are like wasps in their anger
3. Women (wives and wind) are necessary evils
4. A bad woman is worse than a bad man.

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5. There was never a conflict without a woman
6. The female of the species is more deadly than the male
All of the proverbs in this collection depict women as being bad and unpleasant,

particularly as someone who is capable of injuring others and hatching schemes against

The proverbs’ word list is overwhelmingly derogatory, ranging from phrases like

«women are associated with devils» to «women are the cause of all conflicts that have
ever existed or will exist.»

Almost all of the ways in which women may be shown as possessing negative or

bad charms have been explored in this area. These are all highly negative terminology,
such as «devil’s nets,» «necessary evils,» «deadly fury,» etc., that are employed for this
reason. There are a few proverbs that depict women as being more lethal than males.
Wasps, another species, are used to describe the females’ deadliness. Instead of using the
words bad or evil, the term «wicked» has been employed to describe someone who has
total evilness.

This set contains several possible answers, ranging from women not participating

in either of the two world wars to women persuading Adam to eat the forbidden fruit and
beginning a war. The idea that women became the cause of hostilities or wars is
supported by a number of historical occurrences, including the one popularly referred to
as «the Trojan war» and in which Helen was abducted by Paris of Troy. However, if the
scene is viewed from a different perspective, it becomes clear that these two figures were
nothing more than pawns deployed by the gods to divide their support between the
Greeks and the Trojans. Aphrodite, Apollo, and Poseidon with Trojans were left behind
because Hera, Athena, and Thetis supported the Greeks. Overall, evidence suggests that a
woman was not the cause of the war. However, if the world’s worst conflicts up to this
point are examined, males were the driving forces behind them, and men were also the
ones who killed the most people and treated civilians with great brutality. These include
Changez Khan and Adolph Hitler, among many more on the list. Women throughout
history have both readied for battle and betrayed their nations. Due to historical data
supporting both genders’ evilness, it is difficult to determine which group is more bad.

The underlying causes of why women have historically been seen to be more evil

are unknown. Women are employed by evil spirits to persuade men to carry out wicked
crimes because they are said to possess the ability to manipulate people’s thoughts [4,
p.46]. Women are more likely than males to develop jealousies and elaborate schemes
against one another, and most of the time we see this in books, movies, and other media.
English literature itself contains numerous examples of deadly female villains who killed
people without the aid of others, from nurse Rachet in «One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest»
to Cora Papadakis in «The Postman Always Rings Twice,» to those who used men as
props to murder their husbands. When a woman sets her mind to something, she will stop
at nothing to see it through, as seen by the female characters in these stories.

According to the responsibilities of females, nature has increased the element of

deadliness in females of all species, including humans and animals. If dads are unable to
care for their children or arrange for their food, etc., it is the responsibility of women.
Females must defend their offspring from predators and malevolent powers. However,

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because humans can choose between right and bad, women are in control of deploying
these powers in ways that ultimately make them more lethal than men.

Proverbs for women as burdensome and troublesome:


If you would be HAPPY for a week take a wife; if you would be happy for

a month kill a pig; but if you would be happy all your life plant a garden


Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you can


Marry your daughters betimes, lest they marry themselves

Women are portrayed in this collection of proverbs as burdens on the household.

Women are represented as being dependent on males for their value and life decisions,
even though marriage is the most crucial one.

Because they are viewed as being dependent on their families, the word

«daughter» is used to portray women as burdens, and the word «marry» makes a
connection to the prior one to establish the framework of marriage. The expression «take
a wife» is used to denote that a woman is something that can be bought or rented for a

The status of women in English society, particularly during the reign of Queen

Elizabeth when it was a patriarchal culture and women were completely under the power
of males, are the reasons for this reliance. The women were used to providing riches to
families, and wealthy families had extremely tight restrictions in this area, thus marriages
back then were contracts. Due to the fact that they could not be utilized to bring income
into the family, poor women nevertheless had some discretion when choosing a marriage
[5, p.118]. It was a common dilemma back then to find daughters a good husband, and
this is frequently portrayed in the literature from that era. Even in the Victorian era, the
most well-known female author «Jane Austen» had addressed the problem of weddings
in English culture. Younger daughters of the Bennet family were attempting to date
military soldiers just to marry a guy with a solid financial future in order to ensure a
bright future. Additionally, parents were seen struggling to locate acceptable husbands
for their daughters. Daughters were being viewed as a burden due to their worry and
worries about marriage-related issues.

Daughters were treated as burdens by their parents since women were not

permitted to support their family financially and work for themselves. This is still evident
today in many parts of the world where women are viewed as a burden for not
contributing to the family’s income. The fact that they are dowry bearers, which
eventually puts financial strain on a family, makes the matter worse.

Proverbs for women as loquacious:


Women will have the last word


One tongue is enough for the woman


Many women, many words, many geese, many turds


Woman’s tongue wags like a lamb’s tail

The proverbs in this category specifically mention women’s gossiping tendencies.

Given that both groups of women like talking, but geese make noise instead of talking,
the term «geese» has come to represent the group of women.

In terms of women, this is nothing new. Most likely, women were created in such

a way that they like chatting to pass the time and that it also provides catharsis. In
England’s patriarchal past, women may have come out as chatty people. Apart from

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taking care of the house, kids, and spouses, they had nothing more practical to do,
therefore they used to spend their free time gossiping about the things they liked or didn’t

Recent research have indicated that males are more chatty than women, although

their conversational subjects are different from those of women. Additionally, it is
customary for mothers to watch after their newborn children, and this is necessary for
their language development. Even with toddlers, the broad statements made by moms
seem pointless. Mothers need to talk a lot about this.

It is inaccurate to label either gender as «talkative» because both become talkative

when the subject is relevant to them, such as when men are giving public speeches or
negotiating commercial agreements, for example, allowing women to take the second
place in such situations. The length of men’s messages was double that of women,
according to Susan Herring, who looked at the pattern of male linguists’ responses in
online debates about work-related subjects.

Additionally, compared to males, women have an excess of a protein that aids in

the formation of language in animals, which is why they look chatty, according to
research from the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Proverbs for women as positive and negative homemakers:

1.A house full furnished makes a woman wise
2. Men make houses, women make homes
3. The more women look in their glass the less they. look to their house.
In this collection of proverbs, woman is portrayed as an object that belongs within

the confines of a home and as the only one who is able to turn a house into a home.

Married women have always been connected with home furnishings. Full supplied

presents both a favorable and an unfavorable image of a lady. In the patriarchal era, or
more specifically in the Shakespearean era, women had the responsibility of keeping their
homes attractively furnished and decorated, and this was how their knowledge was
assessed. Women took part in teaching themselves to knit and other skills that might help
them beautifully adorn their homes. Men were being harsh by judging women only on
their aesthetic tastes. Positive in that it demonstrates how inventive women can be.

Men are obligated by nature to work hard and provide for their families, but they

lack the warmth and compassion that women possess, which are again given to them by
divine forces so that they can give security to their children when they are dependent
mothers. Women are referred to as «homemakers» in a good sense since they are
naturally gifted with the ability to share love.

Women who just can’t strike the right balance between maintaining a lovely home

and looking nice for themselves are represented as being unwise and unsuitable to be
wives on the other side of the coin. This may be the case since maintaining a decent,
completely equipped home requires a full-time job, and it has been noted that women
who are skilled at maintaining their homes are typically not as good at taking care of
themselves because both chores are time-consuming and stressful.

Overall, this article demonstrates that a woman’s quality as a wife ultimately

depends on what she wants to accomplish.

Here, women are portrayed positively, although in a variable way. They are

praised for their ability to transform a house into a home, yet this talent is celebrated by

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using marriage and a house as benchmarks. There aren’t many characteristics that define
a woman as a fantastic gender.


In general, we can claim that there are more proverbs for women than for males,

which shows that she has been a topic of attention for ages and that her place in the
power structure is unclear. These sayings also make an effort to identify women’s place
in society’s hierarchical power structure. Women are depicted in such a manner that their
inherent features are disparaged, such as their habit of talking, which is necessary for
newborn babies and the development of language, and the fact that they are born with a
lot of protein. Additionally, proverbs that ban women from giving advice of any type and
portray them as unfit for political office are a reflection of the patriarchy that existed at
the time these proverbs were created. The deadly character of women is once again
shown in a way that makes them become danger symbols and the source of a conflict.
There isn’t a single proverb that describes their lethal nature in a favorable light. Proverbs
are passed down from one generation to the next, which may be another reason why
nations still maintain patriarchal notions.

There aren’t many proverbs that illustrate the interdependence of the sexes where

the idea of women’s rights may be seen. Women have received attention, but it has been
restricted and has come from the perspective of a man. She is a wife’s crown, but she is
not a crown in and of herself. She is clever, but only when it comes to taking care of the



Mieder W. (2008) Proverbs speak louder than words: Wisdom in art, culture,

folklore, history, literature and mass media. York: Peter Lang.

He A. & Zhang. Y. (2018). Sexism in English Proverbs and Idioms. Journal of

Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, - pp. 424-429.

Edward, Sapir & Sam, Sloan. (2014). Language. Japan: Ishi Press.


Adler W. (2012). Female Villains:10 Evil Women In Literature. Huffpost.

Retrieved from y/female-villainliterature_b_1900980

Atkinson A. (2019). About marriage in Elizabethan times. The Classroom.





Библиографические ссылки

Micder W. (2008) Proverbs speak louder than words: Wisdom in art, culture, folklore, history, literature and mass media. York: Peter Lang.

He A. & Zhang. Y. (2018). Sexism in English Proverbs and Idioms. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, - pp. 424 429.

Edward, Sapir & Sam, Sloan. (2014). Language. Japan: Ishi Press.

Adler W. (2012). Female Villains: 10 Evil Women In Literature. Huffpost. Retrieved from y/female villainliterature_b_l900980

Atkinson A. (2019). About marriage in Elizabethan times. The Classroom. Retrieved from /about marriage-inelizabethan-times 12081771 .html

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