Период третьего возрождения узбекистана на пути поступательного развития и процветания

Утешова, З. (2022). Период третьего возрождения узбекистана на пути поступательного развития и процветания. Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке, (1), 10–13. https://doi.org/10.47689/innovations-in-edu-vol-iss1-pp10-13
Зернегул Утешова, Каракалпакский государственный университет имени Бердаха

к.ф.н, доцент кафедры английского языка и литературы



Компетентностный подход является закономерностью развития системы образования, обусловленной поиском путей ее приближения к постоянно меняющимся потребностям общества. Этот подход основан на концепции компетенций, которым в мире современного образования придается большое значение как основе формирования молодѐжи наряду со знаниями, умением решать важнейшие практические задачи и воспитанием личности в целом. В исследованиях, посвященных профессиональной подготовке на основе компетентностного подхода, профессиональная компетентность рассматривается как важнейшая характеристика его теоретической и практической готовности к осуществлению практической деятельности и представляет собой совокупность определенных компетенций, а оценка знаний выпускников вузов может служить оценкой своей компетентности – овладение необходимыми компетенциями.

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Uteshova Zernegul Khurmetullayevna

PhD, Associate Professor, English Language and Literature Department

Berdakh Karakalpak State University, Nukus, Uzbekistan


Competence–based approach is a pattern of the development of the education system, due to

the search for ways to bring it closer to the continuously evolving needs of society. This approach is
based on the concept of competencies, which in the world of modern education is given great importance
as the basis for the formation of students, along with knowledge, the ability to solve the most important
practical tasks and education of the individual as a whole. In studies devoted to the professional training
of a teacher based on a competence–based approach, professional competence is considered as the most
important characteristic of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out pedagogical activity and
represents a set of certain competencies, and an assessment of the knowledge of university graduates can
serve as an assessment of their competence – mastering the necessary competencies


competence approach, education system, knowledge formation, personality education,

professional competence.


Компетентностный подход является закономерностью развития системы

образования, обусловленной поиском путей ее приближения к постоянно меняющимся
потребностям общества. Этот подход основан на концепции компетенций, которым в мире
современного образования придается большое значение как основе формирования молодѐжи
наряду со знаниями, умением решать важнейшие практические задачи и воспитанием личности в








компетентностного подхода, профессиональная компетентность рассматривается как важнейшая
характеристика его теоретической и практической готовности к осуществлению практической
деятельности и представляет собой совокупность определенных компетенций, а оценка знаний
выпускников вузов может служить оценкой своей компетентности – овладение необходимыми

Ключевые слова

: компетентностный подход, система образования, формирование знаний,

воспитание личности, профессиональная компетентность.

The demands of modern education require a significant revision of the tasks of higher

professional education. The task of forming a new type of teacher with high scientific and methodological
potential is put forward as one of the most important. And a modern school, in turn, requests a
professional who is able to competently respond to the rapidly changing conditions in which his activities
take place, adequately assess the current educational situation, solve numerous practical tasks related to
the education and upbringing of schoolchildren. Despite the active introduction of research methods into
the educational space of a pedagogical educational institution of higher professional education,
strengthening the methodological component of academic disciplines, introducing students to scientific
work, their readiness to carry out professional activities in general, according to psychological and
pedagogical research conducted in recent years, does not yet fully meet these requests [Bolotov: 2014];
[Zimnaya: 2006].

The teacher's personality is formed in the course of his professional activity, the development of

which begins during the period of study at the university. In the mentioned and other studies of the
problems of training a specialist teacher in a higher educational institution, various ways of implementing
the requirements for professional training are noted and proposed, which are generally associated with the
search for ways to strengthen the practical orientation of teacher training as well. One of the modern
directions of such a search involves the introduction into the educational space of a university of a
competence-based approach to the formation of a future specialist teacher, according to which the
professional competence of a teacher is understood as an integral characteristic that determines his ability
to solve typical professional tasks arising in different situations of pedagogical activity on the basis of
acquired knowledge and professional experience [Zimnaya: 2006], [Adolf: 1998]; [Khutorskoy: 2002].

The emergence of a competence–based approach is a pattern of the development of the education

system, due to the search for ways to bring it closer to the continuously evolving needs of society. This
approach is based on the concept of competencies, which in the world of modern education is given great
importance as the basis for the formation of students, along with knowledge, the ability to solve the most
important practical tasks and education of the individual as a whole. In studies devoted to the professional
training of a teacher based on a competence–based approach, professional competence is considered as
the most important characteristic of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out pedagogical

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activity and represents a set of certain competencies, and an assessment of the knowledge of university
graduates can serve as an assessment of their competence – mastering the necessary competencies [Adolf:
1998]; [Tatur: 2004].

The discussion of the conceptual features of the implementation of the

competence-based approach in education is associated with the search for an answer to the question:
‗What is the reason for the need to introduce a competence-based approach and how does the
organization of the educational process on this basis relate?‘ I.A. Zimnaya formulated the main provisions
defining the answer to this question.

The need for analytical consideration of the competence approach being introduced into

education is due to the general European and global trend of integration, globalization of the world
economy and, in particular, the steadily increasing processes of transformation in the educational space of
higher education.

The need to include a competence-based approach in the education system is determined by the

ongoing change in the educational paradigm.

The competence approach ‗strengthens the practical orientation of education, its subject-

professional aspect, emphasizes the role of experience, skills to practically implement knowledge, solve
problems, i.e. fixes and establishes the subordination of knowledge to skills‘ [Zimnaya: 2006: 22].

In the works of A.K. Markova, in particular, the teacher's work, professional competence

becomes the subject of a special comprehensive study. Then competence was defined as ‗an individual
characteristic of the degree of compliance with the profession, ... as a person's ability and ability to
perform certain labor functions, to act independently and responsibly‘ Within the framework of this
approach, the main goal of vocational education becomes the training of a qualified employee of the
appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, fluent in his profession and
oriented in related fields of activity, ready for continuous professional growth, social and professional
mobility[Markova: 1998: 34-35].

V.A. Bolotov considers the competence approach in education as a generalized condition of a

person's ability to act effectively outside of educational subjects and educational situations. The
competence-based approach involves the possession of information and the ability to use it thoughtfully
and expediently in practice. In addition, the competence approach focuses on the result of education,
which means the ability of a person to act in various problematic situations, competence, which is
interpreted as ‗the willingness of a specialist to engage in a certain activity‘ [Glossary: 2001: 24].

In the practice of education, the competence approach is fixed as one of the approaches, firstly, to

assessing the effectiveness of professional training of students, according to which the criteria of
readiness for professional activity are formed competence and its constituent competencies, and,
secondly, as a method of modeling the results of vocational education and their analysis as standards of
quality of higher education [Tatur: 2004: 24].

For a university, a competence-based approach should mean that the result of a student's

professional education as a young specialist will be the sum of subject-specific knowledge and skills, the
student's ability to act in various life situations. Therefore, the competence of a university graduate is the
unity of his subject-professional knowledge, mastered technologies, and the ability to act in situations
assumed in the activities of a young qualified specialist. It is also essential that competence is
characterized by the possibility of transferring the ability to conditions other than those in which this
competence originally arose.

There are several directions in the study of the professional competence of a teacher:
• analysis of the psychological foundations of the teacher's professional activity [Vygotsky];


• development of the foundations for the formation of the pedagogical orientation of the teacher's

personality and the development of his professionally important qualities in general [Lerner]; [Johnson



• establishing the origins of pedagogical creativity [Kulyutkin]; [Koper: 2009].
Building an ‗ideal model‘ of a specialist, almost all authors note that competence can be formed,

analyzed and evaluated only in the course of activity and only within a specific profession. Based on the
interpretation of the term ‗


‘ – Latin – ‗

a range of issues in which a person is knowledgeable,

has knowledge and experience

‘, A.V. Khutorskoy notes that ‗a person competent in a certain area has the

appropriate knowledge and abilities that allow him to reasonably judge this area and act effectively in it‘
[Khutorskoy: 2002: 9].

Competence is the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities, and according to V.A. Bolotov, V.V.

Serikov, the nature of competence is such that, being a product of training, it is a consequence of an
individual's self-development, his not so much technological as personal growth, a consequence of self-
organization and generalization of activity and personal experience [Bolotov


2014: 43].

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The interpretation of the concept under consideration, which is given by Yu.G. Tatur, is quite

clear and the most complete: the competence of a specialist with a higher education is ‗the aspiration and
ability, readiness, shown by him in practice, to realize his potential – knowledge, skills, experience,
personal qualities and more, for successful –effective creative, productive activity in the professional
sphere being aware of its social significance and personal responsibility for the results of this activity, and
the need for its continuous improvement‘. This definition of the competence of a specialist with a higher
education presents the result of professional training, the main purpose of which is to form a person's
ability to see, understand and evaluate various professional problems, constructively resolve them,
consider any difficulty as an incentive for further development. The competence approach is primarily
knowledge and the ability to use the acquired knowledge [Tatur: 2004: 23-24].

Thus, the professional competence of a teacher expresses the unity of his theoretical and practical

readiness to carry out pedagogical activities and characterizes his professionalism.

The characteristic of competence proposed by A.V. Barannikov is significant from the standpoint

of the possibility of transferring this characteristic to the process and result of specialist training:
‗Competence is a kind of ‗included‘, independently realized ability based on competence, which is
formed on the acquired knowledge and skills of the student, his educational and life experience, values
and inclinations, which he developed as a result of cognitive activity and educational practice.
Competence as a qualitative indicator of the implementation of competence is manifested in practical
activities in solving emerging problems. A competent individual is one whose activities, behavior and
solutions are adequate to emerging problems. A competent person is someone who has certain capabilities
and training that allow him to successfully cope with the situation, activate and update his knowledge and
skills, techniques and methods of activity in time. In this sense, competence is an external expression of
real education, formed competencies‘. A.V. Barannikov highlights an important property of competencies
– activity knowledge and skill, including skill, because mastery of competence means the ability to apply
existing knowledge and experience in a specific situation. ‗It makes no sense to discuss competencies if
they cannot be used in various, including non-standard, situations‘ [Barannikov: 2009: 75-76];

Thus, in order to diagnose the presence and level of competence formation, a set of situations in

which these competencies can be manifested is necessary. In all the above definitions, knowledge is the
basis of competencies. The use of knowledge takes place in various situations when solving complex
problems; in the process of communication; to acquire and build up new knowledge, skills, attitudes,
values. In this understanding, competence is defined as a general ability based on knowledge, experience,
values, inclinations, and skill is considered as an action in particular situations, i.e. as an external
manifestation of a particular competence. At the same time, in psychological and pedagogical sources
considering the essence of professional activity and the conditions of its formation, the following
differences of competencies from traditional concepts are distinguished – knowledge, abilities, skills,

integrative nature of competence;

correlation with the value-semantic characteristics of the personality;

practice-oriented orientation.

The formation of competencies is understood as the formation of a subject range of knowledge, skills, the
development of abilities, initiatives that need to be mastered. It is obvious that within the framework of
the competence approach, the content of education can be presented in the form of a system of
competencies defined by educational goals. In modern assessments of the teacher's activity, V.A. Adolf

subject competence,

psychological and pedagogical competence and

methodological competence,

which together form functional competence or professional competence [Adolf: 1998].

The problem of determining the professional competence of a teacher has become the object of

discussions and disagreements between psychologists, teachers, practitioners, etc.: today there is no single
approach to defining the concept of professional competence of a teacher. At the same time, almost all
authors agree that the professional competence of a teacher is based on knowledge, skills, methods of
activity and is characterized by levels. At the same time, the competence of a teacher is determined by
normative legal documents, the position held and the qualification category [Frumin: 2003: 50].

The professional competence of a teacher includes an idea of qualifications – professional skills

as an experience of activity, skills and knowledge, and is determined by the unity of his methodological,
special and psychological-pedagogical training, the formation of certain competencies, since they allow
achieving personally significant goals for a teacher [Tatur: 2004: 128].

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A competent specialist is able to go beyond his subject, his profession, he has a certain creative

potential for self-development. Developing professionally, such a specialist can create something new in
his profession – a new technique, method, technology. Thus, the professional competence of a teacher is
the knowledge, ability and willingness to professionally solve practical tasks for the training and
development of a student's personality and the formation of his practical skills [Khutorskoy: 2002: 30].

The professional competence of a teacher consists of several competencies: psychological-

pedagogical, communicative, scientific-subject and methodological, related to the readiness to teach a
specific academic subject, taking into account its specifics. It is impossible to put an equal sign between
the competence model of a specialist teacher and the model of a university graduate, since competence is
formed in the process of successful professional activity. It is the awareness of the fact of such inequality
that makes it urgent to find ways to approach the graduate's competence model to the specialist's model.

The professional formation of a teacher can be considered as a process of accumulation of

professional experience, the development of which begins during the period of study at the university. It
is important that the acquisition of the first professional experience of a future teacher also takes place in
classroom conditions. This can be facilitated by special technologies and training tools. Such a tool can
be, for example, models of real pedagogical situations formulated in the form of tasks. The wider and
more diverse the range of special tasks proposed for future teachers to solve, the more active the
accumulation of professional experience will be. That is why the university training of a specialist should
include all types of educational activities that simulate situations as close as possible to real ones, which
will ensure that students accumulate positive professional experience and readiness for independent
professional activity while still at the university.

The formation of methods of activity in specific situations determines the key role of the

competence approach in the professional training of a specialist. At the same time, the organization of
teacher training based on the competence approach asserts the role of competencies as the most important
indicators of professionalism, and one of the criteria for the quality of vocational education is professional
behavior, or even, say, actions that a student demonstrates in simulated learning situations [Zimnaya



As noted in studies on the psychology of professional activity, it is the behavior shown by future

specialists in the process of mastering academic disciplines that will most likely indicate the professional
behavior of a graduate of a higher educational institution in the course of his professional activity
[Markova: 1998].


1. Adolf V.A. Professional competence of a teacher: Krasnoyarsk, 1998. - 310 p.
2. Barannikov A.V. Self-education and competence approach – a qualitative resource of education:
Theory and practice. M. 2009. - 496 p.
3. Bolotov V.A., Serikov V.V. Competence model: from an idea to an educational program // Pedagogy.
M. 2014.
4. Frumin I.D. Competence approach as a natural stage of updating the content of education // Pedagogy
of development: key competencies and their formation: Materials of the 9


Scientific and Practical

Conference. Krasnoyarsk, 2003. 216 p.
5. Glossary of terms of vocational education and the labor market. M. 2001. 63 p.
6. Johnson K. Exploring the digital library. A guide for online teaching and learning. Jossey-Bass. 2005. -
162 p.
7. Khutorskoy A.V. Key competencies and educational standards. «Eidos». 2002.
8. Koper R. Learning Network Services for Professional Development. Springer, 2009. - 414 p.
9. Kovaleva T.M. Fundamentals of tutor support in general education. M.: Pedagogical University «The
First of September», 2010. - 56 p.
10. Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. M.1998. - 308 p.
11. Tatur Yu.G. Competence in the structure of the quality model of specialist training // Higher
education today № 3. 2004. - pp. 21-26.
12. Zimnaya I.A. Competence approach. What is its place in the system of modern approaches to the
problems of education? Theoretical and methodological approach. Higher education today. № 8. 2006.
pp. 21-26.

Библиографические ссылки

Adolf V. A. Professional competence of a teacher: Krasnoyarsk, 1998. - 310 p.

Barannikov A.V. Self-education and competence approach - a qualitative resource of education: Theory and practice. M. 2009. - 496 p.

Bolotov V.A., Scrikov V.V. Competence model: from an idea to an educational program // Pedagogy. M. 2014.

Frumin I.D. Competence approach as a natural stage of updating the content of education // Pedagogy of development: key competencies and their formation: Materials of the 9lh Scientific and Practical Conference. Krasnoyarsk, 2003. 216 p.

Glossary of terms of vocational education and the labor market. M. 2001.63 p.

Johnson K. Exploring the digital library. A guide for online teaching and learning. Jossey-Bass. 2005. -162 p.

Khutorskoy A.V. Key competencies and educational standards. «Eidos». 2002.

Koper R. Learning Network Sendees for Professional Development. Springer, 2009. - 414 p.

Kovaleva T.M. Fundamentals of tutor support in general education. M.: Pedagogical University «The First of September», 2010. - 56 p.

Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. M.1998. - 308 p.

Tatur Yu.G. Competence in the structure of the quality model of specialist training // Higher education today № 3. 2004. - pp. 21-26.

Zimnaya I.A. Competence approach. What is its place in the system of modern approaches to the problems of education? Theoretical and methodological approach. Higher education today. № 8. 2006. pp. 21-26.

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