Methodological aspects of quality assurance and modern management in education in Uzbekistan

Ortikov, E., Kurbanova, D., & Avazova, O. (2022). Methodological aspects of quality assurance and modern management in education in Uzbekistan . Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(01), 143–148. извлечено от
Eldor Ortikov, Termez branch of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami


D Kurbanova, school № 24

The teacher

Ozoda Avazova, Termez branch of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami




The new conditions that have emerged in Uzbekistan with the beginning of a new phase of reforms have changed the structure of higher education, the demand for their knowledge and skills. Now there is a high demand for personnel who can apply new knowledge in practice, understand the scope of innovative opportunities in a particular profession. These should be highly qualified professionals with analytical skills who can not only competently solve current economic and production issues, but also make the right decisions. It has become necessary to strengthen competition, which encourages the development of higher education institutions and the provision of quality educational services by them. In the process of reforming the education system in Uzbekistan, based on the positive foreign experience, a system of public management of educational institutions is gradually being introduced through the establishment of guardians and supervisory boards

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


My conclusion is that the upbringing of a child is a very delicate process,

it should be done by educated and experienced people, and as a result, a
physically and mentally healthy child is formed.

Karimov IA, "High spirituality is an invincible force", Karimov IA,

Harmoniously developed generation - the basis of development of
Uzbekistan. Inomova KM, "Spiritual and moral education of children in the
family" - Tashkent: Science, 1999.

Library .Uz,

Eldor Ortikov, Teacher, Termez branch of Tashkent State Pedagogical

University named after Nizami

D.A. KURBANOVA The teacher of school № 24 of Termez city

Ozoda Avazova, student, Termez branch of Tashkent State Pedagogical

University named after Nizami



E. Ortikov D. KURBANOVA, O. Avazova

Abstract: The new conditions that have emerged in Uzbekistan with the

beginning of a new phase of reforms have changed the structure of higher
education, the demand for their knowledge and skills. Now there is a high
demand for personnel who can apply new knowledge in practice,
understand the scope of innovative opportunities in a particular profession.
These should be highly qualified professionals with analytical skills who can
not only competently solve current economic and production issues, but
also make the right decisions.

It has become necessary to strengthen competition, which encourages

the development of higher education institutions and the provision of
quality educational services by them. In the process of reforming the
education system in Uzbekistan, based on the positive foreign experience, a
system of public management of educational institutions is gradually being
introduced through the establishment of guardians and supervisory boards.

Keywords: aspects of quality assurance, modern management, quality

of higher education.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Their composition is formed in accordance with the Charter of the

founding organizations, local authorities, business circles, public
organizations, foundations and sponsors, through which higher education
institutions can solve their problems independently. Today, such Councils
exist in a number of universities. The most important direction of reforming
the country's education system is to limit government regulation and at the
same time expand the independence of higher education institutions in the
organizational, financial and, most importantly, educational spheres.

In the countries included in the "elite list", this principle is defined as

one of the fundamental principles of higher education.

Based on world experience, the transfer of powers of the central

government div (ministry) can be divided into three main models:

1) Powers are transferred to the territorial administration;
2) transferred to a specialized agency (intermediary organization);
3) It is given directly to the higher education institution.
The Brinchi model is suitable for countries with a more federal structure

and less decentralization. In Uzbekistan, the use of this model is more
difficult due to the lack of administrative capacity at the local level. The
second model runs the risk of making this organization look like the Ministry
of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

Under the third model, the role of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary

Special Education will be reduced to the level of strategic management.
Everything else, that is, the operational and tactical management of
activities, should be decided by the universities themselves.

Today, higher education institutions can and must have a direct impact

on socio-economic development, as a specific donor of innovation based on
fundamental knowledge and at the same time practice-oriented.

The modern society of information technologies is of great interest to its

citizens for their ability to work independently, actively, make decisions,
adapt quickly to changing living conditions. To implement these tasks, it is
necessary to develop mechanisms to improve the form of participation of
large and medium-sized businesses, professional associations of
educational institutions, teachers and researchers, parents and public
organizations in the implementation of public education policy and intensify
their participation.

Guardianship and supervisory boards of higher education institutions

are effective tools to address this task. The world experience of their
organization and operation shows that such councils have the highest
executive power, they are the legislative bodies that shape the
organizational structure and policy of the university, from the curriculum to
the order of filling vacancies of teachers and staff in higher education.

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Currently, the most relevant and controversial concept in the higher

education system is the concept of "quality of higher education." This
concept is widely used today, it is reflected in the legislation governing the
activities of higher education, is studied in detail in the broad discussions
and debates of the pedagogical community, is the object of research of many
scientists and practitioners.

It should be noted that the concept of quality of higher education in this

regard is one of the most complex and important problems in the higher
education system of our country. The system of quality assessment of higher
education, traditionally and formally used, does not rely on objective
methods of pedagogical measurement, and therefore the concept of "quality
of higher education" is not universally interpreted in the same way.

For example, we will look at different interpretations of the concept of

“quality of education” to help effectively and comprehensively cover and
analyze key aspects of the problem. First of all, it is necessary to define the
concepts of "quality" and "education" in general. In accordance with the
international standard ISO 9000-2011, it is accepted to understand the
degree of conformity of the set of characteristics inherent in quality.

In turn, the concept of "education" in the Law of the Republic of

Uzbekistan "On Education" refers to the process of targeted training and
education in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state, as
well as knowledge, skills, abilities and values acquired within a certain scope
and competencies. , is defined as a social blessing as a sum of experience and

From the above, as well as in accordance with the definition in the Law

of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", we can conclude that the
quality of education is a comprehensive description of education, which
meets the state educational standards and requirements of education and
the needs of customers. represents the degree of compliance with

Describing this concept as a description and uniqueness of this or that

pedagogical system, we note only the specificity of a particular model of
educational practice. According to NN Aniskin, one of the scholars who has
conducted a number of studies in the field of study and analysis of the quality
of education, the problem arises when we try to define the quality of
education in terms of the interpretation of "production". For economic
systems, the concept of product quality is simple and straightforward
enough, but as soon as we begin to apply it to specific areas, such as
education, we face a number of contradictions.

In most cases, it is accepted that an educational institution emerges as a

producer of educational services, and the consumers of its services are
society and its institutions, potential employers, the learners themselves

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and their parents. But today, no one is arguing about the active role of the
learner in the learning process, and therefore everyone recognizes that the
learner himself is directly involved in creating the quality of education.

The state determines the education policy, finances the education

system, regulates the education system through licensing, certification and
accreditation, sets standards for the content and results of education, that is,
the state is directly involved in creating the quality of education.

Over the past few decades, the concept of ‘quality’ in education has been

similar to the concept of ‘intellectual superiority’, which was measured, for
example, by the proportion of highly educated professionals or the number
of successes in international student competitions.

Today, the concept of "quality of education" has a completely different

meaning. The concept of quality of education for the institutional
environment means that higher education institutions have the potential to
continuously meet and develop the educational needs of different segments
of the population.

The model of a modern higher education institution differs from its

traditional appearance in that a higher education institution is able to offer
different types of educational programs, stimulate the creative activity of
students, and guarantee them employment prospects. gives

A different approach to understanding the quality of higher education is

related to the results of educational activities, which are determined by
conducting intermediate attestation, test assignments, control work in the
teaching process.

There is also a third approach related to understanding the quality of

higher education as the quality of the implementation of the education
system. Proponents of this approach view the problem of the quality of
higher education as a necessity to increase and achieve the requirements of
state educational standards of higher professional education.

Under this approach, the issue of quality assurance in higher education

is directly related to the certification of compliance with the state standards
of higher education services provided, which means that non-compliance
with the requirements of this standard means the termination of the higher
education institution.

At the same time, some scholars have tried to define the concept of

“quality of education” in a more successful, systematic way.

These authors believe that the quality of education as a social system

belongs to the generation of systemic-social qualities. It is the conformity of
the education system to the demands placed on it by society, the individual,
the doctrine, and other social systems. They then rightly point out that the
quality of the educational process as an education system is also reflected -
in a narrow sense, the quality of teaching, upbringing and education. Thus,

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the authors propose to consider the concept of "quality of education" in a
broad and narrow sense. By their definition, the quality of education is:

- compliance of education with a wide range of requirements, needs,

goals, norms (standards);

-is a systematic set of hierarchically organized, socially significant

semantic features of education.

It is clear that higher education institutions do not have access to a

narrow definition of quality. Accordingly, the quality of education, the
quality of higher education - these are multidimensional and multifaceted

The concept of quality extends far beyond traditional views, and is

expressed at the level of compliance of the content of these curricula with
the standards or the examination scores of the students of the higher
education institution.

The higher education institution will need to adopt and use the

following concept: quality is the level of satisfaction of the needs of
consumers (students, teachers, enterprises, society), the level of readiness
of the higher education institution to work effectively and conduct
appropriate daily activities. The above idea allows the study and research in
the form of a pyramid, which includes the concept of quality of education:

- quality of the education system;
- quality of education management;
- quality of educational processes;
- quality of educational results.
Having completed the analysis of the various approaches to defining the

concept of the quality of higher education, we would like to draw attention
to another methodologically important feature. The ineffectiveness of
finding a universal definition of such a multidisciplinary and complex
concept as the quality of higher education does not mean that it is not
possible to determine its semantic properties and structure.

The quality of higher education is always a means of determining

whether the results of the system meet the requirements of the state, society
and the individual (or not). In this case, both the system, the process and the
result must be appropriate to its social responsibilities and fully meet the
specific needs of different groups of consumers.

There is a growing need to assess the quality of higher education, which

is due to the growing competition between national and international
institutions of higher education. These days, it has become an equally
important issue for any higher education institution operating in a market

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


1. Shemetova N.K. On the classification of factors that influence the

formation of the marketing strategy of the university / N.K. Shemetova //
Scientific Herald of the Ural Academy of Public Administration. - 2011.

2. Terentyeva TV. Factors affecting the effectiveness of educational

services of a university in a modern society / T.V. Terentyeva, MN Kulakova
// Modern problems of science and education. - 2012. - No. 5.

3. Mendenhaii R.W. Technology: Creating New Models in Higher

Education. Salt Lake City, Utah: Western Governors University,


. org/Files/pdf/HEGHEREDTECH. Pdf.

Barno Kobilova, Student of Termez branch of Tashkent State Pedagogical

University named after Nizami



B. Kobilova

Abstract: This article discusses the benefits and drawbacks of distance

learning in primary school and higher education. The focus is on distance
learning to address today's social issues. At present, in accordance with the
Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", the education system is
based on the reform of the education system, the formation of a competitive
environment in state and non-state educational institutions and training. as
a set of output. The current distance learning system is one of the newest
and most convenient forms of teaching, which allows students to teach at a
convenient time, place and environment, but in this way the specialist. It also
raises new and pressing issues for the anticipators

Keywords: Distance learning, educational news, education system,

problems in education, 5-day education system, pedagogical technologies.

The current distance learning system is one of the newest and most

convenient forms of teaching, which allows students to teach at a convenient
time, place and environment, but in this way the specialist It also raises new
and pressing issues for the anticipators

At the same time, they will be able to improve their skills with the help

of news. Although distance learning is designed for geographically diverse
educational institutions, the development of modern technologies allows for
the long-distance implementation of the educational process.

Библиографические ссылки

Shemetova N.K. On the classification of factors that influence the formation of the marketing strategy of the university / N.K. Shemetova // Scientific Herald of the Ural Academy of Public Administration. - 2011.

Terentyeva TV. Factors affecting the effectiveness of educational services of a university in a modern society / T.V. Terentyeva, MN Kulakova // Modern problems of science and education. - 2012. - No. 5.

Mendenhaii R.W. Technology: Creating New Models in Higher Education. Salt Lake City, Utah: Western Governors University, URL.:http://www.nga. org/Files/pdf/HEGHEREDTECH. Pdf.

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