Turkestan period in the history of Karakalpaks

Kanaatov, E. (2022). Turkestan period in the history of Karakalpaks. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(03), 31–33. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/scientific-research-covid-19/article/view/8058
E Kanaatov, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz

doctoral student



The article tells about the Karakalpaks who migrated along the Edil-Jayik rivers in the late 16th century and lived in their homeland Turkestan, and the events that took place during this period

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O’Connor, J., and Geiger, M.(2009). Challenges facing of primary

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E.E. Kanaatov doctoral student, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named

after Ajiniyaz Karakalpakstan, Nukus


E.E. Kanaatov

Abstract: The article tells about the Karakalpaks who migrated along the

Edil-Jayik rivers in the late 16th century and lived in their homeland
Turkestan, and the events that took place during this period.

Keywords: folklore, historical song, Turkestan period, Syrdarya, upper

Karakalpaks, lower Karakalpaks.

The Karakalpak people have experienced many difficulties in their

history. After the conquest of Khorezm by Genghis Khan in the 13th century,
most of the Karakalpaks living in the Turan plain moved to the Crimea, the
Ural Mountains, and the Edil-Jayik (the Volga and Ural rivers). Unable to live
there permanently, they moved to Turkestan. The relentless enemy marches
do not allow them to stay long here either. After the invasion of the Jungars,
Karakalpaks split in two and the upper Karakalpaks moved towards the
Fergana Valley, the lower Karakalpaks towards the lower reaches of the

Such historical events, which took place in each period, have been

preserved in the folklore. Folk historical songs that have come down to us
for centuries provide information about such historical events.

Karakalpaks migrated from the Edil-Jayik and Cem rivers to Turkestan

in the late 16th century and settled along the two banks of the Syrdarya. This
is stated in the historical song "Karakalpak":

Sırdáryanıń eki boyın jayladı,
Esapsız mal jıynap, qoydı aydadı,
Ullıtawǵa tuw tigip, xanın sayladı,
Túrkistanda ónip-ósti qaralpaq [1].
(They settled on both sides of the Syrdarya,

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Gathered countless animals and drove sheep,
Set flag in Ullytau and elected their khan,
Karakalpaks grew up in Turkestan)
Here mentioned Ullytau. Ullytau is now part of Kazakhstan's Karaganda


Karakalpaks called Turkestan their "homeland". Karakalpaks lived

richly in Turkestan and chose their khan.

This is consistent with historical facts.
Academician Sabir Kamalov's book "The formation of the Karakalpaks

as a people and the history of its statehood" gives the following information:
In 1694, the Sultan of Tobarshik was the khan of the Karakalpaks. He was a
son of Tauke khan (1680-1718). During the reign of Tauke khan for 18 years
(1680-1698) Sas biy (1598-1698), a descendant of the Kipchak tribe of
Karakalpaks, headed the khan's council.

In 1709, the Ghayib sultan, the son of the Tobarshik sultan, was the khan

of the Karakalpaks. In the 1720s, the khan of the Karakalpaks was
Ishmuhammed. The central city of the Karakalpaks was the city of Janakent
on the banks of the Syrdarya. During the reign of Ishmuhammed
Khan,Karakalpaks established good trade relations with neighboring
countries and collected taxes from caravans passing through their territory.
In 1721, Ishmuhammed Khan sent a caravan of a thousand camels to Russia.
In the first quarter of the 18th century, relations between the Karakalpaks
living on the banks of the Syrdarya and the Karakalpaks living on the side of
the Bukhara Emirate and the Khiva Khanate intensified. Ishmuhammed aims
to unite them [2, p. 22] ”.

The country of Turkestan has become really accessible to the people.

The period from 1596 to 1723 is known as the Turkestan period of the
Karakalpak people.

The prosperous life of the Karakalpaks was ruined by the great invasion

of the jungars in 1723. In the same year, the Jungar’s khan Tsevan Rabtan
invaded Turkestan with a hundred thousand soldiers. The fortresses of
Sozak, Turkestan and Signak were destroyed. The Kazakhs and Karakalpaks
living here became refugees. These bloody years are known in Kazakh
history as "Aktaban shubyryndy", "Alkakol sulama". In the history of
Karakalpaks, it was called "the second refugee" [3, pp. 212-218].

The Jungar invasion of 1723 divided the Karakalpaks living in

Turkestan. Most of the Karakalpaks who survived the massacre moved to
the lower reaches of the Syrdarya, while some fled to the upper reaches of
the river.

Songs of this period are remembered by both "lower" Karakalpaks and

"upper" Karakalpaks. For example:

Qaratawdıń teginde qaldım jekke,

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Qalmaqtıń oǵı tiydi qaq júrekke.
Harǵıdım mine almadım qara kókke,
Barsań sálem aytıp barıń Ismadiyar bekke.
Aytıp barıń xalqıma Sır jaylasın,
Áshirbek endi óldi dep oylasın,
Temir qazıq qaqıshıp at baylasın [4, p. 17]
(I was left alone in Karatau,
The Kalmyk bullet hit the heart.
I couldn't ride a black horse,
If you go, say hello to Ismadiyar Bek.
Tell my people: Let them settle the Syrdarya,
Let them think that Ashirbek is dead,
Let them tie the horse). These lines provide information about the

uncompromising battle with the Jungars of this period. The reason is that in
the XVII-XVIII centuries the main part of the Upper Karakalpaks lived in this
area [5, p. 61].

In short, in Karakalpak folklore there are many songs and poems about

the Turkestan period. Historical songs about the Turkestan period say that
the Karakalpaks had a difficult day during the formation of the people and
the state. It is a requirement of the time to collect such songs among the
people, prepare them for publication and submit them for scientific analysis
and research.


Қарақалпақ (тарийхый қосық) //ӨзРИА ҚБ Қолжазбалар қоры.

Р-1311, Инв.- №184006.


Камалов С. Қарақалпақлардың халық болып қәлиплесиўи ҳәм






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«Билим», 1992, 248 б.


Толстова Л. Каракалпаки Ферганской долины. – Нукус.:

Каракалпакское государственное издательство, 1959, 180 с.


Тилеўмуратов М. Қарақалпақ поэзиясы – тарийхый дерек. –

Нөкис.: «Қарақалпақстан», 1994, 342 б.

Библиографические ссылки

Каракалпак (тарийхый косык) //9зРИА КБ Колжазбалар коры. Р-1311, Инв,- №184006.

Камалов С. Каракалпакдардыц халык болып кэлиплесиуи кам оныц мэмлекетлигиниц тарийхынан. - Некие: ОзРИАККБ «Хабаршысы» журналы, 2001, 76 б.

Мамбетов К. Ерте дэуирдеги каракалпак эдебияты. - Некие.: «Билим», 1992, 248 б.

Толстова 71. Каракалпаки Ферганской долины. - Нукус.: Каракалпакское государственное издательство, 1959,180 с.

Тилеумуратов М. Каракалпак поэзиясы - тарийхый дерек. -Некие.: «Каракалпакстан», 1994, 342 б.

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