Experimental Fight Against The Weeds In Winter Wheat Fields Maxier- Em.K And Effectiveness Of Herbicide | The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering

Experimental Fight Against The Weeds In Winter Wheat Fields Maxier- Em.K And Effectiveness Of Herbicide

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Rakhmonova Madina Kimsanboevna , ., Mirabdullaeva Nilufar, ., & Parpieva Makhmuda, . (2020). Experimental Fight Against The Weeds In Winter Wheat Fields Maxier- Em.K And Effectiveness Of Herbicide. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 2(11), 69–73. https://doi.org/10.37547/tajabe/Volume02Issue11-13


We have studied the biological efficiency of 8% conc. Emulsions Topic BG, and conc. emulsions Maxier in our experiment (standard).

And the results showed that in the use of quantitative doses of 0.4 l / ha of 8% conc. emulsion Topik BG effectiveness was 82.7% of another drug- and conc. Maxier’s emulsion in the amount of 0.9-1.0 l / ha, 83.2-86.2% compared to control variants.


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