Achievements and challenges of online learning in foreign language teaching

Xошимжонова Ю., & Худайбердиева , Д. (2022). Achievements and challenges of online learning in foreign language teaching. Перспективы внедрения зарубежных инновационных идей и технологий в преподавании иностранных языков в новом Узбекистане, 1(1), 29–30. извлечено от
Юлдуз Xошимжонова , Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
студент первого курса
Дилновоз Худайбердиева , Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Научный руководитель


Transferring traditional studying process to online or blended learning plays great role in education system especially in higher educational establishment. Since Coronavirus pandemic has influenced and traditional education system completely changed. Both learning and teaching have been shifted all educational levels into distance learning which is not adapted in during 2 years.

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Hoshimjonova Yulduz, a first year student

of Uzbekistan State World Languages University Khudayberdiyeva Dilnovoz,
Scientific supervisor,


Transferring traditional studying process to online or blended learning

plays great role in education system especially in higher educational establishment.

Since Coronavirus pandemic has influenced and traditional education system
completely changed. Both learning and teaching have been shifted all educational
levels into distance learning which is not adapted in during 2 years.

This article aimed to highlight the tools of online communication that are used in
teaching foreign languages.( Elsevier B.V published in 2021) students to write in a
foreign language is one of the modern requirements for young specialists'
professional training. In this modern society ICT tools establishing conditions
implementing professions, create more facilities regarding learning foreign language,
teaching online. Furthermore, the findings reveal that both teachers and students are
well prepared for performing their online instructions, even though students feel
motivated to study online, these students knowledge social distance as those who
aren't transformed to learn online. Currently, multimedia has taken a firm place in the
practice of teaching foreign languages. In addition, multimedia tools are used for
simulating communication situations in which students of higher educational
institutions may nd themselves in their future professional activities. ( Merlot tech.
Online learning 2015. 11 309-311) Information and digital literacy make it possible
for students to communicate with native speakers in real-time. Virtual
communication, reading news, watching movies, and listening to books in a foreign
language are attractive options for mastering a foreign language.Hence, students who
work at part time job, can make available time because there are many students who
both work and study that's why they can participate online foreign language lessons.
When it comes to challenges of online learning foreign language teaching. There are
number of disadvantages. Teachers need to know the modern language of
communication in order to teach students. ( Hadadi Harandi A.A Bokharai M.
Valmuhammadi The impact of social technologies on knowledge management
process Kybernytes 2019.) Otherwise, teachers' information and communication
illiteracy will become barriers between generations and interfere with an effective
educational process. Info-communication literacy includes digital, information, and
scientific literacy. On this basis, info-communication literacy allows using
technological opportunities to develop the ability to communicate with people in a
new social format and be ethical and considerate towards other people. Students are
often less satisfied with online classes than face-to-face classes. However, the criteria

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for assessing the achievement of learning outcomes is a starting point for the
education process. Nguyen and Ni argue that there is a relative equivalence between
full-time education and distance learning using an online educational. Educational
institutes should invest them technologically, as well as financially. Increasingly,
students in all disciplines, including those in business, management, and education,
are choosing to study while engaged in varying degrees of employment (Stoessel et
al., 2015). These students have the flexibility of opting for part-time and/or external
modes of study to provide increased options for interaction, participation, and
ultimately completion of their degree programs (Broadbent & Poon, 2015). This
range of additional factors therefore serves to further isolate the multitasking external
student as increasing numbers of barriers to success are put in place. It is therefore
vital that focused consideration of these cohorts and ways to better facilitate their
participation are discussed (Stoessel et al., 2015). Many of these students also bring
with them varying levels of confidence and familiarity with using technology to
engage in university units and despite communicated preferences for online
submission modes, also exhibit apprehension and anxiety around completing group
assessments online.


1.2021 authors published by Elsevier B.V


Nguyen, T. The effectiveness of online learning: Beyond no signicant difference

and future horizons. MERLOT J. Online Learn. Teach. 2015, 11, 309-319.


Jenkins, H. Confronting the Challenges of a Participatory Culture (Part Three).

2006. ANi, A.Y. Comparing the effectiveness of classroom and online learning:
Teaching research methods. J. Public Aff. Educ. 2013,

4 Haddadi Harandi, A.A.; Bokharaei Nia, M.; Valmohammadi, C. The impact of
social technologies on knowledge management processes: The moderator effect of e-
literacy. Kybernetes 2019,






деривационсемантик хусусиятлари (ўзбек, қорақалпоқ, инглиз ва рус тиллари
мисолида). Филол. фан. д-ри.(DS)... дисс. автореф." Тошкент.-2016 (2016).


Палуанова, Халифа Дарибаевна. "Изучение экологических единиц в

английском языке." (2016): 72-72.

Библиографические ссылки

2021 authors published by Elsevier B.V

Nguyen, T. The effectiveness of online learning: Beyond no signicant difference and future horizons. MERLOT J. Online Learn. Teach. 2015, 11,309-319.

Jenkins, H. Confronting the Challenges of a Participatory Culture (Part Three). 2006. ANi, A.Y. Comparing the effectiveness of classroom and online learning: Teaching research methods. J. Public Aff. Educ. 2013,

Haddadi Harandi, A.A.; Bokharaei Nia, M.; Valmohammadi, C. The impact of social technologies on knowledge management processes: The moderator effect of c-litcracy. Kybcmctcs 2019,

Палуанова, Халифа Дарибасвна. "Экологик тсрминларнинг деривационсемантик хусусиятлари (ўзбек, қорақалпоқ, инглиз ва рус тиллари мисолида). Филол. фаи. д-ри.(Э8)... дисс. автореф." Тошкент.-2016 (2016).

Палуанова, Халифа Дарибаевиа. "Изучеиие экологических единиц в английском язмке." (2016): 72-72.

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