Simultaneous interpreting as a goal oriented activity

Хийчина, А. (2022). Simultaneous interpreting as a goal oriented activity. Переводоведение: проблемы, решения и перспективы, (1), 117–119. извлечено от
Адиля Хийчина, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Master student, Simultaneous interpretation



Translation has a lengthy history. Its roots go lower back to these far-off distances when the fundamental language started to spoil down into separate languages and there want arose for human beings who knew a number of languages and have been in a position to mediate between one-of-a-kind linguistic communities. Translation undertaking in the modern-day world is gaining greater and greater scale and greater social importance. The occupation translator has emerge as a mass one, and in many nations distinct instructional establishments have been created to teach expert translators. Representatives of many different professions are additionally worried in translations in one structure or another. A large vary of the public is fascinated in translation.

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Khiyachina Adilya Maratovna

Master student, Simultaneous interpretation,

Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Translation has a lengthy history. Its roots go lower back to these far-off

distances when the fundamental language started to spoil down into separate
languages and there want arose for human beings who knew a number of languages
and have been in a position to mediate between one-of-a-kind linguistic communities.
Translation undertaking in the modern-day world is gaining greater and greater scale
and greater social importance. The occupation translator has emerge as a mass one,
and in many nations distinct instructional establishments have been created to teach
expert translators. Representatives of many different professions are additionally
worried in translations in one structure or another. A large vary of the public is
fascinated in translation.

Simultaneous interpretation is a translation that runs concurrently with the

speech manner of the interpreter (speaker) the use-one-of-a-kind gear for
simultaneous interpretation.

Simultaneous interpretation is surely the most time-consuming and tough of all

kinds of interpreting.

It ought to be emphasized that simultaneous interpreters of English are

endorsed to comprehend no longer solely the British and American versions of
English, however additionally to have a concept of different territorial variants,
phonetic, intonation changes [1].

Characteristics of simultaneous interpreting activities

The implementation of simultaneous interpreting is associated with significant

changes in the functioning of cognitive mechanisms compared to other types of
translation. In order to take into account all the features of simultaneous interpreting
activity it is necessary to consider its characteristic features, which will allow using
the results for the training of interpreters-simultaneous interpreters, including those
based on higher education institutions.

Simultaneous interpreting activity has three characteristics: linguistic,

temporal, and psychological.

The linguistic characteristic of simultaneous interpreting activity is related both

to the linguistic differences of a particular language pair, and to those or other
techniques that translators use to convey the original information without distorting
the meaning.

Temporal characteristic of simultaneous interpreting activity includes the

simultaneous implementation of cognitive operations of understanding the source
text and verbalization of the translation variant in the target language. At the same
time, the analysis of the incoming information and the choice of a variant of translation
are also carried out in parallel with the above-mentioned operations. In this regard,
the time factor is a determining characteristic in the implementation of simultaneous
translation activity.

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Psychological characteristic of simultaneous interpreting is one of the most

important parameters of interpreter-simultaneous interpreter professional reliability.
The quality of interpreting depends on how well an interpreter copes with the negative
influence of stress [2].

Types of simultaneous interpreting

There are several types of simultaneous interpreting. The main ones are:


“unseen translation”, without preparation or with it, when the

interpreter has an opportunity to receive the report in written form in advance and
translate it in absolute accordance with the material available, making minor
adjustments if necessary;

Simultaneous interpretation

“by ear”. The simultaneous interpreter perceives

the speech in a continuous flow through the headphones, and translates in blocks as
the information arrives;

Simultaneous reading from a pre-translated text, when the interpreter reads

the text prepared in advance, following the speaker's words, and makes changes if
necessary if the speaker deviates a little from the original text [3].

The structure of simultaneous interpreting activities

In order to be able to analyze the structure of the simultaneous interpreter's

activity it is necessary to outline the methodological principles of speech activity
consideration and the initial theoretical ideas about speech-thought processes.

The first principle consists in the analysis by units, meaning the decomposition

of activity into such, parts, each of which carries in itself all the basic means inherent
in the activity as a whole, and cannot be decomposed further without losing these
properties [4].

The second principle is the position of the tripartite structure inherent in both

the entire activity and each of its constituent units. According to this principle, activity
in general and each activity may be seen as consisting of (1) the phase of orienting
to task conditions and choosing a plan of action (action), (2) the phase of realization,
and (3) the phase of comparing the result with the intended goal.

The third important methodological principle determining the understanding of

the process of speech activity is the recognition of the heuristic nature of the
processes of perception and generation of statements. This means that the
interpreter can choose different strategies when working out the method of action
and its implementation, depending on the specific conditions of the activity [5].

The fourth methodological principle consists in a certain understanding of the

procedure of choosing a way of action and can be called probabilistic forecasting.
The idea of the role of probabilistic prediction in assessing a situation and choosing
a course of action goes back to N.A. Bernstein

’s “model of the future” and consists

in the following. As a result of reflection of a situation in consciousness of a subject
of action there is a model of situation existing by the moment of the beginning of

– “model of the past-present or become” in terms of N.A. Bernstein [6].

Advantages and difficulties of simultaneous interpreting

First, the interpreter

’s work in synchronization mode requires constant

mobilization of attention and continuous speaking. This leads to the fact that after
20-30 minutes of translation the interpreter

’s articular apparatus becomes tired, the

language becomes

“wobbly”, self-control decreases, and serious mistakes appear in

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the text. For this reason, the mode of operation of simultaneous interpreters requires
at least a forty-minute rest after twenty minutes of work and, consequently, the
creation of groups or teams of three to four people for each booth [7].

The second difficulty with simultaneous interpretation is related to the


’s reaction, or, more precisely, his reactivity. The simultaneous interpreter

is forced to react instantly to the words or, to be more precise, to the word
combinations perceived by the interpreter [8].

This is why simultaneous interpreting discourages slow people, even if they have

an excellent command of the foreign language. A good knowledge of two or more
languages is not a prerequisite for success as an interpreter. Rather, it is an
indispensable condition of having a stock of equivalent pairs of lexical units connected
to each other through sign communication, which allows translation not through analysis
and synthesis, but in terms of

“stimulus-response”, i.e. not through thinking, but through

conditioned reflexes. It is in this direction that the training of simultaneous interpreters
should also take place, which we will talk about in more detail [9].


2. Ingrid K. Christoffels, Annette M.B. De Groot (2009). Simultaneous

interpreting: A cognitive perspective. Psycholinguistic Approaches. New York: Oxford
University Press.

5. Raufov Miraziz Mustafakulovich, Toshmatov Oybek Shokirovich, Mustafoeva

Noila Ishnazarovna. Simultaneous interpreting as a special interpreter activity. Pros and
cons of simultaneous interpreting. Tashkent State University of Law.








Рахмонов А.Б. Формирование исследовательских умений будущих

педагогов в научно-проектной деятельности // Современное образование
(Узбекистан). – 2020. – №. 12 (97). – С. 11–18.

Библиографические ссылки

Ingrid К. Christoffels, Annette M.B. De Groot (2009). Simultaneous interpreting: A cognitive perspective. Psycholinguistic Approaches. New York: Oxford University Press.

Raufov Miraziz Mustafakulovich, Toshmatov Oybek Shokirovich, Mustafoeva Noila Ishnazarovna. Simultaneous interpreting as a special interpreter activity. Pros and cons of simultaneous interpreting. Tashkent State University of Law. _perevoda.

Рахмонов А.Б. Формирование исследовательских умений будущих педагогов в научно-проектной деятельности // Современное образование (Узбекистан). - 2020. - №. 12(97).-С. 11-18.

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