Translation problems of numbers in oral translation in the english and uzbek

Джураева, Ф. (2022). Translation problems of numbers in oral translation in the english and uzbek . Переводоведение: проблемы, решения и перспективы, (1), 120–123. извлечено от
Феруза Джураева, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Master student, comparative Linguistics and Linguistic translation



Translation is both a process and a product of activity. The product of such activity is a text translated from one language (original) into another. A translation that meets all the requirements usually includes texts that retain more than 90% of their meaning. It is important to note that each word used in the translation has two aspects.

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Feruza Juraeva

Master student, comparative Linguistics and Linguistic translation,

Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Translation is both a process and a product of activity. The product of such

activity is a text translated from one language (original) into another. A translation
that meets all the requirements usually includes texts that retain more than 90% of
their meaning. It is important to note that each word used in the translation has two
aspects. The first is a plan of expression and the second is a plan of meaning. In
translation, the plan of expression changes, and the plan of meaning remains the
same. Two languages are involved in the translation process. The first is the original
language and he second is the translation language. Therefore, knowing the
characteristics of two languages, a foreign languages and a mother tongue, is a good
practical knowledge, but it is not enough to translate. In addition to knowing the
features of the language, the translator must be well versed in a number of principles
developed in translation theory, as well as have good credentials. The principles of
translation theory are based on linguistic and extralinguistic factors. Translation and
interpretation can be especially challenging when dealing with numbers and math.
The notation for writing out numbers and the meaning behind mathematical symbols
can differ significantly depending on language and culture. The ways in which
numbers are expressed verbally are not universal either. For instance, different
cultures have their own rules for talking about numbers with multiple digits. Also, two
languages may have words that look the same in print, and sound similar when
spoken, but represent completely different numbers. When interpreting or translating
numbers or math, language professionals must have numerical literacy in both
languages. Rules for describing numbers are not universal. To keep up with fast-
paced technical conversations, an interpreter needs to have a strong understanding
of the numerical systems of both languages.

The structure of one language is different from that of another. The language

structure plays an important role in determining the accuracy of the translation. The
simpler the structure of the language, the easier is the translation.

Translating the idioms and expressions in the source document is yet another

challenge that comes in translations. Certain idioms that suggest a different literal
meaning may have an entirely different idiomatic meaning. In such a situation, it is
necessary that the translator is familiar with the culture of the target market.

Certain words may have two or more meaning depending on their usage in the

sentence. There are words that sound similar but differ in meaning. These are called
homonyms. Then there are words that sound different, are spelled same but have
multiple meanings. These are called heteronyms. Making proper use of both the
types of words can be a challenge for the translators [1].

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The numbers can relate to currencies, weight, height, temperature, pressure

or the measurement of pretty much anything. If it

’s presented in numeric format and

it needs translation, it counts as numerical translation.

Many aspects of the number word series have been studied by scientists and

linguists. Their features are studied in a number of textbooks, books and scientific
works in Russian, English and Uzbek. From the point of view of translation it is also
rich in interesting facts and requires exploration. Numbers also have some difficulties
in translation. Of course, numbers are important for language learners, even though
they are not significant, but a student or learner who compares English and Uzbek
may not notice the difference between them. However, we can see that the English
language numbers are significantly different from the Uzbek ones. For the translator


work, a thorough study of them will be useful. The problem with translation of
numerical words usually causes problems for translators. At the same time, Minyar-
Beloruchev [8], who worked in the field of translation methodology of numerical
words, also proves that the translation of numerical words has specific difficulties and
advises to work hard. Montanell: came in with the sergeant and three guards.
(E.L. Voynich). The distinction between the Uzbek count and the English count is that
in the syntactic

“count from noun to noun”, nouns maintain the number of units, for

example: two thousand swords, one hundred fares, seven balls, and the semantics
of the number represent the numerical characteristics of the subject [9]. In English,
however, the opposite is true

– in such compounds the noun requires a plural form:

three quards. Here is a typological difference between the distribution of two markers
in one category, namely the plural morpheme in Uzbek and the number mutually
rejecting each other [10]. The count shows the total number of subjects. In this case,
the form in the Uzbek language is envisaged without affixes. Such numbers are used
in numerical words. The numbers can be used to denote the number of units and the
number of distributions. There are no differences between the numbers two and
three, and two and three numbers, that is, the numbers, represent the exact number
of objects. The meaning of number and distribution is an additional sign of these
meanings. Compare the following examples: The Chairman slaughtered one calf and
one sheep (S. Ahmad). If we add the affix

– ta‖ in the above example to the number

of unchecked numbers, we can see that the exact meaning does not change.
Therefore, it is advisable to study the numbers labeled in the numbers. Analysis of
the actual material shows that the numbers are used anologically in comparable
languages. In English, the use of marking and unmarked numeric forms can be used
to express numerical numbers in Uzbek, for example: You must have two good
horses and a cart. Bir arava-yu ikkita yaxshi ot kerak. (E.L. Voinich). The syntactic
meanings of the numbers are as follows:

а) in the prepositive combination with the

detector; b) with the attribution and predicate function of the sentence; c) Substance
is easily transferred to another lexicogrammatical classification of words, that is, the
function of the sentence changes; d) The Uzbek language was later used as a
condition, the consensus quickly becomes paradigmatic, and so on. Count numbers
are used in their original way, for example:

– The house has been standing here for


years‖ – Uy bu yerda o‘ttiz yildan beri turibdi‖. In this example, counting causes

no problems with the translation. Let

’s take the following statement in Uzbek: Mening


o‘stim uchinchi xonada o‘tiribdi. In the first glance, the word – uchinchi‖ in this

sentence is

English‖, We have to translate as following: – Му friend is standing in the


room‖. But when using the house, books, trams, lessons, etc., the numbers are

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used and put before the noun. In Uzbek, this number is given. In summary, the correct
translation of the sentence above is as follows: My friend is sitting room No.3
Compare: Flat six

– oltinchi xonada, Bus (number) forty one – 41-avtobus. In such

cases, the word (number) may be dropped. Here is another example: Uchinchi
betdagi mashqni toping. This statement is based on the above analysis:

– Open the

exercise on page

10‖. However, there are also translations that sometimes lead to


– Open the exercise on page 10‖. Consider another aspect If the

names of people are used with a number, the inscription uses the Roman number
after the person

’s name, but the number is read as a number.: One of the kings of

England was Henry V (Henry the fifth). This is not a problem in translation because
it is available in English and Uzbek: One of the kings of England was Henry V (Henry
the Fifth). Sequence number means

– other‖, – next‖, – this time‖ except the order

number of the second

– second subject. Example: After that Muqaddas didn’t go to

this house again. (O. Yakubov). The sequences, which are linked by time-specific
words, indicate the exact time (form). The ordinal numbers are approximately the
approximate predictors of the sequence of the subject using about. Sequential
numbers can be combined with nouns, numbers, verbs, repetitive expressions,
auxiliary verbs, and in English with an articulation. Like quality, order plays a key
determinant in number sentences. When making nouns, they perform the same
syntactic tasks that nouns do. The analysis in factual materials shows that in both
languages, the order is a separate number of numbers, that is, a numerical order that
expresses a finite number, rather than an abstract number, but a sequence of
subjects. Order numbers denote the order or location of the item, hence its nature.
Consider the following situation.:

– Beshinchi aprelda biz kinoga boramiz‖. We’ll go

to the cinema on the five April. Now compare with the correct option:

We’ll go to the

cinema on the fifth of April Chronological dates are self-written or read, compare: May
1st, 1998

– May the first, ninety eight. 2nd September, 1984 – The second of

September, nineteen eight four. Mening yaqin d

o‘stim 1974 chi yilda tavallud topgan [2].

English idioms of number Meanings

one foot in the grave (informal) Often humorous.

All in one piece Safely, without damage.

Put two and two together to make a correct guess or to draw conclusions.

Two sandwiches shoet of a picnic A stupid or crazy person.

The whole nine yards Everything possible happy [4].

In the modern Uzbek language there are such words that they refer not only to

the whole or to the whole meaning, but to the general meaning with certain meanings
or meanings. Thus, in translating number words from Uzbek into English or from
English into Uzbek, it is necessary to pay attention to certain rules.

If you look closely,

you can see that the Uzbek and English numbers have both

–similarity‖ and –

differences‖. Of course, as noted, the morphological structure of numbers also varies.
Understanding this difference can now be a bit difficult for those who are learning
English. The purpose of the article is to highlight the relevance of comparative-
typological study of various language systems, including the comparative study of
English and Uzbek languages, and the teaching of English in the Uzbek audience.
They consist of ways to show the categorical semantics of numbers in the two
languages being compared, to reveal the similarities and differences in the

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classification of the numbers, and to represent the numbers in other languages. An
attempt is also made to reveal the approximate numerical value used in English and the
sum of its meanings. The theoretical significance of the work is very important in
comparative-typological study of the Uzbek and English languages. All word groups
often start with auxiliary words, i.e. prepositions, articles. In addition, grouping words
helps to understand which words are important in a sentence, which words are of
secondary importance. Dividing sentences into groups by content requires knowledge
of auxiliary words. The next step in the grammatical analysis of a sentence is to find the
main parts of the sentence, i.e., possessive and participle. First you need to find the cut.
Because the cut forms the main content of the sentence and helps to identify other parts
of speech. Thus, grammatical analysis of sentences is a necessary way to correctly
understand and translate a text in a foreign language [2].


1. Suprun A.E. The name is numeral and its study at school. Moscow, 1964.
2. Arinstein V.I. The word

– the deputy “one” in modern English. Cand. dis.

Leningrad, 1996.

3. Shoabdurakhmanov Sh.,

Аskarova M., Xojiev А., Rasulov I., Doniyorov Kh.

Hozirgi uzbek adabiy tili (Modern Uzbek Literary Language.). 1 qism, Toshkent, 1980.

4. Zhobotinskaya S.A. Numerals in modern English. Abstract of Cand. thesis.

Kiev, 1982

5. Shvachko S.A. Logical and language categories of quantity. Kiev 1981,

PP. 96


6. Boronov Zh.B. Comparative typology of English and Turkic languages.


–Vysshaya shkola‖, 1983.

7. Fayzullaeva E.M. The typological category of quantitativeness and

multilevel means of its equation in the Uzbek and English languages. Abstract. Cand.
thesis. Tashkent 1986.

8. Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. Methods of learning to translate by ear. Moscow,


– PP. 80–86. Асқарова М.А., Саидниёзова Х.М. «Бир» сўзининг қўлланиши

ҳақида. Ўзбек тилшунослигининг айрим масалалари. Илмий асарлар. Тошкент,
1972, 42-45


9. Birinbaum Ya.G., Kuznetsov I.A. About one use of numerals in modern

English. Some questions of English philology. Chelyabinsk, 1969, Issue I,

– PP. 62–76.

10. Nizomiddinov S. The numbers in the present Uzbek language. Tashkent,


– P. 91.

11. Bain A.A. First Engish Grammar, London. 1982.

– PP. 47–61.

12. Blokh M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar
14. English

– Uzbek translation process and their analysis. Abdullayeva

Markhabo Raxmonkulovna.

15. Problems with Numerical translation in Uzbek and English Mavlyanova

Umida Khojakbarivna.

16. www. English number idioms.




Библиографические ссылки

Suprun A.E. The name is numeral and its study at school. Moscow, 1964.

Arinstein V.l. The word - the deputy “one” in modern English. Cand. dis. Leningrad, 1996.

Shoabdurakhmanov Sh., Askarova M., Xojiev A., Rasulov I., Doniyorov Kh. Hozirgi uzbek adabiy tili (Modern Uzbek Literary Language.). 1 qism, Toshkent, 1980.

Zhobotinskaya S.A. Numerals in modern English. Abstract of Cand. thesis. Kiev, 1982

Shvachko S.A. Logical and language categories of quantity. Kiev 1981, -PP. 96-102.

Boronov Zh.B. Comparative typology of English and Turkic languages. Moscow-Vysshaya shkolall, 1983.

Fayzullaeva E.M. The typological category of quantitativeness and multilevel means of its equation in the Uzbek and English languages. Abstract. Cand. thesis. Tashkent 1986.

Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. Methods of learning to translate by ear. Moscow, 1959, - PP. 80-86. Аскарова M.A., Саидниёзова X.M. «Бир» сузининг кулланиши хакида. Узбек тилшунослигининг айрим масалалари. Илмий асарлар. Тошкент, 1972,42-45 6

Birinbaum Ya.G., Kuznetsov I.A. About one use of numerals in modern English. Some questions of English philology. Chelyabinsk, 1969, Issue I, - PP. 62-76.

Nizomiddinov S. The numbers in the present Uzbek language. Tashkent, 1963,-P. 91.

Bain A.A. First Engish Grammar, London. 1982. - PP. 47-61.

Blokh M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar

English - Uzbek translation process and their analysis. Abdullayeva Markhabo Raxmonkulovna.

Problems with Numerical translation in Uzbek and English Mavlyanova Umida Khojakbarivna. English number idioms.

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