Вопросы международного сотрудничества прокуратуры Республики Узбекистан в рамках взаимодействия с международными организациями

Валижонов, Д. (2019). Вопросы международного сотрудничества прокуратуры Республики Узбекистан в рамках взаимодействия с международными организациями. Обзор законодательства Узбекистана, (4), 90–92. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/uzbek_law_review/article/view/12700
Д Валижонов, Ташкентский государственный юридический университет




В статье рассмотрены вопросы международного сотрудничества органов прокуратуры по оказанию правовой помощи в уголовной сфере. Кроме этого, данная статья посвящена вопросам взаимодействия органов прокуратуры по борьбе с преступностью
в рамках региональных международных организаций.

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criminal-legal and criminological characteristics: autoref.
Diss. ... Cand. the faculty of law. sciences'. - Moscow:
RAAN, 2018.)


Кириллов С.И., Овсянников В.А. Администра-

тивный надзор в системе предупреждения преступле-
ний террористического характера // Вестник Россий-
ского университета кооперации. – 2019. –№2(36). –
С.135-137. (Kirillov S. I., Ovsyannikov V. A. Administrative
supervision in the system of prevention of terrorist crimes /
/ Bulletin of the Russian University of cooperation. - 2019.
- No. 2 (36). - Pp. 135-137.)


Кашкина Е.В., Репьев А.Г. Негласный метод

осуществления административного надзора за лица-
ми, освобожденными из мест лишения свободы, как
специальный принцип данного института // Проблемы
правоохранительной деятельности. 2016. № 4. С. 42–
46. (Kashkina E. V., repyev A. G. Unspoken method of
administrative supervision of persons released from pris-
on, as a special principle of this Institute / / Problems of
law enforcement. 2016. No. 4. Pp. 42-46.)


The lecturer of the Tashkent State University of







the article focuses on the issues of interna-

tional cooperation on provision of legal assistance in crim-
inal sphere, such as extradition. Besides that, the article is
dedicated to the matters concerning the cooperation of
Prosecutor′s Office in terms of fighting against crime with
regional international organizations.


international cooperation, legal assistance,

criminal prosecution, extradition, regional organizations.


в статье рассмотрены вопросы меж-

дународного сотрудничества органов прокуратуры по
оказанию правовой помощи в уголовной сфере. Кроме
этого, данная статья посвящена вопросам взаимодей-
ствия органов прокуратуры по борьбе с преступностью
в рамках региональных международных организаций.

Ключевые слова:

международное сотрудниче-

ство, правовая помощь, органы прокуратуры, регио-
нальные организации.


ушбу мақолада жиноятчиликка қарши

кураш соҳасида прокуратура органларининг халқаро
ҳамкорлиги ва иштироки масалалалари ёритилган.
Шунингдек, мақолада шахсни жиноий жавобгарликка
тортиш учун ушлаб беришнинг процессуал жиҳатлари-
га ҳам тўхталиб ўтилган.

Калит сўзлар:

халқаро ҳамкорлик, ҳуқуқий ёрдам,

прокуратура органлари, минтақавий халқаро ташки-


It should be noted that the annual in-

crease in the volume of mutual legal assistance provided
by the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) mem-
ber states and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organiza-
tion) on criminal prosecution and extradition of individuals
- is objective reality, a consequence of the expanding in-
teraction of law enforcement agencies of the participating
states of these organizations.

In addition, the active development of this area of co-

operation in recent years, as well as the improvement of
international legal norms and domestic legislation in the
criminal process, objectively determine the urgent need to
improve the institution of extradition, prosecution and other
forms of legal assistance in criminal matters, and at the
law enforcement level. It should be noted that the agree-
ments of states on extradition are aimed at ensuring the
inevitability of punishment of persons for whom there is
evidence of their crimes [1].

The responsibility for carrying out extradition inspec-

tions for the uniform execution of laws is vested in territo-
rial prosecutors, or rather senior assistants and assistant
prosecutors on international legal issues in Tashkent, the
Republic of Karakalpakstan and oblasts.

Upon receipt of a message from a supervised internal

affairs div about the detention of a person sought by the
competent authorities of a foreign country, the prosecutor
or investigator of the prosecutor's office, having estab-
lished his identity, fills in a 24-hour period from the mo-

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ment of detention the list of the detainee's express inter-
view in the prescribed form.

After that, the detainee gives a detailed explanation of

the purpose of arrival in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the
place, time of residence and registration, citizenship,
presence or intention to receive asylum in connection with
possible persecution in the country of citizenship on the
basis of race, religion, citizenship, nationality, group or on
political convictions, circumstances and motives of crimi-
nal prosecution or conviction in a foreign state, possible
obstacles to its extradition. Also about the place of regis-
tration and residence at the time of entry into force of the
Law "On Citizenship" of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July
2, 1992.

The legislator in art specifies circumstances that ex-

clude extradition, according to Article 603 of the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the
absence of data at the time of detention, excluding the
extradition of the detainee, the prosecutor ensures the
detention of such person for 72 hours.

According to the rules of the United Nations Conven-

tion against Transnational Organized Crime and a number
of other international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan
on extradition, when a person is detained in order to en-
sure his possible extradition, the requested party applies
domestic legislation.

In this regard, in order to ensure the rights of detained

persons of this category, the investigator or investigator
prepares a protocol of detention in compliance with the
requirements of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Re-
public of Uzbekistan.

When drawing up the record of detention, the person is

explained the grounds for detention, the right to receive a
copy of the protocol of detention, the right to give explana-
tions on issues related to the extradition procedure, includ-
ing in his native language or the language he owns, or
refuse to give explanations.

In addition, the decision of the competent authority of a

foreign state on sending a request for extradition, on tak-
ing into custody, or a verdict that has entered into force is
communicated to the detained person's information.

The very concept of extradition of a person for criminal

prosecution or execution of a sentence, representatives of
legal science offer many definitions.

The most generalized of them, in my opinion, is formu-

lated as follows: “Extradition is a form of socially neces-
sary mutual assistance of states in implementing the ex-
tra-territorial action of their national criminal law systems,
which, in the final analysis, meets the security interests of
all the countries participating in it”.

The given definition, mostly, outlines the significance of

the role of the institution of extradition for states of the
world community from the point of view of international
law. Recently, the problems of extradition in the legal liter-
ature have been given increased attention. These issues
are constantly at the center of discussions of international
organizations and various international forums. The devel-
opment of the extradition institution is accompanied by the
growing role of the court in resolving issues related to it.

In most countries, extradition matters are the responsi-

bility of the executive branch. At the same time, a growing
number of states are establishing judicial control in this
area. Extradition procedures should be extremely short,
but provided with convincing evidence and not contradict
national legislation.

Now, we will discuss a few differences in the criminal

procedural legislation of the CIS member states. The

study of the judicial and investigative practice of the Re-
public of Uzbekistan leads to the conclusion that the rea-
son for the courts' cancellation of decisions on extradition
is incomplete observance of the conditions provided for in
Art. 601 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic
of Uzbekistan (and by the relevant international treaties)
under which the Republic of Uzbekistan may extradite
foreign citizens or stateless persons from abroad to prose-
cute or execute a sentence.

According to Article 601 of the Criminal Procedural

Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a person may be ex-
tradited, in particular, when the foreign state that sent the
request can guarantee that the person against whom the
request for extradition is sent will be prosecuted only for
the offense stated in the request and after the end of the
trial And the serving of the punishment will be free to leave
the territory of the given state, and also will not be sent,
transferred, or given out to a third state without the con-
sent of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

At the same time, in the criminal procedure legislation

of a number of CIS member states, there are currently no
standards that require issuing the above guarantees when
sending requests for extradition.

Firstly, extradition procedures are becoming more flex-

ible and wider in scope. Modern treaties no longer contain
a limited list of extradition crimes; extradition has become
possible for any serious crime.

Traditional restrictions are gradually losing their mean-


Secondly, the need for more intensive and effective in-

ternational cooperation requires the use, as already noted,
of simplified extradition procedures.

On the theoretical side: in order to successfully solve

the problem of international cooperation, it is necessary to
improve legislation, take into account special factors, ana-
lyze the correlation of national and international norms in
criminal proceedings.

Most often, we are talking about adjustments to the

regulation of “exclusion of political crimes” from the field of
extradition. In addition, a certain liberalization in the field of
extradition in terms of some narrowing of discretionary
opportunities to refuse extradition at the same time should
be complemented by the strengthening of certain ele-
ments of protection of the rights granted.

In particular, this refers to the establishment of a

tougher regime with regard to the complete prohibition of
the extradition of persons in the presence of the death
penalty, especially in connection with a change in the
world community's approach to this punishment and the
refusal to apply it in all cases.

It should also be noted that international legal instru-

ments for extradition should be based on the modern de-
velopment of international criminal law, taking into account
the latest trends in its modernization.

In addition, in the criminal procedure legislation of a

number of CIS states, other differences negatively affect
the extradition process. For instance, in Georgia, Ukraine
and Moldova, judges under existing criminal law can make
decisions on the detention of a wanted person for only one
month, which is obviously not enough to solve extradition
issues in states that detained wanted persons.

Another difficulty is that the current criminal procedure

legislation of some states, for example Ukraine, does not
separately regulate the transfer of criminal prosecution
from foreign competent institutions, therefore investigation
of criminal cases that came from abroad is carried out only
in accordance with the national criminal law -procedural

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legislation. At the same time, when taking criminal prose-
cution from the competent authorities of the CIS member
states, investigators sometimes violate the requirements
of the Minsk Convention of January 22, 1993.

Practice shows that cases of inaccuracies in the trans-

lation of materials of criminal cases sent abroad into the
language of the requested party, lack of translation of all
case materials, improper assurance of investigative mate-
rials, including stamped seal, are not yet isolated. In some
criminal cases, the terms of the investigation are extended
without taking into account the time required to bring these
cases to the law enforcement agencies of the requested
state [2].

A significant problem remains the question of the time-

liness of the sending of the person by the initiator of the
search for the purpose of extradition for criminal prosecu-
tion. The inopportunement of the required documents by
the state requesting extradition reduces the effectiveness
of the interstate criminal investigation, forces time and
resources to be used to organize a second search, which,
as a rule, is ineffective.


In connection with the stated shortcom-

ings of the application of the above provisions of the Minsk
Convention by a number of CIS member states, it is expe-
dient, in our opinion, to raise questions on improving the
procedure for the exchange of information on the regional
search databases for neighboring countries and on the
inclusion in the Minsk Convention of January 22, 1993,
country - initiated investigation of financial expenses for
the maintenance of foreign nationals detained in the inter-
national wanted list, in the case of late submission of doc-
ument required Comrade requesting party.



1. Kiryanov A. G.: Some issues related to the institu-

tion of extradition of criminals (extradition) in modern in-
ternational law // International Criminal Law and Interna-
tional Justice, 2008, № 2. - 19.

2. Boytsov A.I. Extradition of criminals //. - St.-

Petersburg.: Juridical Center Press, 2004, 795.


Доктор юридических наук, и.о. проф.





: в статье рассмотрено понятие форс-

мажора в законодательстве и практике различных
стран, изучено научное понимание, международно-
правовое регулирование, а также практика междуна-
родных арбитражей по применению форс-мажора при
разрешении споров.

Ключевые слова:

форс-мажор, непреодолимая

сила, договор, Венская конвенция, УНИДРУА, МТП,
международный арбитраж.





қонунчилиги ва амалиётида форс-мажор тушунчаси
қўлланилиши, ушбу тушунчанинг илмий моҳияти,
халқаро ҳуқуқий тартибга солиниши, шунингдек
нихоларни хал этишда халқаро арбитраж амалиёти

Ключевые слова:

форс-мажор, енгиб бўлмайди-

ган куч, шартнома, Вена конвенцияси, УНИДРУА, ХСП,
халыаро арбитраж.


the article discusses the concept of force

majeure in the legislation and practice of various coun-
tries, analyzes the scientific understanding, international
legal regulation, as well as the practice of international
arbitration on the use of force majeure in dispute resolu-


force majeure, irresistible force, contract,

Vienna Convention, UNIDROIT, ICC, international arbitra-

В международном и национальном праве суще-

ствует понятие форс-мажор, которое также является
неотъемлемой частью договоров или договорных от-

Форс-мажор является институтом освобождения от

ответственности стороны, не исполнившей или ненад-
лежащим образом исполнившей свои договорные обя-
зательства по причине объективных обстоятельств.
Так, в странах СНГ данный институт именуется непре-
одолимой силой (чрезвычайным и непредотвратимым
при данных условиях обстоятельством), в Великобри-
тании и США – фрустрацией, во Франции – форс-
мажором (событием, чрезвычайными обстоятельства-
ми, которые не могут быть предусмотрены, предот-
вращены или устранены какими-либо мероприятиями),
в силу Конвенции о договорах международной купли-
продажи товаров 1980 г. – препятствием вне контроля

Как отмечает Е.С.Каплунова «непреодолимая сила

представляет собой сложный юридический факт, эле-
ментами которого выступают признаки (его явления,
проявления): внешний характер, чрезвычайность и
непредотвратимость при данных условиях. Каждый из
этих признаков необходим, а все вместе достаточны
для квалификации всевозможных фактов на предмет
отнесения к обстоятельству непреодолимой силы.
Легальное определение непреодолимой силы по сво-
ей структуре (форме) выступает как разновидность
производных юридических фактов: определение'
непреодолимой силы, как обобщенное, системное вы-

Библиографические ссылки

Kiryanov A. G.: Some issues related to the institution of extradition of criminals (extradition) in modern international law // International Criminal Law and International Justice, 2008, № 2.-19.

Boytsov A.I. Extradition of criminals //. - St.-Petersburg.: Juridical Center Press, 2004, 795.

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