Парафразы и их особые виды

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Умиров, И. (2024). Парафразы и их особые виды . Международный научный журнал «ALFRAGANUS», 1(1), 35–45. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/alfraganus/article/view/29660


Встатье впервые изучены парафразы узбекского языка. Также были представлены предварительные представления о типах парафраз. На сегодняшний день парафразы не изучены в монографии не только в узбекском языкознании, но и во всем мировом языкознании, которое не является отдельным, специальным объектом научных исследований. Хотя пересказы активно используются в нашей устной и письменной речи как одно из средств художественной образности, они являются одним из факторов, показывающих богатство языка, широту смысловых возможностей. Парафразы служат для того, чтобы сделать речь впечатляющей, ясной, логичной и уникальной. В мировой лингвистике имеется всего несколько статей, дающих краткое определение парафраза в словарях, наряду с комментариями, отмечая, что парафразы имеют свои особенности в рамках средств художественного изображения и должны изучаться отдельно. Следовательно, отдельное изучение этого образного выражения с научно-теоретической точки зрения, выяснение его природы, раскрытие его сущности являются одной из задач, требующих решения в современном общем языкознании, особенно стилистике. В основу работы положены достижения в области языкознания, категории диалектической философии: всеобщность и специфичность, причина и следствие, возможность и действительность, единство формы и содержания, ясность и абстракция. Проблема перефразирования (образного выражения), являющегося одним из средств выразительности, наглядно показывающим богатство любого языка, до настоящего времени не являлась предметом отдельного исследования. Но есть определенные представления о перефразировании, хотя и немного о его месте в языке и речи. Наблюдения показывают, что с общеязыковой точки зрения один и тот же термин употребляется в таких инвариантах, как парафраз, перифраз, перифраз, и отмечается, что речь является одним из наиболее действенных средств выражения. Мы сочли необходимым использовать в нашей статье термин парафраз. Потому что, прежде всего, этот термин широко используется в общей лингвистике. То есть упоминается отдельно в монографиях, пособиях, учебниках и статьях; во-вторых, и это главное, термин парафраз четко определяет характер изучаемого явления. Кстати, часть «пара» в термине «парафраз» означает сходный или смежный, то есть пару. Общеизвестно, что пересказы в языке возникают в результате более глубокого изучения и познания мировых событий, увеличения способности человеческого мышления. Развитие техники и науки, тот факт, что люди, являющиеся владельцами языка, его создателя, находятся в полном контакте с соседними странами, в результате расширения торговли с ними, также увеличивают количество пересказов за счет слова переходили из одного языка в другой. Поэтому мы стремились рассмотреть парафразы языка (языков) вместе с историческим обществом - его историей, в связи с развитием народа.

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Ikhtiyar Ergashevich Umirov



and their

special types


va ularning

maxsus turlari


и их особые виды


Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the department of General Linguistics, UzSWLU. e-mail:

@ixtiyorumirov0.gmail.com. ORCID: 0000-0003-0494-2698

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he paraphrases of the Uzbek language were studied for the first time in the

article. Preliminary ideas about the types of paraphrases were also presented. To date, paraphrases

have not been studied in a monograph, not only in Uzbek linguistics but also in all world linguistics,

which is not a separate, special object of scientific research. Although paraphrases are actively used

in our oral and written speech as one of the means of artistic imagery, they are one of the factors

that show the richness of language, and the breadth of semantic possibilities. Paraphrases serve to

make speech impressive, clear, logical, and unique. There are only a few articles in world linguistics

that give a concise definition of paraphrases in dictionaries, along with comments, noting that

paraphrases have their own characteristics within the means of artistic representation and should be

studied separately. Consequently, the separate study of this figurative expression from a scientific and

theoretical point of view, the elucidation of its nature, and the discovery of its essence are one of the

issues to be addressed in today’s general linguistics, especially stylistics.

The work is based on the achievements in the field of linguistics, the categories of dialectical

philosophy: generality and specificity, cause and effect, possibility and reality, unity of form and

content, clarity and abstraction. The problem of paraphrasing (figurative expression), which is one of

the means of expression, which clearly shows the richness of any language, has not been the subject of

separate research to date. But there are certain ideas about paraphrasing, albeit a little about its place

in language and speech. Observations show that from a general linguistic point of view, the same term

is used in invariants such as paraphrase, periphrase, periphrases, and it is noted that speech is one of

the most effective means of expression.

We found it necessary to use the term paraphrase in our article. Because, first of all, this term

is widely used in general linguistics. That is, it is mentioned separately in monographs, manuals,

textbooks and articles; secondly, and most importantly, the term paraphrase clearly defines the nature

of the phenomenon under study. By the way, the part «para» in the term paraphrase means similar or

contiguous, meaning a pair.

It is well known that paraphrases in language arise as a result of a deeper study and knowledge

of world events, and an increase in the ability of human thinking. The development of technology and

science, the fact that the people who are the owners of the language, its creator, are in full contact

with neighbouring countries, as a result of increased trade with them, also increase the number of

paraphrases at the expense of words passed from one language to another. Therefore, we aimed to

examine the paraphrases of language (languages) together with the historical society - its history, in

connection with the development of the people.


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aqolada ilk bor o‘zbek tili parafrazalari o‘rganildi. Parafraza turlari haqida

dastlabki fikrlar ham keltirildi. Nafaqat o‘zbek tilshunosligida, balki butun jahon tilshunosligida ham

shu kungacha parafrazalar alohida, maxsus ilmiy tadqiqot ob’ekti bo‘lmagan hamda monografik

planda o‘rganilmagan. Parafrazalar og‘zaki va yozma nutqimizda badiiy obrazlilik vositalaridan

biri sifatida faol qo‘llaniladi, ular tilning boyligini, semantik imkoniyatlari kengligini ko‘rsatuvchi

omillardan biridir Jahon tilshunosligida parafrazalar yuzasidan mulohazalar bilan bir qatorda ixcham

ta’rif berilgan, parafrazalarning badiiy tasvir vositalari doirasida o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari borligi va

ularni alohida o‘rganish zarurligi qayd etilgan bir nechta maqolalar mavjud. Binobarin, bu obrazli

iborani ilmiy-nazariy nuqtai nazardan alohida tadqiq etish, mohiyatini ochib berish bugungi umumiy

tilshunoslik, ayniqsa, stilistika fanining hal etilishi kerak bo‘lgan masalalardan biridir.

Maqolada tilshunoslik sohasidagi yutuqlar, dialektik falsafa kategoriyalari: umumiylik va

xususiylik, sabab va natija, imkoniyat va voqelik, shakl va mazmun birligi, ravshanlik va mavhumlik

asosida yaratilgan. Har qanday tilning boyligini yaqqol ko‘rsatuvchi ifoda vositalaridan biri bo‘lgan

parafraza (tasviriy ifoda) muammosi hozirgacha alohida tadqiqot mavzusi bo‘lmagan. Lekin

parafrazalar haqida uning til va nutqdagi o‘rni haqida oz bo‘lsada ma’lum fikrlar mavjud. Kuzatishlar

shuni ko‘rsatadiki, umumiy tilshunoslik nuqtai nazaridan bir xil atama parafraza, perifraz, perifraza

kabi invariantlarda qo‘llanadi va nutq eng samarali ifoda vositalaridan biri ekanligi qayd etiladi.

Maqolamizda parafraza atamasini qo‘llashni lozim topdik. Chunki, birinchi navbatda, bu atama

umumiy tilshunoslikda keng qo‘llaniladi. Ya’ni monografiya, o‘quv qo‘llanma, darslik va maqolalarda

alohida tilga olinadi; ikkinchidan, eng muhimi, parafraza atamasi o‘rganilayotgan hodisaning

mohiyatini aniq belgilaydi. Darvoqe, parafraza atamasidagi “para” qismi o‘xshash yoki qo‘shni, juftlik

ma’nosini bildiradi.

Ma’lumki, tildagi parafrazalar dunyo hodisalarini chuqurroq o‘rganish, bilish, inson tafakkur

qobiliyatini oshirish natijasida vujudga keladi. Texnika va ilm-fan taraqqiyoti, til egasi, uning

yaratuvchisi boʻlgan xalqning qoʻshni davlatlar bilan toʻliq aloqada boʻlishi, ular bilan savdo-sotiqning

kuchayishi natijasida parafrazalar ham koʻpayib borib, so’zlar bir tildan ikkinchi tilga o’tadi. Shuning

uchun biz til (tillar)ning parafrazalarini tarixiy jamiyat – uning tarixi bilan birga xalq taraqqiyoti bilan

bog‘liq holda tekshirishni maqsad qildik.


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статье впервые изучены парафразы узбекского языка. Также были

представлены предварительные представления о типах парафраз. На сегодняшний день па


рафразы не изучены в монографии не только в узбекском языкознании, но и во всем мировом

языкознании, которое не является отдельным, специальным объектом научных исследова


ний. Хотя пересказы активно используются в нашей устной и письменной речи как одно из

средств художественной образности, они являются одним из факторов, показывающих бо


гатство языка, широту смысловых возможностей. Парафразы служат для того, чтобы сделать

речь впечатляющей, ясной, логичной и уникальной. В мировой лингвистике имеется всего

несколько статей, дающих краткое определение парафраза в словарях, наряду с коммента


риями, отмечая, что парафразы имеют свои особенности в рамках средств художественного

изображения и должны изучаться отдельно. Следовательно, отдельное изучение этого образ


ного выражения с научно-теоретической точки зрения, выяснение его природы, раскрытие

его сущности являются одной из задач, требующих решения в современном общем языкозна


нии, особенно стилистике. В основу работы положены достижения в области языкознания,

категории диалектической философии: всеобщность и специфичность, причина и следствие,

возможность и действительность, единство формы и содержания, ясность и абстракция.

Проблема перефразирования (образного выражения), являющегося одним из средств выра


зительности, наглядно показывающим богатство любого языка, до настоящего времени не

являлась предметом отдельного исследования. Но есть определенные представления о пе


рефразировании, хотя и немного о его месте в языке и речи.

Наблюдения показывают, что с общеязыковой точки зрения один и тот же термин упо


требляется в таких инвариантах, как парафраз, перифраз, перифраз, и отмечается, что речь

является одним из наиболее действенных средств выражения. Мы сочли необходимым ис


пользовать в нашей статье термин парафраз. Потому что, прежде всего, этот термин широко

используется в общей лингвистике. То есть упоминается отдельно в монографиях, пособиях,

учебниках и статьях; во-вторых, и это главное, термин парафраз четко определяет характер

изучаемого явления. Кстати, часть «пара» в термине «парафраз» означает сходный или смеж


ный, то есть пару.

Общеизвестно, что пересказы в языке возникают в результате более глубокого изучения

и познания мировых событий, увеличения способности человеческого мышления. Развитие

техники и науки, тот факт, что люди, являющиеся владельцами языка, его создателя, нахо


дятся в полном контакте с соседними странами, в результате расширения торговли с ними,

также увеличивают количество пересказов за счет слова переходили из одного языка в дру


гой. Поэтому мы стремились рассмотреть парафразы языка (языков) вместе с историческим

обществом - его историей, в связи с развитием народа.


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he problem of paraphrasing (figurative expression), which is one of the expressive

means that clearly shows the richness of our language, has not been the subject of a

separate study until now. But there are certain ideas about paraphrasing, although a little about

its place in language and speech.

The term «paraphrase» is interpreted in linguistics in different ways. Accordingly, let’s get

acquainted with the definition and interpretation of the same term in dictionaries: Professor O.S.

Akhmanova uses and interprets this term in the dictionary of linguistic terms in the form of a

paraphrase: «1 Descriptive expression. 2. A trope consisting in replacing an ordinary word (a

simple designation of a certain subject with one word) with a descriptive expression.”[2, 312] So,

in the work, paraphrases are considered as a migration that replaces an ordinary word with a

figurative expression. In the dictionary of D.E.Rosenthal and M.A.Telenkova, this term is given

as «paraphrase and paraphrasis» and is interpreted as follows: 1. An expression is a descriptive

conveyance of the meaning of another expression or word. The writer of these lines (instead of

«I» in the author’s speech) 2. Trope, which consists in replacing the name of a person, object or

phenomenon with a description of their characteristic features. King of beasts (instead of “lion”)”.

[13, 270]

Accordingly, a paraphrase is a passage used instead of the name of an object, reflecting its

essential aspects, including sign, and character. In the dictionary «School Dictionary of Foreign

Words,» the term is given as a paraphrase. The term comes from the Greek word periphrasis,

which means «circular speech», which means «circular (figurative) speech».[11, 128] It is noted

that a paraphrase is an indirectly descriptive expression of a thought and not a direct one.

In the Russian-Uzbek dictionary, the term is given as a paraphrase and is interpreted as

follows: “paraphrase 1. Lit. express the content and meaning of the work in other words; 2. Music.

An amusing work or a play based on another piece of music or folk melody”.[14, 16] Apparently,

the paraphrase is firmly rooted in important, actively used concepts. In russian linguistics, the

term used in the study of the Uzbek language, including in the textbook «Stylistics of the Uzbek

language», is used as a paraphrase and is explained as follows. “The description of the names of

people or other objects without their direct use, using other words or descriptive expressions, is

called a paraphrase. This term is also called periphrase”.[18, 243] In the «Explanatory Dictionary

of Language Terms» by Professor A. Khodjiev, this term has the form of a periphrases, and «thing”

is a stylistic device that is expressed not by its name, but by a specific context, a characteristic

feature of the situation. Queen of the field (corn), the cradle of the revolution (Leningrad)».[22,


So, from the point of view of general linguistics, the same term is used in such variants

as a paraphrase, periphrase and it is noted that speech is one of the most effective means of

expressiveness. We considered it necessary to use the term paraphrase in the work. Because, first

of all, this term is widely used in general linguistics - in Russian and Uzbek linguistics (as well

as in Turkish linguistics). That is, it is mentioned separately in monographs, manuals, textbooks

Kalit soʼzlar

paraphrase, context, linguistics, periphrasis, semantics, figurative

paraphrase, phraseology, fixed compounds, syntactic paraphrases, lexical

paraphrases, phraseological paraphrases.

Ключевые слова:

parafraza, kontekst, tilshunoslik, perifraza, semantika, obrazli parafraza,

frazeologiya, turg‘un birikmalar, sintaktik parafrazalar, leksik parafrazalar,

frazeologik parafrazlar.

Key words:

парафраз, контекст, лингвистика, перифраз, семантика, образ


ный парафраз, фразеология, устойчивые соединения, синтаксический

парафраз, лексический парафраз, фразеологический парафраз.

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and articles; secondly, and most importantly, the term paraphrase clearly defines the nature of the

phenomenon under study. By the way, the part «para» in the term «paraphrase» means similar

or adjacent, that is, a pair.



cientists who considered paraphrasing, including A. T. Rubailo, studied paraphrasing

as one of the artistic means of language and understood it as a process of renaming.

[15, 67] He emphasizes that the phenomenon of paraphrasing is formed by one of the methods

of semantic migration - the method of metonymy: We are talking about Moscow, but in certain

cases: the capital works for the whole world, the heart of the country of socialism. You can say a

military parade, a parade of vigorous youth of our Motherland, a sports parade, a demonstration

of our invincible power. It is not difficult to see that such expressions are nothing but a kind

of extended metonymy.[15, 67] At the same time, the scientist does not say anything about the

metaphorical, synecdochic and functional ways of word-formation. However, these ways of

conveying meaning also play an active role in the formation of paraphrases.

In his special work on paraphrases, G. N. Molozhay notes: “Periphrases are semantically

inseparable phrases and sentences. They appear in the process of speech to describe objects,

signs or characters and at the same time to show their properties”.[8, 74] It should be noted

here that paraphrases consist not only of phrases and sentences but also of words. For example:

cocoon - jewel. In our opinion, as linguist G. N. Molozhay points out, paraphrases cannot be

a figurative expression in relation to the movements of an object. Because the description of

situations and actions is inherent in phraseology. Therefore, paraphrasing is a speech process

consisting of words and phrases (less often in sentences). I. B. Golub divides paraphrases into

lexical, figurative and individual author types and says that figurative paraphrases are usually

stable and phraseological.[6, 154] V. P. Utkina notes that stable compounds, i.e., phraseological

units, can be simultaneously paraphrased (such as “sleeveless”, “lie down”).[20, 103] Thus, I. B.

Golub interprets paraphrases as a form of phraseology and prefers to group them. V.P. Utkina,

on the contrary, confuses paraphrases with phraseology. “Phraseological confusions are also

paraphrases,”[20, 103] he said. This is a controversial idea. It cannot be added to it because they

are pure phraseological expressions.

Serious works in Uzbek linguistics, except for the article by Kh. Shamsiddinov’s «Some

conclusions about paraphrases», were not carried out. At the same time, the scientist, first of all,

pays attention to how much paraphrases have been studied in linguistics. He also believes that

in linguistics, different terms are used in relation to the same phenomenon (such as paraphrase,

periphrase, paraphrases).[16, 35] In particular, the scientist focuses on determining the relationship

of paraphrasing to language and speech in the article. It is explained that a paraphrase used by

a particular person can become a linguistic unit if it passes public recognition and, conversely, if

it retains its authorial character, it will become a unit of speech. Accordingly, the author requires

the study of language and speech paraphrases.[16, 35] This can be partly agree with this idea.

Because we must not forget that paraphrases are second, that is descriptive names of the subject

and events derived from the speech situation. As the author himself says; “A periphrase is a

methodological tool that ensures the variety and art of speech, it is not a product of the need

for the name of the language, but a product of the need for expression”.[16, 34] Professor R.

Kungurov in «Visual aids of the Uzbek language» paid particular attention to the paraphrase.

The linguist understands the paraphrase as «People without direct naming of names or names of

other objects, describe them through various words or descriptive expressions”.[7, 87] With this

idea, the scientist was able to explain the essence of paraphrasing. But there are several examples

cited by scientists to prove until the demand is met. That is, the following examples do not

correspond to the nature of the phenomenon of paraphrasing. Compare: Uzbek, Tajik, Kirghiz,

and Kazakh workers listen to the Russian proletariat. The reputation of the Mughals is gone,

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my brother’s master is also broken. (G.Gulom). Such complex words as Russian proletarian, my

brother’s master also broken, are also used as paraphrases. [7, 89] It turned out that the scientist

understands the figurative expression (paraphrase) somewhat wider. It is also a paraphrase to

say «I had a meal» instead of «I ate»,[7, 86] he said. In fact, in this case, methodological adaptation

takes place, that is, “eating” is a typical application of speech style, and “having a meal” is an

application of artistic style.



n the modern Uzbek literary language, many scientific works distinguish the means of

description from other means of the language.[7;1] However, in some works (in some cases)

linguistic and stylistic means are mixed at the level of speech, indistinguishable. For example,

which is mentioned in these works, my brother’s master is broken, my aunt’s calf is explained

as a paraphrase, etc. However, these are not retellings, but figurative words, phraseology, and

proverbs. This is because the examples given do not have the property of paraphrasing. That is,

they cannot be descriptive expressions of objects, events and phenomena. In short, this is the main

criterion. The paraphrase differs only in its peculiar features, aspects, and signs. For a paraphrase

section, there must be a semantic-logical (with satellite semantics) connection between the first

(main) word and its descriptive expression. Compare: Leather ball fans sat motionless, wondering

which team had the upper hand (Sports). If they bring gas, we call it Blue Flame (H. Gul). In

these statements “leather ball”, “blue flame” paraphrased and applied to football fans and gas.

Consequently, the description in paraphrases, in contrast to the description in figurative words,

manifests itself in the fact that, as was said, it reveals the essential features of an object or thing.

Accordingly, the effect of speech in which there is a paraphrase, the expression has a special

power, tone. This means that paraphrases also differ from figurative words in that they have a

specific emotionality. So, although there is a certain difference between paraphrases (descriptive

expressions) with figurative words, at the same time, both of them are used for methodological

purposes to express speech. In the relationship between paraphrase and synonymy, sometimes

there are ambiguities in the distinction and separation of these phenomena. For example, prof.

A.I.Efimov in his monograph on the style of artistic speech, distinguishes between synonyms,

general (common) and author’s (individual author’s) views.[3, 253] According to this classification,

the white gold compound is synonymous with the word «cotton». In our opinion, the same phrase

does not enter into a synonymous relationship with the word cotton. Because cotton is equated

with gold to symbolically show that it is a valuable raw material. Since the yellow colour of gold

makes such an analogy unrealistic, the word white, meaning the colour of cotton, is preceded

by the word gold as a determiner. The presence of a visual object characteristic of paraphrases is

also one of the most conditional phenomena. The white gold connection has this feature, i.e. his

figurative object is cotton. There is no such possibility in synonymy. Consequently, a descriptive

expression applied to the original name of an object, event, or concept, should be understood not

as a stylistic synonym[4, 14], but as a paraphrase phenomenon.

In Uzbek linguistics, prof. B. Yuldashev in the abstract of his doctoral dissertation on

the topic “Functional and methodological features of phraseological units in the modern

Uzbek literary language”, R. Normuradov in the article “Periphrases in the work of Oybek”

focuses on the problem of paraphrases with stable components. B. Yuldashev considers such

paraphrases as “the golden fund”, “the centre of our literature”, “the encyclopedia of happiness”

as phraseology[23, 16], and R. Normurodov considers such phrases as “lick the snake’s fat”, “we

lock the tongue” as paraphrases.[10, 35] Therefore, in these cases, paraphrases are mixed with

stable compounds that are not mutually exclusive. Prof. Sh. Rakhmatullaev emphasizes that the

meaning of the term “sustainable connection” is very broad, and says that they can be divided

into two groups: “1) stable connections with a fixed value; 2) fixed connections with a portable

value”. “While the former is usually limited to naming reality, the latter also has a figurative

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meaning and imagery,” he says. This also indicates the inclusion of compound terms (cultural

and educational institution) and repetitive constructions (added strength to strength, diligence

to diligence) to the correct meaning. Established connections with figurative meanings are called

phrasemes (phraseological expressions - I. Umirov). [19, 57] According to the definitions given to

paraphrases, they are called upon to express the names of things according to the characteristic

feature of a particular speech situation. Thus, paraphrases are a speech-situational unit, and

phraseological expressions are a lexical unit that already exists in the language and is ready for

use in the speech process. We make up paraphrases as we speak. Stable connections, on the other

hand, are stable units of the language, solid, ready-made units. Stable connections do not name

objects or events. It is observed that they are applied only depending on the state of the objects.

Paraphrases refer only to the figurative method (exact object). More precisely, paraphrases name

a certain person, object, or event not by a constant nominative-nominative meaning, but by a

descriptive name that reveals their specific features. For example, cotton is white gold, wheat is

gold, and oil is black gold. These descriptive terms do not exist until they become a vocabulary

item. This cannot be. Because they are named about a particular subject (depending on the speech

situation). The dictionary contains the correct (not descriptive) name of the items: white gold,

not cotton, not golden ears, not wheat, not black gold, not oil.

Based on the foregoing, paraphrases cannot be equated with regular compounds. The

fundamental feature of paraphrases is that they logically compare two objects or events in our

minds that are close to each other, with some signs, and aspects. For example, we call chess-

mental gymnastics. At the same time, the features of chess are compared with one of the sports -

gymnastics. Gymnastics strengthens the human div. Chess, on the other hand, serves to sharpen

the mind. In this respect, they share a common similarity in terms of function. Therefore, the

interdependence of two things (a certain word and its descriptive expression), taking into account

the similarity, paraphrases are formed. In the same way, the rephrasing of mental gymnastics

took place.

The process of formation of paraphrases was observed as follows. That is, they come into

being through the transfer of meaning, word formation, and borrowing from another language.

Accordingly, both the structure and construction of paraphrases vary. In addition, the perception

of sensitivity in paraphrases is also unusual. In some, the emotionality is felt. For example, corn

is the queen of the field, spruce is the queen of the forest. In others, sensitivity is weakened and a

logical connection prevails. For example, a television - a blue screen, Alisher Navoi - the founder

of the Uzbek literary language.

Depending on how many words paraphrases have (structure) and how expressive they are,

we have chosen to study them into the following types. They are Lexical paraphrases, Syntactic

paraphrases and Phraseological paraphrases. There are also paraphrases in our language that

are disconnected from the speech process and conditionally become language units. Rather, they

remain intelligible to all language representatives without text. For example: cotton - white gold,

oil - black gold, TV - blue screen, cotton picking machine - blue ship. It is, therefore, appropriate

to call such paraphrases pure paraphrases. In some sources, there are species of paraphrases

that live only in a certain context and can be paraphrased in this situation. For example: «Eleven

grams of pearls (cotton) fit. This year on each bowl (G. Gulom). Such features of paraphrases are

also considered contextual paraphrases. Periphrases (paraphrases - I.U.) extralinguistic factor -

something arises based on common similarities and some different characteristics of events, and

with the participation of psycholinguistic factor - memory and imagination.[16, 31] For example

Alisher Navoi - the flagship of Uzbek literature, America - the great country across the ocean,

Cuba - the island of freedom, these paraphrases arose directly based on the categories of the

science of logic. We conventionally call these types of paraphrases logical paraphrases. Now we

will talk about each of them separately.


In this case, the quantitative one word as a paraphrase is the

object of a broad sense of another word, the permanent name otherwise known as a descriptive

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name. For example a writer - a penman, a silkworm - a goldsmith, an investigator - a sculptor,

Amir Temur - sahibkiran and so on. They serve to increase the colour of the sentence, to enrich the

content. Historians of that period, who wrote a lot of valuable information about the military work

and creative work of Sahibkiran, also focused on his appearance (Uzbek lit. and art.). Wherever

there is a meeting with celebrities, penmen and artists, the same thing happens (Turkistan).

Lexical paraphrases are less common than other types of paraphrases. Paraphrases can be only

descriptive expressions, which usually consist of two or more words - phrases. Because they have

strong imagery. In lexical paraphrases, however, the imagery is weaker than in other paraphrases.

This is due, firstly, to the incompleteness of the addition of meaning in the words, and secondly,

to the infrequent use of the words in order. This is not to say that words with such a feature

cannot be paraphrased, only that the appearance of imagery in them, like other paraphrases, is a

little shallower. That is why they are small in quantity.

Lexical paraphrases are also found in classical poetry:

Charx (hayot) zulmidaki, bo’g’uzimni qirib yig’larman

Ichirur charx (hayot) urar inchqirib yig’larmen

(Alisher Navoi) Charx- distaff (life)

Mening dimog’im nihoyatda qizib, chirog’im ham o’sha shu’la (so’z)dan yongan.

(Alisher Navoi) Shu’la- ray ( word)

So, lexical paraphrases have been used in a certain sense in speech situations. These

paraphrases increase the impact of the speech, ensuring its originality. Consequently, lexical

paraphrases also occur as one of the most important expressive and stylistic means of language.


In this case, the paraphrases are naming the object,

and the name of the event with descriptive expressions of a phraseological nature. More precisely,

one word in these figurative expressions is correct and the other comes in a figurative sense. For

example, child - the garden of trust, the mountain on which to lean. Such paraphrases resemble

phraseological compounding, confusion, and wholeness. But it is not phraseology. This is because

paraphrases serve as a figurative expression not in relation to a situation like phraseology, but in

relation to the name of the object and event itself. For example, Grandmother Sharifas garden of

trust, the mountain on which she leaned, is not in place (N. Maksudi).

Usually, the words in the phraseological paraphrases are rich in figurativeness, and

emotionality, with the expression of a figurative meaning. Rather, it is an important tool to

increase the impact, colour of a particular (basic) word. Examples: Lyudmila Mikhailovna, who

firmly believed that in sports it is impossible to do according to everyone’s opinion, did not give

free rein to the stars (Turkestan). The type of paraphrase, expressed in phraseological descriptive

expressions, occurs in connection with «Phraseological emotionality, that is, the subject not only

names the events but also reflects some feelings of the speaker» .[ 17, 53]


In this case, phrases formed by the method of semantic

transfer are observed as paraphrases as a descriptive expression of the name of a particular object.

The words in such paraphrases enter into a syntactic relationship with each other, figuratively

describing the constant name of the object and event. For example, scientists are hard workers,

books are the key to science, television is the mirror world, orphans are the children of the state,

leaders are the pillars of the state, and newspapers are the mirror of life. Paraphrases are also

represented by a phrase. In this case, often a) compounds in the form of identifiers - pen-holders,

brush-holders; b) flexible compounds become paraphrases such as the mirror of the world, the

water of life, the seeker of knowledge.

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Observations show that paraphrases (syntactic paraphrases), as mentioned above, have also

been used effectively in the classical literature. For example:

Hunar bobida ustozi zamona

Ilohi, ravshan etgil furqatig’a

Chirog’i ilm(kitob) kunglin zulmatiga. (Furqat) Chirog’i ilm- light of science(book)


It is well known that logic, that is, the science of logic,

“represents the interdependence of the laws in the development of things and events or the

development and interconnection of concepts that arise with the help of thinking. If the word is

about the order, connection, consistency of things - objective logic, and vice versa, if the word is

about the development and laws of thought, it is the logic of thinking or subjective logic. ”[21,

7] These features of the science of logic are also reflected in paraphrases. The paraphrases, in

this case, are conventionally called logical paraphrases. For example, the founder of the Uzbek

literary language is Alisher Navoi, a poet and thinker. The reason is that the origin of the Uzbek

literary language is associated with the name of Navoi. «Singer of Happiness and Joy» embodies

the poet Hamid Olimjon in our imagination. Because he sings of happiness and joy in his poems

and verses. Everyone knows that the great country behind the ocean is America. There is a direct

connection between these paraphrases and the concepts they represent. Even if such paraphrases

are said outside the text, it is clear what they mean. This connection is manifested on the basis of

the laws of objective logic.

Paraphrases such as rocker, sculptor, builder, owner of the furnace head (qoyaoshar,

binokor, bunyodkor, o’choq boshi egasi) are formed as a result of the relative stability of objects,

the reflection of their specificity in our thinking on the basis of the law of identity. Because they

are meant to maintain the authenticity of the content. Paraphrases such as the founder of the

Uzbek literary language and the flag bearer of Uzbek literature are said about Navoi and they are

created with sufficient fundamental law. According to the law, «in the process of thinking, every

truth, opinion, and discussion must be substantiated with the help of a proven idea.»[21, 7]

So, the above analysis shows that the requirements of logic must also be taken into

account in the creation of paraphrases. Otherwise, the original features of the object, which is

called figuratively, may be ignored. In fact, all the possibilities of language are realized in speech

activity. In this, the law of possibility and reality of dialectics is followed, and the dialectical

relationship between language and speech is manifested. Prof. H. Nematov connects the concept

of the relationship between language and speech with the laws of dialectics, we see that the

invisible aspects, such as cause, are related to speech, and that aspects such as specificity, event,

reality, and the result are related to speech ”.[9, 10]



araphrases are a methodological tool that ensures the diversity and artistry of speech,

regardless of its type, and performs both aesthetic and artistic functions in speech.

So, it turned out that the use of paraphrases in oral speech is a positive thing and contributes

greatly to increasing the vocabulary of the speaker. They are an important tool that serves the

fluency of style, and the meaning of the expression. The more demanding the speech of the

members of the society, the higher the speech culture of the society in which they live. In short,

in the struggle for a high level of oral and written speech culture, the use of words and phrases

that are coercive, inappropriate, and shallow in content should not be allowed. This requires, first

of all, experts, writers and public speakers to constantly research, work on their own speech and

have a deep understanding of the meaning of each word, expression.

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1. Abdullaev A. Expression of expressiveness in Uzbek language.-T.-fan. 1938

2. Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of linguistic terms. M, 1969

3. Efimov A.M. Stylistics of artistic speech. –M., 1977

4. Isamuhamedova S. Synonyms in modern Uzbek literary language, - T, 1983.

5. Gulomov.A., Askarova M. Modern uzbek language.–Tashkent 1987.

6. Golub I.B. Stylistics of the modern Russian language. M., 1976.

7. Kungurov R. Visual aids of the Uzbek language, -T. 1997

8. Molozhay G.N. Paraphrases in the Belarusian literary language. Minsk. 1980

9. Ne’matov H., Bozorov O. Language and speech. –T., 1993-10-p.

10. Normurodov R. Periphrases in Oybek’s work. Termez State University named after Oybek.

Collection of articles. - 1992.

11. Odintsov V.V., Smolitskaya G.A., Golanova S.Sh., Vasilevskaya I.A. School Dictionary of

Foreign Words - (A-Z). M., Enlightenment 1983.

12. Qilichev E. Lexical means of artistic image.-T. -1982.

13. Rozental’ D.E., Telenkova M.A., Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. M., 1976.

14. Russian-Uzbek dictionary (Русско-узбекский словарь), 11 vols. P-Ya-T.1984.

15. Rubailo A.T. Artistic means of language. –N. 1971.

16. Shamsiddinov K. “Some Comments on Periphrasis” UTA. 1993.

17. Sharipo A.Modern Russian language. Vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and orthoepy,

graphics and spelling, word formation, morphology. 3.-M., 1979.

18. Shomaksudov A., Rasulov I., Kungurov R., Rustamov H. Uzbek language stylistics. –T. 1983.

19. Turunov U., Mukhtorov J., Rakhmatullaev Sh. Modern Uzbek literary language. –T. 1992.

20. Utkina V.P. Periphrastic turnover in Russian fiction. News of the Crimean Pedagogical Institute.

T. 33. Issue 7. Simferapol, 1968.

21. Xayrullaev M. Haqberdiev M., Logic (science of logic) .- T 1984.

22. Xojiev A. Annotated Dictionary of Linguistic Terms. –T. 1985.

23. Yuldashev B. Functional and methodological features of phraseological units in modern Uzbek

literary language. Doctoral dissertation abstract. T.-1993.


Библиографические ссылки

Abdullaev A. Expression of expressiveness in Uzbek language.-T.-fan. 1938

Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of linguistic terms. M, 1969

Efimov A.M. Stylistics of artistic speech. –M., 1977

Isamuhamedova S. Synonyms in modern Uzbek literary language, - T, 1983.

Gulomov.A., Askarova M. Modern uzbek language.–Tashkent 1987.

Golub I.B. Stylistics of the modern Russian language. M., 1976.

Kungurov R. Visual aids of the Uzbek language, -T. 1997

Molozhay G.N. Paraphrases in the Belarusian literary language. Minsk. 1980

Ne’matov H., Bozorov O. Language and speech. –T., 1993-10-p.

Normurodov R. Periphrases in Oybek’s work. Termez State University named after Oybek. Collection of articles. - 1992.

Odintsov V.V., Smolitskaya G.A., Golanova S.Sh., Vasilevskaya I.A. School Dictionary of Foreign Words - (A-Z). M., Enlightenment 1983.

Qilichev E. Lexical means of artistic image.-T. -1982.

Rozental’ D.E., Telenkova M.A., Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. M., 1976.

Russian-Uzbek dictionary (Русско-узбекский словарь), 11 vols. P-Ya-T.1984.

Rubailo A.T. Artistic means of language. –N. 1971.

Shamsiddinov K. “Some Comments on Periphrasis” UTA. 1993.

Sharipo A.Modern Russian language. Vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and orthoepy, graphics and spelling, word formation, morphology. 3.-M., 1979.

Shomaksudov A., Rasulov I., Kungurov R., Rustamov H. Uzbek language stylistics. –T. 1983.

Turunov U., Mukhtorov J., Rakhmatullaev Sh. Modern Uzbek literary language. –T. 1992.

Utkina V.P. Periphrastic turnover in Russian fiction. News of the Crimean Pedagogical Institute. T. 33. Issue 7. Simferapol, 1968.

Xayrullaev M. Haqberdiev M., Logic (science of logic) .- T 1984.

Xojiev A. Annotated Dictionary of Linguistic Terms. –T. 1985.

Yuldashev B. Functional and methodological features of phraseological units in modern Uzbek literary language. Doctoral dissertation abstract. T.-1993.

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