Компоненты адекватности в художественном переводе

Расулова, З., & Расулова, З. (2023). Компоненты адекватности в художественном переводе. in Library, 21(2), 233–236. извлечено от
Зулфия Расулова, Денауский институт предпринимательства и педагогики


Зулфия Расулова, Денауский институт предпринимательства и педагогики




Adequate translation means perfectly reflected content of the original and full stylistic and semantic correspondence. Great importance is attached to the study of the phenomena of literary translation in a comparative-stylistic plan as an effective scientific method. Recreation of style is an inherent problem in literary translation. Equivalence is the defining measure of the quality of any translation. The study of translation transformations is one of the relevant aspects when considering the linguistic features of the texts of works of art. In the process, the created text is transformed into another language system, and the translation is analyzed as a cultural phenomenon. The depicted national flavor in literary translation is very complex in its content. One should strive to present the principles, requirements and means of adequate translation from the point of view of national identity, genre specifics, poetic expression of size, color of the era, as well as preserving the form and content of a work of art.

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Volume 2, Issue 5, May, 2021



Rasulova Zulfiya Kholmurotovna

Lecturer at the Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy

Rasulova Shakhnoza Iskandarovna
Student of Termez State University


Adequate translation means perfectly reflected content of the original and full stylistic and semantic
correspondence. Great importance is attached to the study of the phenomena of literary translation in
a comparative-stylistic plan as an effective scientific method. Recreation of style is an inherent problem
in literary translation. Equivalence is the defining measure of the quality of any translation. The study
of translation transformations is one of the relevant aspects when considering the linguistic features of
the texts of works of art. In the process, the created text is transformed into another language system,
and the translation is analyzed as a cultural phenomenon. The depicted national flavor in literary
translation is very complex in its content. One should strive to present the principles, requirements and
means of adequate translation from the point of view of national identity, genre specifics, poetic
expression of size, color of the era, as well as preserving the form and content of a work of art.


adequacy, literary translation, stylistic adaptation, equivalence, translation

transformations, national flavor.
Literary translation is defined as interpersonal literary cooperation between peoples and national
cultures, which, in turn, indicates a great potential for the development of literary relationship. Doctor
of Philology, Professor, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, laureate of the Bobur International Prize,
founder of translation studies in Uzbekistan Gaybulla Salomov defined literary translation (in terms of
content) as one of the most difficult types of translation.
Literary translation is a powerful force that determines the philosophy of the world literary process. It
comes into contact on different continents with different cultures, nations, languages and eras [3;
twenty]. (Translated by the author)
At the same time, “it should be recognized that literary translation is a special genre of literature with
its own structural, content and emotional-evaluative properties”
An adequate translation (translated from Latin adaequatus - equivalent, perfect, complete) should be
understood as a full version of the original, equivalent to it. According to AV Fedorov's definition, an
adequate translation means a perfectly reflected content of the original and full stylistic and semantic
correspondence [2; 18].
Despite a significant number of works devoted to the study of the adequacy of literary translation, this
category remains insufficiently studied. In the overwhelming majority of them, attention is paid to the

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Volume 2, Issue 5, May, 2021


scattered aspects of this phenomenon. Of particular interest for literary translation studies is the
analysis of the search for adequate solutions in the translation of the Uzbek literary text.
In Russian translation studies, the problem of the adequacy of literary translation is highlighted in the
works of A.V. Fedorov, L.S.Barkhudarov, K. Chukovsky, S.A. Averintseva, L.M. Arinstein, M. Donskoy,
A.A. Deryugina, T.A. Kazakova, N. Lyubimov, M. Novikova, A. Popovich, V. Stanevich, E. G. Etkind, Yu.
P. Solodub, Ya. I. Retsker, L. K. Latysheva and others.
The theoretical basis of our article was the work on the problems of literary translation carried out in
Uzbekistan by G.T. Salomov,
Sharipov, E. S. Aznaurova, N. V. Vladimirova, G. Gafurova, L. Abdullaeva, S. Salomova, K. Musaev, N.
Komilov, R. Faizullaeva, M. Sulaimonov, M. Karimova, K. Zhuraev, D. Gulomova, M. Kholbekov, I.
Gafurov, A. Abduazizov, G. Odilova, G. Rikhsieva, H. Khamidov and others.
Gaybullo Salomov attaches great importance to the study of the phenomena of literary translation in a
comparative stylistic sense as an effective scientific method. It is emphasized that the comparison of
objects (volume and degree) depends on the goals of the researcher.
Stylistic adaptation (stylization) is one of the factors of literary translation. It is known that style is the
main indicator of the originality of a writer's work, which also means his creative manner, literary
vision, form and method of depiction. It is for this reason that the genius and soul of the writer are
manifested in each work, first in the individual artistic means used by him, and continuing in the idea,
purpose, theme, plot and composition, in syntactic text, sound and rhythm, and deeper in the smallest
pictorial and expressive elements. Both for the original work and for literary translation, the problem
of style can be studied in relation to a broad generalizing or narrow specific plan. The style of each work
is determined by the theme chosen by the author, but works by writers on the same topic or even by an
individual writer can be created in different styles. By its nature, literary art in the field of literary
creation, literary translation is a process of reproduction. [3; 220]
No matter how perfect and long-term the “monotonous” style of the writer, over time it leads to a loss
of literary merit and originality of the writer. Language and style are closely interconnected, although
they are not phenomena of the same system. In the process of translation, the original language
changes, but at the same time, the form of expression must be reflected, i.e. individual style. Recreation
of style is an inherent problem in literary translation. Equivalence is a determining measure of the
quality of any translation. When determining the correspondence of a literary translation to the
original, one can judge the ideological, artistic, and stylistic equivalence. Translations of a particular
work into different languages in relation to the original have varying degrees of equivalence.
Speaking about the complexity or simplicity, difficulty or ease of a certain type of translation, instead
of discussing the degree of linguistic affinity or the structure of languages, it would be more accurate to
judge the quality of a literary language by how accurately the capabilities of the translating language
itself were used.
In addition, the degree of correspondence or inconsistency between the literary and linguistic traditions
of the target language


the target language is also considered an important factor in determining the

translation capabilities of the language.

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Volume 2, Issue 5, May, 2021


Interlanguage relational simplification or complication must be considered one of the categories of
translation. In addition, these concepts should also be defined as an indicator expressing the specifics
of the content of the literature. Interlanguage relational simplification or complication in the
translation process, depending on the characteristics of the translated work, is the cause of various
kinds of "authorization", "localization", "modernization", "transformation" and various other
The study of translation transformations, which is one of the relevant aspects when considering the
linguistic features of the texts of works of art, is of great importance. The study of the transformations
manifested in the translation of literary texts has acquired significant importance for translators in
connection with the development of a large number of international contacts and connections, as well
as other types of human activity. In the process, the created text is transformed into another language
system, and the translation is analyzed as a cultural phenomenon.
G. Salomon also distinguishes two features of literary translation:
1. Rapid obsolescence of the translation in relation to the original.
2. When translating works of writers of the same school and style it is possible to create a translation
close to the original.
Based on these features, the scientist draws two practical conclusions:
- There is a need for frequent updating of the translation (in particular, it is imperative to update
translations in school textbooks and anthologies);
- A writer who has found his own style even in conditions of “stylistic alienation” can create a perfect
translation, but this is an exception, and it cannot be applied entirely to all translators.
Developing the theory of translation, G. Salomov also considers the problem of representing in a literary
translation the national originality reflected in the original. The depicted national flavor in literary
translation is very complex in its content, in particular, this is clearly manifested in national inter
literary translations with all their contradictions, difficulties, and difficulties. Nationality (nationality)
is a universal quality in literary translation. The universality of this phenomenon is reflected in the
following: a separately taken word, sound, style, literary form, genre, type, and similar units, i.e.
Whatever the components or objects of translation, for the most part directly / indirectly carry the
national content, therefore, in the process of translation, along with the complex professional tasks of
the translation technique itself, each time it is necessary to solve specific problems associated with the
display of national color.
The coverage of the adequacy of literary translation in the Uzbek language in most works is considered
in the aspect of the scientific and literary growth of the relationship between Western and Eastern
literary processes of cooperation.
The main method of analysis is a comparative typological and methodological study of facts and
evidence. Uzbek researchers strive to present the principles, requirements, and means of adequate
translation from the point of view of national identity, genre specifics, poetic expression of size, the
color of the era, as well as preserving the form and content of a work of art.

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Volume 2, Issue 5, May, 2021



1. Kazakova T.A. Literary translation. - St. Petersburg, 2002 .-- 115 p.
2. Zhuraev K. Tarzhimashunoslik. - T., 2015. - 320 p.
3. Salomov G.T. Tarjima nazariasi asoslari. - T., Kituvchi, 1983 .-- 232 p.

Библиографические ссылки

Kazakova T.A. Literary translation. - St. Petersburg, 2002 .-- 115 p.

Zhuraev K. Tarzhimashunoslik. - T., 2015. - 320 p.

Salomov G.T. Tarjima nazariasi asoslari. - T., Kituvchi, 1983 .-- 232 p.

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