A system of work of a mathematics teacher in modern conditions should be aimed at the development of students: their worldview, creative abilities, and cognitive activity. Learning for everyone should be interesting and exciting. The competency-based approach to teaching mathematics forces the teacher to review constantly the arsenal of teaching and upbringing tools, choosing the most effective forms and developing them together with students, based on knowledge and experience of students gained in mathematics lessons. Using a computer allows you to create an information environment that stimulates the interest and inquisitiveness of students. The article reveals the features of the use of information and communication technologies in the classroom as a means of developing students’ creative thinking.
Kelajak uchun har tomonlama etuk mutaxassis kadrlar tayyorlashning mohiyati, zamonaviy fan va texnikaning rivojlanish talablariga mos barkamol avlodni tarbiyalash masalalari izchillik bilan tashkil etilib, bu boradagi dolzarb masalalar va ularni amalga oshirish chora tadbiri milliy dasturda belgilab berilgan.