Определение уровня иммуноглобулинов в сыворотке крови у детей грудного Возраста в зависимости от характера вскармливания

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Рамазанова, А., Ибатова, Ш., & Абдукадирова, Н. (2022). Определение уровня иммуноглобулинов в сыворотке крови у детей грудного Возраста в зависимости от характера вскармливания. Журнал вестник врача, 1(4), 78–80. https://doi.org/10.38095/2181-466X-2020974-77-79


В данной статье рассмотрено обследование 115 детей, которые были подразделены на 2 группы. 1-ю группу составили 37 детей в возрасте от 15 дней до 2 месяцев, во П-ю группу вошли 78 детей в возрасте от 2-х до 6 месяцев. Преобладающим классом иммуноглобулинов в сыворотке крови обследованных детей был иммуноглобулин G. Его концентрация у детей первой возрастной группы составила - 5.75 ± 0,26 г/л. Содержание иммуноглобулина М в сыворотке крови наблюдаемых детей (в 1-й группе - 0,83 ± 0.05 г/л; во 2-й группе - 0.99 ± 0.05 г/л) было достоверно выше, чем у здоровых детей (0,32 ± 0,14 г) г/л и 0,48 ±0,16 г/л. Такие же изменения наблюдались и в концентрации иммуноглобулина класса А ( в 1 -й группе. 26 ± 0.05 г/л, во 2-й группе -0,39 ± 0,03 г/л, у здоровых детей содержание IgA составляло 0,07 ± 0,05 г / л и 0,15 ± 0, 10 г/л по возрастным группам.

Похожие статьи

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Доктор ахборотномаси № 4 (97)—2020


DOI: 10.38095/2181-466X-2020974-77-79 УДК 616.053.15:613.287



A. B. Ramazanova, Sh. M. Ibatova, N. B. Abdukadirova

Samarkand state medical Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Key words:

children, human milk, natural feeding, artificial feeding, immunoglobulins.

Таянч сўзлар:

болалар, oна сути, таббий овқатланиш, сунъий овқатланиш, иммуноглобулинлар.

Ключевые слова:

дети, женское молоко, естественное вскармливание, искусственное вскармливание, имму-


This article examines a survey of 115 children who were divided into 2 groups. Group I consisted of 37 chil-

dren aged 15 days to 2 months, group II included 78 children aged 2 to 6 months. The predominant class of immuno-
globulins in the blood serum of the examined children was immunoglobulin G. Its concentration in children of the first
age group was 5.75 ± 0.26 g/l. The content of immunoglobulin M in the blood serum of the observed children (in
group 1-0.83 ± 0.05 g / l; in group 2-0.99 ± 0.05 g / l) was significantly higher than in healthy children (0.32 ± 0.14 g)
g/l and 0.48 ± 0.16 g/l. The same changes were observed in the concentration of class a immunoglobulin (in group 1,
26 ± 0.05 g / l, in group 2-0.39 ± 0.03 g / l, in healthy children, The IgA content was 0.07 ± 0.05 g/l and 0.15 ± 0.10
g / l for age groups.



А. Б. Рамазанова, Ш. М. Ибатова, Н. Б. Абдукадирова

Самарқанд Давлат тиббиѐт институти, Самарқанд, Ўзбекистон

Ушбу мақолада бўйича 115 нафар болалар текширилган ва улар 2 гуруҳга бўлинган. 1-гуруҳ 15 кундан

2 ойгача бўлган 37 нафар боладан иборат бўлган; Текширилган болаларнинг қон зардобида иммуноглобулин-
ларнинг асосий синфи иммуноглобулин G эди. Биринчи гуруҳдаги болаларнинг концентрацияси -5,75 ± 0,26 г/
л эди. Кузатилган болалар зардобида иммуноглобулин М нинг таркиби (1-гуруҳда -0,83 ±0,05 г/л, 2-гуруҳда -
0,99 ±0,05 г/л) таркибида соғлом болаларда (0,32 ± 0,14 г/л ва 0,48 ± 0,16 г/л, p<0,01), худди шундай ўзгари-
шлар А синфидаги иммуноглобулин концентрациясида ҳам кузатилди (1-гуруҳда – 0,26 ±0,05 г/л, 2-гуруҳда -
0,39 ± 0,03 г / л, соғлом болаларда IgА таркиби 0,07 ± 0,05 г/л ва 0,15 ± 0,10 г/л.



А. Б. Рамазанова, Ш. М. Ибатова, Н. Б. Абдукадирова

Самаркандский государственный медицинский институт, Самарканд, Узбекистан

В данной статье рассмотрено обследование 115 детей, которые были подразделены на 2 группы. I-ю

группу составили 37 детей в возрасте от 15 дней до 2 месяцев, во II-ю группу вошли 78 детей в возрасте от 2-х
до 6 месяцев. Преобладающим классом иммуноглобулинов в сыворотке крови обследованных детей был им-
муноглобулин G. Его концентрация у детей первой возрастной группы составила - 5,75 ± 0,26 г/л. Содержание
иммуноглобулина М в сыворотке крови наблюдаемых детей (в 1-й группе - 0,83 ± 0,05 г/л; во 2-й группе - 0,99
± 0,05 г/л) было достоверно выше, чем у здоровых детей (0,32 ± 0,14 г) г/л и 0,48 ± 0,16 г/л. Такие же измене-
ния наблюдались и в концентрации иммуноглобулина класса А ( в 1-й группе, 26 ± 0,05 г/л, во 2-й группе -
0,39 ± 0,03 г/л, у здоровых детей содержание IgA составляло 0,07 ± 0,05 г / л и 0,15 ± 0, 10 г/л по возрастным


A full-fledged balanced diet of a child is one of the main factors in maintain-

ing his health and harmonious development. As special studies show, poor nutrition in children
leads to an increase in nutritional-dependent diseases. This is due to the unresolved important is-
sues in the organization of baby food and the provision of the younger generation with benign,
high-grade products [1,6]. In recent years, nutritional issues for children and adults have been in
the focus of attention of medicine and the entire world community. In the world, scientific re-
search institutes of nutrition of an international level have been created, in whose studies the issues
of nutrition of the population are considered from the position of international cooperation. In this
regard, the problem of nutrition for children and adults is relevant and is included in the list of the
most important global problems that have been put forward by WHO and the UN for humanity,
along with such problems as environmental protection, energy supply, etc. [2,5,8].

A. B. Ramazanova, Sh. M. Ibatova,...

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Доктор ахборотномаси № 4 (97)—2020


The benefits of human milk are well known to all. Feeding infants with breast milk is one of

the factors that ensure the full immunological reactivity of the child [1]. Breast milk protects the
baby from infection, allergies, background diseases such as hypotrophy, rickets, allergic diathesis,
anemia. Breast milk also contains biologically active ingredients that strengthen the infant's imma-
ture system, providing protection against infection, and other ingredients that aid digestion and
absorption of nutrients. A sufficient number of works are devoted to the problem of the formation
of humoral immunity in healthy and sick children 1 year of age [1,3,4,9]. However, on the issue of
the formation of humoral immunity in children with different types of feeding, there are only a few
works in which we are talking about newborns and premature babies.

The problem of high-quality and balanced nutrition in our country is a key factor in improv-

ing the quality of life of children and adults. The health of the nation, the life expectancy of the
population, the demographic situation depend on the quality of food, therefore, it is necessary to
solve the problems of organizing food and controlling its quality at the state level [5,7,8].

Purpose of the study.

Determination of the level of serum immunoglobulins and the rela-

tionship of immunoglobulins with the nature of feeding in infants.

Materials and research methods.

Determination of the level of serum immunoglobulins of

classes A, M and G in infants was carried out by the method of simple radial immunodiffusion ac-
cording to Mancini using standards and antisera of the Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera
named after V.I. I.I. Mechnikov.

The 115 children examined by us were divided into 2 groups. Group I consisted of 37 chil-

dren aged 15 days to 2 months; Group II included 78 children aged 2 to 6 months. There were 35
children on natural feeding, on artificial feeding (children received adapted formulas "Detolakt",
"Nutrilak", "Nan") 80 children.

Among 37 children of group I, 19 fell ill with ARI, of which 11 children had complications

in the form of bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, pyelonephritis, and 3 had a combined course of
ARI and purulent bacterial infection (omphalitis, pseudo-furunculosis). The remaining 4 children
were treated for local purulent catarrhal and purulent infections (omphalitis, pyoderma, pemphi-
gus, pseudo-furunculosis, purulent conjunctivitis, paraproctitis, pyelonephritis).

In group II, the vast majority of children also fell ill with ARI (65). Of these, 27 children had

an uncomplicated course, and 38 had complications such as bronchitis, catarrhal and purulent otitis
media, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, and 15 had a combined course of ARI and bacte-
rial infection in the form of pseudo-furunculosis, abscess, lymphadenitis, osteomyelitis. In most
children of both age groups, the disease proceeded against a burdened background: rickets - in 18,
malnutrition - in 17, encephalopathy - in 23, exudative diathesis - in 13, iron deficiency anemia -
in 11 children.

The predominant class of immunoglobulins in the blood serum of the examined children was

immunoglobulin G. Its concentration in children of the first age group was 5.7 ± 0.26 g / l. The
level of immunoglobulin G was practically the same as in healthy children [12] of the correspond-
ing age groups (6.17 ± 0.16 g / l and 5.09 ± 0.17 g / l, p <0.5) and did not change during the first 5
months of life.

The absence of an increase in the level of immunoglobulin G in viral and bacterial infections

in children of the first months of life indicates the immaturity of their own synthesis of immuno-
globulin G in these children, which is consistent with the literature [4]

The content of immunoglobulin M in the blood serum of the observed children (in the 1st

group - 0.83 ± 0.05 g / l; in the 2nd group - 0.99 ± 0.05 g / l) was significantly higher than in
healthy children (0.32 ± 0.14 g / L and 0.48 ± 0.16 g / L, p <0.01). The same changes were noted
in the concentration of class A immunoglobulin (in the 1st group -0.26 ± 0.05 g / l, in the 2nd
group -0.39 ± 0.03 g / l, in healthy children the Ig A was 0.07 ± 0.05 g / l and 0.15 ± 0.10 g / l, re-
spectively, for age groups, p <0.01). With age, the concentration of immunoglobulins of classes M
and A increased. The increase in the content of immunoglobulins A and M in the blood serum is
due to viral-bacterial stimulation, and the increase in the level of immunoglobulins M and A with

Оригинальная статья

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Доктор ахборотномаси № 4 (97)—2020


Table 1.

The content of immunoglobulins in the blood serum of children, depending

on the nature of feeding

age, apparently, reflects the maturation of the child's own humoral immunity system.

The content of immunoglobulins depending on the nature of feeding in the children we ex-

amined is presented in the table.

Results and its discussion.

Analysis of the content of immunoglobulins in the blood serum,

depending on the nature of the feeding of children, showed that the content of immunoglobulins M
and G practically did not depend on the type of feeding (p> 0.05). The level of immunoglobulin A
with natural feeding was lower than with artificial feeding (p <0.02). This, apparently, can be ex-
plained by the earlier maturation of the own synthesis of immunoglobulin A in children on artifi-
cial feeding. With natural feeding, this process is delayed due to the passive intake of class A im-
munoglobulins with mother's milk. The protective role of immunoglobulins A in human milk has
been well studied and proven [4]. It is also possible that human milk contains some currently un-
known substances that can affect the synthesis of immunoglobulins.


Thus, the studies carried out showed that the content of immunoglobulins M

and G practically did not depend on the type of feeding, and the level of immunoglobulin A with
natural feeding was lower than with artificial feeding. The data obtained reveal the relationship
between the level of serum immunoglobulins and the nature of feeding children in the first months
of life and reflect the processes of the formation of the humoral immunity system.


1. Ladodo KS Nutrition of a healthy and sick child / KS Ladodo. - M.: Bayan, 1994. - 316 p.
2. Ladodo K.S. Products and meals in baby food. - M.: Rosagropromizdat, 1991 .-- 190 p.
3. Lilishentseva A.N. Balanced baby food // Processing and packaging technology. - 2003. - No. 4 (29) .- P.35.
4. Lukushkina EF Guidance on nutrition of a healthy and sick child / E.F. Lukushkin. - N. Novgorod: publishing

house of the NGMA, 1997 .-- 258 p.

5. Lukinykh SV, Rebezov MB, Popova MA, Gayazova AO Assessment of the quality and safety of the developed

poultry meat roll. Young scientist. 2014. No. 10 (69). S. 168-171.

6. Manuilova T. P., Shock N. V.,. Patieva A.M. Nutritional features of children suffering from or predisposed to ane-

mia. Young scientist. 2014. No. 8. P. 210–214.

7. Korochkina R.S. Raw materials supply and the state of domestic production of baby food // Food industry. - 2012.

No.3. - p.16-20.

8. Ramazanova A.B., Ibatova Sh.M. Determination of the level of immunoglobulins in blood serum in infants de-

pending on the nature of feeding. Ilmiy online magazine "Biomedicine va amaliyot". Toshkent. No. SI-2. 2020. -

9. Ryazanova O.A. Commodity research of baby food products. - M.: Publishing house "Omega-L": Publishing

house "business literature", 2003 - 144 p.

Children's age

Types of feeding

Concentration of immunoglobulins

(М ± m), g / l




From 15 days to 2 months

Natural 8

Artificial 17

0,20± 0,02
0,31± 0,12

0,84± 0,08
0,83± 0,10

6,58± 0,98
5,18± 0,95

2 to 6 months

Natural 41

Artificial 39

0,30± 0,05
0,47± 0,03

0,96± 0,09
1,01± 0,05

5,96± 0,60
5,55± 0.28

A. B. Ramazanova, Sh. M. Ibatova,...

Библиографические ссылки

Ladodo KS Nutrition of a healthy and sick child / KS Ladodo. - M.: Bayan. 1994. - 316 p.

Ladodo K.S. Products and meals in baby food. - M.: Rosagropromizdat, 1991 .— 190 p.

Lilishentseva A.N. Balanced baby food // Processing and packaging technology. - 2003. - No. 4 (29).- P.35.

Lukushkina EF Guidance on nutrition of a healthy and sick child / E.F. Lukushkin. - N. Novgorod: publishing house of the NGMA, 1997 .- 258 p.

Lukinykh SV. Rebezov MB. Popova MA. Gayazova AO Assessment of the quality and safety of the developed poultry' meat roll. Young scientist. 2014. No. 10 (69). S. 168-171.

Manuilova T. P., Shock N. V.,. Patieva A.M. Nutritional features of children suffering from or predisposed to anemia. Young scientist. 2014. No. 8. P. 210-214.

Korochkina R.S. Raw materials supply and the state of domestic production of baby food // Food industry. - 2012. No.3. - p. 16-20.

Ramazanova A.B.. Ibatova Sh.M. Determination of the level of immunoglobulins in blood serum in infants depending on the nature of feeding. Ilmiy online magazine "Biomedicine va amaliyot". Toshkcnt. No. SI-2. 2020. -P.476-480.

Ryazanova O.A. Commodity research of baby food products. - M.: Publishing house "Omega-L": Publishing house "business literature", 2003 - 144 p.

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