Modern methods and techniques in teaching vocabulary for a2 level learners

  • Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
  • Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Ортикова, Н., & Далиева, М. (2022). Modern methods and techniques in teaching vocabulary for a2 level learners . Актуальные вопросы языковой подготовки в глобализирующемся мире, 1(1), 137–141. извлечено от
Наргиза Ортикова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
М Далиева, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
научный консультант


There are few facts about “Modern methods and techniques in teaching vocabulary for A2 level learners”. Many students find it difficult to learn vocabulary in an English-language classroom, despite the fact that it is an important aspect of foreign language learning. Words have meaning, and expanding one's vocabulary can help to prevent communication misunderstandings. The influence of introducing innovative vocabulary teaching tactics, such as context drills, word-on board games, flash-card games, mini presentations and role-playing, dictionary use, and blended learning, on ESL learners' vocabulary acquisition is investigated in this study. The typical didactic teaching method was used to teach vocabulary to the control group. Students who were taught using the new techniques of education scored higher on vocabulary tests than those who were taught using the traditional way, according to the data. These techniques have been shown to improve pupils' vocabulary acquisition.

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Ortiqova Nargiza student of Uzbek State World

Languages University scientific advisor: Dalieva



There are few facts about “Modern methods and techniques in teaching

vocabulary for A2 level learners”. Many students find it difficult to learn vocabulary in

an English-language classroom, despite the fact that it is an important aspect of foreign

language learning. Words have meaning, and expanding one's vocabulary can help to

prevent communication misunderstandings. The influence of introducing innovative

vocabulary teaching tactics, such as context drills, word-on-board games, flash-card

games, mini-presentations and role-playing, dictionary use, and blended learning, on

ESL learners' vocabulary acquisition is investigated in this study. The typical didactic

teaching method was used to teach vocabulary to the control group. Students who were

taught using the new techniques of education scored higher on vocabulary tests than

those who were taught using the traditional way, according to the data. These techniques

have been shown to improve pupils' vocabulary acquisition.


The importance of and pivotal role played by vocabulary knowledge in

second/foreign language learning has piqued the interest of education professionals over

the last three decades, as they have come to recognize the importance of and pivotal role

played by vocabulary knowledge in second/foreign language learning. As David

Wilkins [1] puts it, “without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary

nothing can be conveyed” (p.111). As a result, researchers such as Harley [2], Coady

and Huckin [3], and Richards and Renandya [4] have emphasized the importance of

vocabulary knowledge in building ESL/EFL learners' communicative ability. In a

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similar vein, Neuman and Dwyer [5] emphasize the importance of vocabulary by

defining it as the words that allow us to "communicate effectively" (p.385). hence, while

teaching vocabulary for A2 level learners vocabulary instruction is often overlooked,

and teachers and curriculum designers fail to give it the attention it deserves. Most

language instructors use the standard vocabulary teaching method of "listing and

defining the new term" and then challenging students to memorize meanings in English

in both secondary and post-secondary school.


Question 1: Can the employment of the seven vocabulary teaching tactics explain

any significant variations between the overall mean scores of students in the control

group and those of students in the experimental group among A2 level learners?

Question 2: Are there any significant variations between the experimental and

control groups' mean vocabulary scores within A2 level learners?


Theories and best practices in favor of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS)

have been developed by communicative competency theories and the communicative

approach to foreign language learning. Direct and indirect tactics are investigated by

Rebecca Oxford and David Crookall [6]. They define direct VLS as a "mental strategy"

in which students consciously study vocabulary through the following sub-strategies:


memory, 2) compensation, and 3) cognition. Indirect VLS, from the other side,

involves the application of sub-strategies such as 1) metacognition, 2) affective strategy,

and 3) social strategy. Mohammed Albousaif [7] set out to investigate the VLS used by

200 A2 level learners in high school, as well as their actual reasons for using or not

using those strategies at each of the five essential vocabulary-learning stages:

encountering new words, acquiring word form, acquiring word meaning, consolidating

word form and meaning in memory, and using the word.


The Significance of the Study

Few studies have looked into or proposed strategies to help A2 learners develop

their communicative language ability by facilitating vocabulary learning/teaching

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processes. As a result, the current study aims to bridge the gap between theory and

practice by investigating seven VLS that are thought to aid foreign language vocabulary

acquisition. Context drills, word-on-board games, flash-card games, minipresentations,

dictionary consulting, role-playing, and blended learning are some of the tactics used.



Design of the Study

The effectiveness of applying seven instructional tactics to promote students'

vocabulary learning was investigated using a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest

experimental approach. Context drill, word-on-board game, flash-card game, mini-

presentations, role playing, dictionary consulting, and blended learning are some of the

tactics used.


Instrument of the Study and Method

On the same groups of A2 students, a vocabulary pre- and post-test was

administered before and after the application of each teaching approach. Teacher A, for

example, would evaluate the students before and after employing role acting to teach

vocabulary. Each teacher began by teaching vocabulary using the didactic technique,

and then moved on to the ways listed below. The group was given pre and post tests by

the teacher, with the results being logged and examined by the researcher.


Strategies Used to Teach English Vocabulary

Seven strategies were used to teach vocabulary to pupils in their preparation year

in this study. The teachers describe the strategies they used to teach the students in the

following quotations. The context drill, for example, according to teacher A...

Uses vocab in context (groups): write all of the unit words on the board and have

students create a skit, conversation, paragraph, or short story using the words in a

context related to the unit—usually, I'll ask them to use half of the words; however, for

differentiated learning, I'll ask them to use all of the words—this only works if the

instructor has assigned the groups. I generally include a grammatical check as well.

Another teacher described how she uses the word-on-board game, which she

defines as: Game daily review (teams)-one student is a judge; one student from each

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team comes to the board-the teachers say a definition and then they write the word on

the board with the correct spelling with the help of their team-the first team to get it

wins the point-the first team to get it wins the point (Teacher B).


This study looks at which teaching approaches are the most effective for teaching

EFL vocabulary. The participants in this study were students enrolled at the A2 level.

The primary goal was to investigate the students' responses to various instructional

approaches. The results revealed that there was a difference for blended learning and

role playing when it came to the first question of the study (whether there were any

significant differences between the total mean scores of the students in the control group

and those of the A2 level students in the experimental group that could be attributed to

the use of the seven vocabulary teaching strategies).


The new study will help EFL educators and academics better comprehend

university-level vocabulary education. There are several pedagogical implications.

English teachers have an important role in helping A2 level students improve their

vocabulary knowledge and comprehension, as well as in helping students remember this

information and understanding for future use and reference while reading and writing

in English. The current study will aid EFL instructors and scholars in better

understanding vocabulary instruction for A2 level students. Pedagogical implications

abound. English teachers have a critical role in assisting students in improving their

vocabulary knowledge and understanding, as well as in assisting students in retaining

this information and understanding for future usage and reference while reading and

writing in English.



Wilkins DA. Linguistics in language teaching. London, UK: Edward Arnold;



Harley B. Vocabulary learning and teaching in a second language. Canadian

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Topical issues of language training

in the globalized world


Modern Language Review. 1996;53(1):3-12.


Coady J, Huckin T. Second language vocabulary acquisition: A rationale for

pedagogy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 1997.


Nahata MC. Tips for writing and publishing an article.

Ann Pharmaco.



Dixon N. Writing for publication: A guide for new authors.

Int J Qual Health




Shah JShah APietrobon R. Scientific writing of novice researchers: What

difficulties and encouragements do they encounter?

Acad Med.



Witt PA. Writing for publication: Rationale, process, and pitfalls.

J Park

Recreation Admin.



Dalieva, Madina Khabibullaevna. "Teaching speaking through interactive

activities." NovaInfo. Ru 124 (2021): 41-42.








нестандартных вариантах." NovaInfo. Ru 1.95 (2018): 52-55.


Khabibullaevna, Dalieva Madina. "CONCEPT AS THE BASIS OF THE

LINGUISTIC PICTURE OF THE WORLD." British View 8.9 (2023).




International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD) 8.10 (2023): 198-


Библиографические ссылки

Wilkins DA. Linguistics in language teaching. London, UK: Edward Arnold; 1972.

Harley B. Vocabulary learning and teaching in a second language. Canadian Modern Language Review. 1996;53(1):3-12.

Coady J, Huckin T. Second language vocabulary acquisition: A rationale for pedagogy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 1997.

Nahata MC. Tips for writing and publishing an article. Ann Pharmaco. 2008;42T13-T17

Dixon N. Writing for publication: A guide for new authors. Int J Qual Health Care. 2001;13:417-421

Shah JShah APietrobon R. Scientific writing of novice researchers: What difficulties and encouragements do they encounter? Acad Med. 2009;84(4):511-516

Witt PA. Writing for publication: Rationale, process, and pitfalls. J Park Recreation Admin. 1995;13:1-9

Dalieva, Madina Khabibullaevna. "Teaching speaking through interactive activities." NovaInfo. Ru 124 (2021): 41-42.

Далиева, Мадина Хабибуллаевна. "Классификация сленга в нестандартных вариантах." NovaInfo. Ru 1.95 (2018): 52-55.

Khabibullaevna, Dalieva Madina. "CONCEPT AS THE BASIS OF THE LINGUISTIC PICTURE OF THE WORLD." British View 8.9 (2023).

Madina, Dalieva. "TERMINOCONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE SCIENTIFIC AND LINGUISTIC PICTURE OF THE WORLD." EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD) 8.10 (2023): 198-200.

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