“Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-
информационных технологий на транспорте” АВРИИТТ-2021
Республиканская научно-техническая конференция
(Ташкент, 24-25 ноября 2021 года)
Based on this MS SharePoint program, you will be able to change the
’s data into a new template, add additional ones, choose a new design,
and take advantage of new features.
To achieve this goal, you need to perform the following tasks:
change the site
’s appearance in the Options panel to manually update the
theme for themes that are not specific or predefined by your organization.
In earlier versions of SharePoint, site templates were called site projects, but
henceforth they are called site templates. The access point
“Design Site” is replaced
by the access point
“Apply Template Site” in the “Settings” panel.
Create site templates to provide reusable lists, themes, layouts, pages, or
custom actions so users can quickly create new SharePoint sites with the features
they need.
Site templates provided by the organization will appear on the
“From your
” tab when you select the template type. Installation instructions will
depend on the design of the site template.
1. Guliamova M.K., & Aliev R.M. (2021). Database Concept, Relevance and
Expert Systems. Scientific and Educational Areas Under Modern Challenges, 2021,
– PP. 125–127. Чебоксары: SCC “Interaktiv plus”.
2. Tokhirov E., Aliev R. Improving the braking distance of the train before level
crossing // InterConf.
– 2020.
3. National Open University
“University of Internet Information Technologies” –
4. SharePoint 2010: evolution https://www.intranetno.ru/.
5. https://geekon.media/news/.
6. https://techexpert.ua/ru/home-ru.
Ravshan ALIEV,
Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technologies,
Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
E-mail: alievravshan7@gmail.com
Komoliddin TOSHMETOV,
Senior teacher, Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
The article examines the transmission of a tele control and tele-
signalization signal in the expert system for automatic control of train traffic, for the
detection and control of train data, various types of systems for automatic control of
train traffic are presented.
Key words:
tele control, tele signalization, information, devices, model.
“Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-
информационных технологий на транспорте” АВРИИТТ-2021
Республиканская научно-техническая конференция
(Ташкент, 24-25 ноября 2021 года)
Control device for automatic control of train traffic manages the B2 train running
behind, by sending a signal (information flow) of the TC tele control to its
corresponding device [1]. The tele control signal is obtained as a result of processing
the signals (information streams) of the vehicle tele-signaling, which are transmitted
to the system control device by the corresponding devices behind the B2 train running
and the B1 train in front [2, 3]. In this regard, the generalized information model of
the automatic train control system will take the form shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Generalized information model with tele control and tele-signaling
After analyzing the obtained generalized information model of automatic control
of train traffic to determine the nature and place among other automatic control
systems, which can suggest, for example, methods of quantitative mathematical
analysis of the system.
Expert systems of automatic regulation and control are divided into two classes:
open and closed [4, 5]. The latter class is also called closed-loop systems [6, 7]. In
open-loop systems, the control device does not receive information about the actual
state of the controlled object. In closed systems, the control device receives this
information via the feedback line. As you can see, the generalized information model
refers to closed-loop automatic control systems. The presence of feedback,
according to which the control device receives information about the changing
characteristics of the movement of the controlled object, significantly increases the
accuracy, noise immunity and safety of the system. From the generalized information
model, it can be seen that the characteristics of the movement of the ahead train B1
are measured and transmitted to the control device, i.e. interference compensation
method B1 is applied. The expert system evaluates the information and, through the
system with feedback and compensation, provides information to the interested
services. A feedback and compensation system is called a combined system.
“Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-
информационных технологий на транспорте” АВРИИТТ-2021
Республиканская научно-техническая конференция
(Ташкент, 24-25 ноября 2021 года)
In code systems, the value of quantities is encrypted at a certain point in time
(time quantization). The quantities themselves can only take certain discrete values
(quantization by level), i.e. the system belongs to discrete systems.
According to the type of characteristics included in the main relationship
connecting the control goal and the characteristics of the control device, controlled
device and interference, systems are divided into deterministic and statistical. In
deterministic systems, the characteristics are regular and do not contain elements of
randomness; in statistical systems, at least one of the characteristics that affects the
control goal is random.
The presence of random characteristics in the system introduces uncertainty
into the control process. In this case, the information about the controlled object
available in the control device will always be incomplete, since any maximum
information will not unambiguously determine the output characteristics of the
controlled object, but will only determine the area of their distribution. Therefore, such
systems are called statistical systems with maximum incomplete information about
the controlled object.
Thus, the analysis showed that the system of automatic control of train
movement refers to closed, combined, discrete, statistical.
1. Aliev R., Aliev M., Tokhirov E., Tashmetov K. Research the length of the
braking distance for speed and high-speed trains on railway sections. International
Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2020, 9 (5)
PP. 7794
2. Aliev R.M., Aliev M.M. Method determination of the sensors control of condition
track section with an adaptive receiver //
Кронос. 2021. 8 (58). – PP. 41–42.
3. Aliev R., Aliev M., Tokhirov E. Model microprocessor device of four-wire
scheme of the direction change. German International Journal of Modern Science
No11, 2021.
– PP. 30–32.
4. Tokhirov E., Aliev R. Improving the braking distance of the train before level
crossing. InterConf, 2020.
– PP. 183–187.
5. Aliev R. Analysis of Controling the State of Track Sections on Lines with
Speed and High-
Speed Train Traffic Deutsche Internationale Zeitschrift für
zeitgenössische Wissenschaft, 2021, 14. – PP. 57–58.
6. Ignatyevs S., Makushkin S.A., Spivakovskyy S. Economic feasibility of
modifications to the design of transport aircraft // INCAS Bulletin.
– 2021. – Т. 13. –
PP. 67
7. Grinyaev S.N. et al. The role of artificial intelligence technologies in long-term
socio-economic development and integrated security // Periodicals of Engineering
and Natural Sciences (PEN).
– 2021. – Т. 9. – №. 3. – PP. 153–168.
Постановлению № ПП–1255 5 января 2010 г. Президента Республики
Узбекистан «О мерах по реализации проекта «приобретение двух
высокоскоростных пассажирских электропоездов Talgo-250 (Испания)».