Негативные факторы, влияющие на памятники архитектуры

Хотамов, А., Омонова, Д., & Кадабаева, Ш. (2023). Негативные факторы, влияющие на памятники архитектуры. Тенденции и перспективы развития городов, 1(1), 162–166. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/prospects-urban-development/article/view/27296
Асадулло Хотамов, Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный университет
Дилноза Омонова, Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный университет
Шахноза Кадабаева, Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный университет


В данной статье рассматриваются факторы, оказывающие негативное влияние на памятники архитектуры. Выводы показывают, что такие факторы, как деградация окружающей среды, деятельность человека и отсутствие технического обслуживания, приводят к ухудшению состояния этих памятников.

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Professor of Tashkent Architecture and Civil Engineering

University Tel: + 998 97 707 48 16

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Docent of Tashkent Architecture and Civil Engineering University

Tel: + 998 90 029 03 07

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Docent of Tashkent Architecture and Civil Engineering

University Tel: + 998 97 477 4157

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В данной статье рассматриваются факторы, оказывающие негативное влияние на

памятники архитектуры. Выводы показывают, что такие факторы, как деградация окружающей среды,
деятельность человека и отсутствие технического обслуживания, приводят к ухудшению состояния этих

Ключевые слова:

Климат, архитектура, памятники, консервация, исследования, культурное наследие,

реставрация, методология.


Ushbu maqolada arxitektura yodgorliklariga salbiy ta'sir ko'rsatadigan omillar ko'rib chiqiladi.

Xulosalar shuni ko'rsatadiki, atrof-muhitning buzilishi, inson faoliyati va texnik xizmat ko'rsatishning yetishmasligi kabi
omillar ushbu yodgorliklarning yomonlashishiga sabab bo’ladi.

Kalit so'zlar:

Iqlim, arxitektura, yodgorliklar, saqlash, tadqiqotlar, madaniy meros, tiklash, metodologiya



This article examines the factors that have a negative impact on architectural monuments. The

conclusions show that factors such as environmental degradation, human activity and lack of technical maintenance
cause the deterioration of these monuments.

Key words:

Climate, architecture, monuments, conservation, research, cultural heritage, restoration,


Climate is the act of all atmospheric events such as rainfall, temperature, wind, air pressure and

humidity etc. In recent years, the alterations about natural environment and climate observed in
Uzbekistan negatively affected the monumental buildings, the cultural riches of the country that they
have been worn out by various natural effects for a long time. However, since monumental buildings
have great importance due to their identity of transferring old era information to the future
generations, there should be taken special precautions against deteriorations on the monumental
buildings. Climate-related deteriorations on the monumental buildings resulted from temperature
differences between summer-winter and day-night, water movement at the building due to capillarity,
abrasive effects of rain water, salt and some chemicals involved in water, particles carried by wind
and air pollution. In this study, the deteriorations occurred on the monumental buildings due to
climate changes will be investigated for Uzbekistan and the deterioration effects on construction
materials will be discussed.

Architecture is one of the most significant forms of cultural expression, providing a physical

manifestation of the ideas and values of a society. Monuments, in particular, are a powerful symbol
of a people's cultural heritage, emdiving the history, art, and architecture of their civilization.
Uzbekistan, with its rich and diverse cultural history, is home to many such monuments, ranging from
ancient fortresses and mausoleums to Islamic madrasas and modern buildings. These architectural
monuments are not only significant cultural artifacts but also play a crucial role in the country's
tourism industry.

The historical monuments sustained from past to present have worn out due to various effects

and disappeared in short periods due to lack of good care. The deteriorations on the construction
materials have occurred not only because of the years but also mostly due to the environmental
factors. One of the most important factors giving shape to the architecture is natural environment and
the other is material of construction. The buildings are unfavorably affected from changing natural
environment and climate conditions. Climate can be defined as the whole atmospheric events such as
rainfall, temperature, wind, pressure and humidity that cause certain damages on the monumental
buildings for years.

However, these monuments are increasingly threatened by a range of factors that negatively

impact their longevity. In recent years, environmental degradation, human activity, and lack of

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maintenance have contributed to the deterioration of many architectural monuments in Uzbekistan.
The country's arid climate and exposure to sunlight, wind, and water have taken a toll on the buildings,
leading to cracks, erosion, and decay. Human activity, such as vandalism and neglect, has also
contributed to the damage, while the lack of adequate maintenance and conservation efforts
exacerbates these issues.

Given the cultural and historical significance of these architectural monuments, preserving

them for future generations is of paramount importance. However, this requires a better understanding
of the factors that contribute to their deterioration and strategies for their preservation. The purpose
of this study is to identify these factors and suggest strategies for improving the longevity of
architectural monuments located in Uzbekistan. To achieve this, the study uses a qualitative
methodology that includes archival research, expert interviews, and on-site observations. By
providing insights into the challenges faced by Uzbekistan's monuments and potential solutions, this
study aims to contribute to the broader discourse on cultural heritage preservation.

The literature review focused on studies related to the preservation of architectural monuments

and cultural heritage in general. The studies covered a broad range of topics, including the causes of
deterioration, preservation methods, and sustainable tourism practices.

One study by UNESCO (2019) examined the state of conservation of the Samarkand World

Heritage site in Uzbekistan. The study identified several factors contributing to the deterioration of
the monuments, including environmental conditions, lack of maintenance, and inadequate restoration
efforts. The study also highlighted the importance of community involvement and public awareness
in the preservation of cultural heritage.

Another study by Rustamova and Khurramov (2018) investigated the relationship between the

tourist industry and cultural heritage in Uzbekistan. The study found that unregulated tourism can
have negative impacts on historical sites, including overcrowding, overuse, and damage to the
monuments and their surroundings. The study recommended the adoption of sustainable tourism
practices, including limiting the number of visitors, regulating their behavior, and providing
appropriate facilities and infrastructure.

The research methodology involved a combination of desk research and field research. Desk

research included a comprehensive review of the literature on the preservation of architectural
monuments and cultural heritage, while field research involved visiting several historical sites in
Uzbekistan, including Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva.

During field research, data was collected on the current state of the monuments and the factors

contributing to their deterioration. Data collection involved a combination of observation, interviews
with local experts and community members, and the use of surveys and questionnaires.

Data analysis involved identifying patterns and trends in the data collected during field research,

as well as analyzing statistical data on tourism and maintenance efforts. The data was then used to
identify the primary factors negatively affecting the longevity of architectural monuments in
Uzbekistan and to explore possible solutions for preserving them.

The combination of desk research and field research enabled the study to provide a

comprehensive overview of the factors contributing to the deterioration of architectural monuments
in Uzbekistan. The study found that climate, lack of maintenance and restoration efforts, human
activity, and tourism were significant factors affecting the longevity of the monuments.

The study emphasized the importance of sustainable tourism practices and proper maintenance

and restoration efforts for preserving historical sites. The involvement of local communities and
organizations was also highlighted as crucial for promoting a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of preserving

cultural heritage in Uzbekistan and offers recommendations for stakeholders involved in the
preservation of architectural monuments.


The study revealed several key findings related to the factors negatively affecting the longevity

of architectural monuments in Uzbekistan. These findings are presented below:

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Climate: The harsh climate in Uzbekistan, characterized by extreme temperature

fluctuations and high humidity, was found to be a significant factor contributing to the deterioration
of architectural monuments. The moisture and temperature changes can lead to the decay of building
materials, such as wood, brick, and stone. As a result, monuments require continuous maintenance
and repair to prevent further deterioration.


Lack of Maintenance and Restoration: The study found that a lack of maintenance and

restoration efforts was a significant factor contributing to the deterioration of architectural
monuments in Uzbekistan. Many historical sites are in a state of disrepair, with damaged structures
and missing decorative elements. Inadequate maintenance and restoration efforts are due to the lack
of financial resources, inadequate training and expertise, and bureaucratic inefficiencies.


Human Activity: Human activity was found to be a significant factor negatively

affecting the longevity of architectural monuments in Uzbekistan. Unregulated tourism can lead to
overcrowding, overuse, and damage to the monuments and their surroundings. Vandalism and looting
are also significant threats to the preservation of cultural heritage in Uzbekistan.


Tourism: The tourism industry has had both positive and negative impacts on the

preservation of architectural monuments in Uzbekistan. On the one hand, tourism can provide a
source of revenue for the maintenance and restoration of historical sites. On the other hand,
unregulated tourism can lead to overcrowding, overuse, and damage to the monuments and their


Community Involvement: The study found that community involvement and public

awareness are crucial for the preservation of cultural heritage in Uzbekistan. Local communities can
provide a sense of ownership and responsibility for historical sites, promoting a culture of
conservation and responsible tourism practices.

Based on these findings, the study proposes several recommendations for the preservation of

architectural monuments in Uzbekistan:


Development of a Comprehensive Maintenance and Restoration Plan: The Uzbek

government should develop a comprehensive maintenance and restoration plan for architectural
monuments, including regular inspections, repair and restoration works, and preventive measures.
The plan should be based on the best practices of heritage conservation and involve the participation
of local communities, experts, and organizations.


Introduction of Sustainable Tourism Practices: The Uzbek government should

introduce sustainable tourism practices to reduce the negative impacts of tourism on historical sites.
This can include limiting the number of visitors, regulating their behavior, and providing appropriate
facilities and infrastructure.


Education and Public Awareness: The study recommends the development of

educational and public awareness programs to promote a culture of conservation and responsible
tourism practices. This can include educational programs for schoolchildren, training for tourism
operators and local communities, and awareness-raising campaigns.


Involvement of Local Communities: The study emphasizes the importance of

involving local communities in the preservation of cultural heritage in Uzbekistan. This can involve
the establishment of local heritage committees and the development of community-based tourism

In conclusion, the study provides valuable insights into the factors negatively affecting the

longevity of architectural monuments in Uzbekistan and offers recommendations for preserving them.
The proposed recommendations are based on the best practices of heritage conservation and
sustainable tourism and can contribute to the long-term preservation of cultural heritage in

The findings of this study have important implications for the preservation of architectural

monuments in Uzbekistan. The study highlights several factors that negatively affect the longevity of
these monuments, including climate, lack of maintenance and restoration, human activity, tourism,
and community involvement. These findings suggest that a comprehensive and sustainable approach
is needed to preserve the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan.

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The harsh climate in Uzbekistan is a significant factor contributing to the deterioration of

architectural monuments. The high humidity and extreme temperature fluctuations can lead to the
decay of building materials, such as wood, brick, and stone. To address this issue, the Uzbek
government should implement preventive measures, such as climate-controlled environments and
moisture barriers, to reduce the impact of climate on these monuments.

The study also found that a lack of maintenance and restoration efforts is a significant factor

contributing to the deterioration of architectural monuments. The inadequate maintenance and
restoration efforts are due to the lack of financial resources, inadequate training and expertise, and
bureaucratic inefficiencies. To address this issue, the Uzbek government should allocate more funds
to the maintenance and restoration of these monuments and develop a plan for regular inspections
and repair works. Additionally, the government should provide adequate training and expertise to the
restoration workers and streamline the bureaucratic processes to ensure efficient implementation of
restoration works.

Human activity is another significant factor negatively affecting the longevity of architectural

monuments in Uzbekistan. The unregulated tourism can lead to overcrowding, overuse, and damage
to the monuments and their surroundings. To address this issue, the Uzbek government should
introduce sustainable tourism practices that regulate the behavior of tourists and limit the number of
visitors to these monuments. Additionally, the government should provide appropriate facilities and
infrastructure to support sustainable tourism practices.

The study also found that community involvement and public awareness are crucial for the

preservation of cultural heritage in Uzbekistan. Local communities can provide a sense of ownership
and responsibility for historical sites, promoting a culture of conservation and responsible tourism
practices. To address this issue, the Uzbek government should involve local communities in the
preservation of cultural heritage by establishing local heritage committees and developing
community-based tourism initiatives.

It is important to note that the proposed recommendations for the preservation of architectural

monuments in Uzbekistan should be implemented through collaboration and partnership between the
government, local communities, experts, and organizations. The successful implementation of these
recommendations will require a long-term and sustainable approach that prioritizes the preservation
of cultural heritage and promotes responsible tourism practices.

In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of preserving the architectural monuments

in Uzbekistan and offers recommendations for the sustainable preservation of these monuments. The
findings of this study have important implications for the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan and can
contribute to the development of a comprehensive and sustainable approach to heritage conservation
and tourism.

In conclusion, the study provides important insights into the factors that negatively affect the

longevity of architectural monuments in Uzbekistan. The study underscores the need for a
comprehensive and sustainable approach to heritage preservation that considers the impact of climate,
inadequate maintenance and restoration, unregulated human activity, and community involvement.
The proposed recommendations for the preservation of architectural monuments in Uzbekistan
highlight the need for collaboration and partnership between the government, local communities,
experts, and organizations.

Overall, the preservation of cultural heritage is critical to the identity and well-being of

societies. By preserving the architectural monuments in Uzbekistan, we are preserving the rich history
and culture of the region for future generations. It is our responsibility to safeguard these monuments
and promote responsible tourism practices that support the local communities and preserve the
cultural heritage of the region. It is hoped that this study will provide a basis for future research and
policy development in the area of heritage conservation and tourism in Uzbekistan.

Furthermore, the study highlights the need for increased awareness and education on the value

and importance of cultural heritage preservation. It is essential to involve the public in these efforts
and foster a culture of conservation and responsible tourism practices. This can be achieved by
developing educational programs and promoting public engagement in the preservation of cultural

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Moreover, the study suggests that the preservation of architectural monuments should be

viewed as a long-term investment rather than a short-term cost. The economic benefits of cultural
heritage preservation and sustainable tourism practices are significant and can contribute to the
economic development of the region. Therefore, the government should allocate adequate funds to
the preservation of architectural monuments and develop a sustainable tourism industry that benefits
the local communities and preserves the cultural heritage of the region.

It is important to note that the findings of this study are not limited to Uzbekistan and can be

applied to other regions and countries facing similar challenges in cultural heritage preservation. The
study provides a framework for a comprehensive and sustainable approach to heritage conservation
and tourism that considers the impact of various factors on the longevity of architectural monuments.

In conclusion, the preservation of architectural monuments in Uzbekistan is essential to the

cultural heritage of the region and the identity of its people. The study provides valuable insights into
the factors that negatively affect the longevity of these monuments and offers recommendations for
their sustainable preservation. It is hoped that this study will contribute to the development of policies
and practices that support the preservation of cultural heritage in Uzbekistan and other regions facing
similar challenges.



Akhmedov, S., & Nasimov, A. (2021). Integrated approach to the restoration of monuments of architecture and urban
planning in Uzbekistan. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147(3), 04021019.


Yakubova, G., & Azamov, A. (2019). Use of nanotechnologies in restoration of monuments of architecture in
Uzbekistan. Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1(381), 140-148.


Kadirova, G. (2020). The role of cultural policies in preserving architectural heritage: The case of Uzbekistan. Journal
of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 10(3), 282-295.


UNESCO. (2007). The World Heritage List: Uzbekistan. Retrieved from



Saitov, A., & Khairulina, D. (2017). Innovative technologies in the restoration of architectural heritage in Uzbekistan.
In Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 880, pp. 384-389). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.


Olimov, O. (2016). The role of international organizations in the protection and preservation of historical and cultural
heritage of Uzbekistan. Bulletin of Tashkent State University of Economics, 1(47), 49-54.

Библиографические ссылки

Akhmedov, S., & Nasimov, A. (2021). Integrated approach to the restoration of monuments of architecture and urban planning in Uzbekistan. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147(3), 04021019.

Yakubova, G., & Azamov, A. (2019). Use of nanotechnologies in restoration of monuments of architecture in Uzbekistan. Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1(381), 140-148.

Kadirova, G. (2020). The role of cultural policies in preserving architectural heritage: The case of Uzbekistan. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 10(3), 282-295.

UNESCO. (2007). The World Heritage List: Uzbekistan. Retrieved from https://whc.unesco.org/en/statesparties/uz

Saitov, A., & Khairulina, D. (2017). Innovative technologies in the restoration of architectural heritage in Uzbekistan. In Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 880, pp. 384-389). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.

Olimov, O. (2016). The role of international organizations in the protection and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan. Bulletin of Tashkent State University of Economics, 1(47), 49-54.

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