Researcher: Kholmurodov Musurmon Avlakulovich
University of Tashkent for Applied Sciences, Gavhar Str.1, Tashkent 100149, Uzbekistan
Key words: digital economy, development of digital economy, human resources, labor market, education.
Abstract: Nowadays, the concept of digital economy has appeared in the economic theory and practice of a number of countries.
It was characterized by the rapid development of digital technologies, the revolution in the information sector, and
the acceleration of the globalization of the economy. At the current stage of social and economic reform of society
the environment causes specific features of the institutional structure of society and the need to form new concepts
and approaches on this basis.
An important condition for the effective development
of the main areas of human activity in the digital
economy is the formation of an institutional
environment suitable for it. In the program for the
development of the digital economy of the Republic
of Uzbekistan, the personnel and education system
should be included among the main institutions that
create conditions for the development of the digital
economy, and a separate section should be devoted to
The following main directions related to
personnel and education should be defined in the
program: creation of basic conditions for the training
of digital economy personnel; further improvement of
the education system, which should provide
personnel with deep knowledge of the digital
economy; to establish the training of highly qualified
specialists needed for the digital economy in
secondary and higher education institutions; to aim to
create modern scientific and practical literature in
Uzbek, which is necessary for the digital economy;
development of mechanisms for organizing the labor
market, which should be based on the requirements
of the digital economy; establish the training of
programmers and technical personnel to acquire the
necessary in-depth knowledge; creation of a system
of financing and motivating the participation of
personnel in the development of the digital economy
of Uzbekistan.
Taking into account that the educational
system should be oriented to the current state of the
labor market and its changes associated with the
introduction of digital technologies, we will begin the
problems related to personnel by considering the
place of each personnel potential in the digital
economy, as well as analyzing the labor market.
In accordance with the Strategy for the
development of the information society in the
Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019-2022, the main
production factor of the digital economy is
information in digital form, taking into account the
needs of citizens and society to obtain quality and
reliable information, the formation of an information
space, the development of the information
infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the
national information should represent the activity of
digital economy, which serves to create and apply
telecommunication technologies, as well as to form
new technological foundations for social and
economic spheres.
There is no doubt that digital technologies allow to
reduce the time spent on communications and speed
up all economic processes, but what will happen in a
specific area as a result of the acceleration of these
processes - whether the economy will flourish or
decline - will depend on the vector of human capital
development. It can be seen that the main factors of
production traditionally separated for all stages of
human development - land, labor and capital - are
undergoing fundamental changes in the era of digital
transformation of the economy, while the value of
goods, services and information is growing rapidly.
In the digital economy, the main asset of
countries will be human capital. However, the main
asset is not a person at all, but concrete people who
have deep knowledge in the field of new
technologies, are able to apply them to life, and can
improve old things. Not even a specific person, but a
group of people who are able to integrate and activate
individuals with deep knowledge into a common
collective intelligence, is beginning to be considered
the main asset of states.
In this regard, it can be recognized that in the
economy of the future, human and informational
capital will be the main factors of production, and
human capital will be the main factor and driving
Klaus Schwab, the founder and president of the
davos economic forum, justified this point of view by
saying that the main factor of production in the
digital economy is still not capital, but human
He argues that the future world will see the
emergence of new specializations and professions
driven not only by the fourth industrial revolution,
but also by non-technological factors, including
demographic challenges, geopolitical changes, and
new socio-cultural norms.
For this reason, it is not the availability of
capital, but rather the shortage of skilled personnel
that limits innovation, competitiveness and growth.
According to Schwab, the indicated problems "force
us to reconsider the concept of high qualification
itself from the point of view of the fourth industrial
revolution." Traditional definitions of skilled labor
are based on the availability of a high level of
education or specialized knowledge and the
possession of a defined set of characteristics within
an area of expertise or occupation. Given the rapid
development of technologies, the fourth industrial
revolution emphasizes the continuous adaptation of
employees and the acquisition of new skills and
approaches from different perspectives.
Analysis and results
We would like to emphasize that although this
process is painful, it is an inevitable accompaniment
to the development of the digital economy. This
requires major changes in the structural restructuring
of the economy, in the functioning of various
systems, including social protection, taxation and
We also cite data from The Future of Jobs
study published by the World Economic Forum,
according to which, by 2022, "2 million jobs will be
added to the global labor market, but 7.1 million jobs
will be lost." Jobs will appear in intellectual and
high-tech fields, and will decrease in the real sector
of the economy and in the fields of administrative
According to the reports of authors, “by 2022, big
data technology will increase the number of jobs in
mathematics and computing by 4.59%, in
management by 1.39%, in finance by 1.34% and in
sales by 1.25%. But the same big data area will
reduce the number of office staff jobs by 6.06%.
Meanwhile, the Internet of products led to a
4.54% increase in employment in computer majors
and a 3.54% increase in design and engineering. But
this factor alone reduces the employment of
specialists in technical maintenance, repair and
installation of equipment by 8%, and office workers
by 6.2%.
Employment in industry is strongly influenced
by manufacturing technologies and 3D-printing (the
number of jobs decreases by 3.6% per year) and to a
lesser extent by the development of robotics and
automatic transport (a decrease of 0.83%).
In general, the analysis of the data shows that
employment grows in places where the management
of complex technological processes is required, and
falls in places where the share of daily boring and
unskilled labor is high.
The economy and society are currently
suffering from digital transformation, according to
the "OECD Digital Economic Outlook 2017" report:
on the one hand, automation will reduce employment
in certain professions and at the same time increase
the number of non-standard, i.e. short-term, part-time
or low-paid jobs and may slightly widen the gender
gap in the workplace.
1. Klaus Schwab. The fourth industrial revolution. –
M., Eksmo.2016. P.30
2. Due to new technologies, millions of jobs will
disappear in the world. Gazette. 2016. January 26.
3. Labor market: new technologies are killing jobs.
Technology will change work. Gazette, No. 4002
dated January 27, 2016. /76341